Nobody Knows What Was Taken from Mar-A-Lago

The only thing compromised is your propaganda and standards. You commies defended the bitch when she did much worse.

Actually, Hillary’s compromise was insignificant

It was Trump who spurred the outrage and rode it to the Presidency. Look who is laughing now…..

What amazes me is the demand for immediate satisfaction

Unless you can report what was in those Top Secret documents the raid is invalid

Unless you identify the source for the Warrant, it is fake

These things take time and potential prosecution of a former President is a political bombshell

It will not be rushed to satisfy the demands of a media looking for its next headline
This is the result of the FBI squandering it’s reputation. Between announcing that while guilty of multiple crimes no prosecutor would prosecute Hillary, lying on affidavits to get search warrants against a sitting president, staging armed raids on non-violent offenders AFTER arranging for the media to cover the pre-dawn raid, to arresting a man at an airport who lived within easy walking distance of FBI headquarters rather than at home or telling him to surrender for a misdemeanor, the FBI has allowed its hard- earned reputation to be destroyed.
I think President Biden is significantly better than Trump

So Will History
History will rank Biden below Carter as president. In two years Biden has already exceeded Carter’s poor metrics without OPEC cutting oil production to establish their control of oil prices and profits.
History will rank Biden below Carter as president. In two years Biden has already exceeded Carter’s poor metrics without OPEC cutting oil production to establish their control of oil prices and profits.
Biden is recovering and has significant legislative accomplishments
Inflation and gas prices are in a decline
I look for Biden to be in the 25-30 range

Trump was ranked in the bottom 4 Presidents in the last survey of Presidents. With his continuing scandals and more information on his role in Jan 6, he should drop lower
Actually, Hillary’s compromise was insignificant

It was Trump who spurred the outrage and rode it to the Presidency. Look who is laughing now…..

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While trump is flailing....coming up with crazy reasons that he has been hiding top secret documents.

I declassified them!
The FBI planted them!
They are privileged documents!
But Hillary...but Obama....but...!

Soon...he will find a fall guy....look out Mark Meadows.
Can you believe Trump was so outraged about the laws being not severe enough to convict Hillary that he made them tougher and made illegal storage of classified information a Felony

Who will be the first convicted under the new laws?

Crooked Donnie


Destruction of subpoenaed documents and devices, Abedin had classified info on the lap top carlos danger was jerking off on. Yet they got immunity handed out like fucking candy. Once again, FOAD commie hypocrite.

Destruction of subpoenaed documents and devices, Abedin had classified info on the lap top carlos danger was jerking off on. Yet they got immunity handed out like fucking candy. Once again, FOAD commie hypocrite.


Poor Crooked Donnie

He will be prosecuted for his own law
How dumb is that?
From the left putting out absurd conspiracy theories about Trump stealing nuclear secrets to the right crying that the entire affair is politically motivated and Trump is a saint from the highest reaches of heaven, nobody other than those in the federal government involved in the raid know exactly what was taken. The warrant has broad language as to what they were searching for and it has been confirmed that some boxes taken had classified documents in them. That's it. That's all anyone knows yet it hasn't stopped the media, politicians, pundits, and sycophants of all stripes from making total fools of themselves over the past week.

Eleven sets of classified documents were among the materials seized in the raid, according to a receipt for property seized that was attached to the warrant. One group of files was marked “Various classified/TS/SCI documents,” which includes an abbreviation for top-secret/sensitive compartmented information.

The others were four sets of top-secret documents, three groups of secret documents, and three sets of confidential documents.

The agents took at least 20 boxes of items, along with binders of photos, one handwritten note and an “executive grant of clemency” for Roger Stone, a Republican political operative whom Trump had pardoned, according to the document.

The accusation from the left that Trump is using those docs for nefarious purposes may be unfounded, but few are floating this idea.

Of course if Trump does have nuclear docs, what the fuck is he doing with them?
The accusation from the left that Trump is using those docs for nefarious purposes may be unfounded, but few are floating this idea.

Of course if Trump does have nuclear docs, what the fuck is he doing with them?

Doesn’t matter how Trump intended to use those documents
What mattered is Trump possessed them and did not protect Top Secret information

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