Noah and his boat -

You seem to be conveniently ignoring the fact that most of those species are acquatic. But then that's what you get when you just copy and paste a picture without taking any independent thought. If you had, you might have noticed that the picture is wrong on at least one detail and could be wrong on others.

Even if 90% the species were aquatic, that still leaves some 600,000 animals to see to.

gosh I wonder if any of those have evolved since then?.....lets see....if they only needed two beetles, that eliminates what, another 37,000?

Evolution doesn't exist in the bible.
I always wondered

How did Noah keep fresh water fish on the Ark? They would not survive the flood

Guess a lot of them died, but nature has a way of recovering. I'm sure not all of that water was ocean water. It was fresh water. Rain has little or no salt in it.

What about something like a flounder, crab or catfish that lives on the bottom?

Add 20,000 feet of water on top of them and they would not survive

How long did the flood last, and did it cover the entire Earth all at once?


Most likely it was waves and rain that covered everything and then receded.
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why do you need 20k feet of water?.....

To cover the earth in water

do you need to account for those strong enough to swim to the Himalyas or could He just stop when the last one drowned?.......
the term cover the earth in water in the biblical context means THE WHOLE EARTH INCLUDING THE HIMALAYAS there would be no exceptions.
but since it's campfire tale religiously embellished by religion anything is possible.
To cover the earth in water

do you need to account for those strong enough to swim to the Himalyas or could He just stop when the last one drowned?.......
the term cover the earth in water in the biblical context means THE WHOLE EARTH INCLUDING THE HIMALAYAS there would be no exceptions.
but since it's campfire tale religiously embellished by religion anything is possible.

The Bible does not lie

If God says he covered the whole earth....he covered the whole earth
Mt Everest included
Guess a lot of them died, but nature has a way of recovering. I'm sure not all of that water was ocean water. It was fresh water. Rain has little or no salt in it.

What about something like a flounder, crab or catfish that lives on the bottom?

Add 20,000 feet of water on top of them and they would not survive

How long did the flood last, and did it cover the entire Earth all at once?


Most likely it was waves and rain that covered everything and then receded.
there would only be waves of any size for a very short time after that it would have been like filling a bathtub the more water you add the calmer it gets.
as to the rain it would have rain much longer then the time given to dilute the water enough to make it drinkable.
as it receded the concentration of salt would get larger as it would come out of solution ,add to that all the salt and other minerals that would have been unlocked from the dry land by the rain.
those mineral particulates would have to settle on the ocean, lake, riverbed bottoms before the water would be drinkable..
what about all the volcanoes?
do you need to account for those strong enough to swim to the Himalyas or could He just stop when the last one drowned?.......
the term cover the earth in water in the biblical context means THE WHOLE EARTH INCLUDING THE HIMALAYAS there would be no exceptions.
but since it's campfire tale religiously embellished by religion anything is possible.

The Bible does not lie

If God says he covered the whole earth....he covered the whole earth
Mt Everest included
god may not lie but the people who wrote the bible spun some major whoppers.....
The longest wooden ship ever built was the Schooner Wyoming at 450 feet. She was built by experienced ship wrights, designed by engineers, had a steam engine to run pumps, haul lines, etc., and was braced with metal.

Like all large wooden ships, the Wyoming twisted and warped with the motion of the seas. She sank when she was caught in a storm because of gaps that opened in her wooden planking.

Noah must've been a better designer and shipwright than those 20th Century engineers and shipwrights even though they'd had experience building large ships before.

No. 2492: The Schooner Wyoming
The longest wooden ship ever built was the Schooner Wyoming at 450 feet. She was built by experienced ship wrights, designed by engineers, had a steam engine to run pumps, haul lines, etc., and was braced with metal.

Like all large wooden ships, the Wyoming twisted and warped with the motion of the seas. She sank when she was caught in a storm because of gaps that opened in her wooden planking.

Noah must've been a better designer and shipwright than those 20th Century engineers and shipwrights even though they'd had experience building large ships before.

