Not All Conservatives Thrilled About Romney VP Pick

This doesn't surprise me. Not only is Ryan not well known, what people do know, they don't like.

He is a right wing, Tea Party, guy and everyone will see that soon enough if they haven't already.

And for Romney to immediately distance himself from Ryan's plan that he called marvelous, is really quite sad.

Romney has run the most pathetic campaign I have seen in a long time.

This guy can not make a good decision if his life depended on it.

Look at his VP pick, European tour, the NAACP fiasco, his taxes fiasco, his Bain lies, all the gaffes and flip flops, all the lies about Obama, his failure to talk to almost any media except FOX, I mean really-no one can seriously consider this a serious campaign.

Really? You don't think we deserve better than this loser? C'mon.

Another unbias assessment of Ryan and Romney. :clap2:
Thank you for your unbias opinion.

Your welcome, I never said I was unbiased.

I still think he is a terrible decision maker. How would he handle a crisis if his campaign is this crappy?

Just sayin'
This doesn't surprise me. Not only is Ryan not well known, what people do know, they don't like.

He is a right wing, Tea Party, guy and everyone will see that soon enough if they haven't already.

And for Romney to immediately distance himself from Ryan's plan that he called marvelous, is really quite sad.

Romney has run the most pathetic campaign I have seen in a long time.

This guy can not make a good decision if his life depended on it.

Look at his VP pick, European tour, the NAACP fiasco, his taxes fiasco, his Bain lies, all the gaffes and flip flops, all the lies about Obama, his failure to talk to almost any media except FOX, I mean really-no one can seriously consider this a serious campaign.

Really? You don't think we deserve better than this loser? C'mon.

pats you on teh head. its okay you gave it your best shot.
This doesn't surprise me. Not only is Ryan not well known, what people do know, they don't like.

He is a right wing, Tea Party, guy and everyone will see that soon enough if they haven't already.

And for Romney to immediately distance himself from Ryan's plan that he called marvelous, is really quite sad.

Romney has run the most pathetic campaign I have seen in a long time.

This guy can not make a good decision if his life depended on it.

Look at his VP pick, European tour, the NAACP fiasco, his taxes fiasco, his Bain lies, all the gaffes and flip flops, all the lies about Obama, his failure to talk to almost any media except FOX, I mean really-no one can seriously consider this a serious campaign.

Really? You don't think we deserve better than this loser? C'mon.

Another unbias assessment of Ryan and Romney. :clap2:
Thank you for your unbias opinion.

Your welcome, I never said I was unbiased.

I still think he is a terrible decision maker. How would he handle a crisis if his campaign is this crappy?

Just sayin'

It's that crappy because YOU say it is, you're bias.
How good of a campaign is being run by Obama when he can't run on his own policies? Has to resort to his tried and true methods of chicago politics?
Obama has no answers, and yet there you are following him like a good obamabot. :eusa_whistle:
The Romney/Ryan ticket has the Democrat loons scared out of their minds.
Another unbias assessment of Ryan and Romney. :clap2:
Thank you for your unbias opinion.

Your welcome, I never said I was unbiased.

I still think he is a terrible decision maker. How would he handle a crisis if his campaign is this crappy?

Just sayin'

It's that crappy because YOU say it is, you're bias.
How good of a campaign is being run by Obama when he can't run on his own policies? Has to resort to his tried and true methods of chicago politics?
Obama has no answers, and yet there you are following him like a good obamabot. :eusa_whistle:

No it's that crappy because of the obvious mistakes he's made that every person can see. Biased or not, you can see this guy can't make a decision to save his life and when he does, they are terrible.

It is bias not to see the Ryan pick as a mistake, or the decision not to release his taxes as a mistake, or his lies about Bain or Obama as a mistake, or to avoid the press as a mistake, or to backtrack from a plan he called marvelous by his own VP, or all the wonderful decisions he made when he was in Europe, or all his flip flops or all his gaffes, or so many other things.

