Not at all surprising that Scotus turned to Jello

That was clear as mud...
What didn't you get?
It's obvious that the USSC was terrified of retribution.
They are protected.
Yes, they are.
I presume they don't want their families being verbally harassed, or worse. for the rest of their lives.
I wouldn't.
The mayor of dodge city Kansas just resigned because of threats from deranged Trumpers upset about wearing a mask. Poor snowflakes.

I really doubt that's why he resigned.....hold on for a bit you will find a scandal in there somewhere that he is trying to dodge.

Here ya go, ignorant moron:

hahahah....yes I saw that already today and laughed my ass off at it when I read it..... I am waiting for the other shoe to's some good advice....give everything at lest 48 hours to ripen up before you consume it like a piece of cheese cake....that's how you get fat.

That was clear as mud...
What didn't you get?
It's obvious that the USSC was terrified of retribution.
They are protected.
Yes, they are.
I presume they don't want their families being verbally harassed, or worse. for the rest of their lives.
I wouldn't.
The mayor of dodge city Kansas just resigned because of threats from deranged Trumpers upset about wearing a mask. Poor snowflakes.

I really doubt that's why he resigned.....hold on for a bit you will find a scandal in there somewhere that he is trying to dodge.

Here ya go, ignorant moron:

LOL! Get a real source! No one ever heard of Dodgeball Global
Roberts is a turncoat--with or without the riots he was always going to do the swamps bidding. He rode on the Epstein planes----the swamp can destroy him at any moment that they want.

Trump was too nice as POTUS. He should have pushed out Roberts and fired most of the leadership at FBI, DOJ, NSA, etxc.

TL^2. Too little, too late.

Roberts, Sessions, Barr, Wray, Krebs, are the new Ides of March Roman Senators.
That was clear as mud...
What didn't you get?
It's obvious that the USSC was terrified of retribution.
They are protected.
Yes, they are.
I presume they don't want their families being verbally harassed, or worse. for the rest of their lives.
I wouldn't.
The mayor of dodge city Kansas just resigned because of threats from deranged Trumpers upset about wearing a mask. Poor snowflakes.

I really doubt that's why he resigned.....hold on for a bit you will find a scandal in there somewhere that he is trying to dodge.

Here ya go, ignorant moron:

LOL! Get a real source! No one ever heard of Dodgeball Global

hahaha..... I know..... probably some Nazi Lesbo working out her mom's basement with a camera stolen from Chop zone.

Roberts is a turncoat--with or without the riots he was always going to do the swamps bidding. He rode on the Epstein planes----the swamp can destroy him at any moment that they want.

Trump was too nice as POTUS. He should have pushed out Roberts and fired most of the leadership at FBI, DOJ, NSA, etxc.

TL^2. Too little, too late.

Roberts, Sessions, Barr, Wray, Krebs, are the new Ides of March Roman Senators.

Well he was new to the swamp and they Swamped him....that's the advantage Obama had going in.....he was already Trained in Treachery.


I am a mathematician..... I watched 1x10^15 to 1 odds get beat in Pennsylvania that me this is not either false nor is it a conspiracy theory..... there is no question that an Algorithm was used to manage the vote counts. Your characterization of the court as a 6-3 conservative body is only a childish's more like a 7-2 moderate court with a few hard left justices for extra measure. Barrett is not what people think she is....i pointed that out before she was confirmed. She is a brilliant jurist no doubt but anyone who speaks of George Floyd's death as a murder is retarded. I believe the justices were terrified of something and that they veered away from what they knew to be right.

I've been watching the elections with fascination for the stats and numbers since the '80s.

3 Nov was the first time that the counts were stopped at the nearly exact point that states have been traditionally called...All four eastern states were well into the 80+% reporting total, with statistically insurmountable leads for Trump, when the vote counting was suspended.

If this had happened to Hillary......
You do understand that we’re are in a pandemic. And we had historical voter turnout out... And historical mail ins coming from the Dems. It doesn’t sound like your math skills are two great, you’ve exclude three very important factors.

That has nothing to do with statistical probabilities.....and it's " too great" not " Two Great " unless that was intentional.....clever if it was.
The Algorithmic foot print that produces an outlier in the 99.9999 percentile is nearly I said already....... if a golfer hit three holes in one consecutively he would still not be in that category......or if your next door neighbor won the Powerball three moths in a row consecutively he would still not be in that tell me honestly what you are refusing to admit about an 800,000 vote lead that evaporated in less than 8 hours? Don't lie to yourself.....this shit just does not happen.
I’m the king of typos but that one happened two be a joke. ;)

I don’t think your probabilities are accurate as you are using data from past elections with our factoring in major changes that occurred during this election.
They're all looking for the most convenient procedural excuse to dismiss, so they don't have to look at the evidence that they couldn't deny.

Either cowards or complicit.
Why would they all be looking to dismiss? If there was ample evidence and Trump could get another 4 years then why wouldn’t they push forward?. It clearly fits their agenda better with 6-3 conservative court. Problem is when you don’t have evidence you can’t fake it in court like Trump is doing in the media. He is simply playing the suckers like yourself. I can’t believe people are actually buying into Trumps crap. It’s soooo transparent
Dismissing on procedure means that they don't have to consider any evidence....DUUUUUH!

BTW, I agreed with the dismissal of the Texas suit, after reading the opinions.
lol, which opinions? the texas. vs. pennsylvania case was dismissed by order.

It scared the shit out of them that's why.....they know damn well what's going on and the only two justices with an ounce of fortitude are Alito and Thomas.....the rest of them are scared little weasels.

lol. get bent.

did you know that good math relies on correct initial definitions of the problem to be solved.

you fail, again and again. it's adorable.

