No need to pass more laws banning abortion...Solution!!!

It's easy! Men need to be a part of the solution too!
It's fast! Outpatient procedure.
It's not completely painless, but you can take Tylenol.

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Unfortunately conservatives won’t support this solution.

Rightists aren’t happy unless they’re banning something, compelling conformity through force of law, or increasing the authority of the state at the expense of individual liberty.
Murder is not individual liberty. Abortion is murder.
This is a lie.

Abortion is not ‘murder.’

More government, bigger government at the expense of individual liberty – it’s the conservative way.
It's easy! Men need to be a part of the solution too!
It's fast! Outpatient procedure.
It's not completely painless, but you can take Tylenol.

View attachment 491639
Unfortunately conservatives won’t support this solution.

Rightists aren’t happy unless they’re banning something, compelling conformity through force of law, or increasing the authority of the state at the expense of individual liberty.
banning something

Like guns and police?
It's easy! Men need to be a part of the solution too!
It's fast! Outpatient procedure.
It's not completely painless, but you can take Tylenol.

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While I laud your effort to make both sexes accountable, rather than following the idiocy of forcing only the female to be accountable, this, too, is unfair.

The US, as well as other societies, has completely abdicated our responsibility to help our youngsters of both sexes navigate their sexual awakening, which we all know happens. Absolutely nothing will be accomplished until all of us sit down and acknowledge that young people of both sexes are at the peak of their hormones, and, in our uncivilized society, are given no guidance from their elders as to what is going on with their bodies and how to deal with it responsibly.

We continue to deny that sexuality exists as a driving force in both sexes and continue to refuse to teach the young coming up.

I say this as a female person in my 60s. What was I given? Some references to the Virgin Mary (I started out as a Catholic)? Totally useless. Nobody ever even had the wisdom to tell me to take a cold shower when sexual feelings surfaced. Complete denial. Somehow sexual feelings do not exist. Fortunately, my aunt was a nurse and USAF world-traveling lifer, who sat me down and told me what's up. Something that my Mrs. Catholic mother in a mantilla was incapable of doing.

You don't neuter people of either sex. You ACKNOWLEDGE that male sexuality exists, and that female sexuality exists, and then teach all of them how to keep it under control.

At least there is some recognition that sexuality exists in males, but there seems to be some cultural resistance to acknowledging that sexuality exists in females.
It's easy! Men need to be a part of the solution too!
It's fast! Outpatient procedure.
It's not completely painless, but you can take Tylenol.

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Unfortunately conservatives won’t support this solution.

Rightists aren’t happy unless they’re banning something, compelling conformity through force of law, or increasing the authority of the state at the expense of individual liberty.
Wow, that's an exact description of the left. Do you live in an alternate universe? If so, how do you communicate to our dimension?
Make it better by adding:
No welfare w/o one
No unemployment w/o one
No government job w/o one
No food stamps or other "safety nets" w/o one
All criminals get one automatically

I get the welfare, food stamps ect.

But unemployment? Unemployment is only paid out when a person is unemployed through no fault of their own. In other words, they are working and supporting themselves, and their layoff is not due to them doing anything wrong. No vasectomy for that.
It's easy! Men need to be a part of the solution too!
It's fast! Outpatient procedure.
It's not completely painless, but you can take Tylenol.

View attachment 491639
Unfortunately conservatives won’t support this solution.

Rightists aren’t happy unless they’re banning something, compelling conformity through force of law, or increasing the authority of the state at the expense of individual liberty.
Murder is not individual liberty. Abortion is murder.
This is a lie.

Abortion is not ‘murder.’

More government, bigger government at the expense of individual liberty – it’s the conservative way.
If abortion is not murder, maybe your mom can put a bullet in your head and call it post partum abortion--no difference.
It's easy! Men need to be a part of the solution too!
It's fast! Outpatient procedure.
It's not completely painless, but you can take Tylenol.

View attachment 491639
Unfortunately conservatives won’t support this solution.

Rightists aren’t happy unless they’re banning something, compelling conformity through force of law, or increasing the authority of the state at the expense of individual liberty.

You mean like supporting forced vax and Covid passports? Pig
It's easy! Men need to be a part of the solution too!
It's fast! Outpatient procedure.
It's not completely painless, but you can take Tylenol.

View attachment 491639
Unfortunately conservatives won’t support this solution.

Rightists aren’t happy unless they’re banning something, compelling conformity through force of law, or increasing the authority of the state at the expense of individual liberty.
Murder is not individual liberty. Abortion is murder.
This is a lie.

Abortion is not ‘murder.’

More government, bigger government at the expense of individual liberty – it’s the conservative way.
Show them the way. All blue city and states start the ball rolling by cutting the criminal codes big time. Right now at the federal level they can deal with the Patriot Act, the TSA and Homeland Security. They have had opportunities.
Some crybabies would then claim the birth rate is going down which really had zero ramifications. Let it go way down. More jobs and choices.
And it fits right with Gates' global depopulation screen without murdering people with a weaponized virus.
Them you have the people that believe contraception is bad. It makes zero sense but hey whatever. Is america dumb enough to shun that too?
It's easy! Men need to be a part of the solution too!
It's fast! Outpatient procedure.
It's not completely painless, but you can take Tylenol.

View attachment 491639
Unfortunately conservatives won’t support this solution.

Rightists aren’t happy unless they’re banning something, compelling conformity through force of law, or increasing the authority of the state at the expense of individual liberty.
Why the hell would we work your side of the street?

Damn, you clowns are so lazy you need conservatives to do your shit too!
?It's easy! Men need to be a part of the solution too!
It's fast! Outpatient procedure.
It's not completely painless, but you can take Tylenol.

View attachment 491639

Hey, Blaine . . . aren't YOU a guy?

So maybe you could demonstrate how this whole "mind your fucking business" thing is supposed to work by shutting YOUR fucking mouth first.
Why? The "conservatives" don't shut their mouths about other people's sexuality and sexual lives. Nobody's personal/sexual life is any of any "conservative's" damned business. Not heterosexual male, heterosexual female, or any person who is LGBTQ. It is the fault of the" conservatives" who want to use the government to force their way into people's bedrooms and doctors' offices. BUTT OUT!
Pro-lifers are against abortion because it's the murder of a human being.

You pro-aborts will never understand that, because you don't think there's anything wrong with murder.

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