No more businessman Presidents


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016
A late model Ferrari is not a high speed computer, they are 2 different machines designed to do completely different things. Our government is not a business, they are 2 different organizations designed to do completely different things. The concept that we're going to make our government run like a business sounds like a slick idea, but it doesn't work in the real world. We need people who know how to govern, given the tools of their elected office, NOT the tools of a business.

I watched Howard Schultz try to make his case on TV as to why he'll make a good President. It was identical to George W Bush's "compassionate conservatism" (The man who gave us the great recession) I think Howard Schultz is a nice guy, and he sincerely means well by running, but I'll never vote for him. The same holds true for Donald Trump, he means well in what he's doing, but he doesn't know the basics of civics or how to govern.

Please read the link below: No more businessman Presidents

Why Government Should Not Be Run Like A Business
Last edited: community organizers for President worked well. :rolleyes:
Worked a lot better than the "incompetent orange buffoon" model.
If you are among the 1% - absolutely... Obama was a great President. There was never a better time to be wealthy in America than the past 10 years. PERIOD.
Except now
Bullshit and you know it.
The Obama administration continued to provide between $40 BILLION to $70 BILLION - PER MONTH IN FREE MONEY TO MARKET LEADERS- clear to 2015. Despite the fact that the markets were breaking record earnings month after month.
Obama was a pure globalist/corporatist... more than any other President in history. Reagan would have never DREAMED of his kind of trickle down policies. community organizers for President worked well. :rolleyes:
Worked a lot better than the "incompetent orange buffoon" model.
If you are among the 1% - absolutely... Obama was a great President. There was never a better time to be wealthy in America than the past 10 years. PERIOD.
Except now

Exactly! The CMFIC isn't exploiting the masses for ya, too bad! community organizers for President worked well. :rolleyes:
Worked a lot better than the "incompetent orange buffoon" model.
If you are among the 1% - absolutely... Obama was a great President. There was never a better time to be wealthy in America than the past 10 years. PERIOD.
Except now
Bullshit and you know it.
The Obama administration continued to provide between $40 BILLION to $70 BILLION - PER MONTH - clear to 2015. Despite the fact that the markets were breaking record earnings month after month.
Obama was a pure globalist/corporatist... more than any other President in history. Reagan would have never DREAMED of his kind of trickle down policies.
You're falling for the fake news again, gotta be careful what you believe. community organizers for President worked well. :rolleyes:
Worked a lot better than the "incompetent orange buffoon" model.
If you are among the 1% - absolutely... Obama was a great President. There was never a better time to be wealthy in America than the past 10 years. PERIOD.
Except now
Bullshit and you know it.
The Obama administration continued to provide between $40 BILLION to $70 BILLION - PER MONTH - clear to 2015. Despite the fact that the markets were breaking record earnings month after month.
Obama was a pure globalist/corporatist... more than any other President in history. Reagan would have never DREAMED of his kind of trickle down policies.
You're falling for the fake news again, gotta be careful what you believe.

Look it up clown.
You are among the sheep.
I am not.
Everything I said is 100% facts.
It's not just about whether they were/are a businessperson.

It's also about their temperament, their intelligence, their self awareness, the depth of their overall base of knowledge, their maturity, their demeanor and their core interpersonal leadership skills.

Hint, hint.
Last edited: community organizers for President worked well. :rolleyes:
Worked a lot better than the "incompetent orange buffoon" model.

Nah. That "incompetent orange buffoon" did a much better job than the community organizer.

A much better job. In case you haven't noticed the economy is rolling right along bigly and UE is the lowest its been since 69.

That "orange buffoon" is leagues ahead of Barry. He's done more in two years than Barry did in eight.

I'll take that the "orange buffoon" any day.
Last edited: community organizers for President worked well. :rolleyes:
Worked a lot better than the "incompetent orange buffoon" model.
If you are among the 1% - absolutely... Obama was a great President. There was never a better time to be wealthy in America than the past 10 years. PERIOD.
Except now
Bullshit and you know it.
The Obama administration continued to provide between $40 BILLION to $70 BILLION - PER MONTH - clear to 2015. Despite the fact that the markets were breaking record earnings month after month.
Obama was a pure globalist/corporatist... more than any other President in history. Reagan would have never DREAMED of his kind of trickle down policies.
You're falling for the fake news again, gotta be careful what you believe.

