No One Has a Right to Health Care

Even prior to the ACA nobody was denied access to healthcare. If you walked into a publicly funded hospital with a stab wound or drug overdose they were required to take care of you.

If you walked in with cancer and needed treatment, they may or may not treat you. Hospitals only have to stabilize the person. They do not have to offer full treatment if the person is not capable of making payment. What I find a bit odd is that conservatives are against forcing people to buy health insurance, but they seem to have no problem with the idea, as false as it is, that hospitals must treat patients who cannot pay? How is that based on a free market economy? If you can't pay, the hospital should be able to tell you to go home and die if you truly believe in free markets without regulation.
You are factually incorrect. I have a family member who had cancer and needed surgery. It was planned - surgery was scheduled 2-3 months after diagnosis. She had no insurance no means to pay. The surgery ended up costing her nearly $100k. I know this because I helped her negotiate and settle the bills. On the morning of the surgery I gave the hospital $1,000.00. She had the surgery. This was pre-ACA.

I have worked through the process, and I do not make factual assertions unless I know them to be true, unlike 95% of you here.

Same thing with my late neighbor. She developed lung cancer and also had no insurance. She didn't make much money so she opted for cash instead of her work insurance program.

They took good care of her and even provided transportation to and from the hospital for chemo treatments. Unfortunately, she didn't make it. She died a little over two years ago. But she willed her house to her son and nobody ever tried to take it from him or her.
Sorry to hear she did not make it. Cancer is a horrible disease.
Na, not really.
There is nothing civilized about socialism. Dumbass
Hitler, Stalin etc. all products of socialism...

Oh, and that's another problem with you Ayn Rand worshippers, you don't have the slightest clue what socialism actually is.


I'd be very surprised if Rustic actually knew who Ayn Rand was.
It's a disease...
Every conservative knows who ayn rand was...

Randism? Yes, it's a horrible disease, affecting mostly the young and naive. Fortunately, most survive the initial infection.
Na, not really.
There is nothing civilized about socialism. Dumbass
Hitler, Stalin etc. all products of socialism...

Oh, and that's another problem with you Ayn Rand worshippers, you don't have the slightest clue what socialism actually is.


I'd be very surprised if Rustic actually knew who Ayn Rand was.
It's a disease...
Every conservative knows who ayn rand was...

Randism? Yes, it's a horrible disease, affecting mostly the young and naive. Fortunately, most survive the initial infection.
Nice try, socialism is an disease of the weak minded...
Na, not really.
There is nothing civilized about socialism. Dumbass
Hitler, Stalin etc. all products of socialism...

Oh, and that's another problem with you Ayn Rand worshippers, you don't have the slightest clue what socialism actually is.


I'd be very surprised if Rustic actually knew who Ayn Rand was.
It's a disease...
Every conservative knows who ayn rand was...

Randism? Yes, it's a horrible disease, affecting mostly the young and naive. Fortunately, most survive the initial infection.
Nice try.

So have were you able to get treatment?
Everyone has a right to healthcare

Even the most callous conservatives would admit it. Now all we have to do is figure out the best way to ensure it. Other countries already have

If everyone has a right to healthcare, who is supposed to provide this right?

Those wo can afford it will contribute the best they can. Those who can't will receive assistance from We the People

The only We The People your concerned with are the ones the rest of We the People have to support.

Apparently You the People want to assume responsibility for the We the People your concerned with and you assume the rest of We the People want to assume that responsibility as well.

Nice to know you assume everyone wants to assume that responsibility.
Always remember FDR's Second Bill of Rights
Although FDR didn't identify as a socialist or was more of a social democrat during most of his presidency, FDR's Second Bill of Rights was pretty much democratic socialism.

Remember this, and remember that this is what could have been if FDR didn't die or that someone else would have taken up the mantle of FDR's vision and made it a reality:

Second Bill of Rights - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
We have come to a clear realization of the fact that true individual freedom cannot exist without economic security and independence. “Necessitous men are not free men.” People who are hungry and out of a job are the stuff of which dictatorships are made.

In our day these economic truths have become accepted as self-evident. We have accepted, so to speak, a second Bill of Rights under which a new basis of security and prosperity can be established for all—regardless of station, race, or creed.

