NORWAY massacre: there were no "victims". All staged. All camp "witnesses" part of it

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Apr 6, 2009
NORWAY massacre: there were no "victims". All staged. All camp members part of the theater - remake of Arizona shooting

So far the number of real or virtual victims of each massacre by the illuminati that was used to advance the "citizens disarmed" agenda was small, from Virginia Tech to the Arizona "shootings".
But now, as the agenda is completed in Europe and the populace is completely reduced to beasts, total deception, as required by the illuminati religion, becomes more important than having the "gun control = security" agenda exposed by "one shooter kills 85 disarmed people".

So a question arises:
Can someone give proof that the leader of the Labour Youth being non-stop interviewd in BBC World is NOT the shooter?

In other words: is this a remake of the German school massacre, where the murder was interviewed in the role of supposedly having been kidnapped during the hours the masssacre went on, in the german late talk show "Beckman", days after the massacre, as required by the illuminati religion? (1)

This is not a remake of the 2009 German school massacre. (2)
There was no "shooter". This is a remake of the Arizona "shootings" (3).

(1) Reminder:
- it took 7 years for the illuminati to disclose the photo of Diana immediately after the crash and 9 years for the photo of the moment that Henri Paul, the driver, was caught by the strobe light in the tunnel.
Murder of Princess Diana and Prince William refusal to be King

- it took 9 years for the illuminati to disclose what the kids were reciting to Bush in the schoolroom, as the first "PLANE" must hit the steel of the WTC.
[ame=]‪RITUAL - Bush In Class Room, The Kids Are Saying: KITE, STEEL, PLANE, MUST, HIT‬‏ - YouTube[/ame] RITUAL - Bush In Class Room, The Kids Are Saying: KITE, STEEL, PLANE, MUST, HIT

But for events shortly before the curtain falls, the illuminati religion MUST disclose such ritual details immedately after the act.

(2) Citizens Disarmed Agenda: German school massacre repackaged to push disarm citizens agenda to utter limits

a 100% virtual massacre by the same while they conduct the LARGEST REAL OPERATION IN HISTORY

The 2009 school massacre in Germany, like the Arizona "massacre", was produced using the same script of a 100% virtual killer.
The difference: unlike the german script, where there were some real people murdered by real illuminati killers, the ARIZONA "SHOOTINGS" was 100% virtual,

Why was it 100% virtual? The immediate answer is the illuminati religion, trying to push to the utter limits what Last Prophet explained.
Illuminati Religion

But ultimately it is the Laws of END TIMES REDUCTIONISM at work.
Reductionism in End Times - KEY to conspiracies. In fact nothing escapes its Laws.
NORWAY massacre: there were no "victims". All staged. All camp members part of the theater - remake of Arizona shooting

So far the number of real or virtual victims of each massacre by the illuminati that was used to advance the "citizens disarmed" agenda was small, from Virginia Tech to the Arizona "shootings".
But now, as the agenda is completed in Europe and the populace is completely reduced to beasts, total deception, as required by the illuminati religion, becomes more important than having the "gun control = security" agenda exposed by "one shooter kills 85 disarmed people".

So a question arises:
Can someone give proof that the leader of the Labour Youth being non-stop interviewd in BBC World is NOT the shooter?

In other words: is this a remake of the German school massacre, where the murder was interviewed in the role of supposedly having been kidnapped during the hours the masssacre went on, in the german late talk show "Beckman", days after the massacre, as required by the illuminati religion? (1)

This is not a remake of the 2009 German school massacre. (2)
There was no "shooter". This is a remake of the Arizona "shootings" (3).

(1) Reminder:
- it took 7 years for the illuminati to disclose the photo of Diana immediately after the crash and 9 years for the photo of the moment that Henri Paul, the driver, was caught by the strobe light in the tunnel.
Murder of Princess Diana and Prince William refusal to be King

- it took 9 years for the illuminati to disclose what the kids were reciting to Bush in the schoolroom, as the first "PLANE" must hit the steel of the WTC.
‪RITUAL - Bush In Class Room, The Kids Are Saying: KITE, STEEL, PLANE, MUST, HIT‬‏ - YouTube RITUAL - Bush In Class Room, The Kids Are Saying: KITE, STEEL, PLANE, MUST, HIT

But for events shortly before the curtain falls, the illuminati religion MUST disclose such ritual details immedately after the act.