How many Goldman Sachs people did he have around him? community organizers for President worked well. :rolleyes:
Worked a lot better than the "incompetent orange buffoon" model.
If you are among the 1% - absolutely... Obama was a great President. There was never a better time to be wealthy in America than the past 10 years. PERIOD.
Except now
Bullshit and you know it.
The Obama administration continued to provide between $40 BILLION to $70 BILLION - PER MONTH - clear to 2015. Despite the fact that the markets were breaking record earnings month after month.
Obama was a pure globalist/corporatist... more than any other President in history. Reagan would have never DREAMED of his kind of trickle down policies.
You're falling for the fake news again, gotta be careful what you believe.

Obama's Big Sellout: The President has Packed His Economic Team with Wall Street Insiders
The president has packed his economic team with Wall Street insiders intent on turning the bailout into an all-out giveaway"

Obama's Big Sellout: The President has Packed His Economic Team with Wall Street Insiders
I wouldn't paint all businessmen with the same brush. Some came up the hard way, others had their position handed to them. Lots of factors to look into. Concerning Howard Schultz a couple of strikes I have against him is first I don't know who he is and he'll have a difficult time earning my trust. Secondly there are a handful of companies that always have rubbed me the wrong way. Starbucks is one of them.

I like our governor here in Arizona, Doug Ducey and think he has done a good job. He is former CEO of Cold Stone Creamery and previously worked for Procter and Gamble .
I wouldn't paint all businessmen with the same brush. Some came up the hard way, others had their position handed to them. Lots of factors to look into. Concerning Howard Schultz a couple of strikes I have against him is first I don't know who he is and he'll have a difficult time earning my trust. Secondly there are a handful of companies that always have rubbed me the wrong way. Starbucks is one of them.

I like our governor here in Arizona, Doug Ducey and think he has done a good job. He is former CEO of Cold Stone Creamery and previously worked for Procter and Gamble .
There is a VERY clear difference between a "businessman" and a globalist/corporatist/. As much difference as there is between cold and hot.
A late model Ferrari is not a high speed computer, they are 2 different machines designed to do completely different things. Our government is not a business, they are 2 different organizations designed to do completely different things. The concept that we're going to make our government run like a business sounds like a slick idea, but it doesn't work in the real world. We need people who know how to govern, given the tools of their elected office, NOT the tools of a business.

I watched Howard Schultz try to make his case on TV as to why he'll make a good President. It was identical to George W Bush's "compassionate conservatism" (The man who gave us the great recession) I think Howard Schultz is a nice guy, and he sincerely means well by running, but I'll never vote for him. The same holds true for Donald Trump, he means well in what he's doing, but he doesn't know the basics of civics or how to govern.

Please read the link below: No more businessman Presidents

Why Government Should Not Be Run Like A Business

I think when people say the government should run like a business is more about real accountability, transparency and less waste then profit.
A late model Ferrari is not a high speed computer, they are 2 different machines designed to do completely different things. Our government is not a business, they are 2 different organizations designed to do completely different things. The concept that we're going to make our government run like a business sounds like a slick idea, but it doesn't work in the real world. We need people who know how to govern, given the tools of their elected office, NOT the tools of a business.

I watched Howard Schultz try to make his case on TV as to why he'll make a good President. It was identical to George W Bush's "compassionate conservatism" (The man who gave us the great recession) I think Howard Schultz is a nice guy, and he sincerely means well by running, but I'll never vote for him. The same holds true for Donald Trump, he means well in what he's doing, but he doesn't know the basics of civics or how to govern.

Please read the link below: No more businessman Presidents

Why Government Should Not Be Run Like A Business

I disagree.
Here is why.

There is nothing wrong with business, religion, the arts, the humanities, or even professional politicians.
We should not exclude people who are from the business world who made a lot of money (or no money) and look at the internal character. If Trump has shown us anything, it is that a zero balance human being should never be President. Is Howard Shultz (sp?) much better? Well, part time baristas can get company insurance, his company has pioneered (or at least was one of the pioneers) in embedding their locations into the local woodwork more than plopping down a Taco Bell next to your house, and it is wildly successful as a corporation. Trump was never willing (shocking) to open his books to independent auditors or a board of directors.

The two men are, in no way, the same.

Do I think Government should be run like a business? No. Businesses are run for profit and government should be run for, at best, a break even proposition.

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