Nobody Knows What Was Taken from Mar-A-Lago

armed guards and behind locked doors?? hahaha yeah sure

from the dembots that turned a blind eye to top secret material on a unsecured third party server and on convicted sex offender’s laptops

Trump gets convicted

You have just demonstrated he has no defense
From the left putting out absurd conspiracy theories about Trump stealing nuclear secrets to the right crying that the entire affair is politically motivated and Trump is a saint from the highest reaches of heaven, nobody other than those in the federal government involved in the raid know exactly what was taken. The warrant has broad language as to what they were searching for and it has been confirmed that some boxes taken had classified documents in them. That's it. That's all anyone knows yet it hasn't stopped the media, politicians, pundits, and sycophants of all stripes from making total fools of themselves over the past week.

Eleven sets of classified documents were among the materials seized in the raid, according to a receipt for property seized that was attached to the warrant. One group of files was marked “Various classified/TS/SCI documents,” which includes an abbreviation for top-secret/sensitive compartmented information.

The others were four sets of top-secret documents, three groups of secret documents, and three sets of confidential documents.

The agents took at least 20 boxes of items, along with binders of photos, one handwritten note and an “executive grant of clemency” for Roger Stone, a Republican political operative whom Trump had pardoned, according to the document.

Actually the left has been far more restrained than the far right has been. There also is no doubt that Trump has been playing games with government agencies in terms of turning over this information. Given the fact that Trump is irresponsible, getting the classified documents should be a priority. It is sad that the government had to resort to this to get those documents back. This is Trump's fault and no one else's.
This is just a Dirty political trick,,,,,,you RAID HIS HOME expecting to find nothing BUT you have now CREATED DOUBT IN THE PUBLICS MIND and the massholes will THINK TRUMP DID SOMETHING WRONG. It is Assassination of Reputation.
19 Republican investigations of Benghazi and Hillary Clinton. Not one Republican referral for prosecution. Why not? Because there was nothing to prosecute her over. Nothing illegal.

Sorry - you lose again.

FOAD commie no one is talking about that shit.

Still waiting for you to defend Trump maintaining Top Secret Documents without protecting them
we have already established it was protected with armed federal agents and behind a locked door with a padlock.

and considering you supported the obama admin, including voting for clinton and xiden…we know you really don’t care about classified material
What amazes me is the demand for immediate satisfaction
Oh, you mean like raiding a man's home, instead of continuing negotiations?
Unless you can report what was in those Top Secret documents the raid is invalid

Unless you identify the source for the Warrant, it is fake

These things take time and potential prosecution of a former President is a political bombshell

It will not be rushed to satisfy the demands of a media looking for its next headline
Yes, it will have to wait until December of 2024, at least.
From the left putting out absurd conspiracy theories about Trump stealing nuclear secrets to the right crying that the entire affair is politically motivated and Trump is a saint from the highest reaches of heaven, nobody other than those in the federal government involved in the raid know exactly what was taken. The warrant has broad language as to what they were searching for and it has been confirmed that some boxes taken had classified documents in them. That's it. That's all anyone knows yet it hasn't stopped the media, politicians, pundits, and sycophants of all stripes from making total fools of themselves over the past week.

Eleven sets of classified documents were among the materials seized in the raid, according to a receipt for property seized that was attached to the warrant. One group of files was marked “Various classified/TS/SCI documents,” which includes an abbreviation for top-secret/sensitive compartmented information.

The others were four sets of top-secret documents, three groups of secret documents, and three sets of confidential documents.

The agents took at least 20 boxes of items, along with binders of photos, one handwritten note and an “executive grant of clemency” for Roger Stone, a Republican political operative whom Trump had pardoned, according to the document.

Welp, we know it was passports, and that passports weren't included in the warrant.

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