No, we are NOT building the wall.

So yeah OKTexas:

he'll be known as the 2nd best steel slat bollard border fence building president in the past 10 years only coming behind Obama I guess.

Imagine if people knew that now? That the whole wall and mexico paying for it was just building a tiny percentage of the fence Obama had already erected?

His biggest campaign promise isn't even yet a sidenote in the Obama presidency achievements.... Wow.
I remember those rallies.

Trump: " what do we want?"

Crowd: " Some more of Obama's steel slat border fences!"

Trump: " and who's going to pay?!"

Crowd: " We Will!"

Yup... Just how I remembered it...

He could promise someone chocolate pudding and they could watch him taking a shit in their hands and they'd still eat it up going "nope! It's chocolate pudding just like he promised"
Stupidfuck Trump talks about continuing building his wall.

He does not know the wall is not being built?
:laugh: :itsok:

The wall will be built. :)
No one wants the wall except trump imbeciles,little trump troll

That is an outright LIE or you don't have much knowledge of the past.

BOTH sides want the wall. The Democrats get the Nanny State; the Republicans get their POLICE STATE.

National Gun Registration doesn't work without an accounting of all the people in the United States - which means they need the National ID / REAL ID Act - E Verify laws they conned the Republicans into. Democrats got into the habit of demanding control. Unable to shake their real motives, they conned the Republicans into promoting control of the people with really stupid laws on the pretext of safety.

The big problem remains: You cannot build a government big enough to save you from yourself. Both sides are traveling down the road to socialism; to tyranny and oppression; toward a society that makes Hitler's tattoo idea look tame.

Republicans don't want a police state, you fucking douchebag. The wall moves us no closer to a police state than an interstate highway does. It's an inanimate object.

You are a fucking ignoramus.

1 - So - called "Patriot Act" introduced by Tea Party Republican Rep. James Sensenbrenner

Most common victims of the provisions of the so - called "Patriot Act" are the American citizenry

2) The National ID / REAL ID Act E Verfiy system - Again, the brainchild of Tea Party Republican Rep. James Sensenbrenner

National ID is Hitler's tattoo idea on steroids

3) Warrant less search and seizure

4) Eminent Domain abuse

5) Trump's pick for Attorney General - the guy loves the idea of strict enforcement of asset forfeiture. Rand Paul has pledged to vote against Trump's pick citing his concerns that Barr is for a "warrant less surveillance society."

6) Trump himself endorses gun control

7) Trump likes to enforce laws that penalize employers and tell them who they can and cannot hire. When the government owns the jobs you have PURE SOCIALISM

8) Rule by Executive Fiat. If Trump don't get what he wants, he tries to rule by Executive Fiat. That's as bad as the judges legislating from the bench

9) Putting people under surveillance by drones and other technology from the womb to the tomb 24 / 7 / 365

10) Attempts to militarize the border over the objections of states wherein the governors say no national emergency exists. What next? Martial law to get his edicts enforced?

In your screwed up mind, what constitutes a POLICE STATE? You are one screwed up dude.
How high does trump want to go?

Trump has done it again.
Broke a new record.
$22 trillion debt
When he breaks Obama's Record of 10.9 trillion in new debt.. You fucking idiots can start bitchin... Until then STFU!

Most of the increases were due to prior obligations and the 2008 meltdown (recovery). His policies and agenda only contributed a fraction of that amount.
ROFL! Yeah, no matter what it is, it's always Bush's fault.
And you want to ignore the depression he almost gave us? The wonderful economy he gave Obama?
Obama created the depression, shit for brains.
Fucking moron, there was no depression. You're suffering from advanced delusionary schizophrenia with involuntary narcissistic rage again.

There was a recession ... a massive recession ... and it started 13 months before Obama became president -- while George W. Bush was president.
DACA, moron. Obama had to violate most of our immigration laws to enforce that.

Presidents do have a right to prioritize deportations. He could establish a DACA program to shield certain groups from deportation. This is one thing Obama was right on.
No, presidents have no right to exempt any group of illegals from deportation. Furthermore, Obama did much more than that. He issued work permits to these people, which is a clear violation of the law.

You don't get out much, do you?
How would that change the legal implications of DACA?

What does that have to do with my question?
Stupidfuck Trump talks about continuing building his wall.

He does not know the wall is not being built?

Why do you whiners keep this up? The wall IS going to be built. Back when this first started, I thought the right would wake the Hell up and see they were being played. I over-estimated their intelligence.