Wow-he's a real gem.
So Lakhota whats your plan on Medicare? Just keep it the same and let it go bankrupt?

No one is arguing for just keeping it the same.

Although one side is arguing for keeping it.

Really? So where is the plan? I havent seen anything passed in the senate, or anything offered by Obama, Reid or any other democrat

The plan is primarily to (1) shift the way Medicare pays for services away from encouraging high-volume, low (or mediocre) value service provision, and (2) promote and assist health care providers in delivering better care more efficiently and less expensively, while holding them accountable for quality outcomes. You can see some of what's coming down the pike in results from this private sector pilot in Massachusetts that incorporates some of these principles: More importantly, there are some early indicators that providers have already begun to reorganize care delivery in response to the ongoing and coming reforms, accounting for some of Medicare's current record-low cost growth--and offering some promise that we might be entering a new era of cost containment.

As for where the legislation supporting that is, the bulk of the reforms passed into law here. There are other pieces of Medicare reform scattered around a bit but I'm assuming your request was more tongue-in-cheek.
Paul Ryan Naysayers: Whom Were They Hoping For?

By Daren Jonescu


Liberals dislike him for the best reason -- namely, because they fear him. He articulates the nature of the nation's fiscal crisis, and the need for entitlement reform, with a clarity that pre-empts the typical accusations of "heartlessness" that the left hurls mindlessly at everyone who opposes unconstitutional government. And while those who see the enormity of the catastrophe awaiting America might argue -- correctly, I believe -- that the final Ryan budget, on its face, does not go far enough, one must not lose sight of the inevitable gulf between the ideal and the practically realizable. Had Ryan proposed legislation that would do what this moment really requires, the plan would likely never have made it past John Boehner's trash bin.

Instead, Ryan's plan, shortcomings notwithstanding, has played a central role in shifting public discussion of the economy, and specifically of the debt, onto more rational ground, making calls for substantial overhaul a mainstream idea, rather than something easily dismissible as a libertarian pipe-dream.


Read more: Articles: Paul Ryan Naysayers: Whom Were They Hoping For?
Another unbias assessment of Ryan and Romney. :clap2:
Thank you for your unbias opinion.

Your welcome, I never said I was unbiased.

I still think he is a terrible decision maker. How would he handle a crisis if his campaign is this crappy?

Just sayin'

It's that crappy because YOU say it is, you're bias.
How good of a campaign is being run by Obama when he can't run on his own policies? Has to resort to his tried and true methods of chicago politics?
Obama has no answers, and yet there you are following him like a good obamabot. :eusa_whistle:

And you are following Romney/Ryan like a good rightwing tool. He resorted to Rove's tactics because unfortunately it works to be negative.

I wish it didn't. I wish both campaigns were truthful and factual and the campaign was on issues but unfortunately, we get what we get with Citizens United and the very wealthy buying elections and not everyone being fully informed on the issues when they vote.

I think this is sad but it is the way of things.
Your welcome, I never said I was unbiased.

I still think he is a terrible decision maker. How would he handle a crisis if his campaign is this crappy?

Just sayin'

It's that crappy because YOU say it is, you're bias.
How good of a campaign is being run by Obama when he can't run on his own policies? Has to resort to his tried and true methods of chicago politics?
Obama has no answers, and yet there you are following him like a good obamabot. :eusa_whistle:

No it's that crappy because of the obvious mistakes he's made that every person can see. Biased or not, you can see this guy can't make a decision to save his life and when he does, they are terrible.

It is bias not to see the Ryan pick as a mistake, or the decision not to release his taxes as a mistake, or his lies about Bain or Obama as a mistake, or to avoid the press as a mistake, or to backtrack from a plan he called marvelous by his own VP, or all the wonderful decisions he made when he was in Europe, or all his flip flops or all his gaffes, or so many other things.

