No more boosters for me

No you didn’t. I’m waiting for you to post one that does.
well sure I did, you even responded to it. You ok? you said I was wrong, that's your opinion, point to how I'm wrong. that's how it works. join in the fun and expose yourself again. still waiting on that one hospital data you claimed was easy. nothing yet.
well sure I did, you even responded to it. You ok? you said I was wrong, that's your opinion, point to how I'm wrong. that's how it works. join in the fun and expose yourself again. still waiting on that one hospital data you claimed was easy. nothing yet.
I provided the hospital data. You said it was false. You haven’t pointed to how it’s false.

That’s how it works.
I provided the hospital data. You said it was false. You haven’t pointed to how it’s false.

That’s how it works.
Sure I did, it wasn’t one hospital’s data to which was my ask! You even acknowledged it wasn’t one hospital. Well son, that was the ask. You haven’t provided that data! So you haven’t actually answered! Post #477
Sure I did, it wasn’t one hospital’s data to which was my ask! You even acknowledged it wasn’t one hospital. Well son, that was the ask. You haven’t provided that data! So you haven’t actually answered! Post #477
Ah, so you just change the request.

Im done playing your games.

This is not my hospital data, but suffice to say, fits exactly with my statements.

From the link:
COVID-19 Positive Inpatients at Lancaster General Hospital (LGH) 98
Unvaccinated Percent of COVID-19 Positive Inpatients at LGH
73/98 = 74%
Vaccinated Percent of COVID-19 Positive Inpatients at LGH
25/98 = 26%
Percent of COVID-19 Patients in Critical Care (ICU) at LGH 22/98 = 22%
Unvaccinated Percent of COVID-19 Patients in ICU at LGH
19/22 = 86%
Vaccinated Percent of COVID-19 Patients in ICU at LGH
3/22 = 14%
Percent of COVID-19 Patients on a Ventilator at LGH 15/98 = 15%
Unvaccinated Percent of COVID-19 Patients on a Ventilator at LGH
13/15 = 87%
Vaccinated Percent of COVID-19 Patients on a Ventilator at LGH
2/15 = 13%
Total of COVID-19-related Deaths at LGH 499
Average Deceased Age 74.6

Note: Vaccinated, in the table above, is the CDC’s definition for fully vaccinated.

Looks like this hospital data is saying that the average death of someone with wuhan is 74.6 years old. To me, this suggests other health issues most likely contributed to the death and not wuhan. They say as much with their language stating "related deaths". Doesn't say due to wuhan. They are careful not to state that point. It's what I've said since the first count was ever published by the CDC, 'Probable' term used. Doesn't mean because of, but could have, but we're not sure.

This backs my claim, not yours.
So I didn’t lie then. Cool.
well you did up to post #769. However, doesn't say exactly what I was looking for, but it at least backed my position and not yours. So I'll take that win.
well you did up to post #769. However, doesn't say exactly what I was looking for, but it at least backed my position and not yours. So I'll take that win.
But you can’t point out where I lied. That’s my request. You say I lied. Then you point to YOUR post when I asked where I lied.

So I’ll ask again. Where did I lie?

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