North Carolian Republican "Resigns" After Racist Remarks On Daily Show

Its also funny because while this man resigns due to WORDS, the democraps continue to hold office despite their discriminatory, and racist policies. The democraps should resign as well, if this man did.
Sadly, this guy is one of the Republicans who is actually saying what all of the party bosses are thinking. But they will continue to carry the old, "The law is not discriminatory." line. Voter repression and Gerrymandering is pretty much the last gasp of the GOP.

Now this guy says he wouldn't change anything he said...and many in the GOP agree with that...
Assif Mandvi did not "Ambush" this clown. Don Yelton spoke freely. The fact that the words that came out of his mouth was racist is the responsibility of the person speaking. RePugs are after all the Party of Personal Responsibility Right?

Yelton is a racist, pure and simple.
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Assif Mandvi did not "Ambush" this clown. Don Yelton spoke freely. The fact that the words that came out of his mouth was racist is the responsibility of the person speaking. RePugs are after all the Party of Personal Responsibility Right?

Yelton is a racist, pure and simple.

Everyone, including the Repubs, know that he is only speaking what they are all thinking. The Justice Department and eventually the Supreme Court will slam laws like this.
Assif Mandvi did not "Ambush" this clown. Don Yelton spoke freely. The fact that the words that came out of his mouth was racist is the responsibility of the person speaking. RePugs are after all the Party of Personal Responsibility Right?

Yelton is a racist, pure and simple.

Everyone, including the Repubs, know that he is only speaking what they are all thinking. The Justice Department and eventually the Supreme Court will slam laws like this.

The problem for the Repubicans is that even if Yelton is no longer on the North Carolina Republican Party Executive Board ("E" Board), he still has a voice in the North Carolina Party.

He is proud of his racism.

Yelton on spoke what many in his own Party believe. He confirmed what most Democrats already knew about the Voter Suppression Laws being passed. The goal is to prevent Democrats from Voting.

Behind closed doors, Republicans are cheering him.

In public however they sneer at him.

Which just confirms what I, as a White Southern Male (Born in Arkansas) already knew.....Republicans are lying hypocrites.
Assif Mandvi did not "Ambush" this clown. Don Yelton spoke freely. The fact that the words that came out of his mouth was racist is the responsibility of the person speaking. RePugs are after all the Party of Personal Responsibility Right?

Yelton is a racist, pure and simple.

Everyone, including the Repubs, know that he is only speaking what they are all thinking. The Justice Department and eventually the Supreme Court will slam laws like this.
Stop painting everyone with your own ignorant bigotry.

You're utterly incapable, but many people can think for themselves.
Assif Mandvi did not "Ambush" this clown. Don Yelton spoke freely. The fact that the words that came out of his mouth was racist is the responsibility of the person speaking. RePugs are after all the Party of Personal Responsibility Right?

Yelton is a racist, pure and simple.

Everyone, including the Repubs, know that he is only speaking what they are all thinking. The Justice Department and eventually the Supreme Court will slam laws like this.

The problem for the Repubicans is that even if Yelton is no longer on the North Carolina Republican Party Executive Board ("E" Board), he still has a voice in the North Carolina Party.

He is proud of his racism.

Yelton on spoke what many in his own Party believe. He confirmed what most Democrats already knew about the Voter Suppression Laws being passed. The goal is to prevent Democrats from Voting.

Behind closed doors, Republicans are cheering him.

In public however they sneer at him.

Which just confirms what I, as a White Southern Male (Born in Arkansas) already knew.....Republicans are lying hypocrites.
There you go again, mindlessly repeating progressive talking points.
Henry Mitchell Howe North Carlina Republican and member of the State Party Executive Committee was forced to resign after making Racist Remarks on "The Daily Show".

Mr. Howe was interviewed by Assif Mandvi.

At one point in the interview Mr. Mandvi asks Howe if "you know we can hear you?".

Mr. Howe used the words "Lazy Blacks" and repeated the "N" Word several times.

The truth is out about the North Carolina Law now, suppressing the Vote and preventing "Lazy Blacks" from voting.

I saw that. He actually said some of his friends are Black. It was sad. He thought Assif was Black. We've come so far and yet, we haven't.

Democrat racist pigs see EVERYTHING through the prism of racism. They would never suffer an opinion which is different from theirs. They feel free to debase and denigrate everyone and all who disagrees with them but they throw a hissy fit when somebody dares to criticize their biased and hateful opinions.

