None of you are rich. Why are you defending billionaires?

Yet, he wants the government to increase taxes to prevent people from pulling themselves out of poverty.

BTW name a single person Buffet has brought out of poverty

Everyone who bought Berkshire Hathaway stock along the way.

And increasing taxes reduces the deficit and allows the government to function.

And we have the lowest taxes of any industrialized country except for Japan and Spain.

How's that working out for us?

With all due respect, Chris...anyone who could afford to buy Berkshire Hathaway stock hardly qualifies as poverty stricken since it's the highest priced stock on the exchange and has been for a long time.

As for raising taxes reducing the deficit? Not in a recession. Raising taxes in a recession further slows the economy and results in additional losses in revenue. If you REALLY want to reduce the deficit then you should be looking to broaden the tax base by getting rid of tax loopholes and lowering overall taxes while at the same time cutting government spending.

In regards to the tax rate? Our personal income tax rate may be low but our corporate tax rate is the second highest in the world to Japan and that by only the smallest margin.

Does Chris really believe that people below the poverty line are running around buying stocks? :lmao:
Don't kid yourself. Warren Buffett doesn't advocate ANYTHING that he doesn't think will benefit his bottom line.

That's a crock of shit.

(Reuters) - Warren Buffett has donated another $1.93 billion to five charitable foundations, the third-highest amount since the investor began donating 99 percent of his wealth in 2006

Buffett's donations totaled $1.93 billion in 2006, $2.13 billion 2007, $2.17 billion in 2008 and $1.51 billion in 2009, according to regulatory filings and Berkshire's closing stock prices on the dates the donations were made. The size of the 2010 donation is just above the 2006 donation on that basis.

Warren Buffett donates $1.93 billion to charities | Reuters

Why didn't he send that money to the government if he thinks government needs more money?

Apparently, he doesn't even send the money to the government that he's actually REQUIRED to.
Why? In Rwanda, the very few own everything while the very many own nothing. If the wealth of the United States continues to be consolidated among the very few, what, pray tell, could possibly make the difference between the system in Rwanda and the system here?

How did the wealth get so concentrated among the very few here? Take a hint: Supply Side Economic policies.

Think hard, and see if you can come up with the most obvious difference between the US and Rwanda, and then apply it to how THEIR "very few" got their money and how ours did. Feel free to ask around for as much help as possible. I realize that thinking is not your major talent in life.

And don't flatter yourself that you rate any more responses from me until you can clear this hurdle, because my rather limited pity just ran out.
I pointed out the means by which the rich consolidated their wealth. Supply side economic policies.

The comparison is apt.

If American debt can be aptly compared to Grecian debt, American wealth disparity can be aptly compared to Rwandan wealth disparity.

And bag the petty insults. You're not very witty, therefore the insults aren't very good.


Nothing petty about recognizing what a complete dipshit you are, and no chance you're going to successfully demand respect that you manifestly can't earn.

We're done, fool. Run along and pretend the US is identical to Rwanda with people who think you'd be worth pissing on if you were on fire.
Why? In Rwanda, the very few own everything while the very many own nothing. If the wealth of the United States continues to be consolidated among the very few, what, pray tell, could possibly make the difference between the system in Rwanda and the system here?

How did the wealth get so concentrated among the very few here? Take a hint: Supply Side Economic policies.

Nosmo just don't understand. You are not allowed to compare America to Rwanda when discussing wealth disparity. But the right is allowed to compare America to Greece when discussing national debt...
Right...Because the income disparity in one nation (America) where the poor have color televisions, multiple automobiles, indoor plumbing, central heating and air conditioning, is obviously analogous to the "income equity" in a nation (Rwanda) where virtually everyone is a dirt farmer or goat herder.

Sometimes, I'm positively astonished at the utter foolishness of the knee-jerk left. :lol:

WOW Jethro...your reply is not knee-jerk, it's just jerk...:lol: If the USA and Greece were people, America would be Warren Buffett and Greece would be the guy pushing a shopping cart down the street with his life possessions in it.

Greece, a country whose entire annual economic output, as measured by GDP, is smaller than Apple’s enterprise value, a little tech company in one little town called Cupertino, California. Matter of FACT, Greece's economy is smaller than the state of California where Cupertino is located... Greece has a population of about 11 million people or about half as many people live in the New York City Metropolitan Area.

