‘Not humane’: PETA rips AOC for buying and caging a dog

You have no idea how to train an aggressive dog. My next step was to take him out back and put a bullet in his head.
You do it the same way the pack would do it....kinda like muslime terrorist,they only respect authority.
Indeed. There is a big difference between correcting/disciplining a dog and harming/injuring it. And learning to communicate in the language it understands is key to training a large breed, aggressive dog, and ultimately earning its respect as pack leader.

Exactly right.
Show a beta side to a hundred lb aggressive dog and he wont respect you in the least.
Ya gotta smack him upside the head and show no fear.
Believe me you!! The first time I went Alpha on the rescue Boxer I was a bit nervous to say the least.
He growled and bowed up and I smacked him again and that was that.
He was docile from then on out.
Yeah it’s a sad state of affairs. We often get ignorant, virtue signaling, inexperienced dog owners who get these high drive, intelligent, powerful breeds; and then go on to completely disrespect the dog. By disrespect I mean they operate on feelings, rather than experience, and understanding. They then go on to try and treat these dogs like they would people, cuz “feelings and shit”. Then more often than not they end up with an unruly, untrustworthy, and often dangerous dog. All because they didn’t know what the fuck they were doing. It’s those fuckers right there who are responsible for the majority of these large breed dogs being sent to the pound, and ultimately put down. It’s a god damned shame. But at least some get rescued. Rehabing a dog is a labor of love, and that X factor will always be present. But the whole ordeal could usually be avoided if the owner understood dog psychology, or instead got a goldfish...

Were not talking about Golden retrievers here,we're talking about working dogs that are bred to be aggressive. Pitts and Rots mainly,Boxers and other working breeds can be a problem but to a lesser extent.
You have to have a sack to try and tame these breeds and they aren't for the weak at heart or those with small children.

My rottie would lick ya to death ...fine around other dogs and kids ...loved other dogs
I could walk with him without the leash ...even knew not to go into thE street or cross an intersection without me ...smart easily trainable ....I had professional help though

I loved that dog

They're not for everyone ....just like pits dobermans ,shepherds....even big poodle

My little sickly lil rescue poodle who is a pure bred ...is a nasty little mofo ...hates other people and other dogs

Hes only 10 lbs ...hes only a threat to himself if abig dog grabs him lol

He hasn't had a seizure in months now
No sugar...and nothing high in sodium.

People are rotten

He was abandoned and abused ....abandoned cause he has seizures ...I got em under control

I dont care what kind of Dog you have. If you raise em from a pup they're going to be as nice as can be if raised properly......for the most part.
The Wife had a Chow she raised from a pup and at two years it attacked Her for not putting down it's food fast enough.

She sold it to a breeder and got a Golden.
Smartest Dog I've ever seen!!! It could do five marks by number easily. It would retrieve anything you asked it to retrieve,he brought in the trash cans,the neighbors newspaper and beer from the ice chest or fridge.
She trained it herself to do trials and it won many a trophy!!
But my favorite skill was stealing the neighbors paper,bringing me beer and my cigs.
My purebred dog is spayed and has never bred. I am being responsible with my dog and ensuring there are no unwanted puppies.

I feel no responsibility to adopt a dog from irresponsible pet owners.

I prefer a purebred because I know the characteristics and temperament I will get. With a rescue, it is a crapshoot. You may get a wonderful dog or you may get a dog with issues.

Purebred dogs can be a crapshoot too - you can certainly expect a particular size and conformation, but you cannot reliably expect a particular temperament especially where there is so much irresponsible breeding. The AKC and other organizations are a joke - they sell their accreditation without putting any resources into regulation and many of the breeders they sell it to are not breeding for the betterment of the breed, but instead for the $10-30k they can profit per litter depending on their marketing skills and the market for the breed they are producing.

I've never met an aggressive or hostile lab. Nor a german shepard that was not extremely territorial and protective.

Labs bite kids all the time - look up the stats on dog bites in this country. Labs are a hugely popular breed so statistically it stands to reason they will account for a substantial percentage of dog bites.


Cute little ankle biters are the most likely to BITE - they just don’t usually kill because of their size. They can disfigure a child’s face for life, though.

