None of you are rich. Why are you defending billionaires?

It seems to me that all this is is class warfare. "let's tax the millionaire" that's fine, but why? It can't be help the deficit because there simply is not enough cash amung the "rich" to make a difference. Why are we raising taxes in a resession? It doesn't matter on who ... Just answer the question "why are we raising taxes in a resession?"
Because the additional revenue will help to pay down the deficit and facilitate a federal jobs program.

Now, tell us why we shouldn't raise taxes on the richest Americans in a recession?

"Jobs program" is a euphemism meaning "spending boondoggle for the benefit of political cronies." The last $800 billion jobs program worked so great that we're going to do it again?

For every additional dollar congress takes it, it spends three. No tax increase ever went to cutting the deficit.

The reason you don't raise taxes on employers is because you want to increase them, not decrease them.
Rich or poor, I've no more claim to another man's wherewithal than he has to mine. Damn the cowardly, pernicious, bastard who would use the state as his tool to steal what he himself cannot take on his own.
Yes, screw the working man.

Same old Republican bullshit.

How dos voting against tax increases screw the working man?

I'm sure it has something to do with "against his own interests" as determined by democrats who know what is really in everyone's own best interests even if those people themselves don't realize it because they are too distracted by clinging to their guns and religion.
I don't really care about this thread that much but the title is flat out dumb. Defend against what? It's not a crime to be rich folks. I wish I was. While I agree that the flat income tax--X percent with no shelters, no deductions, no shenanigans of any kind would solve the budget issues, lets remember that the "billionaires" are not criminals.

Get over it lefties (of which I'm one).
Yes, screw the working man.

Same old Republican bullshit.

How dos voting against tax increases screw the working man?

I'm sure it has something to do with "against his own interests" as determined by democrats who know what is really in everyone's own best interests even if those people themselves don't realize it because they are too distracted by clinging to their guns and religion.

With antipathy towards others.

Seems Obama has antipathy towards anyone with a job.....not just the rich.
Rank and file Republicans like being fucked in the ass by the oil companies and the super rich.

Now their military pensions are threatened by the Bush tax cuts.

It's called karma.

Social Security has to find a way to somehow fund the "baby boomer" generation as they approach retirement, after the Democrats just wiped out a few generations of future taxpayers supporting and defending Roe vs Wade. Sounds like karma just screwed you there now, doesn't it?
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the bottom 50% of americans control 2.5% of the wealth...


fine chris if you think people should give me why don't you lead by example and be the first to give more?

i have done nothing but give my entire life.

And i will continue to do so.

you haven't given enough give more you stinge bastard.
Class Warfare!!!!!

Class Warfare started before Republicans apologized to BP.

It started before the Bush Tax cuts for billionaires.

It started before business and the Chamber of Commerce began giving to Republicans 9 to 1 over Democrats.

It began before Republicans created subsidies for oil companies.

Class Warfare began before medical bills became the number one cause of bankruptcy.

It was before corporations, with Republican help, moved millions of jobs to China.

It was before Republicans practiced voter suppression in Midwestern state.

I think it's been around for awhile.

Why do you care if someone is richer than you? Envious?
A lot of people are listening to Buffet right now and admire him for what he is doing. He is the only one who doesn't care which party gets the tax issue fixed. He just wants it fixed.

I don't feel like watching the GOP continue to do nothing while our country suffers so. I appreciate Buffet and any other influential person wanting to help the president move this country forward. It's the smart thing to do for all of us.

A lot of people admire Buffet for what he's doing? You mean tax evasion? :eusa_eh:

Yes, giving $9 BILLION DOLLARS to charity is tax evasion.


Are we sure the left understands how the economy works? Somehow they believe that during an economic recession if a corporation pays more taxes to the government, that somehow they have more money left over to go out and hire more workers (and that's without paying even more to cover the additional costs of Obamacare). :cuckoo:

Warren Buffett, hypocrite
Posted: August 29, 2011

Fact is, unlike most other folks, Warren Buffett gets most of his income from dividends and capital gains, which are nominally taxed at 15 percent.
Left unsaid is that much of that is taxed at 35 percent (via the corporate income tax) before he even gets his hands on it. So in effect, he’s paying taxes twice (that is, when his companies actually pay, anyway).
Counting both taxes, his effective rate would really be well north of 40 percent for a big chunk of his income.
There’s more. Obama, and co-conspirators like Buffett, claim to want to slap only “millionaires and billionaires.”
But in 2009, for instance, fewer than a quarter-million taxpayers (less than two tenths of 1 percent) reported income over $1 million -- and their combined bill was less than $200 billion.
Raise the top tax rate on them by 13 percent, as Obama wants (from 35 percent to 39.6 percent) and you bring in only another $26 billion, tops -- and that’s if your tax hike doesn’t stifle the economy and kill jobs (which it surely would).

