Non Cliquity Clack Club

Meanwhile...I was outside just now and noticed my foot has swelled up yet again but the toe that was stung? Maybe it was not a bee. Maybe it was a spider. Or I broke my toe. The toe has two blisters on each side of it...either from rubbing against the other toes due to the swelling...or due to something else. So...I called the doc and go in at 3:30. What surprises me are the blisters on each side. Like, WTF??
Thanks Dot!
I wouldn't have bothered with it if I hadn't noticed the blisters. And the toe is purplish in color. Hell, maybe it was a black widow. I lifted a rock to move it somewhere else and that is when I felt the pain. At first I thought I maybe stepped wrong and broke it (my bone density is not the best). Then I saw the little dart thingy inbetween my toes and thought "bee". But it was tiny so maybe it was not a was just sand or something. Hell, I dunno. But this swollen foot is bugging me and the pain last night was not fun. So...I leave it up to the doc to find out what the heck it is.
Thanks hon! I am glad too. Weekend tomorrow and I don't want my foot to get worse then cuz then I would be doomed to the ER.
Thanks Dot!
I wouldn't have bothered with it if I hadn't noticed the blisters. And the toe is purplish in color. Hell, maybe it was a black widow. I lifted a rock to move it somewhere else and that is when I felt the pain. At first I thought I maybe stepped wrong and broke it (my bone density is not the best). Then I saw the little dart thingy inbetween my toes and thought "bee". But it was tiny so maybe it was not a was just sand or something. Hell, I dunno. But this swollen foot is bugging me and the pain last night was not fun. So...I leave it up to the doc to find out what the heck it is.

Let's hope it was not a black widow spider...

Black Widow Spider Bite Symptoms

The black widow spider produces a protein venom that affects the victim's nervous system. This neurotoxic protein is one of the most potent venoms secreted by an animal. Some people are slightly affected by the venom, but others may have a severe response. The first symptom is acute pain at the site of the bite, although there may only be a minimal local reaction. Symptoms usually start within 20 minutes to one hour after the bite.

Local pain may be followed by localized or generalized severe muscle cramps, abdominal pain, weakness, and tremor. Large muscle groups (such as shoulder or back) are often affected, resulting in considerable pain. In severe cases, nausea, vomiting, fainting, dizziness, chest pain, and respiratory difficulties may follow.

The severity of the reaction depends on the age and physical condition of the person bitten. Children and the elderly are more seriously affected than young adults.

In some cases, abdominal pain may mimic such conditions as appendicitis or gallbladder problems. Chest pain may be mistaken for a heart attack.

Blood pressure and heart rate may be elevated. The elevation of blood pressure can lead to one of the most severe complications.

People rarely die from a black widow's bite. Life-threatening reactions are generally seen only in small children and the elderly.
Black Widow Spider Bite: Read About Treatment
Meanwhile...I was outside just now and noticed my foot has swelled up yet again but the toe that was stung? Maybe it was not a bee. Maybe it was a spider. Or I broke my toe. The toe has two blisters on each side of it...either from rubbing against the other toes due to the swelling...or due to something else. So...I called the doc and go in at 3:30. What surprises me are the blisters on each side. Like, WTF??

Oy!!! Get it checked out for sure.
Well, it's not a black widow then, according to the symptoms. I have not experienced that at all. I am leaning to it being a bee sting, and the swelling caused the blisters. The reason it is so bad is...I ignored it even though it hurt like the dickens. That stinger stayed in for at LEAST 20 minutes until I decided to explore my foot and see if any blood was anywhere. And there wasn't. Just that red dot underneath this tiny feathery looking thing. When I scraped my fingernail there, it came off and underneath was a little spot that was red. It didn't start to swell until yesterday. Swelling came down this morning but it is back up again...and the blisters appeared. Which I think is from rubbing the other toes cuz my foot is HUGE, red and itchy.
Years ago, when I as camping, I picked up a hollow log and disturbed a hornets nest. I got stung right in the most sensitive part of my upper lip. Felt like someone stabbed me in my teeth with a knife. My face swelled up like a football.
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This is wrong....but I had to post.

Good morning, peoples!

Day before yesterday, I was out front watering. I hit a poor bee with a splat of water and it fell. And I was barefoot. My foot is now the size of a football. And hurt? DAYUM. The swelling itches but the sting spot was right twixt my pinky toe and the one next to that really delicate spot at the base. OW.
At first, I didn't know that pain was from a sting until about 20 minutes later. I thought I broke my toe or something. Finally came in the house to look at that area and there it was. The little sack. So it pumped its last into me while I fiddled around wrapping up the house, sweeping some weeds, etc.

Duh. I scraped the stinger out....and waited. I knew it would hurt more and maybe swell up a bit but I didn't think it would get THAT big and hurt THAT bad.

Went to bed at midnight, got up at 2am with someone taking pliers to that toe, took half a vicodin...tried to lay back down...dozed off lightly...back up again with the plier torture at 7am, took the other half of vicodin, two benadryls, went back to my recliner and finall got about 4 hours sleep with no more pliers.

Bee stings have never hurt me like this before but I am older now, so.....

Meanwhile...hubby got up yesterday morning with his throat extremely sore. He went to doc, and now it left his throat and is in his nose. Doc said he had a bad cold but it was not the flu. So between his honking and sniffing and coughing and me stumbling around, I keep hearing Tina Turner telling Mad Max "My, aren't we a pair?".


Oh, noes! Hope you're feeling better!
lol Pacer.

Ok. Just got back. He said it is a bee sting and this is a really bad allergic reaction so if it happens again, I need to have an epi pen handy. I asked what it was and he said if I get stung again it will probably result in anawhateveryoucallit shock and my throat will swell up. The blisters are from the extreme swelling and my toes rubbing together.

So...the bees I love so much, I will have to enjoy from a distance. This is the 4th time in 61 years I have been stung so...I guess I developed an allergy in my old age.

He put me on prednisone, cephalaxen(sp?) and I am to continue to take 2 benadryls every 8 hours. He said if it is worse tomorrow...come back in. (Yes, they are open on saturday). Otherwise, I go see him next week for him to check it again.

Sigh. Damn thing hurts it is so swollen. Get any bigger and my skin is gonna split on the top of my foot. But..there is no infection, so that's a plus.
lol Pacer.

Ok. Just got back. He said it is a bee sting and this is a really bad allergic reaction so if it happens again, I need to have an epi pen handy. I asked what it was and he said if I get stung again it will probably result in anawhateveryoucallit shock and my throat will swell up. The blisters are from the extreme swelling and my toes rubbing together.

So...the bees I love so much, I will have to enjoy from a distance. This is the 4th time in 61 years I have been stung so...I guess I developed an allergy in my old age.

He put me on prednisone, cephalaxen(sp?) and I am to continue to take 2 benadryls every 8 hours. He said if it is worse tomorrow...come back in. (Yes, they are open on saturday). Otherwise, I go see him next week for him to check it again.

Sigh. Damn thing hurts it is so swollen. Get any bigger and my skin is gonna split on the top of my foot. But..there is no infection, so that's a plus.

Analeptic shock is serious stuff. Definitely get the epi pen.
A bee tried to land on me today so it could groom itself. Normally, I welcome that. Not today. I shoo'd it away. :(

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