Nominees for a Science Award Were All White Men— So.... Nobody Won


Platinum Member
May 28, 2019
If anyone was wondering if science has been co-opted by the woke Marxists, look no further than here:

Nominees for a Science Award Were All White Men—Nobody Won

Five of the nation’s top ice scientists found themselves in a conundrum.

They’d been tasked with a formidable job: reviewing candidates for the American Geophysical Union’s fellows program, the most prestigious award given by the world’s largest earth and space science society. But when the group looked at its list of candidates, all nominated by peers, it spotted a problem.

Every nominee on the list was a white man.

“That was kind of a bit of a showstopper for me,” said Helen Fricker, a glaciologist at Scripps Institution of Oceanography and one of the five committee members.

“We are disappointed that there were fewer women and fewer individuals from international countries nominated and awarded in 2021,” AGU said in a statement last month, shortly after announcing the new class of fellows. “For the first time ever, one Section chose not to advance any of their Sections’ nominees to the Union Fellows Committee for consideration. The Section felt that this was their only course of action due to a lack of diversity in the nomination pool.”
Pathetic, science has become woke propagandists for the liberal left and they can't even find one minority to throw in the mix...RACIST!!!!
We are increasingly seeing it in government and in corporations, the best, most technically and professionally qualified, and most experienced person for the job is no longer of any concern. So good luck with that second or fourth rate heart surgeon, because the best doctor was a white guy, or a Republican, and we cannot have any of that nonsense.

China will overtake us in technology, if we purposely box out the best and brightest, simply because the woke crowd disapproves of their skin color, ethnicity, or politics.

Higher education has already done this with political affiliation, since 90% of the professors and admin are leftists and democrats.

We are screwed, unless we can fight back and end this crap. I don't mean we need to be like them, and kick out leftists, simply because we don't like their political views. Most of us already purchase products, watch movies, listen to music, etc... whether or not we agree with their politics. But once these people start to force their views on us, or seek to disenfranchise us, simply because we disagree with their views, then we need to push back.

For example, I'm disgusted with what this candy manufacturer is doing. So I'll not buy their products anymore:

Twix Releases Halloween Ad About a Boy Wearing Dresses With His Witch Nanny — Forgets to Mention Candy

It's one thing to sell candy, it's another to use profits from candy to promote this gender dysphoria to grade school aged children.

I like how the witch uses her powers to attack children whenever she feels they are not fully supportive of her views and lifestyle. First it was the little girls who legitimately were curious why someone dresses like a witch before Halloween, so the "nanny" presents them with a not so veiled threat. then she summons the wind to harm a boy who legitimately thought it looks odd for a boy to be wearing a "princess dress" and a grown woman dressing like the storybook caricature of a witch also looked odd.

Moral of the ad is, the gender dysphoria crowd disapprove of any views but their own, and they will intimidate and punish you if you do not bend the knee and agree with their views or lifestyle. They do not seem to think there is a legitimate Right to free speech, to express your own opinion, if it disagrees with the left, because if you do they will hurt you, and empower government to do it for them.
Let's look at the history of science in all of its forms. Chemistry, geology, physics, astronomy, biology, etc.

How many people made contributions to the fields of science that were black vs white?

Is it racist that historically speaking throughout history across the entire world that white people contribute the most to science than say blacks?

At what point will we say facts aren't racist?

Science, engineering, architecture, medicine, Inventing, even the creation of countries and societies hasn't anyone ever stopped to think why in the worlds history is it mainly whites that have done so much? At any given time why is it almost all of the 1st world countries are white?

Or maybe they need to just shut and give the award to the best person instead of the best skin color.
How racist can one be. Obviously Biden supporters. Imagine the world today if no white guys ever existed! Probably the second amendment would be about protecting spears.
Highly likely. And the First Amendment would cover the right to "ooga booga" and publish tribal news on dried cow dung.
sCiEnCe yo!

If only the police hadn't shot all those aspiring young scientists and engineers living in the ghettos. Dey wuz just turnin' they lifes around.
Forgive me if this is a dumb question, but why should they be disregarded due to no one else having an interest enough to throw down the pom poms and get in the game like them five guys did?

God bless you and them always!!!

Let's look at the history of science in all of its forms. Chemistry, geology, physics, astronomy, biology, etc.

How many people made contributions to the fields of science that were black vs white?

Is it racist that historically speaking throughout history across the entire world that white people contribute the most to science than say blacks?

At what point will we say facts aren't racist?

Science, engineering, architecture, medicine, Inventing, even the creation of countries and societies hasn't anyone ever stopped to think why in the worlds history is it mainly whites that have done so much? At any given time why is it almost all of the 1st world countries are white?

Or maybe they need to just shut and give the award to the best person instead of the best skin color.
Many of the nations that have large black populations were not free republics for many centuries. Whereas people in Western democracies were allowed to fulfill their ambitions, or reach the levels of accomplishments. I think it's more about where people live, and under what types of tyranny or level of freedom they were born into.

Just look at Haiti and Cuba. Is the reason why those places have not enjoyed freedom and technological advancements because of the dominate races of the people there, or because of how despotic and corrupt their governments have been?
If anyone was wondering if science has been co-opted by the woke Marxists, look no further than here:

Nominees for a Science Award Were All White Men—Nobody Won

Five of the nation’s top ice scientists found themselves in a conundrum.

They’d been tasked with a formidable job: reviewing candidates for the American Geophysical Union’s fellows program, the most prestigious award given by the world’s largest earth and space science society. But when the group looked at its list of candidates, all nominated by peers, it spotted a problem.

Every nominee on the list was a white man.

“That was kind of a bit of a showstopper for me,” said Helen Fricker, a glaciologist at Scripps Institution of Oceanography and one of the five committee members.

“We are disappointed that there were fewer women and fewer individuals from international countries nominated and awarded in 2021,” AGU said in a statement last month, shortly after announcing the new class of fellows. “For the first time ever, one Section chose not to advance any of their Sections’ nominees to the Union Fellows Committee for consideration. The Section felt that this was their only course of action due to a lack of diversity in the nomination pool.”
Couldn't they find and nominate some token brown person to NOT win so the award could actually be presented?

This is deliberate self-flogging.

Virtue signaling at its most pathetic.

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