"...Not Just Corruption....It's An Intelligence Story..."


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
1. When the Democrat's allies censored the story of Hunter Biden's laptop, and the proof that he was the bag man for Joe, it certainly slanted the election in Biden's favor.
In fact, a poll after the electon found 17% of Biden voters said that, had they known, they wouldn't have voted for him.

2. Peter "Schweizer, the author of Red-Handed: How American Elites Get Rich Helping China Win, said, “What was initially a story of cronyism and corruption we now have to recognize is an intelligence story, and it’s not just a question of the Bidens getting rich. We have to start having the conversation and investigating whether the Biden family may be compromised.”

3. He continued, “We knew that there was a commercial tie in the past, that Hunter Biden put it together. I broke story in 2018. What we now know are two separate strands that are critically important. Using the Hunter Biden laptop and using emails from a Gmail account of one of Hunter’s business partners, he gave us access to the email account. We now know that every deal that the Bidens got in China came through individuals with links to the highest level of Chinese intelligence.”

4. ... “We also now know that Hunter Biden did these deals, but the larger family benefited. We know that James Biden, Joe Biden’s brother, got at least $2 million of that money from China. We also now know that Hunter Biden was subsidizing his father’s lifestyle. He was paying for his bills. He was paying for renovations on his home up in Delaware while Joe Biden was Vice President of the United States.

5. It’s not only illegal according to ethics laws. It also shows that Joe Biden is now a beneficiary of the foreign dealings that Hunter Biden has had. It’s no longer good enough for him to say, well, I didn’t have anything involved. He was a beneficiary.”

So.....it turns out that you voted for the man that China has in its pocket.
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So.....it turns out that you voted for the man that China has in its pocket.
Who is the 'you' that you're referring to hon?

Is it just me or is it just coincidental that as Trump is accused of illegalities, Biden is then being accused of somewhat the same?

I would suggest that the corruption is endemic and has become more American than more corruption on either one side or the other.

And remember hon, we're not going to get back to your childish insults please! We're going to stick to the issue and I'll be making it easier for you to do so, as I'm doing with this one. There's lots of room for us to agree on much of what you have to say!

Communists/Marxists and Capitalists really do share
common ground!
Who is the 'you' that you're referring to hon?

Is it just me or is it just coincidental that as Trump is accused of illegalities, Biden is then being accused of somewhat the same?

I would suggest that the corruption is endemic and has become more American than more corruption on either one side or the other.

And remember hon, we're not going to get back to your childish insults please! We're going to stick to the issue and I'll be making it easier for you to do so, as I'm doing with this one. There's lots of room for us to agree on much of what you have to say!

Communists/Marxists and Capitalists really do share
common ground!

I'm kinda satisfied with this. How about you?

... you're a Marxist.

By definition an atheist and by admission, in favor of genocide and censorship.

In short.....the lowest of the low, an enemy of mankind and of civilization.

In short....I share nothing with you.

You probably hear that a lot.
I'm kinda satisfied with this. How about you?
Yes, and for this one time I'll overlook your childish behaviour in the interest of finding common ground.

A certain degree of socialism/communism is present in even America's greedy capitalist government. Medicare is huge and growing.

And conversely, China's capitalism is a demonstration of how socially responsible capitalism has succeeded so enormously well in their communist system.

China has elevated hundreds of millions of it's people up out of poverty! This is a fact that is widely accepted throughout the world, even if begrudgingly by some governments.

China's only failure so far is in not being able to help it's Uighur population, due to that minority not being willing to stop their Islamic terrorist attacks against the greater good in China. Religious superstitious beliefs once again is the apple that rots the barrel.

Isn't it better from your POV too, having a topic on which to debate? Have you been told that many times hon?
Yes, and for this one time I'll overlook your childish behaviour in the interest of finding common ground.

A certain degree of socialism/communism is present in even America's greedy capitalist government. Medicare is huge and growing.

