North Korean defector realizes that American leftists are "nuts"

BREAKING: African immigrant thinks Donald Trump is a doody-head.

You must take this seriously!
Could you be ANY LESS relevant in your response?
Do you really take seriously any remarks from a North Korean who has lived their entire life under that regime?

Of course you do. She has lived in a totalitarian country long enough, to know the similarities.

Other ex-citizens from Communist countries, who are living here are also expressing their dismay about what's happening in the USA now.

I'm ex-citizen from a Communist country and I can tell you with 100% certainty - you are full of insane bullshit.

You seriously need to go live in one of these authoritarian third world countries to get some perspective on how good you ignorant nutters have it here in the US.

We're smart enough to know you commies are trying to change that. If you want forced conformity, move your commie ass back where you came from.

In no shape or form am I communist, and when you keep repeating that nonsence you just make yourself look like a crazy idiot.

Well child, perhaps you should stop acting like one. Just a thought.


Moron, I despise authoritarian regimes and belive in essentiality of private enterprise for a healthy economy. You sound insane.


Yet here you are towing the party line and spewing propaganda as instructed. Good job, commie. LMAO

Are you playing a drinking game? A shot for every time you use the word "commie"?

Don't drink commie, well unless you count good ole southern sweet tea.

Then you really need to start. You’ll turn 21 eventually.
BREAKING: African immigrant thinks Donald Trump is a doody-head.

You must take this seriously!
Could you be ANY LESS relevant in your response?
Do you really take seriously any remarks from a North Korean who has lived their entire life under that regime?

Of course you do. She has lived in a totalitarian country long enough, to know the similarities.

Other ex-citizens from Communist countries, who are living here are also expressing their dismay about what's happening in the USA now.

I'm ex-citizen from a Communist country and I can tell you with 100% certainty - you are full of insane bullshit.

You seriously need to go live in one of these authoritarian third world countries to get some perspective on how good you ignorant nutters have it here in the US.

We're smart enough to know you commies are trying to change that. If you want forced conformity, move your commie ass back where you came from.

In no shape or form am I communist, and when you keep repeating that nonsence you just make yourself look like a crazy idiot.

Well child, perhaps you should stop acting like one. Just a thought.


Moron, I despise authoritarian regimes and belive in essentiality of private enterprise for a healthy economy. You sound insane.


Yet here you are towing the party line and spewing propaganda as instructed. Good job, commie. LMAO


What "party line"? That America is not some third world authoritarian shithole? It's called REALITY nutbag.

Not all, just your parts.


If you come here to flaunt your sad, ignorant idiocy then you are doing a great job.
You know - when a North Korean defector tells the citizens of the United States Socialist Republic that we are actually WORSE than North Korea, one would naturally assume that those on the fascist left would pay attention.

To the leftists in the US, it's a badge of honor. They're busy thanking Miss Park for the compliment.
You know - when a North Korean defector tells the citizens of the United States Socialist Republic that we are actually WORSE than North Korea, one would naturally assume that those on the fascist left would pay attention.

To the leftists in the US, it's a badge of honor. They're busy thanking Miss Park for the compliment.

Cool story nutter butter....but It's been 12 pages in this thread , can you show even ONE thanking?
When a woman who lived through indoctrination, indoctrination / re-education camps, CCPT (Critical Communist Party Training), and tge big PURGE before escaping to the US tells snowflakes they are now indoctrinated participants in the same movement to divide the nation, re-educate and indoctrinate through CRT...

When she warn what is being perpetrated is the beginning of what she lived through and was lucky enough to escape to the US ... only to see the same things begin happening here....

Snowflakes better wake the F* up and listen.

When a defector from NK living here tells snowflakes what is happening here is even crazier than what is happening under lil' Kim....

Snowflakes better wake the F* up and listen.
BREAKING: African immigrant thinks Donald Trump is a doody-head.

You must take this seriously!
Could you be ANY LESS relevant in your response?
Do you really take seriously any remarks from a North Korean who has lived their entire life under that regime?

Of course you do. She has lived in a totalitarian country long enough, to know the similarities.

Other ex-citizens from Communist countries, who are living here are also expressing their dismay about what's happening in the USA now.

I'm ex-citizen from a Communist country and I can tell you with 100% certainty - you are full of insane bullshit.

You seriously need to go live in one of these authoritarian third world countries to get some perspective on how good you ignorant nutters have it here in the US.

We're smart enough to know you commies are trying to change that. If you want forced conformity, move your commie ass back where you came from.

In no shape or form am I communist, and when you keep repeating that nonsence you just make yourself look like a crazy idiot.

Well child, perhaps you should stop acting like one. Just a thought.


Moron, I despise authoritarian regimes and belive in essentiality of private enterprise for a healthy economy. You sound insane.


Yet here you are towing the party line and spewing propaganda as instructed. Good job, commie. LMAO


What "party line"? That America is not some third world authoritarian shithole? It's called REALITY nutbag.

