No more boosters for me


Oh yeah, everyone bleevs that number is accurate. Because reporting that sort of thing is mandatory.
Right. You believe that there’s tracking chips in the vaccines, no? What’s the point of putting trackers in a deadly vaccine?
My car got a flat after I was vaccinated. I’m still trying to figure out how it caused that. I listed it in VAERS. That and my dog threw up on my favorite rug.

It really tied the room together. Pfizer needs to buy me a new one.
When I learned that Fauxi and the CCP developed a bioweapon to attack the human respiratory system, I got the jab.

I've had no side effects thus far

However, I am not EVER getting the booster. At this point I'll take my chances and use any of the myriad of other options available to me.
Crazy on parade
Sure, nutball.

yes, go google for more reasons from two months ago why you have been crazy for 20 years. Maybe SOMEDAY someone will buy it.
Stay ignorant!

Truth over facts

Checked box determines gender

Wheeze awl gunny dye from Covid Global Climate warming change
When I learned that Fauxi and the CCP developed a bioweapon to attack the human respiratory system, I got the jab.

I've had no side effects thus far

However, I am not EVER getting the booster. At this point I'll take my chances and use any of the myriad of other options available to me.

My car got a flat after I was vaccinated. I’m still trying to figure out how it caused that. I listed it in VAERS. That and my dog threw up on my favorite rug.

It really tied the room together. Pfizer needs to buy me a new one.
OK. I booked marked this post from the other day. In just the first 90 days, this is from Pfizer's OWN DATA, they had 1223 deaths. I can't begin to imagine how many have been caused since. So you are lying just stop.

"This will, in short, blow your mind away. It won't, of course, be covered in the cabal owned media. :rolleyes:

Court-Ordered Pfizer Documents They Tried To Have Sealed For 55 years Show 1223 Deaths, 158,000 Adverse Events in 90 Days Post EUA Release​

The Most Shocking Document Release Of The Last 100 years​

". . . Most smoking guns are not really smoking guns, but this one is.

A group called “Public Health and Medical Professionals For Transparency Documents” sued the FDA for the release of Pfizer’s documents concerning adverse events from their Covid “vaccine”, which Pfizer fought to have concealed 55 years, but a courageous judge ordered them released anyway.

They wrote on their website:
”Four days after the Pfizer vaccine was approved for ages 16+, we submitted a Freedom of Information Act Request to the FDA for all of the data within Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine biological product file. We have now sued the FDA for not releasing the data. Click below for court documents and for productions of Pfizer’s documents from the FDA.”


My God

In the 90 days following EUA release of the “vaccine” they recorded 1223 deaths, and 158,000 adverse reactions, including fetal deaths, spontaneous abortions and more. They call this, in their encrypted, trans-human Pharma-lingo, the “post marketing experience.” [See link above]. . "


". . . And this is a fate worse, they make clear, than death.

But no need to believe “anti-vaxxers” anymore—here’s the data from Pfizer, of everything these predators have “observed” in their victims, whose lives they are ostensibly so insistent upon “saving” and who were healthy before the shots, but spellbound by fear, and sacrificed by an unspeakably cold-blooded media:"

There are eight pages of adverse affects. . . including, by the way, AIDS. :rolleyes:"
Those are the facts. ^ Straight from Pfizer itself. That is more harm than was listed from air bag recalls or the swine flu jab recall.

Watch the COVIDIAN CULT deny them still. . because this isn't about science. . . it is about propaganda and emotion.

Since December 2020, more than 350 million doses of COVID-19 vaccine have been administered in the U.S., and VAERS has received 6,968 reports of death (0.0019%), according to the CDC. (Numbers as of Aug. 26, 2021.)

However, that statistic offers no insight into the cause of death for those people. If a 90-year-old nursing home resident got the vaccine and then died days, weeks or even months later of another ailment, the resident’s death would be reported to VAERS.
OK. I booked marked this post from the other day. In just the first 90 days, this is from Pfizer's OWN DATA, they had 1223 deaths. I can't begin to imagine how many have been caused since. So you are lying just stop.

"This will, in short, blow your mind away. It won't, of course, be covered in the cabal owned media. :rolleyes:

Court-Ordered Pfizer Documents They Tried To Have Sealed For 55 years Show 1223 Deaths, 158,000 Adverse Events in 90 Days Post EUA Release​

The Most Shocking Document Release Of The Last 100 years​

". . . Most smoking guns are not really smoking guns, but this one is.

A group called “Public Health and Medical Professionals For Transparency Documents” sued the FDA for the release of Pfizer’s documents concerning adverse events from their Covid “vaccine”, which Pfizer fought to have concealed 55 years, but a courageous judge ordered them released anyway.

They wrote on their website:
”Four days after the Pfizer vaccine was approved for ages 16+, we submitted a Freedom of Information Act Request to the FDA for all of the data within Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine biological product file. We have now sued the FDA for not releasing the data. Click below for court documents and for productions of Pfizer’s documents from the FDA.”


My God

In the 90 days following EUA release of the “vaccine” they recorded 1223 deaths, and 158,000 adverse reactions, including fetal deaths, spontaneous abortions and more. They call this, in their encrypted, trans-human Pharma-lingo, the “post marketing experience.” [See link above]. . "


". . . And this is a fate worse, they make clear, than death.

But no need to believe “anti-vaxxers” anymore—here’s the data from Pfizer, of everything these predators have “observed” in their victims, whose lives they are ostensibly so insistent upon “saving” and who were healthy before the shots, but spellbound by fear, and sacrificed by an unspeakably cold-blooded media:"

There are eight pages of adverse affects. . . including, by the way, AIDS. :rolleyes:"
How many of those deaths were determined to be related to the vaccine and not due to unrelated causes?
How many of those deaths were determined to be related to the vaccine and not due to unrelated causes?
Since December 2020, more than 350 million doses of COVID-19 vaccine have been administered in the U.S., and VAERS has received 6,968 reports of death (0.0019%), according to the CDC. (Numbers as of Aug. 26, 2021.)

However, that statistic offers no insight into the cause of death for those people. If a 90-year-old nursing home resident got the vaccine and then died days, weeks or even months later of another ailment, the resident’s death would be reported to VAERS.

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