No One Has a Right to Health Care

Nice try, socialism is an disease of the weak minded...
Post like you are manifestation of "deep all abiding Stupid" what a goof...Socialism is the Pentagon revolving door with the Arms Industry...for cash
Why keep trying something that has never worked, can not work and will never work. Worst of all forcing it on millions of people who know it can never work for anyone, but the career politician...

Socialism only appeals to a weak, sick mind....

What explains you, a person with at best a weak mind and no idea of the meaning of the word Socialism and that its use by partisan hacks is a pejorative.

But maybe I judge you too harshly, tell us what you believe Socialism to be and its manifestations in nations as diverse as Great Britain and N. Korea.

Do you even know their is a difference between and Economic and a Political system?
Socialism is a concept that has been tried hundreds of times, in every conceivable form. The simplest definition of it is mob rule. In its different degrees and forms, it births dictatorships(political) of one form or another... Or it births banana republics(economic) who also without fail turn into dictatorships.

The writings of Karl Marx are absolutely of an weak, sick mind...
. Ok now explain where capitalism goes bad, and why it goes bad, and what stands in the way of it destroying things also ?
I cant think of any off hand.
Let's put Socialism in perspective. In the US we have a mixed economy, a private sector and a public sector, the former is profit motivated and the latter service oriented.

Consumers pay for products produced by the Private Sector, and consumers pay a tax or fee for the services of government provided by the public sector.

Granted, the private sector is regulated by government, by local, regional, state and federal governments and their agencies. Governance can be changed by the vote of the people in local, state and national elections.

No such democratic process allows the public to change the private sector. Of course a boycott, a protest or putting pressure on regulators can effect change but not with the alacrity of a trans-formal election.
Everyone has a right to healthcare

Even the most callous conservatives would admit it. Now all we have to do is figure out the best way to ensure it. Other countries already have

If everyone has a right to healthcare, who is supposed to provide this right?

Those wo can afford it will contribute the best they can. Those who can't will receive assistance from We the People

The only We The People your concerned with are the ones the rest of We the People have to support.

Apparently You the People want to assume responsibility for the We the People your concerned with and you assume the rest of We the People want to assume that responsibility as well.

Nice to know you assume everyone wants to assume that responsibility.

You are missing the point of our great Constitution.....we are all We the People

Our founders went to great lengths to ensure that We the People were not just the wealthy. They wanted the poor to have the same rights as the richest man

I didn't miss any point.

The FF would turn over in their graves if they saw some of We the People being forced to support the freeloading We the People.

The poor do have the same rights and rights has nothing to do with it.

Healthcare isn't a right.
The FF would turn over in their graves if they saw some of We the People being forced to support the freeloading We the People.


Hell them founding fathers would roll over in their graves that Black Africans that they considered to be "Farm animals" are voting and one is even President...
Everyone has a right to healthcare

Even the most callous conservatives would admit it. Now all we have to do is figure out the best way to ensure it. Other countries already have

If everyone has a right to healthcare, who is supposed to provide this right?

Those wo can afford it will contribute the best they can. Those who can't will receive assistance from We the People

The only We The People your concerned with are the ones the rest of We the People have to support.

Apparently You the People want to assume responsibility for the We the People your concerned with and you assume the rest of We the People want to assume that responsibility as well.

Nice to know you assume everyone wants to assume that responsibility.

You are missing the point of our great Constitution.....we are all We the People

Our founders went to great lengths to ensure that We the People were not just the wealthy. They wanted the poor to have the same rights as the richest man

I didn't miss any point.

The FF would turn over in their graves if they saw some of We the People being forced to support the freeloading We the People.

The poor do have the same rights and rights has nothing to do with it.

Healthcare isn't a right.
It is if you vote for it.
The Constitution does charge our representatives with the protection of the citizens. That's why we have military and prisons although all of our prisons (except federal prisons) are run by the state.

For a country that hasn't had a foreign country invade in 200 years, we have flexibility in what we need for defense

We have more citizens in jail than any nation on earth

Yet, we complain we can't afford is a matter of national priorities

So what should we do, empty out our jails, put criminals back out into the street, all so we could have healthcare?