Not all, just your parts.


If you come here to flaunt your sad, ignorant idiocy then you are doing a great job.

Are you looking in a mirror, the projection you're displaying seems accurate and really funny.

People on the outside often see what's staring us right in the face but we are blind to it. Just ask any marriage counselor lol
I understand that. My point is that comparing someone whining about pronouns to the North Korean regime is beyond absurd and is quite harmful to credibility.

If she had a legitimate academic point to make, it wouldn’t sound like that. This instead sounds like an attempt to get attention from right wing media who would eat this nonsense up.

There’s a LOT of money to be made in this space.
The defector is just trying to warn what can happen when you basically go from a free multi-party system that allows individual rights, to strict One-Party Socialism, which is Communism. All large central One-Party governments become authoritarian and tyrannical. It's inevitable. They tell you what's best for you and dictate all aspects of your life and why? Because by believing that if they take control over your health, your living conditions and your career, they will always have your best interests at heart. All they will have, is their own benefit at heart.
Now the left will have to cancel her.

North Korean defector says 'even North Korea was not this nuts' after attending Ivy League school

Some of us warned you. Many of you laughed, called us crazy and thought it was fear mongering.

Put this on for size, these kids will be running the country in 10-15 years. What do you think they plan to do when they are in powerful positions? How much sympathy will they have for the older generation?
Less racists by then.
People on the outside often see what's staring us right in the face but we are blind to it. Just ask any marriage counselor lol
I understand that. My point is that comparing someone whining about pronouns to the North Korean regime is beyond absurd and is quite harmful to credibility.

If she had a legitimate academic point to make, it wouldn’t sound like that. This instead sounds like an attempt to get attention from right wing media who would eat this nonsense up.

There’s a LOT of money to be made in this space.
The defector is just trying to warn what can happen when you basically go from a free multi-party system that allows individual rights, to strict One-Party Socialism, which is Communism.

America has strong multiparty system, separation of powers and constitutional protections of media and individual rights.

In what crazy fucking world is that comparable to Dear Leader NK? "defector" has no clue what she is talking about.
Looks like someone has discovered there’s a lot of money to be made by telling the right wing what they want to hear.

You like it that conservatives must hide their views or have their grades punished, don't you? Be honest.

Anyone who went to college or high school recently or has kids in college or high school knows that she's not exaggerating. It's the same way at every level. But you either know that or don't care, probably both ...
Now the left will have to cancel her.

North Korean defector says 'even North Korea was not this nuts' after attending Ivy League school

Some of us warned you. Many of you laughed, called us crazy and thought it was fear mongering.

Put this on for size, these kids will be running the country in 10-15 years. What do you think they plan to do when they are in powerful positions? How much sympathy will they have for the older generation?

That is terrifying. Fortunately (or unfortunately) I will be gone by then. However, I would not want to live in this country in another 35-40 years. zIt will be a giant shit-show........

Bad things are coming. Real bad.
America Has Lost Its Way and Needs to Go Back to When We Made a Wrong Left Turn

Bad things have been here since 1960. There's nothing wrong with turning back the clock if it's connected to a time bomb.
People on the outside often see what's staring us right in the face but we are blind to it. Just ask any marriage counselor lol
I understand that. My point is that comparing someone whining about pronouns to the North Korean regime is beyond absurd and is quite harmful to credibility.

If she had a legitimate academic point to make, it wouldn’t sound like that. This instead sounds like an attempt to get attention from right wing media who would eat this nonsense up.

There’s a LOT of money to be made in this space.
The defector is just trying to warn what can happen when you basically go from a free multi-party system that allows individual rights, to strict One-Party Socialism, which is Communism. All large central One-Party governments become authoritarian and tyrannical. It's inevitable. They tell you what's best for you and dictate all aspects of your life and why? Because by believing that if they take control over your health, your living conditions and your career, they will always have your best interests at heart. All they will have, is their own benefit at heart.

You're trying to reason with a fool.
BREAKING: African immigrant thinks Donald Trump is a doody-head.

You must take this seriously!
Could you be ANY LESS relevant in your response?
Do you really take seriously any remarks from a North Korean who has lived their entire life under that regime?

She has more credibility than a Marxist hypocritical tenured professor who has lived his/her entire life in academia, getting fat off the taxpayer while condemning Western Civilization all while it provides them with a lifestyle the rest of the world would kill for.
Looks like someone has discovered there’s a lot of money to be made by telling the right wing what they want to hear.

Theres even more money to be made in silencing ideas on college campuses across the U.S.
laugh at her, discredit her go ahead, because you know so much more than her. But she is right when she says people here dont realize how hard it is to be free.
You dont realize it because you were born into this country with your freedoms intact, but now your fat and stupid. Once something is taken away by the people you give power over your life to, it's much harder to ever get back.
Looks like someone has discovered there’s a lot of money to be made by telling the right wing what they want to hear.