Among these are:

The right to a useful and remunerative job in the industries or shops or farms or mines of the nation;
The right to earn enough to provide adequate food and clothing and recreation;
The right of every farmer to raise and sell his products at a return which will give him and his family a decent living;
The right of every businessman, large and small, to trade in an atmosphere of freedom from unfair competition and domination by monopolies at home or abroad;
The right of every family to a decent home;
The right to adequate medical care and the opportunity to achieve and enjoy good health;
The right to adequate protection from the economic fears of old age, sickness, accident, and unemployment;
The right to a good education
I can't imagine any American wanting to deny access to urgent healthcare just because they can't afford it

Any Human Being,

it seems the basic values of conservatives are more reptilian than human. Once it appeared it was simply greed which motivated the hoi polloi to the Republican Party in the 1980's; now it seems the character flaws run much deeper. Lacking empathy and withholding care from others is not only mean spirited, it is inhuman and that stands out as the most obvious flaw of the 21st Century (callous) conservatives.
Nice try, socialism is an disease of the weak minded...
Post like you are manifestation of "deep all abiding Stupid" what a goof...Socialism is the Pentagon revolving door with the Arms Industry...for cash
Why keep trying something that has never worked, can not work and will never work. Worst of all forcing it on millions of people who know it can never work for anyone, but the career politician...

Socialism only appeals to a weak, sick mind....
Nice try, socialism is an disease of the weak minded...
Post like you are manifestation of "deep all abiding Stupid" what a goof...Socialism is the Pentagon revolving door with the Arms Industry...for cash
Why keep trying something that has never worked, can not work and will never work. Worst of all forcing it on millions of people who know it can never work for anyone, but the career politician...

Socialism only appeals to a weak, sick mind....

What explains you, a person with at best a weak mind and no idea of the meaning of the word Socialism, and that it's used by partisan hacks as a pejorative?

But maybe I judge you too harshly, tell us what you believe Socialism to be and its manifestations in nations as diverse as Great Britain and N. Korea.

Do you even know their is a difference between an Economic and a Political system?
Nice try, socialism is an disease of the weak minded...
Post like you are manifestation of "deep all abiding Stupid" what a goof...Socialism is the Pentagon revolving door with the Arms Industry...for cash
Why keep trying something that has never worked, can not work and will never work. Worst of all forcing it on millions of people who know it can never work for anyone, but the career politician...

Socialism only appeals to a weak, sick mind....

What explains you, a person with at best a weak mind and no idea of the meaning of the word Socialism and that its use by partisan hacks is a pejorative.

But maybe I judge you too harshly, tell us what you believe Socialism to be and its manifestations in nations as diverse as Great Britain and N. Korea.

Do you even know their is a difference between and Economic and a Political system?
Socialism is a concept that has been tried hundreds of times, in every conceivable form. The simplest definition of it is mob rule. In its different degrees and forms, it births dictatorships(political) of one form or another... Or it births banana republics(economic) who also without fail turn into dictatorships.

The writings of Karl Marx are absolutely of an weak, sick mind...
Last edited:
Always remember FDR's Second Bill of Rights
Although FDR didn't identify as a socialist or was more of a social democrat during most of his presidency, FDR's Second Bill of Rights was pretty much democratic socialism.

Remember this, and remember that this is what could have been if FDR didn't die or that someone else would have taken up the mantle of FDR's vision and made it a reality:

Second Bill of Rights - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
We have come to a clear realization of the fact that true individual freedom cannot exist without economic security and independence. “Necessitous men are not free men.” People who are hungry and out of a job are the stuff of which dictatorships are made.

In our day these economic truths have become accepted as self-evident. We have accepted, so to speak, a second Bill of Rights under which a new basis of security and prosperity can be established for all—regardless of station, race, or creed.

Among these are:

The right to a useful and remunerative job in the industries or shops or farms or mines of the nation;
The right to earn enough to provide adequate food and clothing and recreation;
The right of every farmer to raise and sell his products at a return which will give him and his family a decent living;
The right of every businessman, large and small, to trade in an atmosphere of freedom from unfair competition and domination by monopolies at home or abroad;
The right of every family to a decent home;
The right to adequate medical care and the opportunity to achieve and enjoy good health;
The right to adequate protection from the economic fears of old age, sickness, accident, and unemployment;
The right to a good education

A Cancer on America

Here FDR expresses more screwy ideas in defense of replacing traditional rights with his Second Bill of Rights. The first and more important assertion is that a man is not a free man unless he has economic security.

There is no such right. There cannot be such a right, because it trenches on the rights of others. A right is a term signifying that which is due you, and this means without impairing the rights of others. If you had a “right” (an FDR right) to a “useful and remunerative job”, it would mean that someone or some people owe it to you, and that’s why it is due you. But no one owes you a job simply by virtue of your being an American or a person. If people owed you a job, for no other reason than who you are, then this would trench on their true (classical) right to their belongings. It would impair their freedom.

Nice try, socialism is an disease of the weak minded...
Post like you are manifestation of "deep all abiding Stupid" what a goof...Socialism is the Pentagon revolving door with the Arms Industry...for cash
Why keep trying something that has never worked, can not work and will never work. Worst of all forcing it on millions of people who know it can never work for anyone, but the career politician...

Socialism only appeals to a weak, sick mind....