And conversely, China's capitalism is a demonstration of how socially responsible capitalism has succeeded so enormously well in their communist system.ti

China has elevated hundreds of millions of it's people up out of poverty! This is a fact that is widely accepted throughout the world, even if begrudgingly by some governments.

China's only failure so far is in not being able to help it's Uighur population, due to that minority not being willing to stop their Islamic terrorist attacks against the greater good in China. Religious superstitious beliefs once again is the apple that rots the barrel.

Isn't it better from your POV too, having a topic on which to debate? Have you been told that many times hon?

Everytime you infect a thread I feel the need for a full course of penicillin.

The least you can do is stand downwind.
Everytime you infect a thread I feel the need for a full course of penicillin.

The least you can do is stand downwind.
Have it your way then hon. You can either have your childish attempts to insult others or you can have a debate that addresses your topics.

I'm suggesting the latter because I'm defusing your issues by offering you agreement in part. Can you handle that or is that your Achilles heel?

I said:
A certain degree of socialism/communism is present in even America's greedy capitalist government. Medicare is huge and growing.

And conversely, China's capitalism is a demonstration of how socially responsible capitalism has succeeded so enormously well in their communist system.
And conversely, China's capitalism is a demonstration of how socially responsible capitalism has succeeded so enormously well in their communist system.

Socially responsible capitalism??? - you are out of your mind.

China has:
  • artificially manipulated its currency to boost their exports
  • stolen intellectual property and built copy-cat products without having to spend on research and development (a significant cost to any industry or company creating new products)
  • invaded international waters and militarized islands and threatened international shipping lanes
  • imprisoned, tortured and engaged in genocide against more than a million Chinese citizens
  • threatened neighboring countries......
And that is just the short list.

Socially responsible capitalism??? Seek help.

Socially responsible capitalism??? - you are out of your mind.

China has:
  • artificially manipulated its currency to boost their exports
  • stolen intellectual property and built copy-cat products without having to spend on research and development (a significant cost to any industry or company creating new products)
  • invaded international waters and militarized islands and threatened international shipping lanes
  • imprisoned, tortured and engaged in genocide against more than a million Chinese citizens
  • threatened neighboring countries......
And that is just the short list.

Socially responsible capitalism??? Seek help.

I'm o.k. with just calling it capitalism.

But as it concerns other countries and even corporations, what in your list would be inconsistent with capitalism.
Keeping in mind that the torture and engaging in genocide is a US sponsored lie. The Uighurs are Islamic terrorists.
Americans hate Chinese people and they hate terrorists, but they love Chinese Islamic terrorists!

And as to H.K., is anybody familiar with the British crimes against humanity in H.K. in the first place? Can any decent person stand with Britain on that??

A very brief primer on the atrocities perped on the island of H.K. and it's people by the British!
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Yes, and for this one time I'll overlook your childish behaviour in the interest of finding common ground.

A certain degree of socialism/communism is present in even America's greedy capitalist government. Medicare is huge and growing.

And conversely, China's capitalism is a demonstration of how socially responsible capitalism has succeeded so enormously well in their communist system.

China has elevated hundreds of millions of it's people up out of poverty! This is a fact that is widely accepted throughout the world, even if begrudgingly by some governments.

China's only failure so far is in not being able to help it's Uighur population, due to that minority not being willing to stop their Islamic terrorist attacks against the greater good in China. Religious superstitious beliefs once again is the apple that rots the barrel.

Isn't it better from your POV too, having a topic on which to debate? Have you been told that many times hon?

China's capitalism is a demonstration of how socially responsible capitalism has succeeded so enormously well in their communist system./
“Socially responsible Capitalism” Does that include children labor in factories? Have you checked China’s carbon footprint lately? How about unions…. where are they to be found in China?

Is this what the US should be moving towards?
I'm o.k. with just calling it capitalism.

But as it concerns other countries and even corporations, what in your list would be inconsistent with capitalism.
Keeping in mind that the torture and engaging in genocide is a US sponsored lie. The Uighurs are Islamic terrorists.
Americans hate Chinese people and they hate terrorists, but they love Chinese Islamic terrorists!

