No time to quarrel: Kerry warns of climate 'tragedy'

2 decades, no warming

Oh, well clearly nothing to worry about.

Except what happens if the temperatures were supposed to drop say, 3 degrees in 2 decades. But because of man made climate change competing with natural climate change it means there is, as of now, not much difference in temperatures?
The following is a quote from Kerry, is it just me or does this not make a lick of sense?

"The Paris pact, he added, would not be "the silver bullet that eliminates this threat but I think everyone here can agree that we certainly won't eliminate it without an agreement," added Kerry."

So, will the agreement solve a problem or not? If not then why bother at all?

Maybe I am just being a conspriacy theory nut but it seems to me that the whole goal is control over all of the world's economy. Also it is being used to bring America down and third world countries up to some sort of standard the left wing has set.

No time to quarrel Kerry warns of climate tragedy - Yahoo News
"I know the discussions can be tense and decisions are difficult and I know how angry some people are about the predicament they've been put in by big nations that have benefited from industrialization for a long period of time," Kerry said

The developed nations who are responsible for most of the problem are asking the undeveloped nations to make the big cuts while they do practically nothing. And Kerry questions why they are pissed?

America is doing nothing? Shutting our industrial base under Obama is nothing?

This graph seems to indicate by plan or not we are doing something:

Yes, we are do something. However, much of that reduction is due to the reduced economic activity during the recession and the slow recovery.
If it was such a big deal...Why not build a 100 more gw of nuclear by 2020 and cut a 50 billion dollar check for fusion research? We just had a net gain for energy earlier this year. So it holds a lot of promise.

I support solar and wind...but it isn't ever going to take care of more than 25-30% of our energy needs.
If it was such a big deal...Why not build a 100 more gw of nuclear by 2020 and cut a 50 billion dollar check for fusion research? We just had a net gain for energy earlier this year. So it holds a lot of promise.

I support solar and wind...but it isn't ever going to take care of more than 25-30% of our energy needs.

More like 10% and that is only if the sun is out and the wind is blowing and the government continues to write subsidy checks.

We had a real nice fusion test reactor at Hanford (FFTF) but the stupid environmental wackos shut it down. It was even capable of producing medical isotopes but the Environmental Wacko idiots couldn't even stand that.

The filthy government causes the permitting cost of building a nuclear power plant to be over a billion dollars so forget any more of the plants being built. Meanwhile that idiot Obama is trying to stop cost effective energy sources like coal from being produced.

When you elect idiots to government you get bad government.
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The following is a quote from Kerry, is it just me or does this not make a lick of sense?

"The Paris pact, he added, would not be "the silver bullet that eliminates this threat but I think everyone here can agree that we certainly won't eliminate it without an agreement," added Kerry."

So, will the agreement solve a problem or not? If not then why bother at all?

Maybe I am just being a conspriacy theory nut but it seems to me that the whole goal is control over all of the world's economy. Also it is being used to bring America down and third world countries up to some sort of standard the left wing has set.

No time to quarrel Kerry warns of climate tragedy - Yahoo News
"I know the discussions can be tense and decisions are difficult and I know how angry some people are about the predicament they've been put in by big nations that have benefited from industrialization for a long period of time," Kerry said

The developed nations who are responsible for most of the problem are asking the undeveloped nations to make the big cuts while they do practically nothing. And Kerry questions why they are pissed?

America is doing nothing? Shutting our industrial base under Obama is nothing?

This graph seems to indicate by plan or not we are doing something:

Yes, we are do something. However, much of that reduction is due to the reduced economic activity during the recession and the slow recovery.

Bottom line, carbon output is going down. Will nothing satisfy the hate America first crowd?
2 decades, no warming

Oh, well clearly nothing to worry about.

Except what happens if the temperatures were supposed to drop say, 3 degrees in 2 decades. But because of man made climate change competing with natural climate change it means there is, as of now, not much difference in temperatures?

Tell me now or forever STFU, what should the world temperature be?
I'd like to see it raised to where it was 5 million years ago. ;) Warmer winters for my area...More food production.
2 decades, no warming

Oh, well clearly nothing to worry about.

Except what happens if the temperatures were supposed to drop say, 3 degrees in 2 decades. But because of man made climate change competing with natural climate change it means there is, as of now, not much difference in temperatures?

Tell me now or forever STFU, what should the world temperature be?

Well I don't know. I didn't say I did know.

That's not the point. The point is there IS a temperature that it should be, that you could have natural global cooling on top of man made global warming and not see a difference in temperatures. Right?