What explains you, a person with at best a weak mind and no idea of the meaning of the word Socialism and that its use by partisan hacks is a pejorative.

But maybe I judge you too harshly, tell us what you believe Socialism to be and its manifestations in nations as diverse as Great Britain and N. Korea.

Do you even know their is a difference between and Economic and a Political system?
Socialism is a concept that has been tried hundreds of times, in every conceivable form. The simplest definition of it is mob rule. In its different degrees and forms, it births dictatorships(political) of one form or another... Or it births banana republics(economic) who also without fail turn into dictatorships.

The writings of Karl Marx are absolutely of an weak, mind...

LOL Sorry, your response is pitiful and I shouldn't laugh at you.
Nice try, socialism is an disease of the weak minded...
Post like you are manifestation of "deep all abiding Stupid" what a goof...Socialism is the Pentagon revolving door with the Arms Industry...for cash
Why keep trying something that has never worked, can not work and will never work. Worst of all forcing it on millions of people who know it can never work for anyone, but the career politician...

Socialism only appeals to a weak, sick mind....

What explains you, a person with at best a weak mind and no idea of the meaning of the word Socialism and that its use by partisan hacks is a pejorative.

But maybe I judge you too harshly, tell us what you believe Socialism to be and its manifestations in nations as diverse as Great Britain and N. Korea.

Do you even know their is a difference between and Economic and a Political system?
Socialism is a concept that has been tried hundreds of times, in every conceivable form. The simplest definition of it is mob rule. In its different degrees and forms, it births dictatorships(political) of one form or another... Or it births banana republics(economic) who also without fail turn into dictatorships.

The writings of Karl Marx are absolutely of an weak, mind...

LOL Sorry, your response is pitiful and I shouldn't laugh at you.
It is what it is... Socialism is an disease.
Everyone has a right to healthcare

Even the most callous conservatives would admit it. Now all we have to do is figure out the best way to ensure it. Other countries already have

If everyone has a right to healthcare, who is supposed to provide this right?

Those wo can afford it will contribute the best they can. Those who can't will receive assistance from We the People

The only We The People your concerned with are the ones the rest of We the People have to support.

Apparently You the People want to assume responsibility for the We the People your concerned with and you assume the rest of We the People want to assume that responsibility as well.

Nice to know you assume everyone wants to assume that responsibility.

You are missing the point of our great Constitution.....we are all We the People

Our founders went to great lengths to ensure that We the People were not just the wealthy. They wanted the poor to have the same rights as the richest man
I can't imagine any American wanting to deny access to urgent healthcare just because they can't afford it

Any Human Being,

it seems the basic values of conservatives are more reptilian than human. Once it appeared it was simply greed which motivated the hoi polloi to the Republican Party in the 1980's; now it seems the character flaws run much deeper. Lacking empathy and withholding care from others is not only mean spirited, it is inhuman and that stands out as the most obvious flaw of the 21st Century (callous) conservatives.

It is the mastery of the super wealthy

To divert attention away from the obscene portion of wealth that they have taken, they point to the poorest Americans and scream....There is the reason you are suffering
I can't imagine any American wanting to deny access to urgent healthcare just because they can't afford it

Any Human Being,

it seems the basic values of conservatives are more reptilian than human. Once it appeared it was simply greed which motivated the hoi polloi to the Republican Party in the 1980's; now it seems the character flaws run much deeper. Lacking empathy and withholding care from others is not only mean spirited, it is inhuman and that stands out as the most obvious flaw of the 21st Century (callous) conservatives.

It is the mastery of the super wealthy

To divert attention away from the obscene portion of wealth that they have taken, they point to the poorest Americans and scream....There is the reason you are suffering
There has to be a scapegoat for the problems in every society. Its the eleventh commandment.
Nice try, socialism is an disease of the weak minded...
Post like you are manifestation of "deep all abiding Stupid" what a goof...Socialism is the Pentagon revolving door with the Arms Industry...for cash
Why keep trying something that has never worked, can not work and will never work. Worst of all forcing it on millions of people who know it can never work for anyone, but the career politician...

Socialism only appeals to a weak, sick mind....

What explains you, a person with at best a weak mind and no idea of the meaning of the word Socialism and that its use by partisan hacks is a pejorative.

But maybe I judge you too harshly, tell us what you believe Socialism to be and its manifestations in nations as diverse as Great Britain and N. Korea.

Do you even know their is a difference between and Economic and a Political system?
Socialism is a concept that has been tried hundreds of times, in every conceivable form. The simplest definition of it is mob rule. In its different degrees and forms, it births dictatorships(political) of one form or another... Or it births banana republics(economic) who also without fail turn into dictatorships.

The writings of Karl Marx are absolutely of an weak, sick mind...
. Ok now explain where capitalism goes bad, and why it goes bad, and what stands in the way of it destroying things also ?

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