No to stimulus 5. Paying people to not work and to bail out bad local governments and unions is wrong

The OP says he is a Libertarian. The people who like to see people starve.
He’s a trumper more than anything.

The worst insult you know. He's a ... {room hushes} ... Trumper ...

LOL. Grow up, tyke
It’s pretty bad. And any trumper sure can’t be a libertarian.

You're just rolling in your own bile. But the term "Trumper" implies that I support his policies and generally I don't. But he's better than Democrats.

So just to be clear, you're telling anyone who opposes Trump but doesn't particularly support Biden to go fuck off. That's your standard? It's what you just said is your standard
You sure show lots of support on this board. Stop pretending, you are full trumper.

You sure show lots of support on this board. Stop pretending, you are a full Bidenshevik
But I agree schools have been teaching the same way for over 100 years and they could do much much better

If schools were teaching the same way they were 100 years ago, our children would be light years ahead of where they are today.

Yes. They may not be as up on some things, but they'd have a far better foundation in reading, writing and math
Can you send Trump back to school ? He needs help

Don't quit your day job, but here you go:

But I agree schools have been teaching the same way for over 100 years and they could do much much better

If schools were teaching the same way they were 100 years ago, our children would be light years ahead of where they are today.

Yes. They may not be as up on some things, but they'd have a far better foundation in reading, writing and math
Unkotare defends public education. He’s a inner city public school teacher says he’s doing a great job. A white shadow type. more like welcome back cotter
The OP says he is a Libertarian. The people who like to see people starve.
He’s a trumper more than anything.

The worst insult you know. He's a ... {room hushes} ... Trumper ...

LOL. Grow up, tyke
It’s pretty bad. And any trumper sure can’t be a libertarian.

You're just rolling in your own bile. But the term "Trumper" implies that I support his policies and generally I don't. But he's better than Democrats.

So just to be clear, you're telling anyone who opposes Trump but doesn't particularly support Biden to go fuck off. That's your standard? It's what you just said is your standard
You sure show lots of support on this board. Stop pretending, you are full trumper.

You sure show lots of support on this board. Stop pretending, you are a full Bidenshevik
We want people to be able to strike it rich. We like capitalism. Just not poorly regulated capitalism. I can’t deny the rich own both parties. Can’t you admit the same?

I just remember a time when the gap between the rich and poor wasn’t so wid3 and the middle class was booming.

But corporations and the rich didn’t lik3 the high labor costs so they sent all our blue collar jobs overseas or hired illegals to do the jobs they couldn’t ship overseas.
They also got the government to lower taxes so much companies like GE pay zero taxes
OK but you admit NY and other blue states pay in FED taxes more than their share while reds pay LESS? AND state budgets? Not many states are in good shape ,,if any

Many states are in good shape. Blue states, not so much. I live in Florida.

Obviously the devil is in the details, and I have no problem with help for people that need it, but there’s plenty of people that are making more money staying at home. One would think the government would be capable of ensuring that doesn’t happen, but they’re not.
I remember during the bush Great Recession I got laid off and republican governor of Michigan rick Snyder lowered the number of months you can collect from 6 to 5.

Now that was cold. During the greatest recession since the Great Depression He said sorry you only get 5 now not 6.
Obviously the devil is in the details, and I have no problem with help for people that need it, but there’s plenty of people that are making more money staying at home. One would think the government would be capable of ensuring that doesn’t happen, but they’re not.
I remember during the bush Great Recession I got laid off and republican governor of Michigan rick Snyder lowered the number of months you can collect from 6 to 5.

Now that was cold. During the greatest recession since the Great Depression He said sorry you only get 5 now not 6.
Trust a Republican as far as you can throw him
I bet it happens. And while you are blaming dems, repubs control the presidency, senate, and Supreme Court. It wouldn’t happen if repubs didn’t want it to.
The OP says he is a Libertarian. The people who like to see people starve.
He’s a trumper more than anything.
We should give those LP's some credit. After all, they managed to garner 4.4M votes in 2016 with Gary Johnson. An all time high for the party.

That is why Clinton lost in 2016. When the two major parties lose more than 5% of the vote to third parties, it is not good for the incumbent party and it indicates America is not happy with the two major parties. We will see this in the next election and I also believe 2024. Americans are tired of the BS and the brave are actually looking for solutions. The lemmings will continue to vote D or R and expect a different result.
How bad did you have it under Clinton and Obama? Was the nation starving for jobs ? Did all our allies laugh at us ?? Now we have a real unqualified piece of garbage in our wh Do you really think you could EVER call Biden that??
John What alt left universe ?? You don't believe like so many others do that Putin helped trump get elected and the POS is trying again? How tf can anyone want 4 more years of this lying POS Trump?
That shit has all been debunked and normal informed thinking Americans know it.

Your post are not worthy of a response.