The only problem with dogs - purebred or mixed breed - is the humans who raise and handle them. A mixed breed dog is every bit as good as a purebred and very often healthier physically and thus generally also leads to better mental health as well - a sick dog is more likely to have temperament issues, just like sick people more often suffer mental health issues.

But some of you idiots will keep harping how your purebred is better until the end of time. Says more about you than about your pooch.

Some dogs are bred to be aggressive and others are bred to be good family pets. Not all breeds are the same and not all breeds will make good house pets regardless of how good an owner you are
Not all dogs within a breed will behave according to breed standard.

Hence my responsible statement that ALL DOGS ARE UNPREDICTABLE. ALL DOGS. ALL BREEDS.

Any responsible veterinarian or trainer or breeder would tell you the same; only those trying to market something will lie to you and say otherwise. Responsible dog owners ALWAYS remember that dogs are unpredictable. The same rule applies to stewards of any animal.

Thats true to a certain extent.
I've met two Boxers in my 54 years that were less than friendly.
One was a neighbor friends that was inexplicably mean.
And the other was our rescue Boxer Cozmo.
Fixed Cozmo with love and a bit of Alpha discipline and he turned out great!!!
She wants the best.


Animal rights organization PETA wagged their finger at Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez for buying a dog instead of getting one from a shelter.

“With the millions of homeless dogs out there, you apparently chose to buy a purebred puppy instead of adopting one from an animal shelter,” PETA president Ingrid Newkirk said in a Thursday letter to the New York Democrat. “Right this minute, on Petfinder alone, there are more than 110,000 dogs — including French bulldogs — who need homes. Animal shelters are bursting at the seams with hundreds of thousands more, many of whom will be ‘put to sleep’ for lack of a home.”
'Not humane': PETA rips AOC for buying and caging a dog - ENM NEWS
Now like a typical liberal she will apologize, keep the dog and support all efforts preventing others from buying the dog of their choice by ridiculing them as evil, same play book they've been using for everything since they were forced to give up their slaves.
There is nothing inhumane or cruel about crates or putting dogs in them for short durations. In fact, the humane society is where we found her and they recommend using an approved crate for dogs.

Absolutely not. A kennel is just like a dog's den. My dog LOVES her kennel.
Why assume a rescue dog was a "problem" for the original owner? Why assume the original owner was a good responsible owner? My little dog was a rescue. She showed up on my carport one day without hair, eyes almost closed, she stunk and she was skinny.

I took her to the vet and she was diagnosed with just about everything that a dog could have including heartworms, intestinal worms, mange, etc But one thing I could tell in the 48 hours I had her before I took her to the vet....this dog was the most loving and caring and APPRECIATIVE dog for ANYTHING you did for her. I never owned a dog before so the night she showed up I didn't have a dog kennel and a bed, I had an old box from the attic and an old bedsheet i folded up for her in the bottom to make her a bed. Within 5 seconds of me setting the old box down she hopped in and looked up at me with a look on her face that STILL brings tears to my eyes 7 years later. I told her Lucy we're going to the vet tomorrow, I'm fixing you up. Now understand, she showed up at my house FOUR DAYS after I lost my job (and the reason was the pilot for the plane that crashed, he cost me that job).

I told the vet spare no expense, save my dog. She said you got it. A couple of thousand dollars later shes a perfectly healthy, happy friendly little loving dog that EVERYONE wants when they meet her.

I talked to my neighbor and she said she saw an old beat up car come down our street, the door opened. they threw out 3 dogs (mine was one of them) and drove off. She had obviously NEVER been to a vet which is what a RESPONSIBLE dog owner would do.

So to think that all rescues have ANYTHING to do with the dog at all is completely absurd. Some people just suck and shouldn't own an animal.

I absolutely cannot top that, any more than I can find enough Winners for it. :clap2: RW is correct, you are a saint.

