Non Cliquity Clack Club

I have a sign out front that says Friends Welcome, Family By Appt Only. :D

Phone is still off the hook. I will put it back on at noon. She never got the last word last night, so I guess she is going to try again today.

I wonder if I have a loud whistle in the junk drawer? :lol:
I have a dilemma. Maybe someone here can help.

I have the room for rent, right? And the gal that came yesterday, I would like to take it. But, I don't know if she will.

In the meantime...someone else called today. She is trustee to a gal interested. However, the person wanting to live here is "special needs" but high functioning. In short...she is in her 40's but has the mentality of a 12 year old.

Now, my sister in law is the same way. Mentality of a 12 year old. Do I want to deal with another one? No. But am I wrong in this? 12 year olds can cook, highly functioned, but..would you trust your home to a 12 year old in all aspects? Rent, cooking, cleaning up after themselves, dealing with day to day life in general? 12 year olds are competent (well, most are) but sometimes they do dumb stuff. Because they are 12. This is a full grown adult...but is a 12 year old.

Would you rent a room to such a person? You, who are a recluse, don't want drama, are quiet, enjoy the peace of your home and just want someone that goes to work, comes home, cooks their dinner, goes in their room, watches tv, takes a shower, goes to bed, then head back to work in the morning? Wouldn't having a 12 year old make you stress out? Did she turn off the burners, does she know not to have so many plugs hooked together and starts a fire in her room accidentally, leaves the gates open where the dogs can get out, etc etc etc? Would you feel comfortable not being home but the 12 year old is alone IN your home when you are not?

I am afraid it will just stress me out. But I still I being fair?
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I have a dilemma. Maybe someone here can help.

I have the room for rent, right? And the gal that came yesterday, I would like to take it. But, I don't know if she will.

In the meantime...someone else called today. She is trustee to a gal interested. However, the person wanting to live here is "special needs" but high functioning. In short...she is in her 40's but has the mentality of a 12 year old.

Now, my sister in law is the same way. Mentality of a 12 year old. Do I want to deal with another one? No. But am I wrong in this? 12 year olds can cook, highly functioned, but..would you trust your home to a 12 year old in all aspects? Rent, cooking, cleaning up after themselves, dealing with day to day life in general? 12 year olds are competent (well, most are) but sometimes they do dumb stuff. Because they are 12. This is a full grown adult...but is a 12 year old.

Would you rent a room to such a person? You, who are a recluse, don't want drama, are quiet, enjoy the peace of your home and just want someone that goes to work, comes home, cooks their dinner, goes in their room, watches tv, takes a shower, goes to bed, then head back to work in the morning? Wouldn't having a 12 year old make you stress out? Did she turn off the burners, does she know not to have so many plugs hooked together and starts a fire in her room accidentally, leaves the gates open where the dogs can get out, etc etc etc? Would you feel comfortable not being home but the 12 year old is alone IN your home when you are not?

I am afraid it will just stress me out. But I still I being fair?

You have a right to think of your own needs, for it is your place and you have to deal with any kind of aftermath. I encourage you to sit down and write a list of pros and cons and then look at that list carefully before making your decision.
I already did. No. I would not have peace of mind with a 12 year old in the house. this illegal? This is not an apartment where I don't have to be under the same roof. If that were the case, then no problem. It is the trustee's problem. This is a room in my house, all of us under the same roof, living together in one abode. I am responsible, am I not? And i don't want to be.
I already did. No. I would not have peace of mind with a 12 year old in the house. this illegal? This is not an apartment where I don't have to be under the same roof. If that were the case, then no problem. It is the trustee's problem. This is a room in my house, all of us under the same roof, living together in one abode. I am responsible, am I not? And i don't want to be.

It might be illegal. I would check with housing rules first, to make sure you're covered.
In a private home? Pretty sure I have a tad more rights than if it were an apartment complex. is not a first come first serve basis. It is whomever is THE BEST FIT. And I found him. I no longer want the other gal that came yesterday. I want the guy that called today. Why? He is a pc dude. Sticks to his room, does web developing so needs high speed internt..which I just happen to have, lol....and is an online gamer as well as works for a marketing firm beginning in July. Currently he is in San Diego so he is driving up this weekend to look at the room with money in hand. I told him I already want him because ALL my past roomies that were gamers and pc people, were PERFECT.
I have a sign out front that says Friends Welcome, Family By Appt Only. :D

That is too funny....I have that very same sign, too, and it's so true for most of the time.

Phone is still off the hook. I will put it back on at noon. She never got the last word last night, so I guess she is going to try again today.
So what is so important that she has to call back over and over after you hang up? She sounds a tad immature.

I wonder if I have a loud whistle in the junk drawer? :lol:
If you have an answering machine/service, it'd be better to let it go to voicemail. Blowing a whistle may irritate her more and if she is that childish, she might think of another way to hurt you.
I have a dilemma. Maybe someone here can help.

I have the room for rent, right? And the gal that came yesterday, I would like to take it. But, I don't know if she will.