This latest round is part of the theatrics. The silly wall will be built. AND, in exchange, we will get the ultimate POLICE STATE, beginning with gun control. Another high cap magazine ban has been introduced; criminalizing private sales, doing away with gun shows, and National Gun Registration are on the table.

Be patient. Tyranny is on the way.
How will building the wall cause any of that?

You're obviously a dumbass.

You're obviously a fucking moron to ask a question and then call someone a name. If you've been in this discussion as long as you have and don't know the downside, you're not smart enough to be taken seriously.

You need to back the fuck up, leave that smart ass attitude between your ears, learn how to to be an adult, or STFU. The downside to the Internet is that it draws stupid mother fuckers like you that God forgot to give a brain to.

As a result, screw you. I don't need to tell you the downside of your viewpoint. Clank your chains when they take your Freedoms and Liberties.
In other words, you can't explain how the wall encourages or supports a police state.

Thanks for playing, dumbass.

You calling people a dumbass is like Trump calling the public a bunch of liars.
Stupidfuck Trump talks about continuing building his wall.

He does not know the wall is not being built?
:laugh: :itsok:

The wall will be built. :)
No one wants the wall except trump imbeciles,little trump troll

That is an outright LIE or you don't have much knowledge of the past.

BOTH sides want the wall. The Democrats get the Nanny State; the Republicans get their POLICE STATE.

National Gun Registration doesn't work without an accounting of all the people in the United States - which means they need the National ID / REAL ID Act - E Verify laws they conned the Republicans into. Democrats got into the habit of demanding control. Unable to shake their real motives, they conned the Republicans into promoting control of the people with really stupid laws on the pretext of safety.

The big problem remains: You cannot build a government big enough to save you from yourself. Both sides are traveling down the road to socialism; to tyranny and oppression; toward a society that makes Hitler's tattoo idea look tame.

Republicans don't want a police state, you fucking douchebag. The wall moves us no closer to a police state than an interstate highway does. It's an inanimate object.

You are a fucking ignoramus.

1 - So - called "Patriot Act" introduced by Tea Party Republican Rep. James Sensenbrenner

Most common victims of the provisions of the so - called "Patriot Act" are the American citizenry

2) The National ID / REAL ID Act E Verfiy system - Again, the brainchild of Tea Party Republican Rep. James Sensenbrenner

National ID is Hitler's tattoo idea on steroids

3) Warrant less search and seizure

4) Eminent Domain abuse

5) Trump's pick for Attorney General - the guy loves the idea of strict enforcement of asset forfeiture. Rand Paul has pledged to vote against Trump's pick citing his concerns that Barr is for a "warrant less surveillance society."

6) Trump himself endorses gun control

7) Trump likes to enforce laws that penalize employers and tell them who they can and cannot hire. When the government owns the jobs you have PURE SOCIALISM

8) Rule by Executive Fiat. If Trump don't get what he wants, he tries to rule by Executive Fiat. That's as bad as the judges legislating from the bench

9) Putting people under surveillance by drones and other technology from the womb to the tomb 24 / 7 / 365

10) Attempts to militarize the border over the objections of states wherein the governors say no national emergency exists. What next? Martial law to get his edicts enforced?

In your screwed up mind, what constitutes a POLICE STATE? You are one screwed up dude.

What does any of that have to do with building the wall, dumbass?
Stupidfuck Trump talks about continuing building his wall.

He does not know the wall is not being built?

Why do you whiners keep this up? The wall IS going to be built. Back when this first started, I thought the right would wake the Hell up and see they were being played. I over-estimated their intelligence.

This latest round is part of the theatrics. The silly wall will be built. AND, in exchange, we will get the ultimate POLICE STATE, beginning with gun control. Another high cap magazine ban has been introduced; criminalizing private sales, doing away with gun shows, and National Gun Registration are on the table.

Be patient. Tyranny is on the way.
How will building the wall cause any of that?

You're obviously a dumbass.

You're obviously a fucking moron to ask a question and then call someone a name. If you've been in this discussion as long as you have and don't know the downside, you're not smart enough to be taken seriously.

You need to back the fuck up, leave that smart ass attitude between your ears, learn how to to be an adult, or STFU. The downside to the Internet is that it draws stupid mother fuckers like you that God forgot to give a brain to.

As a result, screw you. I don't need to tell you the downside of your viewpoint. Clank your chains when they take your Freedoms and Liberties.
In other words, you can't explain how the wall encourages or supports a police state.

Thanks for playing, dumbass.