Wow-he's a real gem.

Obama's a real gem that's what we do know. Unemployment over 8%, the longest string of weeks in the last 60 years.
A weak economy...which he owns now.
High debt
High deficit
No budget in 3 years
Lowering the credit rating
Dividing America

Yeah, Obama is all aces, and it seems that is just honky dory with can you even complain about Romney?
Your welcome, I never said I was unbiased.

I still think he is a terrible decision maker. How would he handle a crisis if his campaign is this crappy?

Just sayin'

It's that crappy because YOU say it is, you're bias.
How good of a campaign is being run by Obama when he can't run on his own policies? Has to resort to his tried and true methods of chicago politics?
Obama has no answers, and yet there you are following him like a good obamabot. :eusa_whistle:

No it's that crappy because of the obvious mistakes he's made that every person can see. Biased or not, you can see this guy can't make a decision to save his life and when he does, they are terrible.
Your biased opinion makes it just another opinion... Your generalities and one-sided view shows you to be weak in your arguments...

It is bias not to see the Ryan pick as a mistake, or the decision not to release his taxes as a mistake, or his lies about Bain or Obama as a mistake, or to avoid the press as a mistake, or to backtrack from a plan he called marvelous by his own VP, or all the wonderful decisions he made when he was in Europe.
And here you resort to lame, leftist vague generalities and spin... Absolutely nothing original and all just regurgitated shit we could cut and paste from any HuffyPuffy half-wit...

You bring nothing to the table, but sadly you seem proud of that fact....
This doesn't surprise me. Not only is Ryan not well known, what people do know, they don't like.

He is a right wing, Tea Party, guy and everyone will see that soon enough if they haven't already.

And for Romney to immediately distance himself from Ryan's plan that he called marvelous, is really quite sad.

Romney has run the most pathetic campaign I have seen in a long time.

This guy can not make a good decision if his life depended on it.

Look at his VP pick, European tour, the NAACP fiasco, his taxes fiasco, his Bain lies, all the gaffes and flip flops, all the lies about Obama, his failure to talk to almost any media except FOX, I mean really-no one can seriously consider this a serious campaign.

Really? You don't think we deserve better than this loser? C'mon.

pats you on teh head. its okay you gave it your best shot.

Thanks for the input. Really put a lot of thought into this response did you?
It's that crappy because YOU say it is, you're bias.
How good of a campaign is being run by Obama when he can't run on his own policies? Has to resort to his tried and true methods of chicago politics?
Obama has no answers, and yet there you are following him like a good obamabot. :eusa_whistle:

No it's that crappy because of the obvious mistakes he's made that every person can see. Biased or not, you can see this guy can't make a decision to save his life and when he does, they are terrible.
Your biased opinion makes it just another opinion... Your generalities and one-sided view shows you to be weak in your arguments...

It is bias not to see the Ryan pick as a mistake, or the decision not to release his taxes as a mistake, or his lies about Bain or Obama as a mistake, or to avoid the press as a mistake, or to backtrack from a plan he called marvelous by his own VP, or all the wonderful decisions he made when he was in Europe.
And here you resort to lame, leftist vague generalities and spin... Absolutely nothing original and all just regurgitated shit we could cut and paste from any HuffyPuffy half-wit...

You bring nothing to the table, but sadly you seem proud of that fact....

Yes, and this post here brought so much to the table. Thanks for your insight.
Your welcome, I never said I was unbiased.

I still think he is a terrible decision maker. How would he handle a crisis if his campaign is this crappy?

Just sayin'

It's that crappy because YOU say it is, you're bias.
How good of a campaign is being run by Obama when he can't run on his own policies? Has to resort to his tried and true methods of chicago politics?
Obama has no answers, and yet there you are following him like a good obamabot. :eusa_whistle:

And you are following Romney/Ryan like a good rightwing tool. He resorted to Rove's tactics because unfortunately it works to be negative.

