Not Good: A&E Violated Title VII of the Civil Rights Act Letting Phil Robertson Go



Yup. He is.

You do know that stupid little animations a five year old can post isn't exactly an argument or statement of facts, right?

It's a shame that normal people cant measure up to crackhead DJ world views, but there it is.

stupid shit
Phil wasn't let go because of his religion

He was let go for acting like a bigoted asshole

Bullshit....The fact is A&E management was aware of the content of the interview months ago.
If quoting the Bible is a form of bigotry, we are doomed as a nation.
Oh, to you 'bigot' is just a label the throw around like a wad of mud, hoping it sticks to those you've deemed 'enemy'..

Where exactly does the bible sanction segregation and compare homosexuals to terrorists?

Robertson wasn’t suspended for his religion, he was suspended due to his hate and ignorance, as the network was at liberty to do.

He made no comparison to terrorists, liar and you are the hate filled shit stain.
They can can him and also they can be sued for it.

If this goes before a jury A&E would lose.

Nope. Wouldn't even show up in court. Has no basis.

Shows me what a lack of access to the legal system produces. I cant believe how ignorant some of these morons are.

Because people don't agree with you doesn't make them ignorant, and plenty of lawyers have been shocked at how juries rule, regardless of the legalese and letter of the law, idiot.

Here is an example, ass h at.

Lesbian Teacher Wins $170,000 Court Award From Cincinnati Archdiocese (3434)

Jury disregards morals clause in her employment contract, ruling she was wrongfully dismissed after becoming pregnant through artificial insemination.

CINCINNATI — The Archdiocese of Cincinnati has been ordered to pay more than $170,000 in back pay and damages to a former Catholic schoolteacher who sued the archdiocese for firing her after she became pregnant through artificial insemination.

The archdiocese said it was enforcing a morals clause in an employment contract that requires archdiocesan employees to “comply and act consistently in accordance with the stated philosophy and teachings of the Roman Catholic Church.”

However, Christa Dias and her attorney argued that the archdiocese violated her rights under federal pregnancy anti-discrimination laws when it fired her from her teaching job in October 2010. A jury agreed, finding for the plaintiff after a week-long trial in a federal court in Ohio.

On June 3, the jury — after deliberating for two days — awarded Dias $50,000 in back day, $21,000 in compensatory damages and $100,000 in punitive damages, said Dan Andriacco, the communications director for the Archdiocese of Cincinnati.

Phil has a case, if he can find good lawyers to pursue it. And thank God fucktards like you are what compose fascist syndicates like GLAAD.
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Looks like Phil might own A&E after all this is over. Specifically, A&E violated Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964:

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title VII), which prohibits employment discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. SEC. 2000e-2. [Section 703]

(a) Employer practices

It shall be an unlawful employment practice for an employer -

(1) to fail or refuse to hire or to discharge any individual, or otherwise to discriminate against any individual with respect to his compensation, terms, conditions, or privileges of employment, because of such individual’s race, color, religion, sex, or national origin.

That’s what discrimination is. It's law.

If it's an on contract basis, it goes by the contract details.
Since the season was already done and hasn't begun filming for next season yet, they decided to stop it indefinitely.
So next season isn't coming.
Once again conservatives show they don't understand the difference between behavior and identity.
Once again conservatives show they don't understand the difference between behavior and identity.

Nor do liberals know the difference between action and opinion. You act as if his opinion hurt gay people. Well according to the gays that revolted against GLAAD for their role in this debacle, it didn't.
Once again conservatives show they don't understand the difference between behavior and identity.

Nor do liberals know the difference between action and opinion. You act as if his opinion hurt gay people. Well according to the gays that revolted against GLAAD for their role in this debacle, it didn't.
He's entitled to his opinion.

People are entitled to respond to his opinion.

See how that works?

The OP (and those who agree with it) approaches it from another angle though, and show the inability of those conservatives to differentiate between behavior and identity.
Once again conservatives show they don't understand the difference between behavior and identity.

Nor do liberals know the difference between action and opinion. You act as if his opinion hurt gay people. Well according to the gays that revolted against GLAAD for their role in this debacle, it didn't.
He's entitled to his opinion.

People are entitled to respond to his opinion.

See how that works?

The OP (and those who agree with it) approaches it from another angle though, and show the inability of those conservatives to differentiate between behavior and identity.

Not according to the civil rights act.
Nor do liberals know the difference between action and opinion. You act as if his opinion hurt gay people. Well according to the gays that revolted against GLAAD for their role in this debacle, it didn't.
He's entitled to his opinion.

People are entitled to respond to his opinion.

See how that works?

The OP (and those who agree with it) approaches it from another angle though, and show the inability of those conservatives to differentiate between behavior and identity.

Not according to the civil rights act.
Does the CRA address identity or behavior ?
Sorry but you're wrong. He was let go for his religious views on homosexuality.