And as to H.K., is anybody familiar with the British crimes against humanity in H.K. in the first place? Can any decent person stand with Britain on that??

You have a tendency to claim that things were said, when in fact they were never mentioned - for example I made no mention of Hong Kong.

But since you bring it up, China ran roughshod over Hong Kong, imprisoning anyone whose views contradicted Xi's dictates.

China is committing genocide against over a million of its own people but you say they are all terrorists - sadly none of those incarcerated and tortured were given a trial and found guilty of a crime - seems that these disgusting actions by Xi are a case of guilt-by-association.

American propaganda??? 43 countries have come out against China on this issue:

"Beijing has long denied accusations of ethnic cleansing against Uygurs and other mostly Muslim Turkic people in Xinjiang, where experts have estimated that more than one million people are incarcerated in camps."

You have a tendency to claim that things were said, when in fact they were never mentioned - for example I made no mention of Hong Kong.

I did.
But since you bring it up, China ran roughshod over Hong Kong, imprisoning anyone whose views contradicted Xi's dictates.
China treated H.K. gently and should of/could have smacked down any protests in the manner in which the US sponsored unrest deserved. Learn something about the human rights atrocities committed by the British against those Chinese people.
China is committing genocide against over a million of its own people but you say they are all terrorists - sadly none of those incarcerated and tortured were given a trial a found guilty of a crime - seems that these disgusting actions by Xi is a case of guilt-by-association.

American propaganda??? 43 countries have come out against China on this issue:

And how many countries in the world that haven't?
"Beijing has long denied accusations of ethnic cleansing against Uygurs and other mostly Muslim Turkic people in Xinjiang, where experts have estimated that more than one million people are incarcerated in camps."
america isn't an expert, it's a propagandist.

That leaves about 130 countries not buying.
I did.

China treated H.K. gently and should of/could have smacked down any protests in the manner in which the US sponsored unrest deserved. Learn something about the human rights atrocities committed by the British against those Chinese people.

And how many countries in the world that haven't?

america isn't an expert, it's a propagandist.

That leaves about 130 countries not buying.

Communists do love mass murder. Are you closely related to Mao? If not you certainly sympathize with a similar level of cruelty and indifference to human suffering. To Mao killing 50 or 100 million Chinese was as simple as pie.

You are a sad little man.

I did.

China treated H.K. gently and should of/could have smacked down any protests in the manner in which the US sponsored unrest deserved. Learn something about the human rights atrocities committed by the British against those Chinese people.

And how many countries in the world that haven't?

america isn't an expert, it's a propagandist.

That leaves about 130 countries not buying.

More than a few highly respected Canadians contributed to a UN report that included experts from all over the world - not just the US. The full report can be found at the following link:

And of course there are reports from other countries including the Middle East:

More than a few highly respected Canadians contributed to a UN report that included experts from all over the world - not just the US. The full report can be found at the following link:

And of course there are reports from other countries including the Middle East:

I'm fully aware of the Western alliance that accedes to US wishes to have their propaganda propped up. But the coalition of the willing is still lacking about 130 countries.

What makes it all such transparent bullshit propaganda is the Western stance on the Iraq war. It's as if that wasn't the most evil act of aggression since the end of WW2.

And furthermore, can China ever even come close to equalling the bombing of civilians and the slaughter of millions in Vietnam?

Do your homework on what Britain did to H.K. Chinese people and then get back to me if you still have the heart.
I'm fully aware of the Western alliance that accedes to US wishes to have their propaganda propped up. But the coalition of the willing is still lacking about 130 countries.

What makes it all such transparent bullshit propaganda is the Western stance on the Iraq war. It's as if that wasn't the most evil act of aggression since the end of WW2.

And furthermore, can China ever even come close to equalling the bombing of civilians and the slaughter of millions in Vietnam?

Do your homework on what Britain did to H.K. Chinese people and then get back to me if you still have the heart.

Where are your links??? You never support your claims.