Keep trying Jethro...maybe you need some of granny's sow belly and possum stew...:lol::lol::lol:
Why? In Rwanda, the very few own everything while the very many own nothing. If the wealth of the United States continues to be consolidated among the very few, what, pray tell, could possibly make the difference between the system in Rwanda and the system here?

How did the wealth get so concentrated among the very few here? Take a hint: Supply Side Economic policies.

Nosmo just don't understand. You are not allowed to compare America to Rwanda when discussing wealth disparity. But the right is allowed to compare America to Greece when discussing national debt...
Right...Because the income disparity in one nation (America) where the poor have color televisions, multiple automobiles, indoor plumbing, central heating and air conditioning, is obviously analogous to the "income equity" in a nation (Rwanda) where virtually everyone is a dirt farmer or goat herder.

Sometimes, I'm positively astonished at the utter foolishness of the knee-jerk left. :lol:

And let's not forget the occasional outbreaks of genocidal violence.

But oh, yeah. Rwanda's economic system and wealthy are JUST like America's. Sure they are. And they're every bit as comparable to the US as Greece is. :cuckoo:
Class Warfare!!!!!

Class Warfare started before Republicans apologized to BP.

It started before the Bush Tax cuts for billionaires.

It started before business and the Chamber of Commerce began giving to Republicans 9 to 1 over Democrats.

It began before Republicans created subsidies for oil companies.

Class Warfare began before medical bills became the number one cause of bankruptcy.

It was before corporations, with Republican help, moved millions of jobs to China.

It was before Republicans practiced voter suppression in Midwestern state.

I think it's been around for awhile.

The Democrat Party thrives off of the envy and hatred that rdean and the left constantly demonstrate.

The United States economy is growing at glacial speeds with record sustained unemployment and this President's only solution nearly three years into his presidency is the demonize and attack those bastards who dare make over $250,000/year.

If Obama truly believes that it is possible to tax our economy into prosperity why did he waste his opportune time to do it when the Democrats held control over the Congress for two years?

If Obama truly believe that it is possible to tax our economy into prosperity why did he say just months ago that raising taxes during a recession is counter productive?

It doesn't concern me, or the majority of mature adults, how much is in other people's wallets. rdean seethes with resentment and envy, that if only those bastards are taxed more his life would finally have meaning and this failed president would have something resembling success.

It is pathetic how obsessed the left is with other people's money, it is truly sad.
I would just LOVE to hear what Buffett thinks about taxing all income the same, including capital gains and dividends. And also removing all deductions and exemptions, including donations to tax sheltered foundations. What's he think of a true flat tax, with no way out of paying 20% of all his income?
Think hard, and see if you can come up with the most obvious difference between the US and Rwanda, and then apply it to how THEIR "very few" got their money and how ours did. Feel free to ask around for as much help as possible. I realize that thinking is not your major talent in life.

And don't flatter yourself that you rate any more responses from me until you can clear this hurdle, because my rather limited pity just ran out.
I pointed out the means by which the rich consolidated their wealth. Supply side economic policies.

The comparison is apt.

If American debt can be aptly compared to Grecian debt, American wealth disparity can be aptly compared to Rwandan wealth disparity.

And bag the petty insults. You're not very witty, therefore the insults aren't very good.


Nothing petty about recognizing what a complete dipshit you are, and no chance you're going to successfully demand respect that you manifestly can't earn.

We're done, fool. Run along and pretend the US is identical to Rwanda with people who think you'd be worth pissing on if you were on fire.
Identical is your word, not mine. Are you always such a literalist? That must make reasoning awfully tough. As we have seen thus far.
Nosmo just don't understand. You are not allowed to compare America to Rwanda when discussing wealth disparity. But the right is allowed to compare America to Greece when discussing national debt...
Right...Because the income disparity in one nation (America) where the poor have color televisions, multiple automobiles, indoor plumbing, central heating and air conditioning, is obviously analogous to the "income equity" in a nation (Rwanda) where virtually everyone is a dirt farmer or goat herder.