Run along lil' troll.
Debunked ? BULLSHIT Even Republicans admitted it .... you run along traitor and get your head out of trumps ass It's unseemly

yes it has been debunked you uneducated shithead. Several times. Try keeping up with current events. Or better yet, keep you head firmly ensconced in your rectum. Run along little liar.
Lantern You fn moron you AH which of these links is wrong??
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Senate Intel report confirms Russia aimed to help Trump in 2016 › news › 2020/04/21 › senate-intel-r...

Apr 21, 2020 - Tuesday's bipartisan report, from a panel chaired by North Carolina Republican Richard Burr, undercuts Trump's years of efforts to portray ...

Russian interference in the 2016 United States elections ... › wiki › Russian_interference_in_the_...

The Russian government interfered in the 2016 U.S. presidential election with the goals of ... Finally, several individuals connected to Russia contacted various Trump campaign ... Clinton's campaign, and by the fall of 2016 to directly helping Trump's campaign, because Putin thought Trumpwould ease economic sanctions.
Background and Russian ... · ‎Cyberattack on Democrats

Senate Intel Committee backs finding that Russia helped ... › news › politics › 2020/04/21 › se...

Apr 21, 2020 - Trump has long-sought to undermine the intelligence community's assessment of Russia's interference campaign and has moved to shake-up ...

Opinion | Even Republicans on the Intelligence Committee ... › opinions › 2020/04/21 › e...

Apr 21, 2020 - Even Republicans on the Intelligence Committee admit that Putin helped Trump get elected. Russian President Vladimir Putin with President ...

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Another TDS rant, I’m sorry you nominated Biden, I’m sorry you nominated Clinton. I refused to vote for two bad candidates, maybe the lemmings will someday smarten up, until then don’t expect better for this country.
And trump was such a great candidate??? lol lol

Did I say Trump was a great candidate? When I said two bad candidates as I have said dozens of times on this board, Clinton and Trump were the worst two candidates in history, then came Trump and Biden. The two party system has saddled us with terrible candidates and you dumb asses won’t take responsibility for either of them. In my previous post I made mention that Trump will lose because third party candidates will pull more than 5% because smart people realize the two parties are worthless, but you go right ahead and vote for an idiot, and if you select either Biden or Trump, you will be voting for an idiot.
Pap It's not just voting for an idiot ,,it's for voting a disrupting piece of garbage out Biden is a good man ,,not close to the category Trump is in And most importantly Biden won't have the scum surrounding him like Trump does and he'll listen to them

I hear that every election. Neither side is going to suck me in on that argument. The last time I did that I voted for Romney and regretted my vote.

If Biden would cut spending, cut the debt, I would hold my nose and vote for him. Right now the most dangerous issue we have is the exploding debt but the two parties are promising to spend more. Adding to the debt is a terrible idea, especially since we are already obscenely in debt. The "Green" whatever it is, is a really bad idea for this country and could double the debt. Biden would be favorable to that, just to entertain the idea is really irresponsible.
Obama walked into a Great Recession. Couldn’t cut spending. Clinton handed bush a surplus and before you go saying he didn’t google bush using that surplus as an excuse for passing his tax breaks

I know lots of excuses. Did the national debt grow under Clinton? The answer is yes. Can you name the last President to actually reduce the national debt? One last point, I am not voting for Biden or Trump.
Debt held by the public reached a high of 49.5% of GDP at the beginning of President Clinton's first term. However, it fell to 34.5% of GDP by the end of Clinton's presidency due in part to decreased military spending, increased taxes (in 1990, 1993 and 1997), and increased tax revenue resulting from the 1990s boom. And Andy Jackson if I'm reading it right in 1835 but bad times followed

Calvin Coolidge was the last to decrease federal debt and he actually had a surplus of $1 billion. He cut spending and he cut taxes. Clinton had a lot of help, he had to work with a Republican Congress and they worked together.

Historically Democratic Presidents with a Republican Congress work best toward slowing government spending.

The best case scenario for us this fall would be a Biden win and the GOP winning Congress and I don't see that happening at all.
Pap Good game to bet on Russia loves Trump and are doing all in their power to help him China is with Biden Who are you for ,push come to shove?
OK but you admit NY and other blue states pay in FED taxes more than their share while reds pay LESS? AND state budgets? Not many states are in good shape ,,if any

Many states are in good shape. Blue states, not so much. I live in Florida.

Yes trump is killing states like Michigan. That’s why we need to vote him out
I'd prefer him leaving on a stretcher but that's just me
Pap Good game to bet on Russia loves Trump and are doing all in their power to help him China is with Biden Who are you for ,push come to shove?

That is a whole other issue, I despise Russia and China and either should not be trusted. These countries are not America's friend, they are our enemies.
Pap Good game to bet on Russia loves Trump and are doing all in their power to help him China is with Biden Who are you for ,push come to shove?

