North Carolian Republican "Resigns" After Racist Remarks On Daily Show

sweet, one idiot pub makes some racist comments, gets fired and the dems get so excited they have to make a half a dozen threads about it

hang your hats on this one dems....then remember all the times you minimize the racists in your own party
As a democrat, I see no reason to continue to contribute to the democratic party for election expenses. My money would be far more useful in financing Republicans who want to go on the air and talk about what is on their minds!:lol:
North Carolina Precinct Chair and member of North Carolina Republican Party Executive Board ("E" Board) resigned his post after his appearance on the "Daily Show With Jon Stewart".

Suppressing the Vote - The Daily Show with Jon Stewart - 10/23/13 - Video Clip | Comedy Central.

Yelton was critical of "Lazy black people that wants the government to give them everything".

Yelton also used the "N" word several times and made reference how, when he was younger "You did not call them black, you called them negro".

Yelton also admitted the new Voter Registration Law was aimed Democratic Party Voters.
If his opinions are so widespread among the GOP...why did he resign?


Maybe he "took one for the team" like Santorum did :shock: :lol:

Santorum: I 'took one for the team' on No Child Left Behind, 'made a mistake' - The Hill's Video
North Carolina Precinct Chair and member of North Carolina Republican Party Executive Board ("E" Board) resigned his post after his appearance on the "Daily Show With Jon Stewart".

Suppressing the Vote - The Daily Show with Jon Stewart - 10/23/13 - Video Clip | Comedy Central.

Yelton was critical of "Lazy black people that wants the government to give them everything".

Yelton also used the "N" word several times and made reference how, when he was younger "You did not call them black, you called them negro".

Yelton also admitted the new Voter Registration Law was aimed Democratic Party Voters.
If his opinions are so widespread among the GOP...why did he resign?


Maybe he "took one for the team" like Santorum did :shock: :lol:

Santorum: I 'took one for the team' on No Child Left Behind, 'made a mistake' - The Hill's Video
Or, as is more likely, his views are not welcome in the GOP.

But you'll never accept that, because it contradicts your bigotry against conservatives.
If his opinions are so widespread among the GOP...why did he resign?


Maybe he "took one for the team" like Santorum did :shock: :lol:

Santorum: I 'took one for the team' on No Child Left Behind, 'made a mistake' - The Hill's Video
Or, as is more likely, his views are not welcome in the GOP.

But you'll never accept that, because it contradicts your bigotry against conservatives.

Maybe his views are not welcome. If that is the case, I find the cross pollination between the libertarian and t-party wings of the GOP and the neo-confederate movement puzzling. There is no doubt that the GOP has welcomed in the bigoted southerners who left the democratic party over the civil rights movement.

I hope you are right. I hope the GOP is purging itself of racism and I hope the Democratic Party denounces racism as well. But I think it is also possible that his words were sympathetically received by his party-mates. But he "had to be let go" because of his stupidity in saying such things in public. He said the voting measures in N.C. were not targeting illegal voters - they were targeting Democrats. Now that (while common knowledge) was stupid to say out loud.
how was that a racist remark?

my gawd, you people are so thin skinned and stupid over something so petty
Or, as is more likely, his views are not welcome in the GOP.

But you'll never accept that, because it contradicts your bigotry against conservatives.

Maybe his views are not welcome. If that is the case, I find the cross pollination between the libertarian and t-party wings of the GOP and the neo-confederate movement puzzling. There is no doubt that the GOP has welcomed in the bigoted southerners who left the democratic party over the civil rights movement.

I hope you are right. I hope the GOP is purging itself of racism and I hope the Democratic Party denounces racism as well. But I think it is also possible that his words were sympathetically received by his party-mates. But he "had to be let go" because of his stupidity in saying such things in public. He said the voting measures in N.C. were not targeting illegal voters - they were targeting Democrats. Now that (while common knowledge) was stupid to say out loud.
What you think is utterly immaterial.
Or, as is more likely, his views are not welcome in the GOP.