Sometimes, I'm positively astonished at the utter foolishness of the knee-jerk left. :lol:

WOW Jethro...your reply is not knee-jerk, it's just jerk...:lol: If the USA and Greece were people...

And if worms had machine guns, birds wouldn't fuck with them.

Any comparison between America and Rwanda, viz. so-called "income equity", is so toweringly stupid to be laughable....I said nothing of Greece.

Congrats...You've ventured into the frontier of stupidity and banality that we've come to expect form rderp and truthdontmatter. :cuckoo:
Why? In Rwanda, the very few own everything while the very many own nothing. If the wealth of the United States continues to be consolidated among the very few, what, pray tell, could possibly make the difference between the system in Rwanda and the system here?

How did the wealth get so concentrated among the very few here? Take a hint: Supply Side Economic policies.

Good Point~! We all know our Dems are the Hutus are and the Reps are the Tutsi's. Rwanda? God Bro -- that's Hatfield and McCoy territory.. Been feuding since the Mesozoic Era..

Why not Zimbabwe. Better analogy..

All we're lacking there is an egomaniacal socialist dictator with a burning hatred of White Europeans. Because those white devils spent their time developing markets for their farm products all over Europe, building infrastructure and all that silly stuff. When all that was REALLY REQUIRED was to TAKE those farms, kick the rich bastards to the curb and give everything to your relatives...

Wait -- didn't I hear that from the Prez this week?

ARE YOU OK Nosmo? Rwanda?
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Class Warfare!!!!!

Class Warfare started before Republicans apologized to BP.

It started before the Bush Tax cuts for billionaires.

It started before business and the Chamber of Commerce began giving to Republicans 9 to 1 over Democrats.

It began before Republicans created subsidies for oil companies.

Class Warfare began before medical bills became the number one cause of bankruptcy.

It was before corporations, with Republican help, moved millions of jobs to China.

It was before Republicans practiced voter suppression in Midwestern state.

I think it's been around for awhile.

You asked why aren't we O.K. with taxing the crap out of others?

1. It's not our money--it's their's. They earned it--we didn't.

2. Most of us don't believe in wealth redistribution--aka SOCIALISM.

3. I trust these millionaires to make much wiser investments than Obama did with Solyndra and 4 other companies--of course--(using other peoples money.)

4. When Democrats start talking about raising taxes on the wealthy--the middle class should run for cover.

5. Taxing the crap out of 227,000 RICH people out of 311 MILLION Americans will not even put a scratch into our deficit.

6. The top 10% wage earners in this country already pay 95% of the entire tax base of it--and the top 5% of the 95% pay 67% of the entire tax base.

7. The Federal Government couldn't operate a lemonade stand without driving it into bankruptcy--so why do you want to give them more money to throw around?

8. The AP Fact Checker just blew Obama's 2008--and now ACT 2 of the same campaign strategy for 2012--class warfare out of the water with FACTS. Millionaires--PAY a lot more in taxes than Warren Buffet's secretary.

FACT CHECK: Are rich taxed less than secretaries? - Yahoo! News

And finally here is Barack Obama on August 5, 2009 ON VIDEO--explaining why he wouldn't RAISE anyone's taxes. The economy is in WORSE condition now than then--so exactly which side of his mouth does he want to speak from now--:lol: Oh that's right it's election season--time to bring back the sheeple people who have wandered out of their Obama flock--back in line--in time to vote--:lol:

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It costs a lot to live in the greatest country on earth.

True. Does it automatically have to cost more each and every year? Is a person's income subject to the whims of the masses? Do you see a problem with the majority agreeing to fund their preferences by taxing people other than them?
The strength and security of this Nation depends in large measure on the stability of its economy, which depends in turn on the distribution of its wealth resources.

Within the past three decades the U.S. has fallen behind the rest of the developed world in its living standard, in its industrial productivity, in its upward mobility and in the education of its youth, each of which, and more, is a direct result of the incremental dismantling of the middle class, which has been achieved in part by the ability of corporations to export jobs to foreign countries and to import merchandise produced by slave labor without the imposition of protective tariffs. At the same time as these economically destructive practices have operated to systematically decimate the formerly affluent middle class other deviously conceived and cunningly enacted legislation has enabled the transfer of massive amounts of the Nation's financial resources from the middle class to a small number of politically advantaged individuals referred to by former President George W. Bush as his "base." The "haves and have-mores."

