No, we are NOT building the wall.

How high does trump want to go?

Trump has done it again.
Broke a new record.
$22 trillion debt
When he breaks Obama's Record of 10.9 trillion in new debt.. You fucking idiots can start bitchin... Until then STFU!

Most of the increases were due to prior obligations and the 2008 meltdown (recovery). His policies and agenda only contributed a fraction of that amount.
ROFL! Yeah, no matter what it is, it's always Bush's fault.

Prior obligation does include him, the Congress he served with, and all other Presidents and Congress critters before him too.
"Prior obligation?" What the hell are you talking about?

Mandatory spending.

Mandatory spending is currently estimated to be $2.739 trillion for FY 2019.

Should we blame Trumpybear for all that?
Stupidfuck Trump talks about continuing building his wall.


Find Waldo aka RealDave
When he breaks Obama's Record of 10.9 trillion in new debt.. You fucking idiots can start bitchin... Until then STFU!

Yet another dishonest piece of shit Trumpette blaming Obama for the debt created by the Bush Recession, his quagmire wars & an unfunded expansion to Medicare.

Obama was President for 8 FUCKING YEARS! It's his debt. Grow a fucking pair already
He strted by inheriting a 1.5 trillion deficit assfuck. why can't you candy assed Trumpettes admit that?

Cheney MADE Obama stay in Iraq and Afghanistan, right?

I'm betting it was the advice of his Generals that made him do that.

Obama was at war longer than even FDR. He was at war EVERY FUCKING DAY of both terms
Stupidfuck Trump talks about continuing building his wall.

He does not know the wall is not being built?

Why do you whiners keep this up? The wall IS going to be built. Back when this first started, I thought the right would wake the Hell up and see they were being played. I over-estimated their intelligence.

This latest round is part of the theatrics. The silly wall will be built. AND, in exchange, we will get the ultimate POLICE STATE, beginning with gun control. Another high cap magazine ban has been introduced; criminalizing private sales, doing away with gun shows, and National Gun Registration are on the table.

Be patient. Tyranny is on the way.
How will building the wall cause any of that?

You're obviously a dumbass.

You're obviously a fucking moron to ask a question and then call someone a name. If you've been in this discussion as long as you have and don't know the downside, you're not smart enough to be taken seriously.

You need to back the fuck up, leave that smart ass attitude between your ears, learn how to to be an adult, or STFU. The downside to the Internet is that it draws stupid mother fuckers like you that God forgot to give a brain to.

As a result, screw you. I don't need to tell you the downside of your viewpoint. Clank your chains when they take your Freedoms and Liberties.
The part where the fat ass is not a dictator.

I know you hate it, but we have something called THE CONSTITUTION.

You know that document you assfucks piss 0n every time you want something.
Obama signed an EO and thereby violated the immigration laws of this country.

Was he a dictator?

DACA, moron. Obama had to violate most of our immigration laws to enforce that.

Presidents do have a right to prioritize deportations. He could establish a DACA program to shield certain groups from deportation. This is one thing Obama was right on.
No, presidents have no right to exempt any group of illegals from deportation. Furthermore, Obama did much more than that. He issued work permits to these people, which is a clear violation of the law.

You don't get out much, do you?
Yet another dishonest piece of shit Trumpette blaming Obama for the debt created by the Bush Recession, his quagmire wars & an unfunded expansion to Medicare.

Obama was President for 8 FUCKING YEARS! It's his debt. Grow a fucking pair already
He strted by inheriting a 1.5 trillion deficit assfuck. why can't you candy assed Trumpettes admit that?

Cheney MADE Obama stay in Iraq and Afghanistan, right?

I'm betting it was the advice of his Generals that made him do that.

Obama was at war longer than even FDR. He was at war EVERY FUCKING DAY of both terms

WWII was the last war we were in. The battle for Okinawa cost more US lives than both the Iraq and Afghanistan invasions and occupations combined. Yes, he had to deal with the consequences of those invasions and occupations.
Stupidfuck Trump talks about continuing building his wall.

