NO Tim Cook. You Do Not Have That Responsibility

Why didn't the FBI go to the NSA to crack Apple's code? Some experts say the NSA could do it quickly. So what is the real motive to get Apple to write a code breaker key. Likely, it is an attempt by the FBI to get this case into court where a precedent can be set that would allow law enforcement agencies to force technology firms to comply with similar requests in the future. IN fact I heard something on the radio today indicating that the Justice Department has dropped the lawsuit and is now petitioning the NSA to crack the code.

The real motive? I'd call it the camel's nose. Get the perceived right to crack one code, you get the enforceable right to get into anyone's phone.

As for inter-agency squabbling, part of the reason the 9/11 hijackers slipped through the cracks is because the FBI and the CIA were not sharing data. It wouldn't be beyond the realm of the plausible to think that the FBI and the NSA have the same sort of internecine turf wars going on.
No, they want the ability to unilaterally store ANYTHING you do on that phone much like they do when you Google search, type anything on social media or anything you write in an e-mail...any youtube video you watch because they have fusion centers that store it and the data is compiled into a comprehensive and very detailed account of your internet and cellphone habits. They create what is known as a "threat matrix score". Those that have a high score like me are constantly fucked with. I have had thousands of posts deleted o other sites because I was exposing the fraud that is the Federal Reserve Bank and had posts deleted off of Facebook. They are looking for potential dissidents that are "anti-federal gubermint". That is the only reason behind the spying. I hope that whomever is reading my posts in the NSA is actually LEARNING something. The NSA can spy on you if you have a high definition TV because it has a camera they can activate that can watch you watching TV and listen in on your conversations. They can do it through your laptop as well. They can even listen to you through your cll-phone even if it is turned off. The is George Orwell's 1984 on steroids but they will never shut me up and stop me from exposing this infringement of our God given rigts...fuck them.
SO WHAT ? If you aren't a terrorist what the hell do YOU care ? They can see everything I do on my computer and phone. I couldn't care less. But then I'm not a terrorist (unlike some people arounf here)
So it doesn't bother you that your family members, your wife, mother, your daughter are being watched and recorded surreptitiously during their most private and intimate moments?
So b/c we are not at peace, tyranny is to be accepted.

Never again claim to be a conservative, b/c you are as from it as a person can get.

That's what YOU are. Anybody that would put their personal freedoms over NATIONAL SECURITY, has no business calling himself a conservative. Remember that. Don't ever forget it.

And simply complying with necessary demands of homeland security under extreme conditons, isn't tyranny. Stop talking stupid.
The real motive? I'd call it the camel's nose. Get the perceived right to crack one code, you get the enforceable right to get into anyone's phone.

As for inter-agency squabbling, part of the reason the 9/11 hijackers slipped through the cracks is because the FBI and the CIA were not sharing data. It wouldn't be beyond the realm of the plausible to think that the FBI and the NSA have the same sort of internecine turf wars going on.
I wouldn't care if they abolished cell phones (except to call 911) entirely. And that goes for computers too. In many ways all these advance technologies are a menace that endangers us. Our reliance on them, has us very prone to be attacked EMP, and/or electrical grid. Before computers, we had a more secure society. Much more.
So it doesn't bother you that your family members, your wife, mother, your daughter are being watched and recorded surreptitiously during their most private and intimate moments?
Who the hell ever said anything about watching you inside your home ? Where/how did you pick that up ?
So b/c we are not at peace, tyranny is to be accepted.

Never again claim to be a conservative, b/c you are as from it as a person can get.

That's what YOU are. Anybody that would put their personal freedoms over NATIONAL SECURITY, has no business calling himself a conservative. Remember that. Don't ever forget it.

And simply complying with necessary demands of homeland security under extreme conditons, isn't tyranny. Stop talking stupid.
you have the world upside down.

giving up freedom is the opposite of conservatism.
So it doesn't bother you that your family members, your wife, mother, your daughter are being watched and recorded surreptitiously during their most private and intimate moments?
Who the hell ever said anything about watching you inside your home ? Where/how did you pick that up ?
Read what Dale Smith said in post #42.. a post you responded to without reading it
Orwell's 1984 is finally here!
So is this >>

And THIS >>>


I will admit, this concerns me greatly. It is so easy to understand this is the real quest for diabolical Islamists. Nuclear destruction of either the USA or Israel. The latter might be suicidal for them, but the USA would be less wont to blow up another country.

The world in the West exists under the most profound false pretenses. They do not even know or care about God or life after death they are so preoccupied trying to enjoy themselves. Perhaps Western Europe is now changing their objectives? I keep asking, who should suffer more because of demonic Islamic murderers, the citizens of Europe or the less involved middle eastern immigrants? I suggest the latter. They, and their "no-go zones," should be removed if that is what it takes to bring about some semblance of security. War affects so many innocents.
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The war on terror is an utter and complete JOKE. This is nothing less than a ploy to find out what people know and if they are potential dissidents which is why they assign us a threat matrix score based on what we say on social media, what videos you watch on youtube, your-mails, cellphone conversations, etc, etc. This is pre WWII Nazi Germany all over again. The American Nazis brought in the German Nazis via Operation Paperclip after WWII and you just wait and see if there isn't another holocaust that will make what happened 65 years ago seem tame by comparison.
Another ISIS shows himself. This board is crawling with them. That's OK. the FBI is watching. You'll be hearing from too, Mohammed.

If they bombed your house (when lucky for you, nobody was home), would you be as non chalant ? Wanna ask the families of the dozens of people who died in Brussels this morning, their take on it ? Or the families of the San Bernardino victims ? Or Fort Hood ? Or Beltway Sniper ?
Or Boston Marathon ? etc, etc

San Bernardino, Sandy Hook, Charleston, Boston bombing, Oregon and the Virginia TV reporter shooting were all staged events by the DHS and the FBI......only two were legit...Fact.

poor conspiracy loon.
So b/c we are not at peace, tyranny is to be accepted.