Read more: Warren Buffett’s hokey tax-hike call--Editorial -

Then a possible understanding of the left's belief that "increasing taxes on the rich during an economic recession will actually HELP the economy" may be explained below:

Liberals livid over economic enlightenment gauge
By Michal Elseth-The Washington Times
Thursday, June 10, 2010

A pair of researchers have concluded that when it comes to grasping basic economic concepts, liberals and Democrats are significantly less "enlightened" than conservatives and libertarians.

Americans describing themselves as conservative, very conservative and libertarian "do reasonably well" when asked about basic economic questions involving supply, demand and the effects of regulation, concluded Mr. Klein, an economics professor at George Mason University, and Ms. Buturovic, an associate researcher with the polling firm Zogby International.

"But the left has trouble squaring economic thinking with their political psychology, morals and aesthetics," the two write.

Mr. Klein and Ms. Buturovic used a December 2008 poll conducted by Ms. Buturovic to gauge economic enlightenment, finding that a college education has less to do with an understanding of basic economic principles than the respondents' political leanings did.

Liberals livid over economic enlightenment gauge - Washington Times
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Class Warfare!!!!!

Class Warfare started before Republicans apologized to BP.

It started before the Bush Tax cuts for billionaires.

It started before business and the Chamber of Commerce began giving to Republicans 9 to 1 over Democrats.

It began before Republicans created subsidies for oil companies.

Class Warfare began before medical bills became the number one cause of bankruptcy.

It was before corporations, with Republican help, moved millions of jobs to China.

It was before Republicans practiced voter suppression in Midwestern state.

I think it's been around for awhile.

Why do you care if someone is richer than you? Envious?
No. Our policies are designed to maximize economic growth. Part of those policies is to coddle the rich in the belief that by doing so, they will shower their largess upon us and create jobs.

They certainly are creating jobs! Jobs for Asians and Latin Americans.

And, in the meantime, the American middle class is withering on the vine. Our federal budget balloons. There is not enough capital to sustain our federal debt. And yet these with the absolute most money at hand are given a cushion while the rest of us are told to suck it up.
The way to understand the conservative moral system is to consider a strict father family. The father is The Decider, the ultimate moral authority in the family. His authority must not be challenged. His job is to protect the family, to support the family (by winning competitions in the marketplace), and to teach his kids right from wrong by disciplining them physically when they do wrong. The use of force is necessary and required. Only then will children develop the internal discipline to become moral beings. And only with such discipline will they be able to prosper. And what of people who are not prosperous? They don't have discipline, and without discipline they cannot be moral, so they deserve their poverty. The good people are hence the prosperous people. Helping others takes away their discipline, and hence makes them both unable to prosper on their own and function morally.
Class Warfare!!!!!

Class Warfare started before Republicans apologized to BP.

It started before the Bush Tax cuts for billionaires.

It started before business and the Chamber of Commerce began giving to Republicans 9 to 1 over Democrats.

It began before Republicans created subsidies for oil companies.

Class Warfare began before medical bills became the number one cause of bankruptcy.

It was before corporations, with Republican help, moved millions of jobs to China.

It was before Republicans practiced voter suppression in Midwestern state.

I think it's been around for awhile.

Why do you care if someone is richer than you? Envious?
No. Our policies are designed to maximize economic growth. Part of those policies is to coddle the rich in the belief that by doing so, they will shower their largess upon us and create jobs.

They certainly are creating jobs! Jobs for Asians and Latin Americans.

And, in the meantime, the American middle class is withering on the vine. Our federal budget balloons. There is not enough capital to sustain our federal debt. And yet these with the absolute most money at hand are given a cushion while the rest of us are told to suck it up.

They are? Last I checked the top 10% pay over 50% of the total tax burden for the rest of us making it that those in the bottom 50% don't have any federal tax responsiblilty at the end of the year.

Well, that is, since the bush tax cuts were put in place.....before those it was the bottom 40% that didn't have to pay.
Class Warfare!!!!!

Class Warfare started before Republicans apologized to BP.

It started before the Bush Tax cuts for billionaires.

It started before business and the Chamber of Commerce began giving to Republicans 9 to 1 over Democrats.

It began before Republicans created subsidies for oil companies.

Class Warfare began before medical bills became the number one cause of bankruptcy.

It was before corporations, with Republican help, moved millions of jobs to China.

It was before Republicans practiced voter suppression in Midwestern state.

I think it's been around for awhile.

Why do you care if someone is richer than you? Envious?
No. Our policies are designed to maximize economic growth. Part of those policies is to coddle the rich in the belief that by doing so, they will shower their largess upon us and create jobs.

They certainly are creating jobs! Jobs for Asians and Latin Americans.