He does not know the wall is not being built?
:laugh: :itsok:

The wall will be built. :)
No one wants the wall except trump imbeciles,little trump troll

That is an outright LIE or you don't have much knowledge of the past.

BOTH sides want the wall. The Democrats get the Nanny State; the Republicans get their POLICE STATE.

National Gun Registration doesn't work without an accounting of all the people in the United States - which means they need the National ID / REAL ID Act - E Verify laws they conned the Republicans into. Democrats got into the habit of demanding control. Unable to shake their real motives, they conned the Republicans into promoting control of the people with really stupid laws on the pretext of safety.

The big problem remains: You cannot build a government big enough to save you from yourself. Both sides are traveling down the road to socialism; to tyranny and oppression; toward a society that makes Hitler's tattoo idea look tame.
Obama was President for 8 FUCKING YEARS! It's his debt. Grow a fucking pair already
He strted by inheriting a 1.5 trillion deficit assfuck. why can't you candy assed Trumpettes admit that?

Cheney MADE Obama stay in Iraq and Afghanistan, right?

I'm betting it was the advice of his Generals that made him do that.

Obama was at war longer than even FDR. He was at war EVERY FUCKING DAY of both terms

WWII was the last war we were in. The battle for Okinawa cost more US lives than both the Iraq and Afghanistan invasions and occupations combined. Yes, he had to deal with the consequences of those invasions and occupations.
So Obama WASN'T at war his whole 2 terms?
When he breaks Obama's Record of 10.9 trillion in new debt.. You fucking idiots can start bitchin... Until then STFU!

Most of the increases were due to prior obligations and the 2008 meltdown (recovery). His policies and agenda only contributed a fraction of that amount.
ROFL! Yeah, no matter what it is, it's always Bush's fault.

Prior obligation does include him, the Congress he served with, and all other Presidents and Congress critters before him too.
"Prior obligation?" What the hell are you talking about?

Mandatory spending.

Mandatory spending is currently estimated to be $2.739 trillion for FY 2019.

Should we blame Trumpybear for all that?
There's no such thing as "mandatory spending." Congress can vote it all down tomorrow if it wants to. Furthermore, Bush had the pretty much the same "mandatory spending."
Stupidfuck Trump talks about continuing building his wall.

He does not know the wall is not being built?
:laugh: :itsok:

The wall will be built. :)
No one wants the wall except trump imbeciles,little trump troll

That is an outright LIE or you don't have much knowledge of the past.

BOTH sides want the wall. The Democrats get the Nanny State; the Republicans get their POLICE STATE.

National Gun Registration doesn't work without an accounting of all the people in the United States - which means they need the National ID / REAL ID Act - E Verify laws they conned the Republicans into. Democrats got into the habit of demanding control. Unable to shake their real motives, they conned the Republicans into promoting control of the people with really stupid laws on the pretext of safety.

The big problem remains: You cannot build a government big enough to save you from yourself. Both sides are traveling down the road to socialism; to tyranny and oppression; toward a society that makes Hitler's tattoo idea look tame.

Republicans don't want a police state, you fucking douchebag. The wall moves us no closer to a police state than an interstate highway does. It's an inanimate object.
Obama signed an EO and thereby violated the immigration laws of this country.

Was he a dictator?

DACA, moron. Obama had to violate most of our immigration laws to enforce that.

Presidents do have a right to prioritize deportations. He could establish a DACA program to shield certain groups from deportation. This is one thing Obama was right on.
No, presidents have no right to exempt any group of illegals from deportation. Furthermore, Obama did much more than that. He issued work permits to these people, which is a clear violation of the law.

You don't get out much, do you?
How would that change the legal implications of DACA?
Obama was President for 8 FUCKING YEARS! It's his debt. Grow a fucking pair already
He strted by inheriting a 1.5 trillion deficit assfuck. why can't you candy assed Trumpettes admit that?

Cheney MADE Obama stay in Iraq and Afghanistan, right?

I'm betting it was the advice of his Generals that made him do that.