One of the ways this has been done is by gradually but significantly reducing the tax rates of the rich as shown:

The income tax rate of upper income levels:

1950 - 91%

1980 - 70%

1985 - 50%

1987 - 38%

2004 - 35%

The right-wing claim that increased taxation causes reduced productivity and growth is shown to be false by the fact that our Nation's most prosperous years, those years between 1950 and 1980, occurred at the same time as the tax rates on the wealthiest Americans were highest. And it is clear that the state of our economy declined in direct proportion to the gradual reduction of those rates.
Yeah yeah yeah.....Same old pro organized labor 1960's power to the people bullshit.
True. Does it automatically have to cost more each and every year? Is a person's income subject to the whims of the masses? Do you see a problem with the majority agreeing to fund their preferences by taxing people other than them?
The strength and security of this Nation depends in large measure on the stability of its economy, which depends in turn on the distribution of its wealth resources.

Within the past three decades the U.S. has fallen behind the rest of the developed world in its living standard, in its industrial productivity, in its upward mobility and in the education of its youth, each of which, and more, is a direct result of the incremental dismantling of the middle class, which has been achieved in part by the ability of corporations to export jobs to foreign countries and to import merchandise produced by slave labor without the imposition of protective tariffs. At the same time as these economically destructive practices have operated to systematically decimate the formerly affluent middle class other deviously conceived and cunningly enacted legislation has enabled the transfer of massive amounts of the Nation's financial resources from the middle class to a small number of politically advantaged individuals referred to by former President George W. Bush as his "base." The "haves and have-mores."

One of the ways this has been done is by gradually but significantly reducing the tax rates of the rich as shown:

The income tax rate of upper income levels:

1950 - 91%

1980 - 70%

1985 - 50%

1987 - 38%

2004 - 35%

The right-wing claim that increased taxation causes reduced productivity and growth is shown to be false by the fact that our Nation's most prosperous years, those years between 1950 and 1980, occurred at the same time as the tax rates on the wealthiest Americans were highest. And it is clear that the state of our economy declined in direct proportion to the gradual reduction of those rates.
Yeah yeah yeah.....Same old pro organized labor 1960's power to the people bullshit.

Yes, screw the working man.

Same old Republican bullshit.
The strength and security of this Nation depends in large measure on the stability of its economy, which depends in turn on the distribution of its wealth resources.

Within the past three decades the U.S. has fallen behind the rest of the developed world in its living standard, in its industrial productivity, in its upward mobility and in the education of its youth, each of which, and more, is a direct result of the incremental dismantling of the middle class, which has been achieved in part by the ability of corporations to export jobs to foreign countries and to import merchandise produced by slave labor without the imposition of protective tariffs. At the same time as these economically destructive practices have operated to systematically decimate the formerly affluent middle class other deviously conceived and cunningly enacted legislation has enabled the transfer of massive amounts of the Nation's financial resources from the middle class to a small number of politically advantaged individuals referred to by former President George W. Bush as his "base." The "haves and have-mores."

One of the ways this has been done is by gradually but significantly reducing the tax rates of the rich as shown:

The income tax rate of upper income levels:

1950 - 91%

1980 - 70%

1985 - 50%

1987 - 38%

2004 - 35%

The right-wing claim that increased taxation causes reduced productivity and growth is shown to be false by the fact that our Nation's most prosperous years, those years between 1950 and 1980, occurred at the same time as the tax rates on the wealthiest Americans were highest. And it is clear that the state of our economy declined in direct proportion to the gradual reduction of those rates.
Yeah yeah yeah.....Same old pro organized labor 1960's power to the people bullshit.

Yes, screw the working man.

Same old Republican bullshit.
Define "working man".
It seems to me that all this is is class warfare. "let's tax the millionaire" that's fine, but why? It can't be help the deficit because there simply is not enough cash amung the "rich" to make a difference. Why are we raising taxes in a resession? It doesn't matter on who ... Just answer the question "why are we raising taxes in a resession?"
Because the additional revenue will help to pay down the deficit and facilitate a federal jobs program.

Now, tell us why we shouldn't raise taxes on the richest Americans in a recession?

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