But you'll never accept that, because it contradicts your bigotry against conservatives.

Maybe his views are not welcome. If that is the case, I find the cross pollination between the libertarian and t-party wings of the GOP and the neo-confederate movement puzzling. There is no doubt that the GOP has welcomed in the bigoted southerners who left the democratic party over the civil rights movement.

I hope you are right. I hope the GOP is purging itself of racism and I hope the Democratic Party denounces racism as well. But I think it is also possible that his words were sympathetically received by his party-mates. But he "had to be let go" because of his stupidity in saying such things in public. He said the voting measures in N.C. were not targeting illegal voters - they were targeting Democrats. Now that (while common knowledge) was stupid to say out loud.
What you think is utterly immaterial.

The perception that the GOP harbors racists and tolerates racism is very relevant. The ability of the GOP to discourage that perception is relevant.

So you are wrong. What I think is material.
Maybe his views are not welcome. If that is the case, I find the cross pollination between the libertarian and t-party wings of the GOP and the neo-confederate movement puzzling. There is no doubt that the GOP has welcomed in the bigoted southerners who left the democratic party over the civil rights movement.

I hope you are right. I hope the GOP is purging itself of racism and I hope the Democratic Party denounces racism as well. But I think it is also possible that his words were sympathetically received by his party-mates. But he "had to be let go" because of his stupidity in saying such things in public. He said the voting measures in N.C. were not targeting illegal voters - they were targeting Democrats. Now that (while common knowledge) was stupid to say out loud.
What you think is utterly immaterial.

The perception that the GOP harbors racists and tolerates racism is very relevant. The ability of the GOP to discourage that perception is relevant.

So you are wrong. What I think is material.
That perception is in large part driven by the left, who have a vested interest in lying about the right.

The fact that this guy resigned under pressure is proof that the left's claims of rampant racism are exaggerated.
What you think is utterly immaterial.

The perception that the GOP harbors racists and tolerates racism is very relevant. The ability of the GOP to discourage that perception is relevant.

So you are wrong. What I think is material.
That perception is in large part driven by the left, who have a vested interest in lying about the right.

The fact that this guy resigned under pressure is proof that the left's claims of rampant racism are exaggerated.

hmmm maybe like the rights claims of "socialism" are exxagerated? Effluence flows both ways it seems.

But some of the charges stick better than others. Probably because there is more of a kernal of truth in them.

I've seen life in the southern GOP up close and personal. I don't need anyone to tell me what is going on. This guy is not just some lone outlier. I hope he and his type are becoming more rare. But I'll need more than one guy (who was stupid on many counts - not just racist) and I'll need to know that it is the racism that is not being tolerated to make my mind up.
The perception that the GOP harbors racists and tolerates racism is very relevant. The ability of the GOP to discourage that perception is relevant.

So you are wrong. What I think is material.
That perception is in large part driven by the left, who have a vested interest in lying about the right.

The fact that this guy resigned under pressure is proof that the left's claims of rampant racism are exaggerated.

hmmm maybe like the rights claims of "socialism" are exxagerated? Effluence flows both ways it seems.
I think sometimes people use the charge of "socialism" when they mean "overarching, overreaching, and burdensome big government".
But some of the charges stick better than others. Probably because there is more of a kernal of truth in them.
As you say, some more than others.
I've seen life in the southern GOP up close and personal. I don't need anyone to tell me what is going on. This guy is not just some lone outlier. I hope he and his type are becoming more rare. But I'll need more than one guy (who was stupid on many counts - not just racist) and I'll need to know that it is the racism that is not being tolerated to make my mind up.
I LIVE in the southern GOP.

Racism is nowhere near as prevalent as the left makes it out to be.
Let me make sure I understand this...

The Republicans forced the resignation of a party member because his remarks are construed as racism, but the policies that are based on racists notions are kept?

Why do I feel like something fundemental is being missed here?

You mean like the non existent racist policies?