I have a better idea: make jails jail again and maybe more people will be afraid to go there.
Sounds like a plan

If we were not so obsessed with preventing people from using illegal drugs we could afford to give them legal drugs that can save their lives

What is your obsession with getting things for free? You sound very selfish.

Why is it necessary for you to reinterpret any post that suggests access to care for everyone (even you) as being the self-interested RW stance?

Nobody doesn't have access to care...
You know what seems socialistic maybe even Communistic is how Jesus reacted to the money lenders at the temple...this Jesus dude leaps off his mount and with a whip assaulted the good burgers who were trying to make a buck...why he ought to be crucified for that communist shit...
You know what seems socialistic maybe even Communistic is how Jesus reacted to the money lenders at the temple...this Jesus dude leaps off his mount and with a whip assaulted the good burgers who were trying to make a buck...why he ought to be crucified for that communist shit...

It also says that it is easier to get a camel through a needle head than a greedy rich person into heaven.
Lets just do away with this notion the GOP clowns don't know what they are doing...they are running the George W. Bush platform of lower taxes mostly for the rich, fewer rights mostly for women and more freedom mostly for polluters and big banks....and war overseas to show US leadership....woooo hooooooooooo
Lets just do away with this notion the GOP clowns don't know what they are doing...they are running the George W. Bush platform of lower taxes mostly for the rich, fewer rights mostly for women and more freedom mostly for polluters and big banks....and war overseas to show US leadership....woooo hooooooooooo
I just don't get it why people vote for that unless if they are wealthy...
Everyone has a right to healthcare

Even the most callous conservatives would admit it. Now all we have to do is figure out the best way to ensure it. Other countries already have

If everyone has a right to healthcare, who is supposed to provide this right?

Those wo can afford it will contribute the best they can. Those who can't will receive assistance from We the People

The only We The People your concerned with are the ones the rest of We the People have to support.

Apparently You the People want to assume responsibility for the We the People your concerned with and you assume the rest of We the People want to assume that responsibility as well.

Nice to know you assume everyone wants to assume that responsibility.

You are missing the point of our great Constitution.....we are all We the People

Our founders went to great lengths to ensure that We the People were not just the wealthy. They wanted the poor to have the same rights as the richest man




Everyone has a right to healthcare

Even the most callous conservatives would admit it. Now all we have to do is figure out the best way to ensure it. Other countries already have

If everyone has a right to healthcare, who is supposed to provide this right?

Those wo can afford it will contribute the best they can. Those who can't will receive assistance from We the People

The only We The People your concerned with are the ones the rest of We the People have to support.

Apparently You the People want to assume responsibility for the We the People your concerned with and you assume the rest of We the People want to assume that responsibility as well.

Nice to know you assume everyone wants to assume that responsibility.

You are missing the point of our great Constitution.....we are all We the People

Our founders went to great lengths to ensure that We the People were not just the wealthy. They wanted the poor to have the same rights as the richest man

I didn't miss any point.

The FF would turn over in their graves if they saw some of We the People being forced to support the freeloading We the People.

The poor do have the same rights and rights has nothing to do with it.

Healthcare isn't a right.

Describe the "freeloading We the People". Don't be shy or coy, tell us what they look like, how the dress, wear their hair, speak and act.

You must know since you seem to think, err believe, you are an authority on the issue.
If everyone has a right to healthcare, who is supposed to provide this right?

Those wo can afford it will contribute the best they can. Those who can't will receive assistance from We the People

The only We The People your concerned with are the ones the rest of We the People have to support.

Apparently You the People want to assume responsibility for the We the People your concerned with and you assume the rest of We the People want to assume that responsibility as well.

Nice to know you assume everyone wants to assume that responsibility.

You are missing the point of our great Constitution.....we are all We the People

Our founders went to great lengths to ensure that We the People were not just the wealthy. They wanted the poor to have the same rights as the richest man

I didn't miss any point.

The FF would turn over in their graves if they saw some of We the People being forced to support the freeloading We the People.

