Nobama 2012



As the case with most issues, Bush made them bad, Obama made them worse. Due to the Bush admin's policies

There fixed it for you...

But see most folks like to claim that Obama has all these different policies and great new ideas when in reality they are the same. Bush did the first bailout, Obama did more. Bush started a few wars, Obama attacked a few more countries (oh and his own citizens). Bush did Patriot Act, Obama did NDAA. Things got worse because the failed policies of Bush were continued by Obama and guess what, they kept failing!

Do you ever tire of asking people the same question? I have answered that a bunch of fucking times on here. So have the other liberals and Obama supporters here What makes you think it is OK to pretend that we haven't.

I'm so bored by constant attempt by you nutters to pretend that facts are not facts and that you are hearing everything for the first time. What will it take to pound this into your skull.

President Obama understands that the middle class is the engine of the economy. He recognizes that the middle class has been squeezed dry over the last 30 years and has begun to address the matter. He grasps the fact that we need to invest.....yes education and infrastructure if we are to maintain our position as a world leader. He has begun to repair our DEVAsTATINGLY WASTEFUL AND EXPENSIVE HEALTH CARE SYSTEM. Not doing so would mean almost certain ruin. He has done an admirable job of restoring our image internationally and has GOTTEN US OUT OF IRAQ. far as direction goes........PLEASE LOOK AT THE NUMBERS. We are clearly, obviously and unequivocally headed in the right direction with regards to the economy.

Now...don't ask the fucking question again, please.
Because your non answers to the questions are not answers at all. far as direction goes........PLEASE LOOK AT THE NUMBERS. We are clearly, obviously and unequivocally headed in the right direction with regards to the economy.
What numbers would that be? Those that have been manipulate by the obama administration? Or those numbers I have too add up to balance my household budget?

Can't help it.......

manipulated......with a fucking "d".

to add up...........not too. You imbecile.

OH shit how about buying me a new keyboard with bigger keys to match my thick big fingers so it will help with your affliction?


As the case with most issues, Bush made them bad, Obama made them worse. Due to the Bush admin's policies

There fixed it for you...

But see most folks like to claim that Obama has all these different policies and great new ideas when in reality they are the same. Bush did the first bailout, Obama did more. Bush started a few wars, Obama attacked a few more countries (oh and his own citizens). Bush did Patriot Act, Obama did NDAA. Things got worse because the failed policies of Bush were continued by Obama and guess what, they kept failing!

Yes Bush started bad and obama made it worse. No Change to what obama had promised. I guess that's what makes it even worse. obama was going to change it all and only made it worse.
There fixed it for you...

But see most folks like to claim that Obama has all these different policies and great new ideas when in reality they are the same. Bush did the first bailout, Obama did more. Bush started a few wars, Obama attacked a few more countries (oh and his own citizens). Bush did Patriot Act, Obama did NDAA. Things got worse because the failed policies of Bush were continued by Obama and guess what, they kept failing!

Yes Bush started bad and obama made it worse. No Change to what obama had promised. I guess that's what makes it even worse. obama was going to change it all and only made it worse.

Yeah.. I chuckle internally every time an Obama follower blames the lack of progress on Bush yet refuses to acknowledge that their policies are even remotely similar.
Because your non answers to the questions are not answers at all.

What numbers would that be? Those that have been manipulate by the obama administration? Or those numbers I have too add up to balance my household budget?

Can't help it.......

manipulated......with a fucking "d".

to add up...........not too. You imbecile.

OH shit how about buying me a new keyboard with bigger keys to match my thick big fingers so it will help with your affliction?

Is that the case? Really? If so, you have my apologies. I wouldn't want to accuse you of not knowing the difference between "to" and "too" without cause. I feel terrible.
Can't help it.......

manipulated......with a fucking "d".

to add up...........not too. You imbecile.

OH shit how about buying me a new keyboard with bigger keys to match my thick big fingers so it will help with your affliction?

Is that the case? Really? If so, you have my apologies. I wouldn't want to accuse you of not knowing the difference between "to" and "too" without cause. I feel terrible.

