NO NUKE DEAL: Did Cohen distract Trump?

Trump was not distracted by the Democrats Trump Derangement Syndrome clown show yesterday. He was focused on looking after America's interest.

Democrats are always assholes but yesterday's hatefest was one of the most despicable political acts I have ever seen in American policies. Shame on the Democrat shitheads.

You Moon Bats were idiots electing a Democrat controlled House. What the hell were you morons thinking? How did that work out for you in 2007 when the Democrats took over Congress and the economy tanked?

You are the one who has Trump Derangement Syndrome. You stupid comments show that. Trump was prepared to give away the store in his desperate bid to get a deal. Even the South Korean security advisor criticized the deal. I suspect it was leaked to stop it and hopefully it was stopped.

The hearing yesterday is something called oversight. The only thing that was despicable was Republicans like Jordan and Meadows. The hearing only confirmed what Americans think about Trump. He is dishonest and untrustworthy.

total bullshit. yesterday's hearing was nothing but political theatre. scheduled and orchestrated to overshadow the meeting in Viet Nam. But it backfired on the dems, Cohen confirmed that he is a lying POS and the dems confirmed that they are corrupt. The funny thing is the even lying Cohen would not confirm any wrong doing or collusion by Trump or his campaign.

Trump did the right thing in not caving to the little dictator.
I respect him walking away.
A lot better than what that faggot barry did with iran.
"Iran won, america lost" bet we wont hear that from rocket man.
Everytime the stupid DEMs hold a 'show trial' to 'get Trump the REPs get another 50K votes from Independents.
Keep those show trials coming DEMs. You are handing Trump the 2020 election on a fucking golden platter!
A businessman knows how to make a deal. He also knows when to walk away.

Trump is a businessman. Not a politician.

He and the troll will be back and Trump will get the deal he wants. If not. He will walk away again.

Smart man. Much, much smarter than the lefty clueless loons on this board.
I say, Good for the President in walking away

I was afraid he would give away too much in seeking a Nobel Prize.

Only thing, he needs to know what is on the table before he travels half way around the world. That is the job of his State Department
At least Trump will actually do something to earn a Nobel Prize, unlike his predecessor.
Trump is the only President I have seen actively campaigning for a Nobel Prize. He talks about it at rallies and made Abe nominate him

I have little doubt Trump looks at NK as a ticket to a Nobel

He's more deserving of it than the one Obama got for being black.
The Obama Nobel was richly deserved

First black president in a formerly racist America
Everytime the stupid DEMs hold a 'show trial' to 'get Trump the REPs get another 50K votes from Independents.
Keep those show trials coming DEMs. You are handing Trump the 2020 election on a fucking golden platter!
Actually, they don’t

Independents are tired of Trumps act
Trump was not distracted by the Democrats Trump Derangement Syndrome clown show yesterday. He was focused on looking after America's interest.

Democrats are always assholes but yesterday's hatefest was one of the most despicable political acts I have ever seen in American policies. Shame on the Democrat shitheads.

You Moon Bats were idiots electing a Democrat controlled House. What the hell were you morons thinking? How did that work out for you in 2007 when the Democrats took over Congress and the economy tanked?

You are the one who has Trump Derangement Syndrome. You stupid comments show that. Trump was prepared to give away the store in his desperate bid to get a deal. Even the South Korean security advisor criticized the deal. I suspect it was leaked to stop it and hopefully it was stopped.

The hearing yesterday is something called oversight. The only thing that was despicable was Republicans like Jordan and Meadows. The hearing only confirmed what Americans think about Trump. He is dishonest and untrustworthy.

total bullshit. yesterday's hearing was nothing but political theatre. scheduled and orchestrated to overshadow the meeting in Viet Nam. But it backfired on the dems, Cohen confirmed that he is a lying POS and the dems confirmed that they are corrupt. The funny thing is the even lying Cohen would not confirm any wrong doing or collusion by Trump or his campaign.

Trump did the right thing in not caving to the little dictator.
Funny how Republicans never asked a single question about Cohens claims

Instead they spent seven hours screaming at him for being a liar

As a conservative, does it bother you that Cohen is convicted about lying about Trumps dealings with Russia and financial payments from Russia

The exact same lies Trump was telling at the time
Everytime the stupid DEMs hold a 'show trial' to 'get Trump the REPs get another 50K votes from Independents.
Keep those show trials coming DEMs. You are handing Trump the 2020 election on a fucking golden platter!
Actually, they don’t

Independents are tired of Trumps act

I'm an Indi and I like Trump. I'm sure not tired of him. I like a great economy and UE the lowest its been since 69. I also like jobs, jobs and more jobs. All of which you hate. To bad. So sad.

He's a businessman and he knows when to walk away. He'll continue to walk away till he get the deal he wants. Its the art of the deal after all.

He's much, much smarter than you clueless lefty loons.
Trump was not distracted by the Democrats Trump Derangement Syndrome clown show yesterday. He was focused on looking after America's interest.

Democrats are always assholes but yesterday's hatefest was one of the most despicable political acts I have ever seen in American policies. Shame on the Democrat shitheads.