And, in the meantime, the American middle class is withering on the vine. Our federal budget balloons. There is not enough capital to sustain our federal debt. And yet these with the absolute most money at hand are given a cushion while the rest of us are told to suck it up.

You know what is great about this country? Anybody who doesn't think they are getting their "fair share" from the oppressive, greedy rich bastards they work for are free to start their own business and treat employees the way they think they should have been treated. I just don't see a lot of that happening.
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Buffett has brought more people of poverty than anyone.

What kind of asshole attacks a great man like Warren Buffett?

Yet, he wants the government to increase taxes to prevent people from pulling themselves out of poverty.

BTW name a single person Buffet has brought out of poverty

Everyone who bought Berkshire Hathaway stock along the way.

And increasing taxes reduces the deficit and allows the government to function.

And we have the lowest taxes of any industrialized country except for Japan and Spain.

How's that working out for us?

better check those figures again:

Japan Will Cut Corporate Income Tax Rate
Published: December 13, 2010

TOKYO — Japan will cut its corporate income tax rate by 5 percentage points in a bid to shore up its sluggish economy, Prime Minister Naoto Kan said here Monday evening.

Companies have urged the government to lower the country’s effective corporate tax rate — which now stands at 40 percent, around the same rate as that in the United States — to stimulate investment in Japan and to encourage businesses to create more jobs.

Lowering the corporate tax burden by 5 percentage points could increase Japan’s gross domestic product by 2.6 percentage points, or 14.4 trillion yen ($172 billion), over the next three years, according to estimates by Japan’s Trade Ministry.

Japan to Cut Corporate Income Tax Rate -

U.S. to have Highest Corporate Tax Rate in the World
Curtis DubayDecember 15, 2010 at 5:00 pm

Currently Japan holds the inauspicious distinction of having the highest corporate income tax rate in the world (39.5 percent). The United States is a close second, only a few tenths-of-percentage points behind.
Japan will soon fall from the top spot because it has finally recognized what the rest of the industrialized world realized over a decade ago: A low corporate income tax rate is vital for economic growth in the global marketplace.

U.S. to have Highest Corporate Tax Rate in the World

see also: US Poised to Have World's Highest Corporate Tax

Let's look at another country's economy in relation to corporate taxes on the rich, Sweden:

Swedish Tax Newsletter
January 2011

1. Swedish Corporate Taxation; Up-date & News

The Swedish corporate tax rate has been REDUCED from 28% to 26.3%, applicable for financial years starting 1 January 2009, or later (the reduction in part financed by the new anti-debt push down restrictions).

The ABOLISHED capital gains taxation for corporates a few years ago has under the participation exemption provisions made Sweden a favourable holding company location. Capital gains on shares held for business reasons are, thus, tax exempt for corporates and losses are not deductible. The tax exemption also include dividends on such shares.

as a result:

Sweden overtakes the US in competitiveness
Economy - Published Wednesday, 16 February 2011 05:46 | Author: Johan Nylander

Sweden is the world’s second most competitive country, according to the World Economic Forum’s last ranking. The Scandinavian country was praised for its transparency, efficient financial markets and world-leading adoption of technology.

Switzerland topped the overall ranking in The Global Competitiveness Report 2010-2011. Sweden overtook the US and Singapore this year to be placed 2nd overall.

Sweden benefits from the world’s most transparent and efficient public institutions, with very low levels of corruption and undue influence. The government is also considered to be one of the most efficient in the world (that leaves the United States Federal Government out), stated the report.

“Combined with a strong focus on education over the years (ranked 2nd for higher education and training) (that won't happen here as long as we have unions and teacher tenure placed at greater importance over students) and the world’s strongest technological adoption (ranked 1st in technological readiness), Sweden has developed a very sophisticated business culture (2nd) and is one of the world’s leading innovators (ranked 5th)", said the World Economic Forum in its report.

U.S. Manufacturing Moving Overseas – The New Wave
Posted on September 13, 2011 by China Briefing

Op-Ed Commentary: Chris Devonshire-Ellis

Sept. 13 – Recent data showing that that old bug-bear, the U.S.-China trade imbalance, is diminishing is partially good news – not least for American politicians who like to defer domestic issues by pointing fingers overseas. “It’s all their fault!” is the world’s longest running, and possibly oldest human statement.

But jobs remain a concern, and this regrettably is going to be a feature of the American economy for some time. There has been plenty of talk about the Chinese economy recalibrating from being an export-based economy to a consumer-based economy. Everyone agrees this is taking place, will take time, and it remains central government policy. In the democratic United States, longer-term policy is more difficult to assess. Yet market forces are dictating that America must change – it simply cannot retain such a large manufacturing base as costs in the United States are just too expensive.–-the-new-wave.html

Has the left learned anything yet with respect to the economy and President Obama's policies?
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