<yawn> Regurgitated leftist shit... do you have anything new?

I wish it didn't. I wish both campaigns were truthful and factual and the campaign was on issues but unfortunately, we get what we get with Citizens United and the very wealthy buying elections and not everyone being fully informed on the issues when they vote.
Citizens United? More unrelated leftist bullshit... You ignore wealthy 0bama and whine that the rich Republicans won't give you free shit...

It's that crappy because YOU say it is, you're bias.
How good of a campaign is being run by Obama when he can't run on his own policies? Has to resort to his tried and true methods of chicago politics?
Obama has no answers, and yet there you are following him like a good obamabot. :eusa_whistle:

No it's that crappy because of the obvious mistakes he's made that every person can see. Biased or not, you can see this guy can't make a decision to save his life and when he does, they are terrible.

It is bias not to see the Ryan pick as a mistake, or the decision not to release his taxes as a mistake, or his lies about Bain or Obama as a mistake, or to avoid the press as a mistake, or to backtrack from a plan he called marvelous by his own VP, or all the wonderful decisions he made when he was in Europe, or all his flip flops or all his gaffes, or so many other things.

Wow-he's a real gem.

Obama's a real gem that's what we do know. Unemployment over 8%, the longest string of weeks in the last 60 years.
A weak economy...which he owns now.
High debt
High deficit
No budget in 3 years
Lowering the credit rating
Dividing America

Yeah, Obama is all aces, and it seems that is just honky dory with can you even complain about Romney?

OK, I'm gonna start with the credit rating. Do you think Obama did that all by himself with no help from the House Republicans? Specifically the right wing Tea Party House Republicans that repeatedly refused to go along with the House Speakers attempts to compromise with Obama?

The ones that were willing to let us go into default and shut down the Government over something that numerous other Presidents were able to do numerous times with no problems whatsoever?

No it's that crappy because of the obvious mistakes he's made that every person can see. Biased or not, you can see this guy can't make a decision to save his life and when he does, they are terrible.
Your biased opinion makes it just another opinion... Your generalities and one-sided view shows you to be weak in your arguments...

It is bias not to see the Ryan pick as a mistake, or the decision not to release his taxes as a mistake, or his lies about Bain or Obama as a mistake, or to avoid the press as a mistake, or to backtrack from a plan he called marvelous by his own VP, or all the wonderful decisions he made when he was in Europe.
And here you resort to lame, leftist vague generalities and spin... Absolutely nothing original and all just regurgitated shit we could cut and paste from any HuffyPuffy half-wit...

You bring nothing to the table, but sadly you seem proud of that fact....

Yes, and this post here brought so much to the table. Thanks for your insight.

Pointing out weak leftist arguments and tired regurgitated talking points is a hobby of mine...

Last edited:
It's that crappy because YOU say it is, you're bias.
How good of a campaign is being run by Obama when he can't run on his own policies? Has to resort to his tried and true methods of chicago politics?
Obama has no answers, and yet there you are following him like a good obamabot. :eusa_whistle:

And you are following Romney/Ryan like a good rightwing tool. He resorted to Rove's tactics because unfortunately it works to be negative.

<yawn> Regurgitated leftist shit... do you have anything new?

I wish it didn't. I wish both campaigns were truthful and factual and the campaign was on issues but unfortunately, we get what we get with Citizens United and the very wealthy buying elections and not everyone being fully informed on the issues when they vote.
Citizens United? More unrelated leftist bullshit... You ignore wealthy 0bama and whine that the rich Republicans won't give you free shit...


You bore me too with your insults and generalities about the Left. So far, you've brought nothing to the table either.
Americans don't believe GOP presidential contender Mitt Romney hit a home run with his choice of Paul Ryan as a running mate, a USA TODAY/Gallup Poll finds, with more of the public giving him lower marks than high ones.

And Americans would be correct – Ryan was a dreadful choice.

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