The poor do have the same rights and rights has nothing to do with it.

Healthcare isn't a right.

Describe the "freeloading We the People". Don't be shy or coy, tell us what they look like, how the dress, wear their hair, speak and act.

You must know since you seem to think, err believe, you are an authority on the issue.

If you don't know far be it from me to enlighten your sorry ass.
Those wo can afford it will contribute the best they can. Those who can't will receive assistance from We the People

The only We The People your concerned with are the ones the rest of We the People have to support.

Apparently You the People want to assume responsibility for the We the People your concerned with and you assume the rest of We the People want to assume that responsibility as well.

Nice to know you assume everyone wants to assume that responsibility.

You are missing the point of our great Constitution.....we are all We the People

Our founders went to great lengths to ensure that We the People were not just the wealthy. They wanted the poor to have the same rights as the richest man

I didn't miss any point.

The FF would turn over in their graves if they saw some of We the People being forced to support the freeloading We the People.

The poor do have the same rights and rights has nothing to do with it.

Healthcare isn't a right.

Describe the "freeloading We the People". Don't be shy or coy, tell us what they look like, how the dress, wear their hair, speak and act.

You must know since you seem to think, err believe, you are an authority on the issue.

If you don't know far be it from me to enlighten your sorry ass.
Cop out.
No One Has a Right to Health Care
by Jacob G. Hornberger February 3, 2016

Democratic Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders says that everyone has a right to health care. Unfortunately, none of his presidential opponents, Democrat or Republican, is going to challenge him on the point. They’re too scared that they’d lose votes by challenging a standard socialist shibboleth in America.

Sanders’ assertion only goes to show how American socialists (i.e., progressives) have warped and perverted the concept of rights within the minds of the American people. The fact is that no one has a right to health care any more than he has a right to a home, a car, food, spouse, or anything else.

The correct concept of rights was enunciated by Thomas Jefferson in the Declaration of Independence, the document that Americans ironically celebrate every Fourth of July. Jefferson observed that people have been endowed with certain unalienable rights, among which are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

Hillary won't challenge him on it because the socialist base that has already been turning on her would abandon her.

The Republicans have challenged him because we are still in the primaries!
The only We The People your concerned with are the ones the rest of We the People have to support.

Apparently You the People want to assume responsibility for the We the People your concerned with and you assume the rest of We the People want to assume that responsibility as well.

Nice to know you assume everyone wants to assume that responsibility.

You are missing the point of our great Constitution.....we are all We the People

Our founders went to great lengths to ensure that We the People were not just the wealthy. They wanted the poor to have the same rights as the richest man

I didn't miss any point.

The FF would turn over in their graves if they saw some of We the People being forced to support the freeloading We the People.

The poor do have the same rights and rights has nothing to do with it.

Healthcare isn't a right.

Describe the "freeloading We the People". Don't be shy or coy, tell us what they look like, how the dress, wear their hair, speak and act.

You must know since you seem to think, err believe, you are an authority on the issue.

If you don't know far be it from me to enlighten your sorry ass.
Cop out.

Nope. Just ignoring the obvious. Wry catcher knows about freeloaders. Far be it from me to buy into his/her/its bullshit. LOL
Everyone has a right to healthcare

Even the most callous conservatives would admit it. Now all we have to do is figure out the best way to ensure it. Other countries already have

If everyone has a right to healthcare, who is supposed to provide this right?

Those wo can afford it will contribute the best they can. Those who can't will receive assistance from We the People

The only We The People your concerned with are the ones the rest of We the People have to support.

Apparently You the People want to assume responsibility for the We the People your concerned with and you assume the rest of We the People want to assume that responsibility as well.

Nice to know you assume everyone wants to assume that responsibility.

You are missing the point of our great Constitution.....we are all We the People

Our founders went to great lengths to ensure that We the People were not just the wealthy. They wanted the poor to have the same rights as the richest man





Taxes are Constitutional, and the federal budget is appropriated by members of Congress elected by WE THE PEOPLE, and signed off by a PRESIDENT elected by electors elected BY WE THE PEOPLE in each State and DC.