Never again claim to be a conservative, b/c you are as from it as a person can get.

That's what YOU are. Anybody that would put their personal freedoms over NATIONAL SECURITY, has no business calling himself a conservative. Remember that. Don't ever forget it.

And simply complying with necessary demands of homeland security under extreme conditons, isn't tyranny. Stop talking stupid.
does your pussy hurt?
I haven't been keeping up with this too much.. last I heard, apple did open that one phone. The fbi was wanting a backdoor to all phones? Maybe I am wrong?

You are right. FBI want a backdoor access to all cellphones. My friend at Cupertino told me the same thing. PLUS......
FBI is full of crap...... If they want access to a particular cellphone data and all numbers associated. All they have to do is subpoena a particular carrier and you have all the numbers they want and need. They don't need Apple. They need enema.
There are 2 kinds of unlocking a phone.
1. Unlock to access all the data.
2. This I'm familiar with. Unlock to use other carriers. If you go to carriers like Sprint, Verizon, AT&T etc. requesting to unlock an Iphone or other smart phones. They will tell you.... Take a hike..... But I heard that there is a small Asian store in Azuza, Ca that can unlock any cellphone to switch to SIM card. This is very common in Asia. When I travel overseas I carry 2 iPhone 6s. One my regular US cellphone and the other one is for locals. My local was unlock in Kuala Lumpur. From one country to another they change the SIM card. Then upload minutes.

Snowden: FBI's claim it can't unlock the San Bernardino iPhone is 'bullshit'
you have the world upside down.

giving up freedom is the opposite of conservatism.

you have the world upside down.

giving up national security is the opposite of conservatism

And being all hot for freedom is libertarian, which is about the same as liberal.
You are right. FBI want a backdoor access to all cellphones. My friend at Cupertino told me the same thing. PLUS......
FBI is full of crap...... If they want access to a particular cellphone data and all numbers associated. All they have to do is subpoena a particular carrier and you have all the numbers they want and need. They don't need Apple. They need enema.
There are 2 kinds of unlocking a phone.
1. Unlock to access all the data.
2. This I'm familiar with. Unlock to use other carriers. If you go to carriers like Sprint, Verizon, AT&T etc. requesting to unlock an Iphone or other smart phones. They will tell you.... Take a hike..... But I heard that there is a small Asian store in Azuza, Ca that can unlock any cellphone to switch to SIM card. This is very common in Asia. When I travel overseas I carry 2 iPhone 6s. One my regular US cellphone and the other one is for locals. My local was unlock in Kuala Lumpur. From one country to another they change the SIM card. Then upload minutes.

Snowden: FBI's claim it can't unlock the San Bernardino iPhone is 'bullshit'
The title of the thread may have mentioned Tim Cook's name, but that doesn't mean the thread is just about him. He is one small player in the whole issue, which involves hundreds of locked computers and cell phones, of many companies ,and dozens of law enforcement agencies on all levels, all over the US, who are trying to investigate terrorists.
Read what Dale Smith said in post #42.. a post you responded to without reading it
OK. I read it, He's been watching too many James Bond movies. We're talking about real life here. Sheeesh!
I wouldn't be too dismissive of what he said. Consider that every computer you buy nowadays has a camera built into it. Sometimes that camera does come on when you least expect it to so I have blocked mine with a piece of tape. And sometimes I hear people talking on my audio when they shouldn't be.The consumers didn't ask for that, the computer giants just forced camera computers on us. From that perspective Dale's words do have a ring of truth!
I wouldn't be too dismissive of what he said. Consider that every computer you buy nowadays has a camera built into it. Sometimes that camera does come on when you least expect it to so I have blocked mine with a piece of tape. And sometimes I hear people talking on my audio when they shouldn't be.The consumers didn't ask for that, the computer giants just forced camera computers on us. From that perspective Dale's words do have a ring of truth!
1. I have no camera in my laptop.

2. I have people start talking on my computer too. They are advertisements. Click MUTE and the voices are gone.
Read what Dale Smith said in post #42.. a post you responded to without reading it
OK. I read it, He's been watching too many James Bond movies. We're talking about real life here. Sheeesh!
I wouldn't be too dismissive of what he said. Consider that every computer you buy nowadays has a camera built into it. Sometimes that camera does come on when you least expect it to so I have blocked mine with a piece of tape. And sometimes I hear people talking on my audio when they shouldn't be.The consumers didn't ask for that, the computer giants just forced camera computers on us. From that perspective Dale's words do have a ring of truth!

TV with built camera has been acknowledged for at least 3 years. There are no secret. If you have UHDTV
The camera is approximately about 7" to 14" from the top left corner and approximately 5" to 8" from top. About 90% of Dave post should be move to conspiracy theory.

I wouldn't be too dismissive of what he said. Consider that every computer you buy nowadays has a camera built into it. Sometimes that camera does come on when you least expect it to so I have blocked mine with a piece of tape. And sometimes I hear people talking on my audio when they shouldn't be.The consumers didn't ask for that, the computer giants just forced camera computers on us. From that perspective Dale's words do have a ring of truth!
1. I have no camera in my laptop.

2. I have people start talking on my computer too. They are advertisements. Click MUTE and the voices are gone.
.1 My word, man... you must have a relic dating back to the days when MS-DOS was king!

.2 I hear the advertisements too, but sometimes two people are having a phone conversation and I have to reboot to get rid of them.
No, you just surrendered your constitutional rights without a struggle. You want to do that? Cool. But you are not surrendering everyone's rights without a fight.
And I'm not surrendering everyone else's right to stay alive. :biggrin:

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