No sympathy for Syrian refugees? Or Christians killed beheaded and raped?

Man, haven't Americans gotten it yet? Barack Hussein Obama hates Christians and Jews. He's a Muslin who's obviously loyal to his fellow Muslims. He's done absolutely nothing to address the current Muslim Genocide on Christians all over the world. He just doesn't care about them. That's the truth. The sooner he's gone, the better off America will be. Hopefully the incoming President will help Christians around the world.

This notion of occupying the planet will bleed us to death economically. And look, we do not go in to save folks, we go in to further corporate interests abroad. You want a religious war go on, volunteer. You seem radicalized enough to me.

Help the Christians. The slaughter has been allowed to go on too long. Obama and his fellow Anti-Christian/Anti-Semite assholes in the UN, have allowed the Genocide. Helping Christians around the world is a cause i can support.

By posting on a chat board and urging others toward danger, such is heroism.

I choose not to ignore the ongoing Muslim Genocide on Christians around the world. I'm not like you.

Sic 'em tigger. Ancient hatreds and modern weapons, bad mix. Then you stir in frothy-mouthed zealots, with today's toys, could be the final fire some of these twits are hoping for. Thing is we don't rally give a fuck about genocide, hell built a nation on it if you're american, colonies if your euro. We just object to certain folk being genocided off of some land masses.
Peddling ancient hatreds and religion, never seems to go out of fashion.
OK Fenton Lum
So what's the solution?
Why are people on both sides arguing to help Syrian refugees and to help Christians
affected by this genocide going on? If both sides are arguing to save victims, why isn't that happening?
They both agree the genocide is creating victims!
What is going wrong, why isn't there unity in addressing and solving this crisis
if everyone seems to agree it's a crisis. Where is the disconnect? And how to REMEDY it???

What makes you think this viral e-mail is connected to realities in the first place? Doesn't really pass a smell test with its hair-on-fire imagery of beheadings and crucifixions. Plus they're asking for money talking about "deadlines". That's a dead giveaway.

Who the hell is ACLJ anyway?
Who the hell is ACLJ anyway?

a rightwing fundy christer organization

American Center for Law and Justice | Right Wing Watch

10 Things You Should Know About the American Center For Law & Justice | Human Rights Campaign

Hi guno
This thread is about the victims of genocide.
Whether the rightwing reports it as endangering and killing Christians,
or the leftwing reports it as millions of displaced Syrians dying in the oceans trying to escape,
it's still the SAME GENOCIDE that is causing the deaths and destruction of innocent lives.

My question dear guno is what is missing.
If both left and right are protesting like mad that "nothing is being done"
why can't the sides unite and get something done faster?

Why divert attention by blame, either as you pointing out problems on the right,
or the rightwing protesters finding fault with the left. It's the GENOCIDE that's the problem!

What do you suggest, rather than both sides standing and pointing fingers at the other?
While genocide rages on that both sides are raging about???

How can we change this picture?

guno which leaders or media outlets would you call on
to UNITE and end the genocide and stop this division.

Do we need to call Russia and China to get involved in sending in more troops?
What is missing and what would you suggest to do to change this PARADIGM??
Peddling ancient hatreds and religion, never seems to go out of fashion.
OK Fenton Lum
So what's the solution?
Why are people on both sides arguing to help Syrian refugees and to help Christians
affected by this genocide going on? If both sides are arguing to save victims, why isn't that happening?
They both agree the genocide is creating victims!
What is going wrong, why isn't there unity in addressing and solving this crisis
if everyone seems to agree it's a crisis. Where is the disconnect? And how to REMEDY it???

I don't need a solution, humanity does what it does, and if you are referring to american division? It is constantly manufactured and orchestrated. We love that shit. We participate eagerly.

Fenton Lum
Is it helping in this case?

How many billions in resources do we spend fighting propaganda campaigns,
and aren't those resources better invested directly in solutions?

On the other hand, if we are going to accept and embrace the fact we have partisan competition,
why can't we use that for good instead of abusive bullying and waste of resources and media bashing instead of promoting corrections and solutions.

Why not make this competition work FOR us instead of against us?
Right now, when parties fight over govt control, we lose money such as with the govt shutdown estimated at a 24 billion dollar cost to taxpayers.

As long as we don't fix the prison system but continue arguing over control and contracts,
that's another avenue by which billions of dollars are wasted on failed systems that COULD be reformed to provide health care
for everyone instead of paying for inmates in prisons with no accountability or reimbursement to taxpayers for costs incurred,
whether from crime, waste or abuse.

Can we really afford to keep paying triple to get anything done:
* donations to parties and candidates to RUN campaigns
* and even if candidates get elected, paying more money to lobby for legislation for or against different issues
* paying taxes to run govt in the meantime, regardless if reforms go through or not
* and paying for businesses and nonprofits that have to meet demands not met by govt until problems are fixed

Doesn't it make sense to vote with our dollars in the first place?
Invest them DIRECTLY into the policies we create ourselves,
then lobby for THOSE solutions proven to work to be the model for govt.
And support candidates for office who invest and develop these solutions,
so the money invested in these BECOMES the campaigns for office and for reform.

Why not use the same dollars to achieve all the goals above, instead of fighting in the media?
Man, haven't Americans gotten it yet? Barack Hussein Obama hates Christians and Jews. He's a Muslin who's obviously loyal to his fellow Muslims. He's done absolutely nothing to address the current Muslim Genocide on Christians all over the world. He just doesn't care about them. That's the truth. The sooner he's gone, the better off America will be. Hopefully the incoming President will help Christians around the world.

This notion of occupying the planet will bleed us to death economically. And look, we do not go in to save folks, we go in to further corporate interests abroad. You want a religious war go on, volunteer. You seem radicalized enough to me.

Help the Christians. The slaughter has been allowed to go on too long. Obama and his fellow Anti-Christian/Anti-Semite assholes in the UN, have allowed the Genocide. Helping Christians around the world is a cause i can support.

By posting on a chat board and urging others toward danger, such is heroism.

I choose not to ignore the ongoing Muslim Genocide on Christians around the world. I'm not like you.

Sic 'em tigger. Ancient hatreds and modern weapons, bad mix. Then you stir in frothy-mouthed zealots, with today's toys, could be the final fire some of these twits are hoping for. Thing is we don't rally give a fuck about genocide, hell built a nation on it if you're american, colonies if your euro. We just object to certain folk being genocided off of some land masses.

Dear Fenton Lum
Sounds like people on both left and right care.
Nobody wants either Christians or Syrian refugees killed like this.

Maybe it's bystander syndrome?
Where because it's so overwhelming, everyone is waiting on someone else to step in and do something??
Barack Hussein Obama doesn't give a damn about Christians and Jews. Muslims are rampaging slaughtering Christians all over the world. It's been especially horrific in the Middle East and Africa. Obama's sat back and done absolutely nothing. Hopefully the incoming US President will help defend Christians. We'll see.

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