Couple of years ago I slowed up on the highway when something appeared to be in the middle of the road. Turned out to be a chihuahua, huddled on the center line freezing its nuts off (it was February). Several other motorists stopped and a FedEx driver had some dog biscuits she gave me to entice it to where I could approach it. Having done that I put him in the car, turned up the heat and drove to the animal shelter where they took his picture and put an alert out on Facebook. Picked up some dog food in my errands and thought about how I was going to shelter this dog to be safe from the cat (from the same shelter). But before I even got in the home door there was already a message on my answering machine from the owner who had seen the notice and came out to get the chihuahua. Turned out he lived some fifteen miles away and it's still a mystery how he got out here, but he got home.
View attachment 299675 I have 2 rescues, and one pure bred. In fact the most recent was picked up at a Wal-Mart parking lot the day after Christmas. A lady was giving away these supposed red nose pit mixes. When I asked what they were mixed with, the said German Shepard. I didn’t see a drop of Shepard in these pups. But the price was right. Free! I asked why she was giving them away. And she said she was getting evicted and whatever pups didn’t go home with someone that day; were going to the shelter. Well... my son wanted one. So I took him home.View attachment 299676
The names “Blue”...
What ever they are...adorable is certainly in the breed mix!
Raise your hand if you think beating the crap out of a dog is ever OK.

FTR, when I first read your post I thought you were saying the opposite, so I gave it a thanks. Glad I caught that and undid my vote! (I must be tired or something)
Indeed. There is a big difference between correcting/disciplining a dog and harming/injuring it. And learning to communicate in the language it understands is key to training a large breed, aggressive dog, and ultimately earning its respect as pack leader.

Exactly right.
Show a beta side to a hundred lb aggressive dog and he wont respect you in the least.
Ya gotta smack him upside the head and show no fear.
Believe me you!! The first time I went Alpha on the rescue Boxer I was a bit nervous to say the least.
He growled and bowed up and I smacked him again and that was that.
He was docile from then on out.
Yeah it’s a sad state of affairs. We often get ignorant, virtue signaling, inexperienced dog owners who get these high drive, intelligent, powerful breeds; and then go on to completely disrespect the dog. By disrespect I mean they operate on feelings, rather than experience, and understanding. They then go on to try and treat these dogs like they would people, cuz “feelings and shit”. Then more often than not they end up with an unruly, untrustworthy, and often dangerous dog. All because they didn’t know what the fuck they were doing. It’s those fuckers right there who are responsible for the majority of these large breed dogs being sent to the pound, and ultimately put down. It’s a god damned shame. But at least some get rescued. Rehabing a dog is a labor of love, and that X factor will always be present. But the whole ordeal could usually be avoided if the owner understood dog psychology, or instead got a goldfish...
Some people should not own dogs.
They look at a puppy and think it is cute. They don’t understand the process of raising a dog and making it part of your family

Hell,some people shouldnt own a fuken cat fer fuks sake!!
If you aren't ready to make em part of your family and that includes healthcare you have no business having a pet.

The two new pups in my avatar were a money pit from day one.
First they got into the Sago palms I told the yard guy to get rid of and I instructed him to make sure he left nothing behind.
He of course left the most poisonous part the bulbs laying all over the place...6K later they were home and showing no more ill effects.
A few days later Bubba,Gadsdens nickname,started getting sickly so we took him back to the emergency room. Turned out he had parvo which we truly believe he caught at the animal hospital in the first place since he'd never been exposed to other dogs. that one was 5k.

So with this info and knowing parvo was highly contagious we had to buy two 5x5 kennels which we put up in our living room and kitchen to keep them seperate. Had to keep em there for three forken months until they were of age to be vaccinated against the dreadful disease.
And they weren't allowed in the same yard since fecal matter is the main way it's transmitted. Every Time we touched Bubba or took him out back we had to wear hospital scrubs and booties that went straight into the wash and had to bleach our hands before touching Betsy,or Sissy as we call her.

All told at this point with there purchase price we're in damn near 20k !!!!!

But I wouldnt have let them die anymore than I would let my Wife die. Damn the cost!!
Best $20 k you ever spent
You are a saint

Nah....I just love my Dogs.
Once they're mine they are Family.
She wants the best.


Animal rights organization PETA wagged their finger at Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez for buying a dog instead of getting one from a shelter.

“With the millions of homeless dogs out there, you apparently chose to buy a purebred puppy instead of adopting one from an animal shelter,” PETA president Ingrid Newkirk said in a Thursday letter to the New York Democrat. “Right this minute, on Petfinder alone, there are more than 110,000 dogs — including French bulldogs — who need homes. Animal shelters are bursting at the seams with hundreds of thousands more, many of whom will be ‘put to sleep’ for lack of a home.”
'Not humane': PETA rips AOC for buying and caging a dog - ENM NEWS

PETA, the only people that can make AOC look sane.