Theres even more money to be made in silencing ideas on college campuses across the U.S.
laugh at her, discredit her go ahead, because you know so much more than her. But she is right when she says people here dont realize how hard it is to be free.
You dont realize it because you were born into this country with your freedoms intact, but now your fat and stupid. Once something is taken away by the people you give power over your life to, it's much harder to ever get back.
Well said, but you're casting your pearls to a FOOL.
People on the outside often see what's staring us right in the face but we are blind to it. Just ask any marriage counselor lol
I understand that. My point is that comparing someone whining about pronouns to the North Korean regime is beyond absurd and is quite harmful to credibility.

If she had a legitimate academic point to make, it wouldn’t sound like that. This instead sounds like an attempt to get attention from right wing media who would eat this nonsense up.

There’s a LOT of money to be made in this space.
The defector is just trying to warn what can happen when you basically go from a free multi-party system that allows individual rights, to strict One-Party Socialism, which is Communism. All large central One-Party governments become authoritarian and tyrannical. It's inevitable. They tell you what's best for you and dictate all aspects of your life and why? Because by believing that if they take control over your health, your living conditions and your career, they will always have your best interests at heart. All they will have, is their own benefit at heart.
We aren't going to "communism" anytime soon. And if anyone is going to a one-party government, it would be the party who attempted to change the outcome of the election that they lost as Trump did in 2020.
Looks like someone has discovered there’s a lot of money to be made by telling the right wing what they want to hear.

Theres even more money to be made in silencing ideas on college campuses across the U.S.
laugh at her, discredit her go ahead, because you know so much more than her. But she is right when she says people here dont realize how hard it is to be free.
You dont realize it because you were born into this country with your freedoms intact, but now your fat and stupid. Once something is taken away by the people you give power over your life to, it's much harder to ever get back.
With all due respect, this is a lot of pseudointellectual gibberish.

I'm not laughing at her, and I don't for one second discount or deride what she went through to escape North Korea.

The article isn't very informative and it doesn't actually say all that much. That kind of ambiguity has allowed posters in this thread to fill in the gaps with their own agenda and biases. I don't know what it means that we "don't realize how hard it is to be free". That isn't a statement which means much to me. You're welcome to explain it further and I won't try to impute anything from it.

What I find really weird is that she brings up two issues. First is that she was pressured to agree with her professors. Whenever that exists, it's a problem. The thing is, anyone who is capable of making a cogent argument should be rewarded for it. I think at least some of the people who say they were punished for "disagreeing" are actually just making excuses because their arguments weren't very good.

But the other issue is that she brings up gender identity. Now, if the idea is that the US should support individual freedom and liberty, what greater expression of individual freedom and liberty is there than to be able to determine which gender you want to identify with?
Looks like someone has discovered there’s a lot of money to be made by telling the right wing what they want to hear.

Theres even more money to be made in silencing ideas on college campuses across the U.S.
laugh at her, discredit her go ahead, because you know so much more than her. But she is right when she says people here dont realize how hard it is to be free.
You dont realize it because you were born into this country with your freedoms intact, but now your fat and stupid. Once something is taken away by the people you give power over your life to, it's much harder to ever get back.
With all due respect, this is a lot of pseudointellectual gibberish.

I'm not laughing at her, and I don't for one second discount or deride what she went through to escape North Korea.

The article isn't very informative and it doesn't actually say all that much. That kind of ambiguity has allowed posters in this thread to fill in the gaps with their own agenda and biases. I don't know what it means that we "don't realize how hard it is to be free". That isn't a statement which means much to me. You're welcome to explain it further and I won't try to impute anything from it.

What I find really weird is that she brings up two issues. First is that she was pressured to agree with her professors. Whenever that exists, it's a problem. The thing is, anyone who is capable of making a cogent argument should be rewarded for it. I think at least some of the people who say they were punished for "disagreeing" are actually just making excuses because their arguments weren't very good.

But the other issue is that she brings up gender identity. Now, if the idea is that the US should support individual freedom and liberty, what greater expression of individual freedom and liberty is there than to be able to determine which gender you want to identify with?

Did you not watch the video with her talking? she pretty much explained "how hard it is to be free". Yeah when you live in a place like NK... you get free by physically leaving at risk to your life. that is an extreme.
But the point is still valid here. We only lose our freedoms incrementally. What happens on college campuses you can say doesn't matter, but in essence they are a microcosim of what is coming as these bright students eventually take over places of power.
Much of what she had to say was about the sensor ship and devoidness of critical thinking she encountered at Colombia. I'm supprised you cant figure out what shes talking about. It's quite simple and straightforward.
BREAKING: African immigrant thinks Donald Trump is a doody-head.

You must take this seriously!

Brace for a shock, thread isn't about Trump...fricken idiot.
His case of TDS appears to be terminal

You have TDs. The stupidity of your posts prove this.
You are such an expert on stupidity? I wonder why?

Because I read so much of your garbage and that of other Trump supporters.

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