This is the point. You get people making simple links saying that if there is man made global warming then the temperatures should be much higher. Is that true? No it is not. That is the point here.
I'd like to see it raised to where it was 5 million years ago. ;) Warmer winters for my area...More food production.

More dinosaurs too, cool!

Could be a quiz question. How do you make the other much warmer but much cooler at the same time?
The following is a quote from Kerry, is it just me or does this not make a lick of sense?

"The Paris pact, he added, would not be "the silver bullet that eliminates this threat but I think everyone here can agree that we certainly won't eliminate it without an agreement," added Kerry."

So, will the agreement solve a problem or not? If not then why bother at all?

Maybe I am just being a conspriacy theory nut but it seems to me that the whole goal is control over all of the world's economy. Also it is being used to bring America down and third world countries up to some sort of standard the left wing has set.

No time to quarrel Kerry warns of climate tragedy - Yahoo News
"I know the discussions can be tense and decisions are difficult and I know how angry some people are about the predicament they've been put in by big nations that have benefited from industrialization for a long period of time," Kerry said

The developed nations who are responsible for most of the problem are asking the undeveloped nations to make the big cuts while they do practically nothing. And Kerry questions why they are pissed?

America is doing nothing? Shutting our industrial base under Obama is nothing?

This graph seems to indicate by plan or not we are doing something:

Yes, we are do something. However, much of that reduction is due to the reduced economic activity during the recession and the slow recovery.

Bottom line, carbon output is going down. Will nothing satisfy the hate America first crowd?

But then again it went down in 2008. Let's see what happened in 2008. Oh year, economic recession. When the economy picks up again what will happen?
If it was such a big deal...Why not build a 100 more gw of nuclear by 2020 and cut a 50 billion dollar check for fusion research? We just had a net gain for energy earlier this year. So it holds a lot of promise.

I support solar and wind...but it isn't ever going to take care of more than 25-30% of our energy needs.

Unless done properly. Oh, wait, US govt and doing something properly...... not going to happen is it?
The following is a quote from Kerry, is it just me or does this not make a lick of sense?

"The Paris pact, he added, would not be "the silver bullet that eliminates this threat but I think everyone here can agree that we certainly won't eliminate it without an agreement," added Kerry."

So, will the agreement solve a problem or not? If not then why bother at all?

Maybe I am just being a conspriacy theory nut but it seems to me that the whole goal is control over all of the world's economy. Also it is being used to bring America down and third world countries up to some sort of standard the left wing has set.

No time to quarrel Kerry warns of climate tragedy - Yahoo News
"I know the discussions can be tense and decisions are difficult and I know how angry some people are about the predicament they've been put in by big nations that have benefited from industrialization for a long period of time," Kerry said

The developed nations who are responsible for most of the problem are asking the undeveloped nations to make the big cuts while they do practically nothing. And Kerry questions why they are pissed?

America is doing nothing? Shutting our industrial base under Obama is nothing?

This graph seems to indicate by plan or not we are doing something:

Yes, we are do something. However, much of that reduction is due to the reduced economic activity during the recession and the slow recovery.

Bottom line, carbon output is going down. Will nothing satisfy the hate America first crowd?

But then again it went down in 2008. Let's see what happened in 2008. Oh year, economic recession. When the economy picks up again what will happen?

No offense but what you post is so typical of the GW argument. Don't look at what is happening look into the GW crystal ball and see the gloom and doom to come. It happened in the 70s and it is happening today. I am not sure why folks do it, do they like being scared?
2 decades, no warming

Oh, well clearly nothing to worry about.

Except what happens if the temperatures were supposed to drop say, 3 degrees in 2 decades. But because of man made climate change competing with natural climate change it means there is, as of now, not much difference in temperatures?

This is exactly why we say the AGW crowd is a cult
No offense but what you post is so typical of the GW argument. Don't look at what is happening look into the GW crystal ball and see the gloom and doom to come. It happened in the 70s and it is happening today. I am not sure why folks do it, do they like being scared?

Why would I take offence, seems more like a compliment.



Productivity drops, CO2 emissions drop. Kind of seems there might be some kind of correlation there.

But hey, you didn't come back at my argument, you just told me what your thoughts are. Now, why don't you actually try debating?
2 decades, no warming

Oh, well clearly nothing to worry about.

Except what happens if the temperatures were supposed to drop say, 3 degrees in 2 decades. But because of man made climate change competing with natural climate change it means there is, as of now, not much difference in temperatures?

This is exactly why we say the AGW crowd is a cult

Why? Because they look at evidence and try and make a reasonable decision instead of just making something up on the spot and deciding it suits your needs and so, then it must be true?

The moon is made of cheese. I like cheese, so it will bring down the cost of cheese. I want it to be true, so here goes.