(2) Citizens Disarmed Agenda: German school massacre repackaged to push disarm citizens agenda to utter limits

a 100% virtual massacre by the same while they conduct the LARGEST REAL OPERATION IN HISTORY

The 2009 school massacre in Germany, like the Arizona "massacre", was produced using the same script of a 100% virtual killer.
The difference: unlike the german script, where there were some real people murdered by real illuminati killers, the ARIZONA "SHOOTINGS" was 100% virtual,

Why was it 100% virtual? The immediate answer is the illuminati religion, trying to push to the utter limits what Last Prophet explained.
Illuminati Religion

But ultimately it is the Laws of END TIMES REDUCTIONISM at work.
Reductionism in End Times - KEY to conspiracies. In fact nothing escapes its Laws.
I really don't like the image of all of them engaged in a joint procreational activity.
NORWAY massacre: there were no "victims". All staged. All camp members part of the theater - remake of Arizona shooting

Why on earth do moronic arseholes post shit like this? Do you really expect ANYONE to believe any of it? If you believe it yourself you simply prove you shouldn't be at liberty. You should be confined in a padded cell for your own protection. :cuckoo:
NORWAY massacre: there were no "victims". All staged. All camp members part of the theater - remake of Arizona shooting

Why on earth do moronic arseholes post shit like this? Do you really expect ANYONE to believe any of it? If you believe it yourself you simply prove you shouldn't be at liberty. You should be confined in a padded cell for your own protection. :cuckoo:
NORWAY massacre: there were no "victims". All staged. All camp members part of the theater - remake of Arizona shooting

Why on earth do moronic arseholes post shit like this? Do you really expect ANYONE to believe any of it? If you believe it yourself you simply prove you shouldn't be at liberty. You should be confined in a padded cell for your own protection. :cuckoo:

Actually, with only 39 posts in just over two years, he probably IS confined in the loony bin!
25 July, press conference with three norwegian policemen.
Besides reducing the number of "victims" of the island "shooting" from 90 to 68, the illuminati set a new milestone in the impersonation type of jokes (1): they present a third face used to represent the "shooter" (2), his photo inside a police car supposedly on his way to the court. (3)

As this photo of this new third face is presented, the screen shows only one "other" person: one of the three policemen ...

(1) The impersonation type of illuminati jokes include a photo of Glenn Beck to photoshop pure virtual "Shooter" "Jared Lee Loughner" in the pure virtual Arizona "shootings". The ultimate example is using "Obama" to impersonate Osama in the videos released during the last years.

(2) Anders Behring Breivik role: the first face shows the younger guy; the second face is used for posing with the guns and with the free mason clothes.

(3) An "audience" of course only for illuminati eyes, or in other words, behind closed doors.
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25 July, press conference with three norwegian policemen.
Besides reducing the number of "victims" of the island "shooting" from 90 to 68, the illuminati set a new milestone in the impersonation type of jokes (1): they present a third face used to represent the "shooter" (2), his photo inside a police car supposedly on his way to the court. (3)

As this photo of this new third face is presented, the screen shows only one "other" person: one of the three policemen ...

(1) The impersonation type of illuminati jokes include a photo of Glenn Beck to photoshop pure virtual "Shooter" "Jared Lee Loughner" in the pure virtual Arizona "shootings". The ultimate example is using "Obama" to impersonate Obama in the videos released during the last years.

(2) The first face shows the younger guy; the second face is used in the shooting poses and with the free mason clothes.

(3) An "audience" of course only for illuminati eyes, or in other words, behind closed doors.
Where the fuck do you people come from?

This looks like the bastard offspring of Truthmattersnot and Mr. Shameful.
you forgot Mr. jones, 911hand job and eots....someone might get offended if you leave them out!

so says the lone nut theorist afraid to death of government corruption,can only post one liners when paragraphs of evidence and facts are given to him and never even TRYS to debunk anything,then runs off with his tail between his legs when he knows he is defeated.:lol::lol::lol: and can only post the B.S sign knowing he is defeated as well.:cuckoo::lol::lol::lol::lol:
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This looks like the bastard offspring of Truthmattersnot and Mr. Shameful.
you forgot Mr. jones, 911hand job and eots....someone might get offended if you leave them out!

so says the lone nut theorist afraid to death of government corruption,can only post one liners when paragraphs of evidence and facts are given to him and never even TRYS to debunk anything,then runs off with his tail between his legs when he knows he is defeated.:lol::lol::lol: and can only post the B.S sign knowing he is defeated as well.:cuckoo::lol::lol::lol::lol:
yes dear take your lithium and go watch sponge bob.:razz:
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