The fact remains that China is committing genocide against over a million of its own people but you say they are all terrorists - sadly none of those incarcerated and tortured were given a trial and found guilty of a crime - seems that these disgusting actions by Xi are a case of guilt-by-association.

Where are your links??? You never support your claims.

The fact remains that China is committing genocide against over a million of its own people but you say they are all terrorists - sadly none of those incarcerated and tortured were given a trial and found guilty of a crime - seems that these disgusting actions by Xi are a case of guilt-by-association.
Would a link be convincing to any American if it refuted the demonization of China's treatment of the Uighur Islamic terrorists?
What other country has imprisoned Islamic terrorists for years without a trial?

Is it your position that China is committing genocide against all million Uighurs or just some of the Uighurs?

I need to start a discussion on this Uighur issue with some semblance of reality concerning your claims.

And I'm not going to commit to a rational discussion until you can demonstrate that you will be committing yourself to same.

My only request of you is to answer the questions I've bolded above. That will demonstrate to me that you have at least a minimum interest in a discussion.
Would a link be convincing to any American if it refuted the demonization of China's treatment of the Uighur Islamic terrorists?
What other country has imprisoned Islamic terrorists for years without a trial?

Is it your position that China is committing genocide against all million Uighurs or just some of the Uighurs?

I need to start a discussion on this Uighur issue with some semblance of reality concerning your claims.

And I'm not going to commit to a rational discussion until you can demonstrate that you will be committing yourself to same.

My only request of you is to answer the questions I've bolded above. That will demonstrate to me that you have at least a minimum interest in a discussion.

Read the links I've provided you with - those articles speak of the treatment of innocent Chinese, and how this has come to be reported as a Chinese genocide.

Surely you aren't saying that incarcerating a million Chinese citizens is appropriate, raping the women and sterilizing others in the desire to eradicate their culture and identity are the actions of a civilized nation.

Read the links I've provided you with - those articles speak of the treatment of innocent Chinese, and how this has come to be reported as a Chinese genocide.
You're not demonstrating any interest in learning the true facts and you've been warned that I won't commit my time to a discussion that would be trying to talk to a pineapple.
Surely you aren't saying that incarcerating a million Chinese citizens is appropriate, raping the women and sterilizing others in the desire to eradicate their culture and identity are the actions of a civilized nation.
Shirley you understand that a million haven't been incarcerated? You need to answer the applicable questions as I've requested of you.
You're not demonstrating any interest in learning the true facts and you've been warned that I won't commit my time to a discussion that would be trying to talk to a pineapple.

Shirley you understand that a million haven't been incarcerated? You need to answer the applicable questions as I've requested of you.

You warned me?? Too funny.

You post your opinion - no facts - no supporting evidence - no links.

You don't read the accounts of incarceration, rape, sterilization and torture reported by press agencies worldwide and international experts.

Instead you want me to spoon feed you the information (which I've done for you numerous times) and all you respond with is your silly unsubstantiated opinions and a few leftist talking points.

Read the articles and show me where the people reporting this are wrong. I am happy to debate facts but your opinion so far has proven to be worthless.

You warned me?? Too funny.

You post your opinion - no facts - no supporting evidence - no links.

You don't read the accounts of incarceration, rape, sterilization and torture reported by press agencies worldwide and international experts.

Instead you want me to spoon feed you the information (which I've done for you numerous times) and all you respond with is your silly unsubstantiated opinions and a few leftist talking points.

Read the articles and show me where the people reporting this are wrong. I am happy to debate facts but your opinion so far has proven to be worthless.

So you continue to refuse to answer the bolded questions, even though you introduced the question of prisoners being held without trial. And now you lack even enough honesty to admit that America introduced to the world the practice of holding terrorists indefinitely without trial!

I'm going to be generous and give you a pass this time.

And I'm going to introduce some evidence to refute the false claims of the 1 million, etc.

Assuming you'll even possess enough sincerity to rescue your reputation of needing to resort to a cowardly retreat.

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