Non Cliquity Clack Club

Nothing quite like a good book. I discovered a new author that I like which means at least 3 new books I haven't read to go! :) are you guys? I have been reading since I left...but have not posted nor rep'd anyone. Just silent browsing. I have missed you.
Hi Dot. Missed you too. Oh, I have read since being "gone", just to keep up with friends. :)
I am not sure if this is a mistake on my part or not. But, since the place I went to is now inhabited by someone perma pinked, it lost it's comfort I was experiencing while being there. In short..I was found. I am. For the moment.

Welcome back, Gracie! :smiliehug:
Good to see you Gracie....this place seemed empty without you.
Aw. Thanks Mertex! I have been reading the Mafia thread as much as possible. I know I will find you there. :)
It is an interesting game, but too slow for me. However, I enjoy watching folks play it. :)

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