No more Democrat Party in Florida.

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If figures that a Floridian knows less about Florida than a non-Floridian
My family have been in Florida since before the Civil War. We see the goddamn New Yorkers and those shitheads from New Jersey come all the time but Texans, other than the slimely Illegals with Texas plates on their trucks, pretty much stay back in the great state of Texas.
Has it been assessed how this passes Constitutional muster?

I don't see how it can be constitutional. The 13th amendment abolished slavery in 1865. Kinda hard to punish an entire political party for something that was abolished by constitutional amendment over 150 years ago.

And I think everyone sees that this is about removing competition for votes. It has nothing to do with slavery.
Looks like there is a bill for a party that previously advocated slavery to be banned from filing.

How could any Democrat that is always bitching about slavery vote against a bill like that?

Live by wokeness, die by wokeness.

Florida Republican pitches bill to eliminate the Florida Democratic Party

"The Ultimate Cancel Act" would "cancel" the filings of any party that "previously advocated for" slavery, which the Democratic Party did more than 150 years ago.
Yes, the left should be totally onboard with this.
That went right over your head.
It is intended to make the woke look in the mirror. Obviously it isn't a serious bill that has any possibility of passing.
It is NO LESS ridiculous as reparations. No less absurd than the myriad of cancel culture movies to ban this and that from 100s of years ago,
It is cold water thrown in the face of the left. A brilliant taste of their own medicine.

No, it did not go over anyone's head on the left. But you seem to be utterly clueless as to its meaning.

A joke??? I don't think so. It's more like you've been caught doing something odious and you're trying to cover it up. Like the kid I saw about to bash her playmates over the head with a large stick. She very quickly put on a smile and said she was just "joking". When I came on the scene, she looked very angry, and the other kids looked really scared. Nobody was "joking" until I stopped her from hurting someone.

The "woke" aren't the clueless idiots in this scenario. The clueless idiots are those who are voting for the fascist, racist, anti-democratic, authoritarian agenda of the MAGA Republicans.

Ron DeSantis was offering "vaccine tourism" to foreigners and tourists ahead of vaccines for American citizens living in Florida whose tax dollars PAID for that vaccine. That should tell you everything you need to know about who Ron DeSantis cares about. All the Canadian Snowbirds I know who went to Florida after Christmas, came home vaccinated, months ahead of when they would have received the shots at home.

DeSantis went ahead with "Spring Break" as the virus was spreading throughout the nation, bringing thousands of young people together, who then went home with covid, helping the disease to spread more quickly across the country. But Florida businesses made money.

Profits over people. DeSantis ran on his great Florida economy, not on what he's doing for the people of Florida, but what he's doing against Democrats, women, minorities, and against gays, teachers, public education, and free speech.
No, it did not go over anyone's head on the left. But you seem to be utterly clueless as to its meaning.

A joke??? I don't think so. It's more like you've been caught doing something odious and you're trying to cover it up. Like the kid I saw about to bash her playmates over the head with a large stick. She very quickly put on a smile and said she was just "joking". When I came on the scene, she looked very angry, and the other kids looked really scared. Nobody was "joking" until I stopped her from hurting someone.

The "woke" aren't the clueless idiots in this scenario. The clueless idiots are those who are voting for the fascist, racist, anti-democratic, authoritarian agenda of the MAGA Republicans.

Ron DeSantis was offering "vaccine tourism" to foreigners and tourists ahead of vaccines for American citizens living in Florida whose tax dollars PAID for that vaccine. That should tell you everything you need to know about who Ron DeSantis cares about. All the Canadian Snowbirds I know who went to Florida after Christmas, came home vaccinated, months ahead of when they would have received the shots at home.

DeSantis went ahead with "Spring Break" as the virus was spreading throughout the nation, bringing thousands of young people together, who then went home with covid, helping the disease to spread more quickly across the country. But Florida businesses made money.

Profits over people. DeSantis ran on his great Florida economy, not on what he's doing for the people of Florida, but what he's doing against Democrats, women, minorities, and against gays, teachers, public education, and free speech.
Reminds me of how Trump deregulated trains in Ohio and then when a train accident that wouldn't have happened if Trump didn't remove that regulation, Republicans come back with "why didn't Biden put that regulation back?"

Silly right? So Biden should have undone EVERYTHING Trump did? And Trump should have undone EVERYTHING Obama did? It doesn't really work that way. But Republicans are never to blame, even when they are.

So they want to punish Democrats today for what Democrats in the past did, even though those past Democrats would be Republicans today.