You calling people a dumbass is like Trump calling the public a bunch of liars.
Oooh! That hurts!

When he breaks Obama's Record of 10.9 trillion in new debt.. You fucking idiots can start bitchin... Until then STFU!

Most of the increases were due to prior obligations and the 2008 meltdown (recovery). His policies and agenda only contributed a fraction of that amount.
ROFL! Yeah, no matter what it is, it's always Bush's fault.
And you want to ignore the depression he almost gave us? The wonderful economy he gave Obama?
Obama created the depression, shit for brains.
Fucking moron, there was no depression. You're suffering from advanced delusionary schizophrenia with involuntary narcissistic rage again.

There was a recession ... a massive recession ... and it started 13 months before Obama became president -- while George W. Bush was president.
Obama made it several times worse.
:laugh: :itsok:

The wall will be built. :)
No one wants the wall except trump imbeciles,little trump troll

That is an outright LIE or you don't have much knowledge of the past.

BOTH sides want the wall. The Democrats get the Nanny State; the Republicans get their POLICE STATE.

National Gun Registration doesn't work without an accounting of all the people in the United States - which means they need the National ID / REAL ID Act - E Verify laws they conned the Republicans into. Democrats got into the habit of demanding control. Unable to shake their real motives, they conned the Republicans into promoting control of the people with really stupid laws on the pretext of safety.

The big problem remains: You cannot build a government big enough to save you from yourself. Both sides are traveling down the road to socialism; to tyranny and oppression; toward a society that makes Hitler's tattoo idea look tame.

Republicans don't want a police state, you fucking douchebag. The wall moves us no closer to a police state than an interstate highway does. It's an inanimate object.

You are a fucking ignoramus.

1 - So - called "Patriot Act" introduced by Tea Party Republican Rep. James Sensenbrenner

Most common victims of the provisions of the so - called "Patriot Act" are the American citizenry

2) The National ID / REAL ID Act E Verfiy system - Again, the brainchild of Tea Party Republican Rep. James Sensenbrenner

National ID is Hitler's tattoo idea on steroids

3) Warrant less search and seizure

4) Eminent Domain abuse

5) Trump's pick for Attorney General - the guy loves the idea of strict enforcement of asset forfeiture. Rand Paul has pledged to vote against Trump's pick citing his concerns that Barr is for a "warrant less surveillance society."

6) Trump himself endorses gun control

7) Trump likes to enforce laws that penalize employers and tell them who they can and cannot hire. When the government owns the jobs you have PURE SOCIALISM

8) Rule by Executive Fiat. If Trump don't get what he wants, he tries to rule by Executive Fiat. That's as bad as the judges legislating from the bench

9) Putting people under surveillance by drones and other technology from the womb to the tomb 24 / 7 / 365

10) Attempts to militarize the border over the objections of states wherein the governors say no national emergency exists. What next? Martial law to get his edicts enforced?

In your screwed up mind, what constitutes a POLICE STATE? You are one screwed up dude.

What does any of that have to do with building the wall, dumbass?

You're about as stupid as the day is long. Each item mentioned was a way to give teeth to the wall, aid in enforcement, and / or advancement of the wall. Other times the things mentioned were proposed as pretexts to give the semblance of credibility to the wall. Are you for freaking real? OR are you retarded?
Why do you whiners keep this up? The wall IS going to be built. Back when this first started, I thought the right would wake the Hell up and see they were being played. I over-estimated their intelligence.

This latest round is part of the theatrics. The silly wall will be built. AND, in exchange, we will get the ultimate POLICE STATE, beginning with gun control. Another high cap magazine ban has been introduced; criminalizing private sales, doing away with gun shows, and National Gun Registration are on the table.

Be patient. Tyranny is on the way.
How will building the wall cause any of that?

You're obviously a dumbass.

You're obviously a fucking moron to ask a question and then call someone a name. If you've been in this discussion as long as you have and don't know the downside, you're not smart enough to be taken seriously.

You need to back the fuck up, leave that smart ass attitude between your ears, learn how to to be an adult, or STFU. The downside to the Internet is that it draws stupid mother fuckers like you that God forgot to give a brain to.

As a result, screw you. I don't need to tell you the downside of your viewpoint. Clank your chains when they take your Freedoms and Liberties.
In other words, you can't explain how the wall encourages or supports a police state.

Thanks for playing, dumbass.

You calling people a dumbass is like Trump calling the public a bunch of liars.
Oooh! That hurts!


