Non Essential government workers are laid off at Midnite EST

The question I have is why does the government hire Non Essential folks anyhow?

Why should the President or any taxpayer give a shit if someone who isn't necessary isn't working?

Due mostly to Obama, the federal government has a $21 Trillion debt, get rid of the non-essential would be a good first step.

I have a good friend who works as a therapist at the VA. He is one of the "non-essential" workers you think should be fired. So the veterans that are fighting to keep their sanity, due to the horrors and stresses from their service, will be on their own. That isn't Obama's doing. That is a function of what the military faces during wartime.

Apparently Chuck and Nancy don't think that the work you therapist friend does at the VA is important. Else they would have ok'ed the stinking $5 billion to protect the border.
We could have them working AND save $5 billion Mr. Poland! Don’t they teach math over there in the 3rd world?!

Spending $5 Billion on the Wall will deter illegal aliens and reduce the amount that the taxpayers have to pony up to support the freeloaders pouring over the southern frontier.
The Great Douche said the border is secure. IT sent the Troops in.
So keep them there as we already pay them and feed them. We gotta lots of tents.
Let these uneducated, unemployable freeloaders work for the money.

Start arresting the American employer and homeowners. Offer the ones here now 23% of their america employer income
for life to go home. Some have work for dozens of people. We can tax the employer 62% for these crimes against America for life.
The issue will stop in 6 months. As we can tell the employer to turn themselves in and save 23% of income not paid to the illegal.

Why do DOPers not want to end the illegals coming in FAST, in 6mos or less?

Why is the not a DOPer MAGA Programs ASAP? Fuck the Great wall it takes to long and jail the employers pay down the national debt for the Whitey kids.
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The question I have is why does the government hire Non Essential folks anyhow?

Why should the President or any taxpayer give a shit if someone who isn't necessary isn't working?

Due mostly to Obama, the federal government has a $21 Trillion debt, get rid of the non-essential would be a good first step.
^ lol the polish guy is totally ignorant. Surprise!

They will get a vacation, and all their back pay in full. Just like they did during Lyin’ Ted’s Green Eggs and Ham shutdown. MAGA!
You don't have to be a full time dickhead.
Turn on Netflix and watch Blazing Saddles and chill
I’m at the most boring Christmas party of my life, but I’ve got liquor and 5% battery left on a smart phone baby!
I just finished Blazing Saddles with my kids. Watching Chicago's biography for nothing other than nostalgia now
Please, with the size of the budget and all the wasted money, $5 billion is just a drop in the bucket.
The question I have is why does the government hire Non Essential folks anyhow?

Why should the President or any taxpayer give a shit if someone who isn't necessary isn't working?

Due mostly to Obama, the federal government has a $21 Trillion debt, get rid of the non-essential would be a good first step.

I have a good friend who works as a therapist at the VA. He is one of the "non-essential" workers you think should be fired. So the veterans that are fighting to keep their sanity, due to the horrors and stresses from their service, will be on their own. That isn't Obama's doing. That is a function of what the military faces during wartime.

Apparently Chuck and Nancy don't think that the work you therapist friend does at the VA is important. Else they would have ok'ed the stinking $5 billion to protect the border.

Wow, that was a quick change of tune.

Or perhaps they disagree with spending $5 billion we don't have?
Its funny that PolishPrince wants to blame the democrats. Did Trump walk into a republican controlled congress in 2016? Why wait until now to shut things down?

If the wall is so critical, why wait almost 2 years?
Please, with the size of the budget and all the wasted money, $5 billion is just a drop in the bucket.
The question I have is why does the government hire Non Essential folks anyhow?

Why should the President or any taxpayer give a shit if someone who isn't necessary isn't working?

Due mostly to Obama, the federal government has a $21 Trillion debt, get rid of the non-essential would be a good first step.

I have a good friend who works as a therapist at the VA. He is one of the "non-essential" workers you think should be fired. So the veterans that are fighting to keep their sanity, due to the horrors and stresses from their service, will be on their own. That isn't Obama's doing. That is a function of what the military faces during wartime.

Apparently Chuck and Nancy don't think that the work you therapist friend does at the VA is important. Else they would have ok'ed the stinking $5 billion to protect the border.

Wow, that was a quick change of tune.

Or perhaps they disagree with spending $5 billion we don't have?