It's us who own slavery because Lincoln was a Republican. But today it's Republicans who argue for Robert E Lee and against MLK. When did Republicans change?

Oh, here is another bit of proof that today's Republicans are Democrats of yesteryore. It was Southern Democrats back then who wanted to secede from the union over how we treat blacks in America. Today it's Republicans who defend the lynchings we see going on with cops and blacks. It's Republicans who don't get BLM. Who don't want to teach our racist past because it makes them look bad.

They don't want schools teaching all whites are bad. That tells me they don't get it that we are and why. And we still haven't made things right.

But Republicans fight affirmative action and diversity programs that help blacks. They cry reverse discrimination. They deny bias exists.

Hey Republicans. It's very clear you would have been great Democrats back in the 1960's. And I'm sure you burned those pictures of yourselves in blackface. And it's why you pay so much for a picture of any Democrats who ever did when they were young. We all know you wish you could wear it today though.
Reminds me of how Trump deregulated trains in Ohio and then when a train accident that wouldn't have happened if Trump didn't remove that regulation, Republicans come back with "why didn't Biden put that regulation back?"

Silly right? So Biden should have undone EVERYTHING Trump did? And Trump should have undone EVERYTHING Obama did? It doesn't really work that way. But Republicans are never to blame, even when they are.

So they want to punish Democrats today for what Democrats in the past did, even though those past Democrats would be Republicans today.

It's us who own slavery because Lincoln was a Republican. But today it's Republicans who argue for Robert E Lee and against MLK. When did Republicans change?

Oh, here is another bit of proof that today's Republicans are Democrats of yesteryore. It was Southern Democrats back then who wanted to secede from the union over how we treat blacks in America. Today it's Republicans who defend the lynchings we see going on with cops and blacks. It's Republicans who don't get BLM. Who don't want to teach our racist past because it makes them look bad.

They don't want schools teaching all whites are bad. That tells me they don't get it that we are and why. And we still haven't made things right.

But Republicans fight affirmative action and diversity programs that help blacks. They cry reverse discrimination. They deny bias exists.

Hey Republicans. It's very clear you would have been great Democrats back in the 1960's. And I'm sure you burned those pictures of yourselves in blackface. And it's why you pay so much for a picture of any Democrats who ever did when they were young. We all know you wish you could wear it today though.
You keep repeating lies that have been debunked in numerous threads

What does that have to do with the fact that you're an election denier and a threat to our democracy? Or do you not believe that election deniers are a threat to our democracy?
2000 and 2004 give me reason to believe we need to keep an eye on Republican run states. Democrats should watch as closely as Republicans watched in Detroit. Only don't fill out bullshit affidavits like Republicans did. They were the most ridiculous claims. Stop Marvin. You're just a Trumbot. Soon you'll be a Disantibot. You used to be a Bushbot.
You never get specific. Pick one lie.

And remember your media sources are lying to you. We now know if they don't you'll stop listening. You're so brainwashed. I can't wait to hear your example.
I posted the video debunking your lie that Trump deregulation led to the EP derailment. Did you watch it? I bet not

LOL you think Jimmy Dore is mainstream media?


And no we don't argue against MLK or Lincoln. You all don't want "equality" which is what they wanted. You want "equity"

So yeah you're whole post is one big lie
I posted the video debunking your lie that Trump deregulation led to the EP derailment. Did you watch it? I bet not

LOL you think Jimmy Dore is mainstream media?

View attachment 761853

Let's just focus on this part:

"Legislation was passed under President Obama that made it a legal requirement for trains carrying hazardous flammable materials to have ECP brakes, but this was rescinded in 2017 by the Trump administration," reads the text included in the image.

My question is do you agree with Trump rescinding that requirement?

We know technically Trump's decision didn't affect this particular train. But moving forward, maybe you Republicans should stop removing necessary regulations?
Let's just focus on this part:

"Legislation was passed under President Obama that made it a legal requirement for trains carrying hazardous flammable materials to have ECP brakes, but this was rescinded in 2017 by the Trump administration," reads the text included in the image.

My question is do you agree with Trump rescinding that requirement?

We know technically Trump's decision didn't affect this particular train. But moving forward, maybe you Republicans should stop removing necessary regulations?
Again it has been explained numerous times that those regulations passed by Trump did not pertain to the train that derailed in EP Ohio

Maybe you should shitlibs should quit spinning your TDS bullshit

Also you didn't even watch the video if you had you'd know the regulations that affected this train were rescinded by OBAMA you moron
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