Obama was at war longer than even FDR. He was at war EVERY FUCKING DAY of both terms

WWII was the last war we were in. The battle for Okinawa cost more US lives than both the Iraq and Afghanistan invasions and occupations combined. Yes, he had to deal with the consequences of those invasions and occupations.

After accepting the Nobel Peace Prize, Obama bombed more countries than any President since WWII

“U.S. Bombed Iraq, Syria, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Libya, Yemen, Somalia in 2016” The U.S. dropped an average of 3 bombs per hour last year

His whole presidency was a lie by the Left.....and suckers bought it like it was on sale.

Ask me about Obama's 'kill list' in the White House.
Stupidfuck Trump talks about continuing building his wall.

He does not know the wall is not being built?

Why do you whiners keep this up? The wall IS going to be built. Back when this first started, I thought the right would wake the Hell up and see they were being played. I over-estimated their intelligence.

This latest round is part of the theatrics. The silly wall will be built. AND, in exchange, we will get the ultimate POLICE STATE, beginning with gun control. Another high cap magazine ban has been introduced; criminalizing private sales, doing away with gun shows, and National Gun Registration are on the table.

Be patient. Tyranny is on the way.
How will building the wall cause any of that?

You're obviously a dumbass.

You're obviously a fucking moron to ask a question and then call someone a name. If you've been in this discussion as long as you have and don't know the downside, you're not smart enough to be taken seriously.

You need to back the fuck up, leave that smart ass attitude between your ears, learn how to to be an adult, or STFU. The downside to the Internet is that it draws stupid mother fuckers like you that God forgot to give a brain to.

As a result, screw you. I don't need to tell you the downside of your viewpoint. Clank your chains when they take your Freedoms and Liberties.
In other words, you can't explain how the wall encourages or supports a police state.

Thanks for playing, dumbass.
You've seen it? Or you've been told?

Currently being built.... Enjoy!

Please link to a source for that picture. Thanks.

Too bad you're not smart enough to check out a image. That photo was taken in Jul 2016, it was a section of maobama wall. The following is what is being installed today near El Paso. As you can see it's replacing vehicle barriers.

View attachment 245588

So the same fencing that has been getting put up for decades under Clinton and Obama. Remember not 1 foot of new types of barriers have been built. That photo op of him with his test walls years ago? NOT ONE FOOT of those designs have been used.

Remember a few years ago when Jeb Bush said Trump is just asking for what Democrats have asked for and built, with more fence?

And What was Trumps response? "Jeb Bush just talked about my border proposal to build a "fence." It's not a fence, Jeb, it's a WALL, and there's a BIG difference! We’re going to have a wall that works. We’re not going to have a wall like they have now,"

Instead we have the Obama/Clinton/Bush design wall in existing places, and fence. The one like they have now. That section you show was literally built by Obama's deal with Congress to replace existing sections in need of repair.

that's the "art of the deal"??? He can't get his own party to build wall in useless places, so Obama the past two years has more walls built at the border than Trump?

So you are saying when Trump said "we are going to build a wall and Mexico will pay for it", you meant "We are going to continue Obama's traditions of border security and we will pay for it"

That's the only reason I can see you'd brag about that picture.

So you can't see a difference between the vehicle barriers being replaced and the human barriers being installed.
This is an example of old wall.
View attachment 245666
vs the new replacing it
View attachment 245667
So it's not the same as you're arguing.
BTW welcome.


Yes, literally $0 for Trumps wall, only using existing designs. None of those ones which Trump was showing off as his new walls that would be picked from in the picture.

Obama created the depression, shit for brains.[/QUOTE]

So the Great Recession which started in Dec of 2007 was Obama's because he did what While George W Bush was president?

Or is this rewrite history day? Cause then lets blame Obama for the Cuban Missile Crisis, Vietnam, and the 1811 German Coast Uprising as well. lol

Currently being built.... Enjoy!

Please link to a source for that picture. Thanks.

Too bad you're not smart enough to check out a image. That photo was taken in Jul 2016, it was a section of maobama wall. The following is what is being installed today near El Paso. As you can see it's replacing vehicle barriers.

