No more Democrat Party in Florida.

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Never heard of a Democrat Party

KKK is part of the RepubliKlan Party today

Sure it is...

While I'd like to see democrats gone, but I can't support that idea. All it does is open the door for punishing people for the past over things they weren't even alive to be around for.

Much like I don't think a single black person deserves reparations for something they weren't even alive for.

It's not really a thing.

It is a representation to illustrate the utter stupidity and hypocrisy of the Democrat Cult.
Looks like there is a bill for a party that previously advocated slavery to be banned from filing.

How could any Democrat that is always bitching about slavery vote against a bill like that?

Live by wokeness, die by wokeness.

Florida Republican pitches bill to eliminate the Florida Democratic Party

"The Ultimate Cancel Act" would "cancel" the filings of any party that "previously advocated for" slavery, which the Democratic Party did more than 150 years ago.
That is silly. The parties switched.
Florida has been rigged since 2000. No way that state is red.
I have lived in Florida for seven decades.

It is hard to find a Libtard. They are here but you don't see them in daily lives. You know the Negroes are because they want to keep the welfare checks coming but most people are Conservative.

In every election you see many more Republican candidate yard signs and bumper stickers than you see Democrat.

Most people would be ashamed to admit they vote Democrat.
That is silly. The parties switched.
It is a point of embarrassment for the filthy ass Democrats to have to admit that the are the party that once were for everything that they are against now. LOL!

Actually the division was Republican, Northern Democrat and Dixiecrat. Many Southerners only voted Democrat because the Republicans were the party of that asshole Lincoln.
It is a point of embarrassment for the filthy ass Democrats to have to admit that the are the party that once were for everything that they are against now. LOL!

Actually the division was Republican, Northern Democrat and Dixiecrat. Many Southerners only voted Democrat because the Republicans were the party of that asshole Lincoln.
It's not an embarrassment when the parties switched. It would be Republicans who would be embarrassed.

Even then, why would any party be embarrassed of something that happened a century ago?
I like it. Florida's becoming paradise for the Trump/Dubya boomer vote anyways. Concentrate the dying regressives in Florida and maybe the rest of us can keep moving along.
Florida is the second fastest growing state in the nation after Texas. It is not just retirees. Most of the new comers are young people and families moving away the destruction of the Democrats in the north.
The Klan was invented to oppose and fight the Republicans.
Nothing has changed.
BS. They formed to fight the Occupation Army in the South and the Freemen from 1865 to 1877 when the last troops cut and ran out of Louisiana leaving the poor Freeman to their fate.
Thanks for admitting Republicans are playing politics and not really leading this country. They're already campaigning for 2024. Woke is their trigger button.

I knew what this was.

And another reason this bill is a joke is because today's Democrats were the Lincoln Republican who freed the slaves. Fast forward to the 60's civil rights. Today it's us liberals and Democrats who want to protect civil rights and it's Republicans trying to dismantle the civil rights act. And its us who want to celebrate MLK day and Black History Month.

This is why you guys don't want CRT taught. They teach us about the southern strategy and how whites left the Democratic party when blacks joined. That way you can keep pretending it was you Republicans who freed the slaves. And then the next day argue why a Robert E Lee statue should remain. Such hypocrites.
No less ridiculous than people who can't say what a woman is.
No less ridiculous than saying it is wrong for a straight male to not want to have sex with a man in a dress,
No less absurd than a man in a dress is the same as a woman.

Get it??
The sheer level narcissistic ego it takes to get riled about this bill, but think everything above is ok... is out of this world
Most of the new comers are young people and families moving away the destruction of the Democrats in the north.
The majority are from Texas. One backwards state to another. Red states, being the poorest and the most dependent on federal money, could benefit from the "destruction of the Democrats in the north."
The majority are from Texas. One backwards state to another. Red states, being the poorest and the most dependent on federal money, could benefit from the "destruction of the Democrats in the north."
Most of the carpet baggers in my area seem to be early retirees from Ga.
The majority are from Texas. One backwards state to another. Red states, being the poorest and the most dependent on federal money, could benefit from the "destruction of the Democrats in the north."

You know nothing about Florida if you think the new comers are from Texas.

I dated a girl in High School that moved to Florida in 1964 from Tyler Texas. One of my son's teachers moved here from Texas in the 1990s. Those are the only two I have ever known to have come from Texas and I have lived here for almost seven decades.

The new people are mostly from New York, New Jersey and Michigan. Democrat controlled shithole states.
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