You Moon Bats were idiots electing a Democrat controlled House. What the hell were you morons thinking? How did that work out for you in 2007 when the Democrats took over Congress and the economy tanked?

You are the one who has Trump Derangement Syndrome. You stupid comments show that. Trump was prepared to give away the store in his desperate bid to get a deal. Even the South Korean security advisor criticized the deal. I suspect it was leaked to stop it and hopefully it was stopped.

The hearing yesterday is something called oversight. The only thing that was despicable was Republicans like Jordan and Meadows. The hearing only confirmed what Americans think about Trump. He is dishonest and untrustworthy.

total bullshit. yesterday's hearing was nothing but political theatre. scheduled and orchestrated to overshadow the meeting in Viet Nam. But it backfired on the dems, Cohen confirmed that he is a lying POS and the dems confirmed that they are corrupt. The funny thing is the even lying Cohen would not confirm any wrong doing or collusion by Trump or his campaign.

Trump did the right thing in not caving to the little dictator.
Funny how Republicans never asked a single question about Cohens claims

Instead they spent seven hours screaming at him for being a liar

As a conservative, does it bother you that Cohen is convicted about lying about Trumps dealings with Russia and financial payments from Russia

The exact same lies Trump was telling at the time

Cohens a proven liar and I wonder why the Dems have him as their star witness.

I wouldn't believe anything he said. But then unlike you I won't take the word of a known liar.

Carry on dumbass.
Lefties are like :banana:woo we still have nuclear Armageddon hanging over our heads, yay!
I don't see the repubs crying about it.

I'd be nice to see republicans get a little bit of credit for at least toning down the "bomb em all, let god sort em out" attitude of the 80s and 90s.
Why the republicans were the leaders of the bomb them all and it came from Reagan.

You are confused Moon Bat, as always.

It was the deployment of Pershing Missiles in Europe by Reagan, Kohl and Thatcher that forced the Soviets to capitulate. That was a good thing.

Trump threatening force was what got the NORKs to the negotiating table, not giving them money for nothing like that idiot Slick Willy did.

I know that History is not one of the strong suits for you stupid Moon Bats but the only time nuclear weapons have ever been used it was by a Democrat President so you can just go fuck yourself with your ignorant partisan bullshit.
I voted for Reagan you weasel eating fiend so take yer partisan bullshit and shove it up yer ass where your head is also stored. The bomb was better than millions of US soldiers getting killed but we can tell by your retort you wanted US soldiers dead instead of Japanese soldiers.
That Flash is one fucked up Russian Goombah.
I can’t believe Trump traveled all the way to Vietnam for nothing

A President is supposed to go there to seal the deal. His State Department should have worked things out beforehand

But Trump is motivated only by $$$$

He thought if he offered Kim Jong Un enough money through lifting sanctions and offering massive financial aid, Kim would jump at his deal

Kim told him to take his money and stick it
He didnt fail.
Walking away when you cant negotiate is standing tall.
You just wanted him to fail so you are acting out.
Bet you were proud when Barry sucked off the iranian ayatollah. Werent ya faggot?
It was worth a shot, but like always, Best Korea is only interested in playing games.
I say, Good for the President in walking away

I was afraid he would give away too much in seeking a Nobel Prize.

Only thing, he needs to know what is on the table before he travels half way around the world. That is the job of his State Department
At least Trump will actually do something to earn a Nobel Prize, unlike his predecessor.
Trump is the only President I have seen actively campaigning for a Nobel Prize. He talks about it at rallies and made Abe nominate him

I have little doubt Trump looks at NK as a ticket to a Nobel

He's more deserving of it than the one Obama got for being black.
The Obama Nobel was richly deserved

First black president in a formerly racist America
More white people voted for the racist asshole than colored people. Thanks to his white grandparents that knew how to speak English instead of ebonics. It's not really an accomplishment that I'd be touting.
I can’t believe Trump traveled all the way to Vietnam for nothing

A President is supposed to go there to seal the deal. His State Department should have worked things out beforehand

But Trump is motivated only by $$$$

He thought if he offered Kim Jong Un enough money through lifting sanctions and offering massive financial aid, Kim would jump at his deal

Kim told him to take his money and stick it
Wrong. Kim thought he could get ALL the sanctions lifted without giving up ALL his nukes. It's really very simple.
Trump's talks with Kim Jong-un collapse over N. Korea sanctions impasse

Foreign diplomat-negotiators have long abused American politicians in negotiations because they (we) are afraid to walk away from a negotiation without a "deal" that they can bring home and show the voters...even if it's a stupid deal like the one Obama had with Iran.

A BUSINESS negotiator is ALWAYS prepared to walk away without a deal. That is sometimes the best thing to do.

Here we have an example of a REAL negotiator for the U.S., who recognizes that it's time to walk away from the table without a deal.

Validating, yet again, my vote for him in 2016.

A BUSINESS negotiator has a predefined agenda for any negotiations, and he doesn't travel half way around the world to find there is nothing to talk about. Trump is not a negotiator. He's a bully who thinks he can bully anybody with no preparation.

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