No one white today owned slaves but most whites today benefitted from the 100 years after slavery.

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Except that that is not a "fact" but racist shit.


No, it's fact.

No, it's complete bullshit.


We are talking about things since slavery. So then you will come to understand that your punk ass benefitted from laws ad policies made in the 1900's and up to now not just the 1700's. You know the 1900's that you lived in unless you are less than 17 years old?


THe system of Affirmative Action, Diversity, Multiculturalism, Disparate Impact, ect, that results in anti-white discrimination to the tune of, to give ONE narrow documented example, a 230 point sat bonus was well in place before I was born.

THAT is the system I want to dismantle. Right, fucking NOW.

Three is no anti white discrimination. A so called 230 point score to even out the advantage whites have that still allows whites the majority of admittance to 8 universities in America does not constitute anti white discrimination. The minus 230 points I was given before I was born because of my skin color is what a coward like you doesn't want to face..

The minus 230 points I was given before I was born because of my skin color

Your skin color makes you dumber? just said your life is just fine. So...?

My life is fine. But life is about more than me. And as I have been blessed I am even more required to stand up for those who do not have what I do. Your little selfish belief of we are individuals crap is for the birds. My life being fine doesn't end .white racism. I came from a poor black community destroyed because of racist policies. I refuse to forget were I came from and to stop trying to fight for those in that and other similar communities

My life does not have to be a failure because I oppose mother fucking white racism. Stop cosigning that stupid shit if you are not a racist, and stop cosigning this stupid shit period..
If you are black and not a failure, why can't all other blacks, or any other race, be successful too?

Well you see in the state of psychosis whites like you live in, the ability to understand just how much you have been helped escapes you. Fortunately there are also whites who are not so null and void.
It is so funny that you think only YOU are right, how dare anyone disagree LOL. I am not in a state of psychosis. The only help I received was my own ability to know I can be whatever I chose to be if I work hard for it. I do not take handouts, I work hard, always have. If ANYONE today choses to succeed, they can, if they work hard. Using the past as a crutch to excuse people from succeeding is so pitiful.

You are in a state of psychosis. What YOU don't do is irrelevant. Racist laws and policies were not made that excluded YOU from being white and having opportunities others could not get based upon YOU as as an individual. .You have no argument here. Your opinion is no good. You are part of the demographic that has benefitted the most from Affirmative Action. You don't know if you have been given a chance because of affirmative action or not. Because It's illegal for a employer to tell you that. So then you don't seem to understand the impact of laws and policies and how they help you. Unit you do, stop trying to argue based upon the I did this or I did that line. I worked harder than you ever did. I got a masters degree and have worked for 32 years researching issues surrounding race and racism. I do know what I am talking about here. I have loads of policies and evidence showing that I am right, You don't. All you have is your belief. and the same canned stupid response white racists make in regards to this issue and that is not going to be enough in this discussion.
You seem to call anyone who disagrees with you a racist, you sure don't know the definition. Your masters degree did not give you any intelligence. You can't prove you worked harder than me. Everything I have achieved I worked for, nothing going through AA. You apparently had bogus or misinformed research tools and information. Your attempt to degrade white people is lame and unneccessary.
Your skin color makes you dumber?

Maybe he is indicating that he is the result of practices that only allowed the most stupid blacks to have children?

I have never heard of such practices, but it could possibly explain why he thinks he is so much less intelligent than whites.
You seem to call anyone who disagrees with you a racist, you sure don't know the definition. Your masters degree did not give you any intelligence. You can't prove you worked harder than me. Everything I have achieved I worked for, nothing going through AA. You apparently had bogus or misinformed research tools and information. Your attempt to degrade white people is lame and unneccessary.

He CLAIMS he has a masters degree.

The incredible stupidity of his statements belies such a claim. Affirmative action can help get unqualified individuals into college, but it can't help THAT much.
Nothing I said, can reasonable be seen as claiming you don't have those rights.

BUT, if considering how you view whites, as soooooo dangerous and racist, and that we soooooo much outnumber you and always will,

AND considering how you ridiculed slyhunter for saying that you live better here than blacks in Africa,

what exactly about his statement were you disagreeing with?