I take it that you did not see the interview in which he said that the purpose of the law was to suppress Democrats--and his description of those Democrats?
I LIVE in the southern GOP.

Racism is nowhere near as prevalent as the left makes it out to be.

I lived in it for more than thirty years as a GOP county and regional official.

It is more prevalent than daveman would like to think but there is no question the left over plays it.
To be honest - the fact that the man WAS a racist doesn't mean every utterance was racist.

This one clearly was. Defending the use of the word as if it is not prima facia racism, clearly qualifys.

Not so clearly.
Explain where the racism is in that. :eusa_whistle:

Defending the use of the word, and trying to insinuate that there is nothing "racial" in its use, is prima facia racism.

Why use the word? Why defend the use of it? The word is a knife. It is intended to cut. It's like the word "Fag." Oh you can try to argue that it could reffer to a ciggarette or a torch - but the intended purpose of the word is to offend and to put a person down.

In the case of the N word - it is intended as a racial slur to put down and demean a person because of the color of their skin. It is racist - no denying that. To try to defend and de-vilify racism is racist.

Yes, seriously. No one seems to want to lift a synapse to actually analyze it.

What is racism?
It's the belief that race A is superior to race B. It requires a comparison and value judgement.

The quote as given (unlinked) was:
"THERE ARE WHITE ******* AND BLACK *******" (all caps in original)

-- Does that make a value judgement? Does it declare that race A is superior to race B? No -- in fact it does the opposite; applying the noun in question to both races equally.

Is it a statement on races? Or is it a statement on the use or meaning of the word "******"? Looks to me like the latter.

Of course this is all hypothetical since no link or context was given. For all we know the quote doesn't even exist. Indeed Googling the quote turns up a few YouTube and message board comments, this thread, and a review of a Zora Neale Hurston book* but nothing about Robert Byrd. But given what we're given, racist it isn't. There must be a value judgement; the mere mention of race does not by itself equate to racism.

* >> Miss Hurston explains that there are white ******* and black *******; being a ****** is a matter of character rather than color among the Negroes. <<
Not shocked at all. See unlike the Democrats who exalt racists. Republicans demand they get out of the party.

So no. Im not shocked that this fool was forced to resign after making completely inappropriate and stupid comments.

The question is why do Democrats still put up with this bullcrap?

You're asking why Democrats put up with this Republican party official huh.

OK then...

No. Im asking why the put up with the blatant racism in their party while we force ours out.

And your deflection was already addressed. Let's watch it again:
Point, point, point. It's like watching a boomerang. "This is what's happened." "Well, DEMOCRATS!"

I LIVE in the southern GOP.

Racism is nowhere near as prevalent as the left makes it out to be.

I lived in it for more than thirty years as a GOP county and regional official.

It is more prevalent than daveman would like to think but there is no question the left over plays it.

and you think the black community isn't just as racist? Doj stats show that blacks murder twice as many whites in interracial crime. That as far as I am concern the height of racism and hatred.
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I LIVE in the southern GOP.

Racism is nowhere near as prevalent as the left makes it out to be.

I lived in it for more than thirty years as a GOP county and regional official.

It is more prevalent than daveman would like to think but there is no question the left over plays it.

and you think the black community isn't just as racist? Doj stat's show that blacks murder twice as many whites in interracial crime. That as far as I am concern the height of racism and hatred.

Racism is a belief; it can't be measured in crime demographic stats. Nor can 'hatred' for obvious reasons. And btw there is no apostrophe in stats.
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I LIVE in the southern GOP.

Racism is nowhere near as prevalent as the left makes it out to be.

I lived in it for more than thirty years as a GOP county and regional official.

It is more prevalent than daveman would like to think but there is no question the left over plays it.

and you think the black community isn't just as racist? Doj stats show that blacks murder twice as many whites in interracial crime. That as far as I am concern the height of racism and hatred.

Twice as many whites as what?

There are six times as many whites as blacks in the U.S. Much more opportunity to kill whites, which has nothing to do with selecting victims based on race.

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