I brought a pure bred dog. I don't want to adopt other people's problems. I was bringing this animal into my home, and I wanted to be sure that it would be friendly to my guests, and not bite them, let alone my child.

So, flush that virtue signaling shit. And I tell people that all the time, when they start telling me about their stupid rescue animals.

Purebred dogs bite too. Bet you didn't know that huh?

I got a purebred Yellow Lab, one of the friendliest breeds there is. She barks with new people until I introduce her, and then she loves them.

This bit, where you need to assume that anyone that disagrees with you, is stupid, is a manifestation of insecurity and intellectual immaturity.

I recommend you work on that. I offer this advice in Good Faith and hope you are able to hear it, inside your closed mind.

This bit where you assume all rescue dogs are adopting other people,Es problems (in itself a sign of intellectual immaturity) is what led me to somewhat abusive sarcasm. Could I have handled it differently? Sure. Could you have handled it differently? Sure.

Your broad generalization of rescue dogs is no different than the broad generalization of purpose bred dogs.

Like I said...I have both. And have had for 40 years now.

Maybe you could open your mind a wee bit eh?
You beat the crap out of a dog.

Let that simmer.

If I beat the crap out of you you'd think twice before crossing me again.
Or are you saying you're dumber than a dog?

Look at the tough guy run his trap. He beats his pets to make them fear him and he thinks it will work on a man too. Silly nutter. Go find a puppy to stare down.

So how do you explain his complete transformation from a biter to a complete sweetheart?
We had had him for over a year before I put my foot down and he bit several people.
I treated him as one of the pack and showed him who was boss,just like in nature.

Just because you have no understanding of the mind of a dog doesnt mean I dont.

You had a dog that bit people for a year and then you beat his ass and he became a gentle dog?


I was patient for for over a year and tried every trick I knew to correct his behavior. And as someone whose owned 8 boxers over the years I have a lot of experience dealing with that particular breed and their habits.
Nothing worked. I finally resorted to the alpha male solution which is always the last solution.
Thankfully it worked. The alternative would have been a trip to the back forty and a bullet which thankfully I was able to avoid.

Stop pretending you know jack shit about dogs.

As dogtrainers...we keep a lot of tools in our toolbox and some are indeed last resort. I am not a big proponent of the alpha stuff, but if it worked when nothing else did, the. Maybe it was the right tool. We have to be flexible.
If I beat the crap out of you you'd think twice before crossing me again.
Or are you saying you're dumber than a dog?

Look at the tough guy run his trap. He beats his pets to make them fear him and he thinks it will work on a man too. Silly nutter. Go find a puppy to stare down.

So how do you explain his complete transformation from a biter to a complete sweetheart?
We had had him for over a year before I put my foot down and he bit several people.
I treated him as one of the pack and showed him who was boss,just like in nature.

Just because you have no understanding of the mind of a dog doesnt mean I dont.

You had a dog that bit people for a year and then you beat his ass and he became a gentle dog?


I was patient for for over a year and tried every trick I knew to correct his behavior. And as someone whose owned 8 boxers over the years I have a lot of experience dealing with that particular breed and their habits.
Nothing worked. I finally resorted to the alpha male solution which is always the last solution.
Thankfully it worked. The alternative would have been a trip to the back forty and a bullet which thankfully I was able to avoid.

Stop pretending you know jack shit about dogs.

As dogtrainers...we keep a lot of tools in our toolbox and some are indeed last resort. I am not a big proponent of the alpha stuff, but if it worked when nothing else did, the. Maybe it was the right tool. We have to be flexible.

Taking the Alpha role is fine, and sometimes it's necessary with dogs. The physical abuse though is a whole 'nother smoke.
Violence begets violence. It's not necessary to inflict violence to make the Alpha point.
I've bought purebred Boxers and I've rescued them from Boxer Rescue.
Ironically the Rescue turned out to be the best Boxer we've ever had.
Although he was an SOB at first,bit a few people including my Wife which was the last straw. I beat the crap out of him and after that he figured out who was boss and was the coolest Boxer ever.