Cause if you are disagreeing that you live better here, then why have you not gone to where you can live, at least as well, and without being in danger from Evul Racist Whites?

Fuck all that.. Your ass is crying about how white men are being discriminated against with no proof of it. So why don't you move your white ass back to Europe where you can find an all white nation where whites won't be discriminated against if things are so bad for you here? How about we think like that white boy? And each time one of you dumb ass conservative SOBS start crying about government being too large and intrusive then why don't you take your asses back to Europe where government is not so intrusive for whites and find a better place where you can live. How about we look at it that way white boy?

Apparently you live better over here in America than you would in those third world European shitholes now don't you? How about we look at it like that white by? Don't see you hurrying up to move back to Europe do we? How about we look at it like that white boy?

Deal with the thread topic. That would be how whites have benefitted from government handouts via laws and policies since slavery.

Or shut up and stay out of this thread.

Your lie about me not documenting anti-white discrimination is noted and dismissed.

You attacked a man for saying that blacks in America live better than blacks in Africa.

I've said nothing to deny the whites in America live better than whites in Europe so your comparison is simply stupid.

We all know it's not impossible to make it in America. Plenty of black people have made it. The ones that haven't are just making excuses. My grandparents couldn't even speak English when they came here and let me tell you things were not easy or fair. In order to make it they had to start at the bottom, for less than minimum wage. They may not even have ever made a lot of money but they saved.

They also raised their kids right. Are black people raising their kids with high expectations?

Black people act like it's impossible to get out of the hood. It is not. But no one is going to hire a black who's lazy and don't know how to talk.

My parents started out poor and were working class their whole lives. The only reason we had shit was because they managed their earnings very, very well, though I didn't understand that until much later.

You know what pisses me off? My grandmother who made minimum wage was ABLE to save. She even owned her own home. So things weren't as expensive as they are now. You like drinking tap water? Then you buy bottled water today. Do you have cable? She didn't. Internet? She didn't have it.

AND, she got 6% on her $100,000 in savings. That's $6K a year. $500 a month. With social security and medicare she was able to live comfortably.

Today an old fucker gets 1% if they are lucky. That's $1000 a year. That's only $83 a month. BIG difference. We are getting ripped off. I think it was all done on purpose. Today they only pay us 1% on our savings??? The rich have indeed waged class warfare but you'll be old and broke before you realize it. If you ever realize it.

YOu start talking Class Warfare and I start getting suspicious of your motives.

Too many hard core lefties who will talk smack about ANYTHING, and it's all just a cover for their desire to grow the State.

YOu talk real issues, and I'll be much more receptive. And we can discuss the motives of people involved more specifically.
The minus 230 points I was given before I was born because of my skin color is what a coward like you doesn't want to face..

Damn the white devil for making you too stupid to score well!

I graduated from college with a undergrad in 1984 and a masters in 1987,

I think I scored well. Don't you?
The minus 230 points I was given before I was born because of my skin color is what a coward like you doesn't want to face..

Damn the white devil for making you too stupid to score well!

I graduated from college with a undergrad in 1984 and a masters in 1987,

I think I scored well. Don't you?

Dude. YOu are pretending to not understand percentages and proportions.

NOTHING you can say will impress us with your intellect.

All you are doing is making a strong case for HIgher Education to be fatally corrupt.
You seem to call anyone who disagrees with you a racist, you sure don't know the definition. Your masters degree did not give you any intelligence. You can't prove you worked harder than me. Everything I have achieved I worked for, nothing going through AA. You apparently had bogus or misinformed research tools and information. Your attempt to degrade white people is lame and unneccessary.

He CLAIMS he has a masters degree.

The incredible stupidity of his statements belies such a claim. Affirmative action can help get unqualified individuals into college, but it can't help THAT much.

You really don't know anything about this policy do you?
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The minus 230 points I was given before I was born because of my skin color is what a coward like you doesn't want to face..

Damn the white devil for making you too stupid to score well!

I graduated from college with a undergrad in 1984 and a masters in 1987,

I think I scored well. Don't you?

Dude. YOu are pretending to not understand percentages and proportions.

NOTHING you can say will impress us with your intellect.

All you are doing is making a strong case for HIgher Education to be fatally corrupt.

