no real american wants a weak america


Apr 3, 2011
in the past four years you have seen a continous decline, if the leader of america was a leader and knowledgeable four years would show continuous incline/ growth. sadly to say we are doing just the opposite.

people are out of work, no improvement, gas prices have doubled, materials and goods have inflated, the foreign policy is not there, security for our country has grown weaker, we are not respected as a country, entitlements have doubled under this administration, the country keeps borrowing deeper into debt.

continuing on this path is taking america slowly to ruins, spending more than you take in, allowing able body people to be dependent on the government, while the working folks continue to be burdened with the support. look at the countries that are in debt today,look at their gov healthcare, and look at the gov dependent people, you only see kaos! rioting steeling. ask yourself, is this what you want in america?

this is obamas path, yes he smiles and tells everyone what they want to hear, but does nothing that helps the working class or to help america. instead he always plays the blame game or talks down to others that has ideas to improve america, why? because this is not his agenda. he blames everything on rich people, when in fact rich people prosper america, by having businesses, coorperations that pay taxes and hire people who pay taxes and they all but materials and goods. redistribution of wealth burdens the working people and rewards loosers. its soft term is socialism, when really its communism.

to make the country strong able body people must earn a living and they contribute by buying goods and materials and paying taxes. at this time you have too many people dependent on the government and the other 50 percent pulling the load, when you get the people up to 80 to 85 percent pulling the load, you have a happy prosperous america, not a weak socialist country.

romney and ryan understand this and they will steadily pull america out of this decline, remember some of you have been snowed by obama and his looks, his smooth tongue and his empty words that sound good, but if it were real we wouldnt be in the shape we are in.
his agenda is not for america. thank you!
in the past four years you have seen a continous decline, if the leader of america was a leader and knowledgeable four years would show continuous incline/ growth. sadly to say we are doing just the opposite.

people are out of work, no improvement, gas prices have doubled, materials and goods have inflated, the foreign policy is not there, security for our country has grown weaker, we are not respected as a country, entitlements have doubled under this administration, the country keeps borrowing deeper into debt.

continuing on this path is taking america slowly to ruins, spending more than you take in, allowing able body people to be dependent on the government, while the working folks continue to be burdened with the support. look at the countries that are in debt today,look at their gov healthcare, and look at the gov dependent people, you only see kaos! rioting steeling. ask yourself, is this what you want in america?

this is obamas path, yes he smiles and tells everyone what they want to hear, but does nothing that helps the working class or to help america. instead he always plays the blame game or talks down to others that has ideas to improve america, why? because this is not his agenda. he blames everything on rich people, when in fact rich people prosper america, by having businesses, coorperations that pay taxes and hire people who pay taxes and they all but materials and goods. redistribution of wealth burdens the working people and rewards loosers. its soft term is socialism, when really its communism.

to make the country strong able body people must earn a living and they contribute by buying goods and materials and paying taxes. at this time you have too many people dependent on the government and the other 50 percent pulling the load, when you get the people up to 80 to 85 percent pulling the load, you have a happy prosperous america, not a weak socialist country.

romney and ryan understand this and they will steadily pull america out of this decline, remember some of you have been snowed by obama and his looks, his smooth tongue and his empty words that sound good, but if it were real we wouldnt be in the shape we are in.
his agenda is not for america. thank you!

Well done, I’m sure this post alone will put Romney right over the top…
Translation: Conservatives would be able to ignore all these problems a lot better if we did not have a president that continually reminded us of problems.

None of these things just happened, all were building up for at least 20 years of longer but most could successfully ignore these problems if we just had glorious wars and tough talking ninnies to chant "America number one" loud enough to drown out the cautionary voices that attempted to put the brakes on insanity. Now here we are again with conservatives not learning a damned thing wanting nothing more than some superficial boob to blind them with fables of American exceptionalism and trickle down bullshit.
no real american wants a weak america

Exactly, which is why President Obama is whacking the evildoers and keeping America safe - unlike Bush. Thank you, Mr. President.
romney and ryan understand this and they will steadily pull america out of this decline, remember some of you have been snowed by obama and his looks, his smooth tongue and his empty words that sound good, but if it were real we wouldnt be in the shape we are in.
his agenda is not for america. thank you!

Romney and Ryan may understand it, but it doesn't mean they give a shit. What evidence do you have that Romney will do anything remotely close to what he's saying?
Some think a strong America means a tough talking, platitude spouting, saber ratting provocateur as president, a well fed defense industry, a glorious patriotic war or two and a populace that goes along with all that as innocently as children. Sorry, after Bush/Cheney our last bit of childish innocence is used up. They only get that level of consent once a generation or so.

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