Stop trying to squirm out from underneath your ignorance and just give me a single example of a 99.9999 cannot of course but I'd love to see you put your money where you mouth is.....If you want to admit this is over your problem....I just disposed of another liberal in another post who tried that shit. Fact is the probabilities are in the de facto impossible range and that's why it's being looked at. Doesn't mean anything will be done about it but you lie to yourself if you think this stuff just happens. No I don't fail at all...but I do smell a coward and a phony. If you are overmatched ..... it's don't have to maintain some kind of board bravado...nobody cares.

the best algorithm can lead to idiotic results if bullshit is fed into it. that's what has happened here. not sure about the algorithm. in this case even the algorithm might be bullshit. have you read cicchetti's calculations? lol.

I'm going to be merciful to you and stop taunting you into revealing your total ineptitude. Go hit your three holes in one consecutively....I hear that Kin Jung Un has done it! Just ask the NK newspapers. I don't need to read anything....but I think you probably do. You obviously have no idea what is being discussed.
I tee off in two hours. I’ll be happy to test your probabilities :)
They're all looking for the most convenient procedural excuse to dismiss, so they don't have to look at the evidence that they couldn't deny.

Either cowards or complicit.
Why would they all be looking to dismiss? If there was ample evidence and Trump could get another 4 years then why wouldn’t they push forward?. It clearly fits their agenda better with 6-3 conservative court. Problem is when you don’t have evidence you can’t fake it in court like Trump is doing in the media. He is simply playing the suckers like yourself. I can’t believe people are actually buying into Trumps crap. It’s soooo transparent
Dismissing on procedure means that they don't have to consider any evidence....DUUUUUH!

BTW, I agreed with the dismissal of the Texas suit, after reading the opinions.
lol, which opinions? the texas. vs. pennsylvania case was dismissed by order.

It scared the shit out of them that's why.....they know damn well what's going on and the only two justices with an ounce of fortitude are Alito and Thomas.....the rest of them are scared little weasels.

lol. get bent.

did you know that good math relies on correct initial definitions of the problem to be solved.

you fail, again and again. it's adorable.

Stop trying to squirm out from underneath your ignorance and just give me a single example of a 99.9999 cannot of course but I'd love to see you put your money where you mouth is.....If you want to admit this is over your problem....I just disposed of another liberal in another post who tried that shit. Fact is the probabilities are in the de facto impossible range and that's why it's being looked at. Doesn't mean anything will be done about it but you lie to yourself if you think this stuff just happens. No I don't fail at all...but I do smell a coward and a phony. If you are overmatched ..... it's don't have to maintain some kind of board bravado...nobody cares.

the best algorithm can lead to idiotic results if bullshit is fed into it. that's what has happened here. not sure about the algorithm. in this case even the algorithm might be bullshit. have you read cicchetti's calculations? lol.

I'm going to be merciful to you and stop taunting you into revealing your total ineptitude. Go hit your three holes in one consecutively....I hear that Kin Jung Un has done it! Just ask the NK newspapers. I don't need to read anything....but I think you probably do. You obviously have no idea what is being discussed.
oh. wow. how could i have missed this epic slapdown. the probability that you post anything interesting, enlightening, or true is much lower than biden getting more votes than trump. so, i guess, less than 1 to a QUADRILLION.

crawl back to parler or gab for a pacifier.

My 6-3 stolen and stacked SCOTUS didn't give me everything I WANTED!! :itsok:

Last edited:
Roberts has really fucked the American people. Or was it that RINO Bush that appointed Roberts?
They're all looking for the most convenient procedural excuse to dismiss, so they don't have to look at the evidence that they couldn't deny.

Either cowards or complicit.

This has nothing to do with SCOTUS refusing to look at supposedly undeniable evidence. The idea that one state can sue another one challenging the defendant state's creation and application of its own laws turns the U.S. Constitution upside down. It cannot be done. This idea also blows out of the water any "state's rights" argument that reasonably could be made with regard to other issues.

There have been multiple opportunities to present this "evidence" to which you refer in court, but it was not.

Such a lawsuit could open the door to states like mine suing Texas for their very lax weapons laws and very unreasonable anti abortion laws.

I'm sure the far right doesn't want to open that door.
They're all looking for the most convenient procedural excuse to dismiss, so they don't have to look at the evidence that they couldn't deny.

Either cowards or complicit.

Or the so called evidence was so damn pathetic, they thought why should they waste the taxpayers money looking at a sore loser's frivolous lawsuits.
That's why the suits are being tossed on procedural grounds.

Fucking dope.
Why is that happening?
Where did that little bitch Oddball run off to?
We really should have been keeping a running list of all the commies who are involved in this conspiracy.

In fact, it would probably be EASIER to keep a running list of who ISN'T.

We really should have been keeping a running list of all the commies who are involved in this conspiracy.

In fact, it would probably be EASIER to keep a running list of who ISN'T.

No list needed.

If you’re not a gun loving, bible thumping, right wing, flag waving, conservative republican than you are a communist.
They're all looking for the most convenient procedural excuse to dismiss, so they don't have to look at the evidence that they couldn't deny.

Either cowards or complicit.

Or the so called evidence was so damn pathetic, they thought why should they waste the taxpayers money looking at a sore loser's frivolous lawsuits.

Because it's their fucking job. When 20 states sign into a lawsuit, it at LEAST deserves to be heard by the SCOTUS.
They're all looking for the most convenient procedural excuse to dismiss, so they don't have to look at the evidence that they couldn't deny.

Either cowards or complicit.

Or the so called evidence was so damn pathetic, they thought why should they waste the taxpayers money looking at a sore loser's frivolous lawsuits.

Because it's their fucking job. When 20 states sign into a lawsuit, it at LEAST deserves to be heard by the SCOTUS.

Not if it's bullshit, the lower courts had already listened to that garbage.

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