View attachment 245588

So the same fencing that has been getting put up for decades under Clinton and Obama. Remember not 1 foot of new types of barriers have been built. That photo op of him with his test walls years ago? NOT ONE FOOT of those designs have been used.

Remember a few years ago when Jeb Bush said Trump is just asking for what Democrats have asked for and built, with more fence?

And What was Trumps response? "Jeb Bush just talked about my border proposal to build a "fence." It's not a fence, Jeb, it's a WALL, and there's a BIG difference! We’re going to have a wall that works. We’re not going to have a wall like they have now,"

Instead we have the Obama/Clinton/Bush design wall in existing places, and fence. The one like they have now. That section you show was literally built by Obama's deal with Congress to replace existing sections in need of repair.

that's the "art of the deal"??? He can't get his own party to build wall in useless places, so Obama the past two years has more walls built at the border than Trump?

So you are saying when Trump said "we are going to build a wall and Mexico will pay for it", you meant "We are going to continue Obama's traditions of border security and we will pay for it"

That's the only reason I can see you'd brag about that picture.

So you can't see a difference between the vehicle barriers being replaced and the human barriers being installed.
This is an example of old wall.
View attachment 245666
vs the new replacing it
View attachment 245667
So it's not the same as you're arguing.
BTW welcome.


Yes, literally $0 for Trumps wall, only using existing designs. None of those ones which Trump was showing off as his new walls that would be picked from in the picture.


Really, provide a link, form previous years, that shows the same type fencing that's being built today. Time to put up or shut up commie.


Really, provide a link, form previous years, that shows the same type fencing that's being built today. Time to put up or shut up commie.


Wait... now it's just another fence.

I can't put in links, but someone with an intellect higher than a 4 year old could just google bollard fencing and be filled with stories like this one from 2016.

"The only thing separating Sunland Park New Mexico from the Anapra neighborhood in Juarez is a chain link fence.

"Obviously just by looking at it you can tell it's completely dilapidated, it's falling apart", says Border Patrol Agent George Gomez.

The fence was built in the late 80's by Joint Task Force Six, the chain link fence has been breached multiple times. In 2014 during the annual border mass, a woman was able to slide through into the U.S.

The new fence was approved as part of the 2006 Secure Fence Act, a bill that was passed with the purpose of securing the border. The new Anapra fence has a cost of $11 million dollars. It'll cover approximately 1.5 miles and will be 18 feet high.

"it's going to be a Bollard type of fencing so it's just going to be steel beams with about two to three inches apart from each other", says Gomez."

El Paso News 2016

Or read the breitbart article on it with Trumps "Wall" and Obama's "fence" side by side. And Obama's is just a bit older looking (And a LOT longer).

Have you no clue what's even there? I guess not, well I'll give you a big ol hearty welcome to fly across the pond and visit us here in the US and check it out for yourself.

Check out Sunland park, Columbus NM, check out the Anapra neighborhood of Ciudad Juarez walls that bush and Obama have built. Steel slat bollard FENCING. The SAME EXACT thing trump is building (Except done by Obama). Just now somehow called a wall... and a lot less of it than Obama built.

And remember when Jeb said Obama has been building hundreds of miles of border fencing, which yes, included steel slat bollard fences...

"Jeb Bush just talked about my border proposal to build a "fence." It's not a fence, Jeb, it's a WALL, and there's a BIG difference!" And now he's just building more of Obama's fences.

It's a fence. Same as Obama built. Changing the name from "bollard fence" to "bollard wall" is just hilarious and they've been putting it up since the Bush administration.

I mean what does he have? 10% of the border fencing made that Obama completed... That will be his legacy, maybe completing 1/4 of the border fencing Obama was able to?

And that's a funny commie quote. From the guy who doesn't even have a clue about American history. Bet you could explain the Fuck about the history of Leningrad though... Next time, try not to do your Russian bot impersonation that you are clueless on what happens in America therefore it doesn't exist and other people need to teach it to you. Ok kiddo...
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