You can't be hurt with words. More intelligent people will understand, however.
DACA, moron. Obama had to violate most of our immigration laws to enforce that.

Presidents do have a right to prioritize deportations. He could establish a DACA program to shield certain groups from deportation. This is one thing Obama was right on.
No, presidents have no right to exempt any group of illegals from deportation. Furthermore, Obama did much more than that. He issued work permits to these people, which is a clear violation of the law.

You don't get out much, do you?
How would that change the legal implications of DACA?

What does that have to do with my question?
Why would I bother responding to your imbecile non sequitur?
Stupidfuck Trump talks about continuing building his wall.

He does not know the wall is not being built?

Why do you whiners keep this up? The wall IS going to be built. Back when this first started, I thought the right would wake the Hell up and see they were being played. I over-estimated their intelligence.

This latest round is part of the theatrics. The silly wall will be built. AND, in exchange, we will get the ultimate POLICE STATE, beginning with gun control. Another high cap magazine ban has been introduced; criminalizing private sales, doing away with gun shows, and National Gun Registration are on the table.

Be patient. Tyranny is on the way.
How will building the wall cause any of that?

You're obviously a dumbass.

You're obviously a fucking moron to ask a question and then call someone a name. If you've been in this discussion as long as you have and don't know the downside, you're not smart enough to be taken seriously.

You need to back the fuck up, leave that smart ass attitude between your ears, learn how to to be an adult, or STFU. The downside to the Internet is that it draws stupid mother fuckers like you that God forgot to give a brain to.

As a result, screw you. I don't need to tell you the downside of your viewpoint. Clank your chains when they take your Freedoms and Liberties.
In other words, you can't explain how the wall encourages or supports a police state.

Thanks for playing, dumbass.

You calling people a dumbass is like Trump calling the public a bunch of liars.
Trump doesn't do that, but you clearly are a dumbass.
How will building the wall cause any of that?

You're obviously a dumbass.

You're obviously a fucking moron to ask a question and then call someone a name. If you've been in this discussion as long as you have and don't know the downside, you're not smart enough to be taken seriously.

You need to back the fuck up, leave that smart ass attitude between your ears, learn how to to be an adult, or STFU. The downside to the Internet is that it draws stupid mother fuckers like you that God forgot to give a brain to.

As a result, screw you. I don't need to tell you the downside of your viewpoint. Clank your chains when they take your Freedoms and Liberties.
In other words, you can't explain how the wall encourages or supports a police state.

Thanks for playing, dumbass.

You calling people a dumbass is like Trump calling the public a bunch of liars.
Oooh! That hurts!


You can't be hurt with words. More intelligent people will understand, however.
Intelligent people understand that you're a dumbass.
Most of the increases were due to prior obligations and the 2008 meltdown (recovery). His policies and agenda only contributed a fraction of that amount.
ROFL! Yeah, no matter what it is, it's always Bush's fault.
And you want to ignore the depression he almost gave us? The wonderful economy he gave Obama?
Obama created the depression, shit for brains.
Fucking moron, there was no depression. You're suffering from advanced delusionary schizophrenia with involuntary narcissistic rage again.

There was a recession ... a massive recession ... and it started 13 months before Obama became president -- while George W. Bush was president.
Obama made it several times worse.
Bu... bu... bu... BUT OBAMA!!!!!

Most of the increases were due to prior obligations and the 2008 meltdown (recovery). His policies and agenda only contributed a fraction of that amount.
ROFL! Yeah, no matter what it is, it's always Bush's fault.
And you want to ignore the depression he almost gave us? The wonderful economy he gave Obama?
Obama created the depression, shit for brains.
Fucking moron, there was no depression. You're suffering from advanced delusionary schizophrenia with involuntary narcissistic rage again.

There was a recession ... a massive recession ... and it started 13 months before Obama became president -- while George W. Bush was president.
Obama made it several times worse.

Wow caught in one lie, so you switch to another. Gonna have to start calling you Pinnocchio I think with the Whoppers you are trying here.

Let's see. 75 months of job gains (yes Trump inherited the longest run of job growth in US recorded history).

Averaged 214k new jobs per month with Obama., More than Trump's average of 175k. Every single year under Obama the US added More jobs than any Trump year thus far.

0 net private sector jobs added from 2000-2009. 83 straight months of growth in private sector under Obama (longest on record).

2015 is still the us record for household median income growth since tracking started in 1968.

2014 was the largest 1 year poverty rate drop since it's been recorded in 1968

2012, us corporate profits as a % of gdp were highest in recorded us history.