I am sick and tired of the phony indignation about the so-called N-word. It is no worse than calling a hard-working white guy a "redneck". It is no worse than calling a person of faith an idiot for believing in God, or a person who works hard and makes something of himself a greedy exploiter of the poor and a person who pays in exorbitant taxes the maintenance of food stamps for the - YES, LAZY - people black or white, but chastised for not paying his "fair share" and I am sick and tired of people who can not get passed the stage that normal kindergarten kids reached by their fourth birthday: Sticks and stones will break my bones, but words will never hurt me.

I have left enough clues on my ethnicity or on my political leanings on these boards for anyone vicious and mean enough to call me all the most offensive and "hurtful" names they want to call me.

I will give them the reply that all these overly sensitive, thin-skinned mimosas should give: I have been called worse than that by better people than you.

And then move and be normal.
And once again:

Not all republicans are racist, nor are all conservatives.

Racism is not an official tenet of either being republican or conservative.


It is a fact that racists are more likely to identify as conservative, and be more comfortable in the GOP.

This is a troubling fact that republicans and conservatives need to investigate, whether the problem is with conservative dogma itself or how that dogma is perceived by racists that attract them to conservative dogma.
Henry Mitchell Howe North Carlina Republican and member of the State Party Executive Committee was forced to resign after making Racist Remarks on "The Daily Show".

Mr. Howe was interviewed by Assif Mandvi.

At one point in the interview Mr. Mandvi asks Howe if "you know we can hear you?".

Mr. Howe used the words "Lazy Blacks" and repeated the "N" Word several times.

The truth is out about the North Carolina Law now, suppressing the Vote and preventing "Lazy Blacks" from voting.

I saw that. He actually said some of his friends are Black. It was sad. He thought Assif was Black. We've come so far and yet, we haven't.

Democrat racist pigs see EVERYTHING through the prism of racism. They would never suffer an opinion which is different from theirs. They feel free to debase and denigrate everyone and all who disagrees with them but they throw a hissy fit when somebody dares to criticize their biased and hateful opinions.

I am sick and tired of the phony indignation about the so-called N-word. It is no worse than calling a hard-working white guy a "redneck". It is no worse than calling a person of faith an idiot for believing in God, or a person who works hard and makes something of himself a greedy exploiter of the poor and a person who pays in exorbitant taxes the maintenance of food stamps for the - YES, LAZY - people black or white, but chastised for not paying his "fair share" and I am sick and tired of people who can not get passed the stage that normal kindergarten kids reached by their fourth birthday: Sticks and stones will break my bones, but words will never hurt me.

I have left enough clues on my ethnicity or on my political leanings on these boards for anyone vicious and mean enough to call me all the most offensive and "hurtful" names they want to call me.

I will give them the reply that all these overly sensitive, thin-skinned mimosas should give: I have been called worse than that by better people than you.

And then move and be normal.

Sorry, we don't really have slurs for the Finno-Ugric ethnicity. You're kind of ineligible.

It is no worse than calling a person of faith an idiot for believing in God

I believe the word you're looking for here is cretin. One of my favourites.

The point of this story isn't "the so-called N-word". It's a party official candidly admitting to a strategy to fix elections. That's important, since North Carolina's a kind of swing state recently.
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"I believe the word you're looking for here is cretin. One of my favourites."

It should be. You see it each time you look in the mirror.

Strange post for a wag who just fifteen minutes ago posted about the ineffectiveness of ad hominem...

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I am sick and tired of the phony indignation about the so-called N-word.

The "so-called N-word?" Please tell me you are joking.

Even those on the right are condemning what this man said. The fact that you can claim it's "phony indignation", while saying things like "so-called N-word", says a lot about where you stand. But I'm sure you'll just call my post "playing the race card".
I am sick and tired of the phony indignation about the so-called N-word.

The "so-called N-word?" Please tell me you are joking.

Even those on the right are condemning what this man said. The fact that you can claim it's "phony indignation", while saying things like "so-called N-word", says a lot about where you stand. But I'm sure you'll just call my post "playing the race card".

My ancestors were feudal serfs who were far worse off and for a far longer time than American slaves ever were. I was called, because of that ancestry, names which were just as bad or worse than the N-word.

When I reached the age of an adult, I no longer cared about words.

Only thin-skinned idiots do.
I am sick and tired of the phony indignation about the so-called N-word.

The "so-called N-word?" Please tell me you are joking.

Even those on the right are condemning what this man said. The fact that you can claim it's "phony indignation", while saying things like "so-called N-word", says a lot about where you stand. But I'm sure you'll just call my post "playing the race card".

My ancestors were feudal serfs who were far worse off and for a far longer time than American slaves ever were. I was called, because of that ancestry, names which were just as bad or worse than the N-word.

When I reached the age of an adult, I no longer cared about words.

Only thin-skinned idiots do.

Yeah sure.

"A child who lives with criticism learns to condemn..."

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