No. 2492: The Schooner Wyoming

Noah had God helping him silly

God does not worry about things like twisting and warping
Of course to cover 29,000 feet of earth in 40 days would take a rainfall of 6 in/minute

It would take quite a boat to withstand that rainstorm for 40 days given the currect record for rain being 1.23 inches in a minute
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The longest wooden ship ever built was the Schooner Wyoming at 450 feet. She was built by experienced ship wrights, designed by engineers, had a steam engine to run pumps, haul lines, etc., and was braced with metal.

Like all large wooden ships, the Wyoming twisted and warped with the motion of the seas. She sank when she was caught in a storm because of gaps that opened in her wooden planking.

Noah must've been a better designer and shipwright than those 20th Century engineers and shipwrights even though they'd had experience building large ships before.

No. 2492: The Schooner Wyoming

Noah had God helping him silly

God does not worry about things like twisting and warping

Oh. Wait, so, then if God miracled Noah to build an impossible boat for an impossible task, then why didn't He just miracle a different way of wiping out almost all life on Earth that didn't require Him to commit global genocide that, you know, He saw coming in the first place?
The longest wooden ship ever built was the Schooner Wyoming at 450 feet. She was built by experienced ship wrights, designed by engineers, had a steam engine to run pumps, haul lines, etc., and was braced with metal.

Like all large wooden ships, the Wyoming twisted and warped with the motion of the seas. She sank when she was caught in a storm because of gaps that opened in her wooden planking.

Noah must've been a better designer and shipwright than those 20th Century engineers and shipwrights even though they'd had experience building large ships before.

No. 2492: The Schooner Wyoming

Noah had God helping him silly

God does not worry about things like twisting and warping

Oh. Wait, so, then if God miracled Noah to build an impossible boat for an impossible task, then why didn't He just miracle a different way of wiping out almost all life on Earth that didn't require Him to commit global genocide that, you know, He saw coming in the first place?
I've wondered the same thing, was god low on miracles in his ditty bag?
Of course to cover 29,000 feet of earth in 40 days would take a rainfall of 6 in/minute

It would take quite a boat to withstand that rainstorm for 40 days given the currect record for rain being 1.23 inches in a minute

It isn't all rain. It came from the underground reservoirs of water.

The “fountains of the great deep” are mentioned before the “windows of heaven,” indicating either relative importance or the order of events.

What are the “fountains of the great deep?” This phrase is used only in Genesis 7:11. “Fountains of the deep” is used in Genesis 8:2, where it clearly refers to the same thing, and Proverbs 8:28, where the precise meaning is not clear. “The great deep” is used three other times: Isaiah 51:10, where it clearly refers to the ocean; Amos 7:4, where God’s fire of judgement is said to dry up the great deep, probably the oceans; and Psalm 36:6 where it is used metaphorically of the depth of God’s justice/judgement. “The deep” is used more often, and usually refers to the oceans (e.g., Genesis 1:2; Job 38:30, 41:32; Psalm 42:7, 104:6; Isaiah 51:10, 63:13; Ezekiel 26:19; Jonah 2:3), but sometimes to subterranean sources of water (Ezekiel 31:4, 15). The Hebrew word (mayan) translated “fountains” means “fountain, spring, well.”1
Fountains of the deep scene taken from "The World That Perished"
So, the “fountains of the great deep” are probably oceanic or possibly subterranean sources of water. In the context of the flood account, it could mean both.

If the fountains of the great deep were the major source of the waters, then they must have been a huge source of water. Some have suggested that when God made the dry land appear from under the waters on the third day of creation, some of the water that covered the earth became trapped underneath and within the dry land.2

Noah's Flood - Where did the water come from?
do you need to account for those strong enough to swim to the Himalyas or could He just stop when the last one drowned?.......
the term cover the earth in water in the biblical context means THE WHOLE EARTH INCLUDING THE HIMALAYAS there would be no exceptions.
but since it's campfire tale religiously embellished by religion anything is possible.

The Bible does not lie

If God says he covered the whole earth....he covered the whole earth
Mt Everest included

The thought is that the water pushed the ground up which would account for the mountains.

People who have a wet basement know how powerful water is. You can seal it but water pressure will crack it again.

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