Nobody Knows What Was Taken from Mar-A-Lago

Lots of silly shit from both ends, as usual.

Lots of "reports" and assumptions and conspiracy theories that mean nothing. Partisan masturbation.
They nothing so the 24 hr News has to fill the air with something..

The right has gone extra stupid... Left has some idiots getting over excited too..

Just a lot of people getting excited..
From the left putting out absurd conspiracy theories about Trump stealing nuclear secrets to the right crying that the entire affair is politically motivated and Trump is a saint from the highest reaches of heaven, nobody other than those in the federal government involved in the raid know exactly what was taken. The warrant has broad language as to what they were searching for and it has been confirmed that some boxes taken had classified documents in them. That's it. That's all anyone knows yet it hasn't stopped the media, politicians, pundits, and sycophants of all stripes from making total fools of themselves over the past week.

Eleven sets of classified documents were among the materials seized in the raid, according to a receipt for property seized that was attached to the warrant. One group of files was marked “Various classified/TS/SCI documents,” which includes an abbreviation for top-secret/sensitive compartmented information.

The others were four sets of top-secret documents, three groups of secret documents, and three sets of confidential documents.

The agents took at least 20 boxes of items, along with binders of photos, one handwritten note and an “executive grant of clemency” for Roger Stone, a Republican political operative whom Trump had pardoned, according to the document.

How do you PROVE in a court of law that you did not introduce or plant your own documents? This is such a joke, all political distraction from the masters of distractions the Democrats.
One thing we know is they mindlessly dug through the clothes of our beloved First Lady Melania. How dare those perverts sniff her clothes like that!

Exactly. :04:

Classified or not has nothing to do with the illegality.

Trumpers need to get their heads out of Christopher Ruddy's ass.

Really? I thought the entire raid was for classified docs.

Tell all of us how it was illegal for Trump to have docs that were not classified, Simp.

And I note you still have no original thoughts. Grow a brain.
Really? I thought the entire raid was for classified docs.

Tell all of us how it was illegal for Trump to have docs that were not classified, Simp.

And I note you still have no original thoughts. Grow a brain.
Evidently, they were classified
Bad news for Trump
Oh…was your “ orange baboon” blah de blah rant supposed to be some kind of comment that deserved a better response?
Indeed. The point being made was that record-seizure and itemization for receipt purposes was within the legal boundaries of the search warrant.

If you have anything intelligent to say by way of counterpoint have at it... otherwise, stick to your lightweight pebble-throwing... you're good at it.

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