Is that why we have a soaring deficit?
Except for the military is there really anything as an essential Federal worker?

Not very many.

I am glad to see the Democrats not fund the Federal government. I have been advocating that for many years now. I am glad the Democrats are finally seeing the light and putting an end to massive bloated debt ridden Federal spending.
Its funny that PolishPrince wants to blame the democrats. Did Trump walk into a republican controlled congress in 2016? Why wait until now to shut things down?

If the wall is so critical, why wait almost 2 years?

Now was the first time he really had Chuck and Nancy's attention on this. The Wall will protect all Americans, libs and conservatives alike.
Yep, because they really don’t care, unless they want to make it an issue to score points.
Please, with the size of the budget and all the wasted money, $5 billion is just a drop in the bucket.
The question I have is why does the government hire Non Essential folks anyhow?

Why should the President or any taxpayer give a shit if someone who isn't necessary isn't working?

Due mostly to Obama, the federal government has a $21 Trillion debt, get rid of the non-essential would be a good first step.

I have a good friend who works as a therapist at the VA. He is one of the "non-essential" workers you think should be fired. So the veterans that are fighting to keep their sanity, due to the horrors and stresses from their service, will be on their own. That isn't Obama's doing. That is a function of what the military faces during wartime.

Apparently Chuck and Nancy don't think that the work you therapist friend does at the VA is important. Else they would have ok'ed the stinking $5 billion to protect the border.

Wow, that was a quick change of tune.

Or perhaps they disagree with spending $5 billion we don't have?

Is that why we have a soaring deficit?
That reminds me of a polish joke how many pollacks does it take and you can fill in the rest almost anything will work as long as there are 3 plus.
Q: How many Liberals does it take to change a light bulb?

A:None because they expect the government to do it

A:None because turning on the light is considered oppression of the dark room.

A:None. The concept of having indoor light are "out dated beliefs" . they prefer scented candles.

A:None. They sit around and wait for a government program to be developed to fix the light bulb manufacturing industry and ask why isn't that industry unionized? And then there will be a government grant to supply funds to pay for the light bulbs that are manufactured by union labor subsidized by the government after there is an EPA impact study to understand the effects of the light bulb on the darter snails and the rain forest and another study by the Department of Labor, OPM and GAO to ensure that labor is equally distributed in a multicultural manner.

A:None. It's society that has to change, and accept them for what they are, they didn't chose to have a broken filament, and they shouldn't be labeled as "broken" it's 2018 they are "Alternatively Profunctioned."

A:Well first of all you need to abandon the idea that that we could ever just go ahead and change the light bulb. Clinging to childish pie-in-the-sky radical fantasies like this is flagrantly unserious, and only means letting the perfect be the enemy of the good. In order to responsibly address the very serious issue of light bulb burnout, we need to engage in bipartisan dialogue toward a respectful consensus that encompasses all reasonable viewpoints, including those who doubt the fiscal and social responsibility of providing electric lighting in the first place, and to this end a bipartisan "gang of eleventeen" led by Senator Candlemaker and Congressman Darklover is currently working on a "grand bargain" for our proposed Bulb Burnout Responsible Action and Recovery Act. The current proposal, based on a policy framework originally developed by the Anti-Electricity Foundation, begins with a means-testing scale to determine the level of darkness in any particular room; if the darkness level meets certain benchmark targets, a public-private partnership would be permitted to provide subsidies for up to two (2) fingers of one (1) hand to be positioned around the light bulb. Each rotation of five-sixteenths radians would then be distributed according to a sliding scale, and a market for bulb rotation permits would be established to ensure efficient allocation of expenditures on this critical issue. Under the current "grand bargain" framework, this proposed universal lighting policy would of course be implemented at the state and local level, and authorities in each relevant jurisdiction will be permitted at their discretion to withdraw the light bulb changer's fingers and crush the entire hand to a pulp in an iron vise.

A:Fourteen. One to announce that changing the bulb is too dangerous and extreme. One to realize in horror that a radical is about to change it. One to hire a cop to prevent it from being changed. One to light a candle because it's dark. And ten to brag about it and say it shows how well the system works against darkness when liberals are in power.

