Non Cliquity Clack Club

Yup. I haven't done this in years! (stay in jammies all day). I must say, it has been a pleasant day. :)
Well, I am dressed today! Current morning pics of parts of me are in another thread. ;)

A guy called and was supposed to come look at the room but he had to cancel due to work. So..I got dressed for nuttin'.
Well, I am dressed today! Current morning pics of parts of me are in another thread. ;)

A guy called and was supposed to come look at the room but he had to cancel due to work. So..I got dressed for nuttin'.

Damn ! I hate getting dressed for nothing :lol:

Well, I am glad I got dressed for nothing. Seems I had a reason to after all. ;)
I saw your morning pics.

I don't know why anyone would try to make that an issue :dunno:

I saw your pictures in the share your photo section too and you keep yourself physically fit and in good shape.

Good for you !!!

After my sister died I kinda stopped everything and now I am back to eating healthy and working out which helps during stressful times like Finals.

You are a gardener and artist and get out and live life.

I think you are a great lady.
You rock, Drifter. :)

Me too, DriftingSand!

This mornings latest wash, rinse, repeat episode was aimed at me but that target hit a helluvalot of women on this board. Doesn't hurt me at all. I be numb in them there parts. Can't feel a thing. Cut nerves. :)
Dammit. Fog rolled in. But I still have to water the front yard. :(

BBL, folks.
Feets are all cold now cuz it's nippy out there! Barefoot, anyway. And yes, I go barefoot during the summer.'s done. Whew!

Now I am eating a turkey burger without the bun and some homemade fries dipped in ranch dressing.:)
Name something that gets passed around :lol:

[ame=]Devils & Angels - Family Feud - YouTube[/ame]

Who'da thunk?

[ame=]Family Feud - Hiding Nuts For the Winter? - YouTube[/ame]




In defense of his nuts.
I won't go into much detail cuz it could be used as a weapon by those who archive such things...but I gotta vent a smidge.

My sister always has to have the last word. Always. She has been manipulative our whole lives and everything MUST go her way...or else. Even when I was working, she would call me AT WORK and when she began to demand and try to control, I would say I can't talk...I am at work. CALL LATER when I am home, and hang up. Did that stop her? Nope. She would call. And I had to answer because it was a business phone. It would be her and I would hang up again. Two seconds is ringing. And she would keep on..and keep on...and keep on. Because she HAS to have the last word.

Finally I had a customer answer and say she was the manager and to not call back. Anything to shut her up!

At home..when she does that crap, I unplug the phone. With her, there is no "cooling off period". She MUST say what she has to say and devil take the hindemost. It's very irritating.
Lately, I have not answered the phone at all. I let the answering machine answer.
I won't go into much detail cuz it could be used as a weapon by those who archive such things...but I gotta vent a smidge.

My sister always has to have the last word. Always. She has been manipulative our whole lives and everything MUST go her way...or else. Even when I was working, she would call me AT WORK and when she began to demand and try to control, I would say I can't talk...I am at work. CALL LATER when I am home, and hang up. Did that stop her? Nope. She would call. And I had to answer because it was a business phone. It would be her and I would hang up again. Two seconds is ringing. And she would keep on..and keep on...and keep on. Because she HAS to have the last word.

Finally I had a customer answer and say she was the manager and to not call back. Anything to shut her up!

At home..when she does that crap, I unplug the phone. With her, there is no "cooling off period". She MUST say what she has to say and devil take the hindemost. It's very irritating.
Lately, I have not answered the phone at all. I let the answering machine answer.

If you have caller ID, I'd let all hers got to voicemail and call back when it is good for you and not when it is good for her. The work situation was handled well, with the customer pretending to be the manager bit. I had someone tell me once that you don't have to be around your family just because they are family. Makes sense when you think about it.

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