North Carolian Republican "Resigns" After Racist Remarks On Daily Show

I am sick and tired of the phony indignation about the so-called N-word.

The "so-called N-word?" Please tell me you are joking.

Even those on the right are condemning what this man said. The fact that you can claim it's "phony indignation", while saying things like "so-called N-word", says a lot about where you stand. But I'm sure you'll just call my post "playing the race card".

Many conservatives fail to understand these simple facts:

Conservative racists are at liberty to articulate their racism, use whatever words they want, free from interference by the state.

But private society is at liberty to admonish them for expressing their racism, however; where the racist must be prepared to suffer the consequences of his racism, whether he’s sick and tired of the indignation or not.
Dear Conservatives,

No, you cannot say the N-word without being a racist, and blacks can say it without being racist. Get over it.

Sincerely, Sane Americans.
Dear Conservatives,

No, you cannot say the N-word without being a racist, and blacks can say it without being racist. Get over it.

Sincerely, Sane Americans.

Don't be silly. Of course you can depending on how you use it. We did this in post 94 where some wag tried to make that case and couldn't defend it.

Again, the point is not his language; it's the actions that speak much more loudly. When you're concocting a plan to fix elections, people take notice.
Assif Mandvi did not "Ambush" this clown. Don Yelton spoke freely. The fact that the words that came out of his mouth was racist is the responsibility of the person speaking. RePugs are after all the Party of Personal Responsibility Right?

Yelton is a racist, pure and simple.

Everyone, including the Repubs, know that he is only speaking what they are all thinking. The Justice Department and eventually the Supreme Court will slam laws like this.
Stop painting everyone with your own ignorant bigotry.

You're utterly incapable, but many people can think for themselves.

I am not "Painting everyone" with my own ignorant bigotry.

I am stating a fact, the Republican is racist. Yelton was a member the North Carolina Republican Party "E" Board. Yelton is a racist who, as a member of that board Directed, Implemented, and Carried Policy for the North Carolina Party..

You do not deny the language used by Yelton was racist, oh heavens to Betsy no, but you do attack me for telling the truth.

Yelton even acknowleged the Voter Registration Law in North Carolina is in fact designed to suppress Democratic Voters in that State.

It is not Bigotry to call about a Bigot, I was born in the Cotton South and because of my own parents belief in racial equality was raised respect all people.

The only way to stop Bigotry is to face it head-on. You defend it.

Says a lot about you.
You almost gotta laugh. The comedy channel has officially become the political opinion source for the left. Nothing new here except the typical plantation mentality of the radical left. When will smart Black people ever get sick of the way the radical left tries to keep them on the paantation? Do lefties still think that Black people in North Carolina are incapable of obtaining a photo I.D. in the 21st century? The comedy channel seems to think so.

They're not incapable but it can be much more difficult for them to obtain ID.

Voter ID requires a birth certificate. Many older black people were born when they were refused admittance to white only hospitals. They were born at home and did not get a birth certificate.

Other black people are busy working 2 and 3 jobs to support their families and do not have time to go through the hassle.

And some do not have access to transportation.
You almost gotta laugh. The comedy channel has officially become the political opinion source for the left. Nothing new here except the typical plantation mentality of the radical left. When will smart Black people ever get sick of the way the radical left tries to keep them on the paantation? Do lefties still think that Black people in North Carolina are incapable of obtaining a photo I.D. in the 21st century? The comedy channel seems to think so.

They're not incapable but it can be much more difficult for them to obtain ID.

Voter ID requires a birth certificate. Many older black people were born when they were refused admittance to white only hospitals. They were born at home and did not get a birth certificate.

Other black people are busy working 2 and 3 jobs to support their families and do not have time to go through the hassle.

And some do not have access to transportation.

This has merit.

I'm still annoyed at the resources the left will invest in fighting voter ID laws when they could be investing in helping people without ID's get ID's. There are exceptions which should get special attention, such as those older black people you mention, but for the most part the people whom the left are claiming are harmed by voter ID laws would benefit if they were helped to get an ID.
You almost gotta laugh. The comedy channel has officially become the political opinion source for the left. Nothing new here except the typical plantation mentality of the radical left. When will smart Black people ever get sick of the way the radical left tries to keep them on the paantation? Do lefties still think that Black people in North Carolina are incapable of obtaining a photo I.D. in the 21st century? The comedy channel seems to think so.

They're not incapable but it can be much more difficult for them to obtain ID.

Voter ID requires a birth certificate. Many older black people were born when they were refused admittance to white only hospitals. They were born at home and did not get a birth certificate.

Other black people are busy working 2 and 3 jobs to support their families and do not have time to go through the hassle.

And some do not have access to transportation.

This has merit.

I'm still annoyed at the resources the left will invest in fighting voter ID laws when they could be investing in helping people without ID's get ID's. There are exceptions which should get special attention, such as those older black people you mention, but for the most part the people whom the left are claiming are harmed by voter ID laws would benefit if they were helped to get an ID.

The left did try to help.

Remember ACORN?

The right shot that organization down.
They're not incapable but it can be much more difficult for them to obtain ID.

Voter ID requires a birth certificate. Many older black people were born when they were refused admittance to white only hospitals. They were born at home and did not get a birth certificate.

Other black people are busy working 2 and 3 jobs to support their families and do not have time to go through the hassle.

And some do not have access to transportation.

This has merit.

I'm still annoyed at the resources the left will invest in fighting voter ID laws when they could be investing in helping people without ID's get ID's. There are exceptions which should get special attention, such as those older black people you mention, but for the most part the people whom the left are claiming are harmed by voter ID laws would benefit if they were helped to get an ID.

The left did try to help.

Remember ACORN?

The right shot that organization down.

The right shot them down, but for false accusations.

Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Following the publication of the videos and withdrawal of funding, four different independent investigations by various state and city Attorneys General and the GAO released in 2009 and 2010 cleared ACORN, finding its employees had not engaged in criminal activities and that the organization had managed its federal funding appropriately, and calling the videos deceptively and selectively edited to present the workers in the worst possible light. Despite this, by March 2010, 15 of ACORN's 30 state chapters had already closed[10] and the group announced it was closing its remaining state chapters and disbanding.[13]
They're not incapable but it can be much more difficult for them to obtain ID.

Voter ID requires a birth certificate. Many older black people were born when they were refused admittance to white only hospitals. They were born at home and did not get a birth certificate.

Other black people are busy working 2 and 3 jobs to support their families and do not have time to go through the hassle.

And some do not have access to transportation.

This has merit.

I'm still annoyed at the resources the left will invest in fighting voter ID laws when they could be investing in helping people without ID's get ID's. There are exceptions which should get special attention, such as those older black people you mention, but for the most part the people whom the left are claiming are harmed by voter ID laws would benefit if they were helped to get an ID.

The left did try to help.

Remember ACORN?

The right shot that organization down.

The poster child for fraudulent voter registrations?

If that was the only hope of the disadvantaged to get materials such as ID's needed to advance in this country, then we're in sad shape indeed.
This has merit.

I'm still annoyed at the resources the left will invest in fighting voter ID laws when they could be investing in helping people without ID's get ID's. There are exceptions which should get special attention, such as those older black people you mention, but for the most part the people whom the left are claiming are harmed by voter ID laws would benefit if they were helped to get an ID.

The left did try to help.

Remember ACORN?

The right shot that organization down.

The poster child for fraudulent voter registrations?

--- or so the media would have us believe...

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