Not All Conservatives Thrilled About Romney VP Pick

You'd think Ryan was running for PRESIDENT..

but the left can't let anyone or anything GET IN THEIR WAY

they all have to be DESTROYED..

Vote this administation and their ugly little useful sheep out in November folks
I also saw how Obama slung mountains of shit at Hillary, then turned around and licked her clit with SoS position.


Well, um, yeah, because he really didn't... but whatever you need to tell yourself.

Again, the ODS brain disease where every criticism of a Republican has to be met with "but...but...but... Obama."

Obama has a mysterious lucky streak where his opponents tend to drop out of races against him after divorce records (for example) seem to materialize out of thin air


But no......

He doesn't do "smear" campaigns.

Rather hilarious.
The Ryan Medicare voucher plan would allow private health insurance companies to cherry pick the most healthy seniors, leaving least healthy seniors in government Medicare - which would make it unsustainable and wreck it. Hence, leaving the least healthy seniors out in the cold. Sooo, the video showing granny being thrown off the cliff still applies.

Actually, no. From Ryan's site:

All health plans that participate in the Medicare Exchange, including the traditional Medicare option, would be required to offer insurance to all seniors – regardless of age and health status – thereby preventing insurers from cherry picking only the healthiest seniors for coverage under their plan. Additionally, the federal contribution to seniors’ health plans would be increased to account for a senior’s health status and age.

Should be interesting to watch Ryan respond to all these kinds of charges. I have to admit I was believing them at first, too.


Is there anything controlling how much insurance companies can charge? Doesn't do any good to have a plan nobody can afford.

You clearly do not understand how a Market is suppose to work. The Market should and would control how much they can charge. If we let it.
Americans don't believe GOP presidential contender Mitt Romney hit a home run with his choice of Paul Ryan as a running mate, a USA TODAY/Gallup Poll finds, with more of the public giving him lower marks than high ones.

Ryan, a Wisconsin congressman, is seen as only a "fair" or "poor" choice by 42% of Americans vs. 39% who think he is an "excellent" or "pretty good" vice presidential choice.

More: USAT/Gallup Poll: Paul Ryan gets low marks for VP

Why is "fair" lumped in with "poor"?
Americans don't believe GOP presidential contender Mitt Romney hit a home run with his choice of Paul Ryan as a running mate, a USA TODAY/Gallup Poll finds, with more of the public giving him lower marks than high ones.

Ryan, a Wisconsin congressman, is seen as only a "fair" or "poor" choice by 42% of Americans vs. 39% who think he is an "excellent" or "pretty good" vice presidential choice.

More: USAT/Gallup Poll: Paul Ryan gets low marks for VP

Why is "fair" lumped in with "poor"?

Another good point. I still stand by my opinion that polls like this are pretty much useless.

Its like asking a person thier favorite color in a poll.
By Ian Millhiser

In April of 2011, after Republican Vice Presidential nominee Paul Ryan had been House Budget Chair for only a few months, he convinced nearly the entire House GOP caucus to vote for a laissez-faire budget resolution that would slash education, raise taxes on the middle class, and destroy Medicaid’s promise to provide health care to the most vulnerable Americans. Like his running mate Mitt Romney’s tax plan, the Ryan Plan also combined austerity for the poor and the middle class with large tax cuts for the rich.

The Ryan Plan that passed the House in 2011 is most famous, however, for its multiple step plan to phase out Medicare. Let us say that again so we are perfectly clear about what the Ryan Plan does to Medicare. It does not just “end Medicare as we know it” and it certainly does not “reform” Medicare.” The Ryan Plan simply ends Medicare, although it admittedly takes some time for it to achieve this goal.

More w/Chart (worth reading): Paul Ryan's Original Medicare Plan Ends Medicare, Period | ThinkProgress
It’s worth noting that, by 2012, the original Ryan Medicare Plan proved so politically unpopular that even Paul Ryan recognized he could no longer publicly support it. Ryan’s 2012 backed away significantly from his original goal of phasing out Medicare. Nevertheless, the original Ryan Plan remains the purest reflection of Ryan’s vision for the country, before that vision collided headlong into electoral defeat.

The immediate impact of Paul Ryan’s original vision is a massive, 40 percent spike in new retirees’ health expenditures, followed by gradually increasing costs for the rest of those retirees’ lives. And because the Ryan vouchers never stop losing value, they will eventually become practically worthless, providing no meaningful assistance whatsoever to seniors struggling to pay their medical bills.

From the OP link.
stop that obama and biden are going to win why waste time on a non factor like Paul Ryan? Oh wait maybe the guy can think and we dont want that?
This doesn't surprise me. Not only is Ryan not well known, what people do know, they don't like.

He is a right wing, Tea Party, guy and everyone will see that soon enough if they haven't already.

And for Romney to immediately distance himself from Ryan's plan that he called marvelous, is really quite sad.

Romney has run the most pathetic campaign I have seen in a long time.

This guy can not make a good decision if his life depended on it.

Look at his VP pick, European tour, the NAACP fiasco, his taxes fiasco, his Bain lies, all the gaffes and flip flops, all the lies about Obama, his failure to talk to almost any media except FOX, I mean really-no one can seriously consider this a serious campaign.

Really? You don't think we deserve better than this loser? C'mon.
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So Lakhota whats your plan on Medicare? Just keep it the same and let it go bankrupt?
This doesn't surprise me. Not only is Ryan not well known, what people do know, they don't like.

He is a right wing, Tea Party, guy and everyone will see that soon enough if they haven't already.

And for Romney to immediately distance himself from Ryan's plan that he called marvelous, is really quite sad.

Romney has run the most pathetic campaign I have seen in a long time.

This guy can not make a good decision if his life depended on it.

Look at his VP pick, European tour, the NAACP fiasco, his taxes fiasco, his Bain lies, all the gaffes and flip flops, all the lies about Obama, his failure to talk to almost any media except FOX, I mean really-no one can seriously consider this a serious campaign.

Really? You don't think we deserve better than this loser? C'mon.

Another unbias assessment of Ryan and Romney. :clap2:
Thank you for your unbias opinion.

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