A:How DARE you. The light bulb doesn't need changing. YOU need to get rid of your bigoted notions about what a light bulb should do or look like. We need to pass laws protecting the rights of burned-out light bulbs to ensure that they have the right to go on just the way they are. No light bulb deserves to be judged based on how it looks or feels. Hillary 2016!

A:At least ten, as they will need to have a discussion about whether or not the light bulb exists. Even if they can agree upon the existence of the light bulb they still may not change it to keep from alienating those who might use other forms of light.

A:None. Liberals wouldn’t actually change the light bulb, but they would show compassion for it by talking a lot about how terrible it is in the dark and more funding is needed to improve dim, 60 watt bulbs up to bright and productive 100 watt bulbs.

A: Let George Bush fix it! It’s his fault it’s dark anyway!

When it comes to stupidity jokes, liberals shouldnt throw stones, bubba.
shut it down.

just do it.
They will

What does Trump do next?

The President goes down to Mar a Lago and waits for Chuck and Nancy to do the right thing.

I'd suggest closing the US Mexican border until the wall is built would be a good idea. Mexico's economy relies on Americans legally crossing the border to visit bordellos and donkey shows. Locking down the border would really hurt them, and the Mexican government could put pressure on Chuck and Nancy.
Its funny that PolishPrince wants to blame the democrats. Did Trump walk into a republican controlled congress in 2016? Why wait until now to shut things down?

If the wall is so critical, why wait almost 2 years?

Now was the first time he really had Chuck and Nancy's attention on this. The Wall will protect all Americans, libs and conservatives alike.

So he had to wait until he had the opposition's attention? lmao What utter bullshit. In 2016, 2017, and most of 2018 the republicans controlled the House, Congress and the White House. Why not pass it when they had control?
Its funny that PolishPrince wants to blame the democrats. Did Trump walk into a republican controlled congress in 2016? Why wait until now to shut things down?

If the wall is so critical, why wait almost 2 years?

Now was the first time he really had Chuck and Nancy's attention on this. The Wall will protect all Americans, libs and conservatives alike.

So he had to wait until he had the opposition's attention? lmao What utter bullshit. In 2016, 2017, and most of 2018 the republicans controlled the House, Congress and the White House. Why not pass it when they had control?

A lot of the Republicans in Congress opposed President Trump as well you know- guys like Flake and McCain really worked hard to try and frustrate him. That puts responsibility on the likes of Chuck and Nancy, to abandon their partisanship and to work together.
Its funny that PolishPrince wants to blame the democrats. Did Trump walk into a republican controlled congress in 2016? Why wait until now to shut things down?

If the wall is so critical, why wait almost 2 years?

Now was the first time he really had Chuck and Nancy's attention on this. The Wall will protect all Americans, libs and conservatives alike.

So he had to wait until he had the opposition's attention? lmao What utter bullshit. In 2016, 2017, and most of 2018 the republicans controlled the House, Congress and the White House. Why not pass it when they had control?

A lot of the Republicans in Congress opposed President Trump as well you know- guys like Flake and McCain really worked hard to try and frustrate him. That puts responsibility on the likes of Chuck and Nancy, to abandon their partisanship and to work together.

So they are expected to be bipartisan and the republicans aren't? That sort of thinking explains why so little actually gets done.
Its funny that PolishPrince wants to blame the democrats. Did Trump walk into a republican controlled congress in 2016? Why wait until now to shut things down?

If the wall is so critical, why wait almost 2 years?

Now was the first time he really had Chuck and Nancy's attention on this. The Wall will protect all Americans, libs and conservatives alike.

So he had to wait until he had the opposition's attention? lmao What utter bullshit. In 2016, 2017, and most of 2018 the republicans controlled the House, Congress and the White House. Why not pass it when they had control?

A lot of the Republicans in Congress opposed President Trump as well you know- guys like Flake and McCain really worked hard to try and frustrate him. That puts responsibility on the likes of Chuck and Nancy, to abandon their partisanship and to work together.
Republicans control the house, senate, and presidency. They are responsible. Perhaps you should learn about responsibility instead of blaming others for failings.
The question I have is why does the government hire Non Essential folks anyhow?

Why should the President or any taxpayer give a shit if someone who isn't necessary isn't working?

Due mostly to Obama, the federal government has a $21 Trillion debt, get rid of the non-essential would be a good first step.
Make them work. They get back pay after the government is funded.

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