Did this as average household reduced debt (the increase in gdp with increasing debt under bush led to the depression), and low interest and inflation rates.

226% increase in stock market.

In 5 years private sector hourly workers pay (they make up 80% of the private workforce) grew more than in the COMBINED 27 years before he took office.

Economy turned for the better under Obama, it's kept a similar or slowing pace since.

Reduced unemployment by 5%, cutting it in more than half in his first 4 years (trump has reduced by less than 1% cutting it by less than 20%)

And that's with inheriting a back to back negative growth gdp. You want to know why it was only the great recession and not another depression? Obama turned it around quickly
ROFL! Yeah, no matter what it is, it's always Bush's fault.
And you want to ignore the depression he almost gave us? The wonderful economy he gave Obama?
Obama created the depression, shit for brains.
Fucking moron, there was no depression. You're suffering from advanced delusionary schizophrenia with involuntary narcissistic rage again.

There was a recession ... a massive recession ... and it started 13 months before Obama became president -- while George W. Bush was president.
Obama made it several times worse.

Wow caught in one lie, so you switch to another. Gonna have to start calling you Pinnocchio I think with the Whoppers you are trying here.

Let's see. 75 months of job gains (yes Trump inherited the longest run of job growth in US recorded history).

Averaged 214k new jobs per month with Obama., More than Trump's average of 175k. Every single year under Obama the US added More jobs than any Trump year thus far.

0 net private sector jobs added from 2000-2009. 83 straight months of growth in private sector under Obama (longest on record).

2015 is still the us record for household median income growth since tracking started in 1968.

2014 was the largest 1 year poverty rate drop since it's been recorded in 1968

2012, us corporate profits as a % of gdp were highest in recorded us history.

Did this as average household reduced debt (the increase in gdp with increasing debt under bush led to the depression), and low interest and inflation rates.

226% increase in stock market.

In 5 years private sector hourly workers pay (they make up 80% of the private workforce) grew more than in the COMBINED 27 years before he took office.

Economy turned for the better under Obama, it's kept a similar or slowing pace since.

Reduced unemployment by 5%, cutting it in more than half in his first 4 years (trump has reduced by less than 1% cutting it by less than 20%)

And that's with inheriting a back to back negative growth gdp. You want to know why it was only the great recession and not another depression? Obama turned it around quickly you want to point out the Obama economic policies that "turned it around", Sand Squid? Give me some specific things that Barry did to stimulate economic growth in the US!
Most of the increases were due to prior obligations and the 2008 meltdown (recovery). His policies and agenda only contributed a fraction of that amount.
ROFL! Yeah, no matter what it is, it's always Bush's fault.
And you want to ignore the depression he almost gave us? The wonderful economy he gave Obama?
Obama created the depression, shit for brains.
Fucking moron, there was no depression. You're suffering from advanced delusionary schizophrenia with involuntary narcissistic rage again.

There was a recession ... a massive recession ... and it started 13 months before Obama became president -- while George W. Bush was president.
Obama made it several times worse.
Lets see, we were losing 800,000jobs a month.
The economy was SHRINKING at a rate over 6 %
Deficit was oin a path to hit 1.5 trillion

It sure wasn't the ACA! That monstrosity was a drag on the economy. His proposed Cap & Trade legislation? Good thing the Democrats lost big in the 2010 midterms or that bit of progressive legislation would have totally FUBARed any recovery we'd had to that point! His stimulus? You liberals spent nearly a trillion dollars and created so few jobs that the Obama Administration had to start using that "Jobs created or saved" number to hide how few jobs you actually DID create! Was it his energy policies that drove the energy boom in the middle of his two terms? Not so much. He opposed fracking and used the Gulf oil spill to shut down drilling permits all over the place.
ROFL! Yeah, no matter what it is, it's always Bush's fault.
And you want to ignore the depression he almost gave us? The wonderful economy he gave Obama?
Obama created the depression, shit for brains.
Fucking moron, there was no depression. You're suffering from advanced delusionary schizophrenia with involuntary narcissistic rage again.

There was a recession ... a massive recession ... and it started 13 months before Obama became president -- while George W. Bush was president.
Obama made it several times worse.
Lets see, we were losing 800,000jobs a month.
The economy was SHRINKING at a rate over 6 %
Deficit was oin a path to hit 1.5 trillion


Obama oversaw the worst recovery from a recession since FDR and The Great Depression. His total lack of understanding of how the economy worked...or how jobs are created...led to an economic recovery that tread water for the longest time.

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