He's the one on the left. Cozmo.
View attachment 299501

Nobody here takes issue with this dude beating his dog?

You have no idea how to train an aggressive dog. My next step was to take him out back and put a bullet in his head.
You do it the same way the pack would do it....kinda like muslime terrorist,they only respect authority.
Indeed. There is a big difference between correcting/disciplining a dog and harming/injuring it. And learning to communicate in the language it understands is key to training a large breed, aggressive dog, and ultimately earning its respect as pack leader.
Kind of...the whole alpha thing though is often overrated and a good way to get bitten. Training a large breed is little different than a small breed.
Look at the tough guy run his trap. He beats his pets to make them fear him and he thinks it will work on a man too. Silly nutter. Go find a puppy to stare down.

So how do you explain his complete transformation from a biter to a complete sweetheart?
We had had him for over a year before I put my foot down and he bit several people.
I treated him as one of the pack and showed him who was boss,just like in nature.

Just because you have no understanding of the mind of a dog doesnt mean I dont.

You had a dog that bit people for a year and then you beat his ass and he became a gentle dog?


I was patient for for over a year and tried every trick I knew to correct his behavior. And as someone whose owned 8 boxers over the years I have a lot of experience dealing with that particular breed and their habits.
Nothing worked. I finally resorted to the alpha male solution which is always the last solution.
Thankfully it worked. The alternative would have been a trip to the back forty and a bullet which thankfully I was able to avoid.

Stop pretending you know jack shit about dogs.

As dogtrainers...we keep a lot of tools in our toolbox and some are indeed last resort. I am not a big proponent of the alpha stuff, but if it worked when nothing else did, the. Maybe it was the right tool. We have to be flexible.

Taking the Alpha role is fine, and sometimes it's necessary with dogs. The physical abuse though is a whole 'nother smoke.
Violence begets violence. It's not necessary to inflict violence to make the Alpha point.

On occasion yes it is.
So how do you explain his complete transformation from a biter to a complete sweetheart?
We had had him for over a year before I put my foot down and he bit several people.
I treated him as one of the pack and showed him who was boss,just like in nature.

Just because you have no understanding of the mind of a dog doesnt mean I dont.

You had a dog that bit people for a year and then you beat his ass and he became a gentle dog?


I was patient for for over a year and tried every trick I knew to correct his behavior. And as someone whose owned 8 boxers over the years I have a lot of experience dealing with that particular breed and their habits.
Nothing worked. I finally resorted to the alpha male solution which is always the last solution.
Thankfully it worked. The alternative would have been a trip to the back forty and a bullet which thankfully I was able to avoid.

Stop pretending you know jack shit about dogs.

As dogtrainers...we keep a lot of tools in our toolbox and some are indeed last resort. I am not a big proponent of the alpha stuff, but if it worked when nothing else did, the. Maybe it was the right tool. We have to be flexible.

Taking the Alpha role is fine, and sometimes it's necessary with dogs. The physical abuse though is a whole 'nother smoke.
Violence begets violence. It's not necessary to inflict violence to make the Alpha point.

On occasion yes it is.

What you're saying is you're not creative enough.

Alpha is all about Fear. It doesn't take violence to instill fear with a dog. They're smarter than you seem to think.
I've bought purebred Boxers and I've rescued them from Boxer Rescue.
Ironically the Rescue turned out to be the best Boxer we've ever had.
Although he was an SOB at first,bit a few people including my Wife which was the last straw. I beat the crap out of him and after that he figured out who was boss and was the coolest Boxer ever.

He's the one on the left. Cozmo.
View attachment 299501

Nobody here takes issue with this dude beating his dog?

You have no idea how to train an aggressive dog. My next step was to take him out back and put a bullet in his head.
You do it the same way the pack would do it....kinda like muslime terrorist,they only respect authority.
Indeed. There is a big difference between correcting/disciplining a dog and harming/injuring it. And learning to communicate in the language it understands is key to training a large breed, aggressive dog, and ultimately earning its respect as pack leader.
Kind of...the whole alpha thing though is often overrated and a good way to get bitten. Training a large breed is little different than a small breed.
Judging by this thread I'd say "misunderstood", rather than "overstated"...

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