The moon is made of cheese.
The moon is made of cheese.
The moon is made of cheese.
The moon is made of cheese.
The moon is made of cheese.
The moon is made of cheese.
The moon is made of cheese.
The moon is made of cheese.
The moon is made of cheese.
The moon is made of cheese.
The moon is made of cheese.
The moon is made of cheese.
The moon is made of cheese.
The moon is made of cheese.
The moon is made of cheese.
The moon is made of cheese.
The moon is made of cheese.
The moon is made of cheese.
The moon is made of cheese.

did I say it enough times for it to be true yet?
"I know the discussions can be tense and decisions are difficult and I know how angry some people are about the predicament they've been put in by big nations that have benefited from industrialization for a long period of time," Kerry said

The developed nations who are responsible for most of the problem are asking the undeveloped nations to make the big cuts while they do practically nothing. And Kerry questions why they are pissed?

America is doing nothing? Shutting our industrial base under Obama is nothing?

This graph seems to indicate by plan or not we are doing something:

Yes, we are do something. However, much of that reduction is due to the reduced economic activity during the recession and the slow recovery.

Bottom line, carbon output is going down. Will nothing satisfy the hate America first crowd?

But then again it went down in 2008. Let's see what happened in 2008. Oh year, economic recession. When the economy picks up again what will happen?

No offense but what you post is so typical of the GW argument. Don't look at what is happening look into the GW crystal ball and see the gloom and doom to come. It happened in the 70s and it is happening today. I am not sure why folks do it, do they like being scared?

One of the major flaws of this AGW scam is that nothing of the predictions the wackos made has ever come true to date. The earth is not burning up, seal levels are slightly rising at typical post ice age warming rates, hurricanes are not blowing the US off the map, the polar bears are increasing in numbers, the ice sheets are expanding and contrary to all the predictions we are having some damn cool winters and cooler than expected summers. it was damn cold here in Central Florida last night.

I guess Al Gore really knew this when he bought his ocean front home after predicting a 20 ft rise in ocean levels.
The following is a quote from Kerry, is it just me or does this not make a lick of sense?

"The Paris pact, he added, would not be "the silver bullet that eliminates this threat but I think everyone here can agree that we certainly won't eliminate it without an agreement," added Kerry."

So, will the agreement solve a problem or not? If not then why bother at all?

Maybe I am just being a conspriacy theory nut but it seems to me that the whole goal is control over all of the world's economy. Also it is being used to bring America down and third world countries up to some sort of standard the left wing has set.

No time to quarrel Kerry warns of climate tragedy - Yahoo News

What Kerry said was, socialism won't solve any environmental issues, but we want socialism and people are afraid of global warming so let's use it to get socialism. Make sense now?
This is exactly why we say the AGW crowd is a cult

Why? Because they look at evidence and try and make a reasonable decision instead of just making something up on the spot and deciding it suits your needs and so, then it must be true?

LOL, there are a lot of words to describe the AGW crowd, but "reasonable" isn't on the list. That's just funny.
One of the major flaws of this AGW scam is that nothing of the predictions the wackos made has ever come true to date. The earth is not burning up, seal levels are slightly rising at typical post ice age warming rates, hurricanes are not blowing the US off the map, the polar bears are increasing in numbers, the ice sheets are expanding and contrary to all the predictions we are having some damn cool winters and cooler than expected summers. it was damn cold here in Central Florida last night.

I guess Al Gore really knew this when he bought his ocean front home after predicting a 20 ft rise in ocean levels.

Are we talking about predictions coming true, or are we talking about what is happening?

I'm sorry, if this is the basis of your argument, there's not much to go on.

Are you debating with me, or are you debating with others? Because it sure seems like you have in your head what someone is going to say, and you don't bother listening to what is actually being said.

You've put some things down as "evidence", i think, I can't be sure if you're trying to provide evidence or just writing stuff down in the vain home I'll just accept what you say without any evidence at all.

1) Prove sea levels are rising at a typical post ice age warming rate.
2) Prove this is a typical post ice age warming time.
3) Prove Polar Bears are increasing and that it has something to do with a cooling of the planet
4) Prove that the amount of ice in the Arctic and Antarctic is increasing. This means not that some ice sheets are increasing, but that overall the ice is increasing. Because I've present one article which says SOME are but overall ice is being reduced.
5) Who gives a damn what YOU are having. I don't even have a coat yet, I'm in the Northern Hemisphere and it's WARM. It's warmer in most places on average, one place doesn't mean global warming isn't happening.

So come on, you've made the claims, you claim to have a background in environmental stuff, so put your facts where your mouth is, if you have them.

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