That is a whole other issue, I despise Russia and China and either should not be trusted. These countries are not America's friend, they are our enemies.
You know that the leader of our country had 8 telephone calls with our Russian enemy over the past 2,3 months? Think they were talking about adoption ,,or maybe a Trump tower in Moscow?
What Nancy Pelosi wants is a pure government giveaway to discourage people from working by paying them more money to not work than work. And the rest is a giveaway to unions and bad blue State governments and their huge pension fund liabilities that were never adequately funded. And then she wants other green and leftist objectives to tie it all up in a nice bow. I didn't see ANYTHING in her bill that I supported. There is no compromise with that. Far better to not do anything.

This is an unusual time since government forced businesses to shut down. So I'm open even as a libertarian to spending I would not normally support. But the bill would have to be payouts to get businesses running and hiring again. A payroll tax suspension would be great for workers and businesses. But those are non-starters for Nancy. At least 20 or so Republicans realize that a deal is not always a good thing. And this deal isn't worth making. Let's send them home for their August break.

"Rep. Lance Gooden, R-Texas, said Wednesday that at least 20 Senate Republicans will not vote for a fresh coronavirus stimulus deal."

There will be a frantic last-minute last-ditch effort to save the talks and there will be an agreement sometime last Sunday night ($1.5T) and a vote by Tuesday, Trump signs it Wednesday and they go home to tell the people how they're looking out for the people and would have given them more if the GOP didn't want to starve the chillllldren to death.
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I bet it happens. And while you are blaming dems, repubs control the presidency, senate, and Supreme Court. It wouldn’t happen if repubs didn’t want it to.
The OP says he is a Libertarian. The people who like to see people starve.

That's a lie. I say I'm not a Libertarian. I'm actually a libertarian

If it talks like a Trump cult, and posts like a Trump cult, it doesn't matter what it calls itself.

Day in, day out, you come here regurgitating Trump's lies, talking points, and tweets - even the ones being taken down by FaceBook and Tweets as being lies, unsupported by facts.
I bet it happens. And while you are blaming dems, repubs control the presidency, senate, and Supreme Court. It wouldn’t happen if repubs didn’t want it to.
The OP says he is a Libertarian. The people who like to see people starve.

That's a lie. I say I'm not a Libertarian. I'm actually a libertarian

If it talks like a Trump cult, and posts like a Trump cult, it doesn't matter what it calls itself.

Day in, day out, you come here regurgitating Trump's lies, talking points, and tweets - even the ones being taken down by FaceBook and Tweets as being lies, unsupported by facts.

Another retard leftist.

Mrs. Mao: Duh, dar, if you vote for Trump, that means you vouch for everything about him from his personality to supporting every position. Biden? If you don't like Trump, burp, burp, you can vote for him. Drool. It doesn't mean you support him, hick, hick, burp ...
Yes, you did hate working for me.

Guy, you couldn't afford me. Little companies like yours wouldn't even have gotten to see my resume. I only work for established companies... Little companies like yours bought my lunch to try to get me to send you business.

Just so you are clear on what the power relationship was. You probably spent most of your life sucking up to mid-level people like me to get business.
In Florida, $275.00 a week is the amount of employment you can receive for 12 - 23 weeks depending on the unemployment rate. Adding $600.00 a week to that figure results in $875.00 per week. That is a huge incentive for people to NOT go back to work.

Only if they hate their bosses and their jobs...

If you were paying people shit wages, don't expect them to come running back.

As you know too, the money that went to businesses was to continue paying their employees during the shutdown. So that money too went to individuals. If that is what they used the money for, it becomes a grant. If they do not, it is a loan that has to be repaid.

Actually, the One Percenters do what they always do, they pocketed the money and screwed working folks.

Is this what you're talking about? Isn't Sweden supposed to be the model for not shutting down? Your desperation is duly noted!

Uh, guy, I don't count Sweden. I count Japan, S. Korea, Germany, countries that did the shutdown and did it the right way. And you never saw their leaders telling people to inject bleach and drink fish-tank cleaner.
The OP says he is a Libertarian. The people who like to see people starve.
He’s a trumper more than anything.

The worst insult you know. He's a ... {room hushes} ... Trumper ...

LOL. Grow up, tyke
It’s pretty bad. And any trumper sure can’t be a libertarian.

You're just rolling in your own bile. But the term "Trumper" implies that I support his policies and generally I don't. But he's better than Democrats.

So just to be clear, you're telling anyone who opposes Trump but doesn't particularly support Biden to go fuck off. That's your standard? It's what you just said is your standard
You sure show lots of support on this board. Stop pretending, you are full trumper.

You sure show lots of support on this board. Stop pretending, you are a full Bidenshevik
That is funny. Share a thread where I am supporting Biden.

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