What I know is that you are arguing about an imaginary discrimination that doesn't exist based upon a fallacy you say that was from a study over 20years ago from 8 universities in a nation of over 3,000 universities relating to a system of evaluation that is now known to produce no real evidence of student qualification or success.
The minus 230 points I was given before I was born because of my skin color is what a coward like you doesn't want to face..

Damn the white devil for making you too stupid to score well!

I graduated from college with a undergrad in 1984 and a masters in 1987,

I think I scored well. Don't you?
No, I don't think you scored well
The minus 230 points I was given before I was born because of my skin color is what a coward like you doesn't want to face..

Damn the white devil for making you too stupid to score well!

I graduated from college with a undergrad in 1984 and a masters in 1987,

I think I scored well. Don't you?
No, I don't think you scored well

Apparently I scored better than you did because I know that affirmative action has benefitted whites the most. So that means a whole lot of unqualified whites are running around here hey doggie?
Is that really what you are saying? Because it seems fake. With the other conversations that have taken place here.

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I mean I haven't owned slaves, neither has my parents or their parents or their parent's parents. Sicilians had their own fuckin problems.

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And I beg to differ about whites today owning slaves. People are still in prison aren't they? How about Mississippi? The South, those whites down there don't follow any orders but their own. I've never been in the Deep South. But I read a lot, and my sister lived in Savannah Georgia for a few years.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
The minus 230 points I was given before I was born because of my skin color is what a coward like you doesn't want to face..

Damn the white devil for making you too stupid to score well!

I graduated from college with a undergrad in 1984 and a masters in 1987,

I think I scored well. Don't you?
No, I don't think you scored well
The minus 230 points I was given before I was born because of my skin color is what a coward like you doesn't want to face..

Damn the white devil for making you too stupid to score well!

I graduated from college with a undergrad in 1984 and a masters in 1987,

I think I scored well. Don't you?
No, I don't think you scored well

Apparently I scored better than you did because I know that affirmative action has benefitted whites the most. So that means a whole lot of unqualified whites are running around here hey doggie?
I scored 750 on math and 730 on verbal.

I would be absolutely shocked if you came within 200 points on either.
The minus 230 points I was given before I was born because of my skin color is what a coward like you doesn't want to face..

Damn the white devil for making you too stupid to score well!

I graduated from college with a undergrad in 1984 and a masters in 1987,

I think I scored well. Don't you?

Just out of curiosity, what major?

Why must I answer this kind of question? ..I only mention my education because these guys rant about how affirmative action let me into things I am not qualified for, or that I am only complaining about racism because I haven't done anything. Start questioning them about their beliefs. I know what I am gong tp read from these people because I don't answer your questions but all you need to knw is that I have a masters degree. You never challenge these assholes, you never questions. what t hey say. I don't see you asking for any credible evidence from these people about their beliefs, when you can start doing that, ask me questions.
The minus 230 points I was given before I was born because of my skin color is what a coward like you doesn't want to face..

Damn the white devil for making you too stupid to score well!

I graduated from college with a undergrad in 1984 and a masters in 1987,

I think I scored well. Don't you?

Just out of curiosity, what major?
His undergraduate degree is in whining and he has a masters in blaming.
The minus 230 points I was given before I was born because of my skin color is what a coward like you doesn't want to face..

Damn the white devil for making you too stupid to score well!

I graduated from college with a undergrad in 1984 and a masters in 1987,

I think I scored well. Don't you?
No, I don't think you scored well
The minus 230 points I was given before I was born because of my skin color is what a coward like you doesn't want to face..

Damn the white devil for making you too stupid to score well!

I graduated from college with a undergrad in 1984 and a masters in 1987,

I think I scored well. Don't you?
No, I don't think you scored well

Apparently I scored better than you did because I know that affirmative action has benefitted whites the most. So that means a whole lot of unqualified whites are running around here hey doggie?
I scored 750 on math and 730 on verbal.

I would be absolutely shocked if you came within 200 points on either.

I took my test in 1979.. I scored over 1500. I don't remember the exact score, I do remember that.

On the ACT I was in the high percentile something like 32 or 33.

Sometimes it's wise to not make comments about qualifications or anything else based upon your false perceptions of race doggie style..
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