Again so you can end your affliction I'll take pay pal for a new keyboard.
America has far bigger issues to take care of than your insignificant bullshit discussion board grammar
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Let's going with number 16 from my list

Black unemployment at 14.1 percent

Obama Blames State and Local Governments, Congress for 14.1 Percent Black Unemployment
Obama Blames State and Local Governments, Congress for 14.1 Percent Black Unemployment | The Weekly Standard
Obama responds.
"Given the weaknesses of the construction industry, the American Jobs Act proposed that we rebuild schools, roads, bridges, airport, and ports. That would provide small businesses with opportunities as contractors and vendors in this rebuilding process. Again, Congress needs to act."

Sounds like he's desperate.
Let's going with number 16 from my list

Black unemployment at 14.1 percent

Obama Blames State and Local Governments, Congress for 14.1 Percent Black Unemployment
Obama Blames State and Local Governments, Congress for 14.1 Percent Black Unemployment | The Weekly Standard
Obama responds.
"Given the weaknesses of the construction industry, the American Jobs Act proposed that we rebuild schools, roads, bridges, airport, and ports. That would provide small businesses with opportunities as contractors and vendors in this rebuilding process. Again, Congress needs to act."

Sounds like he's desperate.

Holy shit! Your fingers must be MASSIVE. You hit the "o" key and accidentally added an "i", an "n", and a "g". You need one of these.
Last edited:
Let's going with number 16 from my list

Black unemployment at 14.1 percent

Obama Blames State and Local Governments, Congress for 14.1 Percent Black Unemployment
Obama Blames State and Local Governments, Congress for 14.1 Percent Black Unemployment | The Weekly Standard
Obama responds.
"Given the weaknesses of the construction industry, the American Jobs Act proposed that we rebuild schools, roads, bridges, airport, and ports. That would provide small businesses with opportunities as contractors and vendors in this rebuilding process. Again, Congress needs to act."

Sounds like he's desperate.

Holy shit! Your fingers must be MASSIVE. You hit the "o" key and accidentally added an "i", an "n", and a "g". You need one of these.

Giant Keyboard Requires Massive Fingers (or Toes)

Sounds like both you and obama are desperate.
obama blaming Congress and you with irrelevant deflections.
Let's going with number 16 from my list

Black unemployment at 14.1 percent

Obama Blames State and Local Governments, Congress for 14.1 Percent Black Unemployment
Obama Blames State and Local Governments, Congress for 14.1 Percent Black Unemployment | The Weekly Standard
Obama responds.
"Given the weaknesses of the construction industry, the American Jobs Act proposed that we rebuild schools, roads, bridges, airport, and ports. That would provide small businesses with opportunities as contractors and vendors in this rebuilding process. Again, Congress needs to act."

Sounds like he's desperate.

Holy shit! Your fingers must be MASSIVE. You hit the "o" key and accidentally added an "i", an "n", and a "g". You need one of these.

Giant Keyboard Requires Massive Fingers (or Toes)

Sounds like both you and obama are desperate.
obama blaming Congress and you with irrelevant deflections.

And I thought you'd appreciate the link. It must be hell going through life with fingers the size of telephone poles. I'm only trying to help.
The Republican Party was born as the anti-Slavery party. Through the years, it has fought for equality of all people, which some people support and others hate because it doesn't fit their racial parameters.

Translation: The GOP has fought to keep minorities from getting "special" treatment -- like being treated equally to white people.

It is for responsible and small federal government, which some people support and others hate because it doesn't fit their pyramid power schema with a tiny top of super rich governing a large base of working class poor.

Translation: The GOP doesn't want states to be bothered with the fed govt's pesky "laws" -- like voting rights,affordable health care, Medicare, Medicaid, SS.

The Republican Party seeks justice for all, which some people support, and others hate because it only wants justice for people who support redistribution of wealth from taxpayers to societal slouches who want everything for free and payment for all life's amenities.

Translation: The GOP seeks lower taxes for the rich while raising taxes on the middle class and cutting support for the poor.

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