In the meantime...someone else called today. She is trustee to a gal interested. However, the person wanting to live here is "special needs" but high functioning. In short...she is in her 40's but has the mentality of a 12 year old.

Now, my sister in law is the same way. Mentality of a 12 year old. Do I want to deal with another one? No. But am I wrong in this? 12 year olds can cook, highly functioned, but..would you trust your home to a 12 year old in all aspects? Rent, cooking, cleaning up after themselves, dealing with day to day life in general? 12 year olds are competent (well, most are) but sometimes they do dumb stuff. Because they are 12. This is a full grown adult...but is a 12 year old.

Would you rent a room to such a person? You, who are a recluse, don't want drama, are quiet, enjoy the peace of your home and just want someone that goes to work, comes home, cooks their dinner, goes in their room, watches tv, takes a shower, goes to bed, then head back to work in the morning? Wouldn't having a 12 year old make you stress out? Did she turn off the burners, does she know not to have so many plugs hooked together and starts a fire in her room accidentally, leaves the gates open where the dogs can get out, etc etc etc? Would you feel comfortable not being home but the 12 year old is alone IN your home when you are not?

I am afraid it will just stress me out. But I still I being fair?

You have your routine pretty well don't need someone to come and alter/destroy it. You should probably meet the person first, to find out what her abilities really are, whether you'll be acting as a baby sitter for a 12 year old, or whether it might turn out the best possible roomie ever.
I may go ahead and meet her. Maybe not. From what the trustee was telling me...I am afraid it will not be a good idea. She said she would be sending someone once a week to clean the lady's room. Um. I don't want strangers coming in my house weekly to clean a room this lady SHOULD be able to clean herself. If she won't clean her room or can't clean her room...who is going to clean up after her in the kitchen and bathroom?
I'm sorry. I just want to rent the room and not have the drama and problems this lady seems to have. If I were younger and more able bodied, I would probably go for it. But I am not. And I don't need more stress put on me worrying about what might happen if hubby and I are not here to make sure all is well in our house.

So...I thank you all for listening to me bang this around in my head but I guess I just needed to see it all in writing to assure myself I am making the right decision.
I may go ahead and meet her. Maybe not. From what the trustee was telling me...I am afraid it will not be a good idea. She said she would be sending someone once a week to clean the lady's room. Um. I don't want strangers coming in my house weekly to clean a room this lady SHOULD be able to clean herself. If she won't clean her room or can't clean her room...who is going to clean up after her in the kitchen and bathroom?
I'm sorry. I just want to rent the room and not have the drama and problems this lady seems to have. If I were younger and more able bodied, I would probably go for it. But I am not. And I don't need more stress put on me worrying about what might happen if hubby and I are not here to make sure all is well in our house.

So...I thank you all for listening to me bang this around in my head but I guess I just needed to see it all in writing to assure myself I am making the right decision.

I believe the PC guy is the best choice. Men are easier to deal with, in my experience, so I hope he was sincere and does come through.
I want the pc guy BAD. He said he would come the weekend of the first. I hope so.
I might just do everything over the phone. Reference check, new job check (which is why he is moving here), rental history check, etc. Take more pics of the house and email them to him. Then if he checks out and still wants it without seeing it with his own eyes...he can just mail me the deposit and we will meet face to face on the first of june when he arrives with his stuff. It's along drive from there to here. He did broach that but I said he needed to FEEL the place and he said that was ok too. I just don't wanna lose him. Unless....someone cloned of him happens by.
I might just do everything over the phone. Reference check, new job check (which is why he is moving here), rental history check, etc. Take more pics of the house and email them to him. Then if he checks out and still wants it without seeing it with his own eyes...he can just mail me the deposit and we will meet face to face on the first of june when he arrives with his stuff. It's along drive from there to here. He did broach that but I said he needed to FEEL the place and he said that was ok too. I just don't wanna lose him. Unless....someone cloned of him happens by.

Some guys are not too particular about how a place looks....they just want a place to crash, and you've probably told him enough for him to get an idea of what he'd be getting. I'm sure he's going to come through....
I rented a room once before, sight unseen. Worked out fine.

I am not in any hurry. I have all next month, so.....I can wait for him. :)

My ad is very precise. He said that is why he called. I think the clencher for him was when I said I never bother the roomies if they are gamers by knocking on their door for whatever reason..I just leave a note on it cuz I know if they leave their pc someone will steal their gear. He busted up and said "that's right!".
I rented a room once before, sight unseen. Worked out fine.

I am not in any hurry. I have all next month, so.....I can wait for him. :)

My ad is very precise. He said that is why he called. I think the clencher for him was when I said I never bother the roomies if they are gamers by knocking on their door for whatever reason..I just leave a note on it cuz I know if they leave their pc someone will steal their gear. He busted up and said "that's right!".

Well, it looks like you've got it sewed up...I'm sure it will all work out.
I have a sign out front that says Friends Welcome, Family By Appt Only. :D

I know what you mean too.

I've a brother who must come to visit us. I will not allow him to throw me out of his house again, and he behaves far better when he thinks I might throw him out of our house.


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