If he had said.......the Bible says homosexuality is wrong and I believe it is wrong, he would not be having these problems

Saying......what is the deal with gays and ass fucking? Wouldn't they rather have a pussy?

Or comparing it to bestiality

Or saying Jim Crow wasn't so bad

Isn't in the bible

Your word is not valid....Post quotes from the transcript.

I don't know why conservatives have so much trouble with this

If when talking about homosexuality, you start babbling about bestiality or are going to catch hell for it

When talking about Jim Crow, if you start waxing nostalgic about the good ole are going to catch hell for it
Once again conservatives show they don't understand the difference between behavior and identity.

Nope...and every single one of them believe they should have the right to fire me, not for my behaviors, but my identity as a gay American.
Sorry but you're wrong. He was let go for his religious views on homosexuality.

If he had said.......the Bible says homosexuality is wrong and I believe it is wrong, he would not be having these problems

Saying......what is the deal with gays and ass fucking? Wouldn't they rather have a pussy?

Or comparing it to bestiality

Or saying Jim Crow wasn't so bad

Isn't in the bible

Again, he DID NOT COMPARE IT TO BESTIALITY. Can't you guys READ or are you really that fucking dense??? He said bestiality because it is in with A LIST OF SINS according to his belief and which is stated in the bible.

Liberals thrive on lying. True logic doesn't fit their silly argument so they deny the truth, paraphrase and twist meanings to meet their needs. Their arguments are quite weak without false logic and persistent lies.

If he had said.......the Bible says homosexuality is wrong and I believe it is wrong, he would not be having these problems

Saying......what is the deal with gays and ass fucking? Wouldn't they rather have a pussy?

Or comparing it to bestiality

Or saying Jim Crow wasn't so bad

Isn't in the bible

Your word is not valid....Post quotes from the transcript.

I don't know why conservatives have so much trouble with this

If when talking about homosexuality, you start babbling about bestiality or are going to catch hell for it

When talking about Jim Crow, if you start waxing nostalgic about the good ole are going to catch hell for it
Using the words homosexuality, bestiality and pedophilia in the same conversation does not equate them anymore than using the names Tom, Dick and Harry in the same conversation makes them equal...except that they are all men...or tunnels, depending on the topic.

You are twisting logic in defense of your own illogical conclusion.
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Once again conservatives show they don't understand the difference between behavior and identity.

Nope...and every single one of them believe they should have the right to fire me, not for my behaviors, but my identity as a gay American.

There's no difference.

Being Gay is a behaviour, not an identity. Being monogamous is a behaviour. It's not like once you become Gay you're issued a special status for tax purposes.
Once again conservatives show they don't understand the difference between behavior and identity.

Nope...and every single one of them believe they should have the right to fire me, not for my behaviors, but my identity as a gay American.

There's no difference.

Being Gay is a behaviour, not an identity. Being monogamous is a behaviour. It's not like once you become Gay you're issued a special status for tax purposes.
Are you only a heterosexual when you are actually screwing?
Nope...and every single one of them believe they should have the right to fire me, not for my behaviors, but my identity as a gay American.

There's no difference.

Being Gay is a behaviour, not an identity. Being monogamous is a behaviour. It's not like once you become Gay you're issued a special status for tax purposes.
Are you only a heterosexual when you are actually screwing?

Shocking I know, but you can be gay and a virgin! :eek:
a Gay that a special class of people?

Where's the box on the census that you check for that?

are you homosexual Amercian
Straight american
brown American
If he had said.......the Bible says homosexuality is wrong and I believe it is wrong, he would not be having these problems

Saying......what is the deal with gays and ass fucking? Wouldn't they rather have a pussy?

Or comparing it to bestiality

Or saying Jim Crow wasn't so bad

Isn't in the bible

Your word is not valid....Post quotes from the transcript.

I don't know why conservatives have so much trouble with this

If when talking about homosexuality, you start babbling about bestiality or are going to catch hell for it

When talking about Jim Crow, if you start waxing nostalgic about the good ole are going to catch hell for it

Of course. The bestiality folks don't have the kind of lobbyists that Gays have.

And even among Gays transsexuals get a bum rap.

The pedophiles are gaining strength, but they still have a long way to go before they can gain recognition as fine, upstanding Americans.
Your word is not valid....Post quotes from the transcript.

I don't know why conservatives have so much trouble with this

If when talking about homosexuality, you start babbling about bestiality or are going to catch hell for it

When talking about Jim Crow, if you start waxing nostalgic about the good ole are going to catch hell for it

Of course. The bestiality folks don't have the kind of lobbyists that Gays have.

And even among Gays transsexuals get a bum rap.

The pedophiles are gaining strength, but they still have a long way to go before they can gain recognition as fine, upstanding Americans.

Rednecks are still going strong

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