Thus Taxpayers and producers, Social Security recipients and even the working poor whose employer is paying them wages under the table - in fact every US Citizen - are part of WE THE PEOPLE.

That you don't like the system, and don't want to pay taxes which benefit the needy, please continue to vote for callous conservatives, but stop whining - the system is what it is and would work much better if we all pulled together.
Those wo can afford it will contribute the best they can. Those who can't will receive assistance from We the People

The only We The People your concerned with are the ones the rest of We the People have to support.

Apparently You the People want to assume responsibility for the We the People your concerned with and you assume the rest of We the People want to assume that responsibility as well.

Nice to know you assume everyone wants to assume that responsibility.

You are missing the point of our great Constitution.....we are all We the People

Our founders went to great lengths to ensure that We the People were not just the wealthy. They wanted the poor to have the same rights as the richest man

I didn't miss any point.

The FF would turn over in their graves if they saw some of We the People being forced to support the freeloading We the People.

The poor do have the same rights and rights has nothing to do with it.

Healthcare isn't a right.

Describe the "freeloading We the People". Don't be shy or coy, tell us what they look like, how the dress, wear their hair, speak and act.

You must know since you seem to think, err believe, you are an authority on the issue.

If you don't know far be it from me to enlighten your sorry ass.

I think I know, but I won't presume to call you an overt bigot and racist; I'd much prefer you be honest and tell us what you meant when you made this claim:

"The FF would turn over in their graves if they saw some of We the People being forced to support the freeloading We the People."

That you won't is one more example of your dishonesty,
If everyone has a right to healthcare, who is supposed to provide this right?

Those wo can afford it will contribute the best they can. Those who can't will receive assistance from We the People

The only We The People your concerned with are the ones the rest of We the People have to support.

Apparently You the People want to assume responsibility for the We the People your concerned with and you assume the rest of We the People want to assume that responsibility as well.

Nice to know you assume everyone wants to assume that responsibility.

You are missing the point of our great Constitution.....we are all We the People

Our founders went to great lengths to ensure that We the People were not just the wealthy. They wanted the poor to have the same rights as the richest man





Taxes are Constitutional, and the federal budget is appropriated by members of Congress elected by WE THE PEOPLE, and signed off by a PRESIDENT elected by electors elected BY WE THE PEOPLE in each State and DC.

Thus Taxpayers and producers, Social Security recipients and even the working poor whose employer is paying them wages under the table - in fact every US Citizen - are part of WE THE PEOPLE.

That you don't like the system, and don't want to pay taxes which benefit the needy, please continue to vote for callous conservatives, but stop whining - the system is what it is and would work much better if we all pulled together.
The only We The People your concerned with are the ones the rest of We the People have to support.

Apparently You the People want to assume responsibility for the We the People your concerned with and you assume the rest of We the People want to assume that responsibility as well.

Nice to know you assume everyone wants to assume that responsibility.

You are missing the point of our great Constitution.....we are all We the People

Our founders went to great lengths to ensure that We the People were not just the wealthy. They wanted the poor to have the same rights as the richest man

I didn't miss any point.

The FF would turn over in their graves if they saw some of We the People being forced to support the freeloading We the People.

The poor do have the same rights and rights has nothing to do with it.

Healthcare isn't a right.

Describe the "freeloading We the People". Don't be shy or coy, tell us what they look like, how the dress, wear their hair, speak and act.

You must know since you seem to think, err believe, you are an authority on the issue.

If you don't know far be it from me to enlighten your sorry ass.

I think I know, but I won't presume to call you an overt bigot and racist; I'd much prefer you be honest and tell us what you meant when you made this claim:

"The FF would turn over in their graves if they saw some of We the People being forced to support the freeloading We the People."

That you won't is one more example of your dishonesty,

No. Its an example of me not playing your game.

You wouldn't know a real bigot or a racist if one bit you in the ass. Anyone who doesn't agree with you or your take on things is dishonest a racist or a bigot.

So. How bout you fuck the hell off and go be a bleeding heart douchebag all on your own.

I could care less. LOL

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