Not Just Southwest: A Tsunami Of Pushback Over Mandates Is Coming For Joe Biden

the vaccine trials were in summer of 2020. Its been a year & half, which means they would be the canary in the coal mine. Its been proven now that an vaccine effects are far less probable than getting long covid.

WTF does that have to do with what we were discussing? Perhaps you don't understand what Long Term Effect means, so I feel compelled to explain it.

Long term effect is what happens when we take medications after a long period of time, not any reaction while we are taking it. We know giving it to younger people cased enlarged heart problems. We know people with multiple allergies get very sick sometimes for week after the vaccine. But we have no idea what these vaccines might do to us in four or five years. All the speed testing in the world cannot tell us that, only time or a reliable crystal ball.

The only reason we are taking these vaccines now is because we were in a do or die situation. We had no choice. But we still don't have any data on long term effect. We may in five years from now, ten years from now, but not now. Even the manufacturers know this which is why they demanded they get liability immunity. They don't want to be responsible for what might happen five or six years from now. Without that immunity, they would have refused to manufacture it.
This makes absolutely zero sense, but you are very ideological and illogical so it is not a surprise.

Kind of like trying to have a discussion with this guy if you ever watched the classic show.


Don't you see, if you get covid from a vaccinated person, it's not like the covid you get from an unvaccinated person. If you get covid from an unvaccinated person, they have to sterilize the entire office because covid from an unvaccinated person is different from a vaccinated person. And I bet all this time you thought covid was covid. Don't you feel silly now? :auiqs.jpg:
Except a vaccinated person is far less likely to transmit the disease... so there's that.

The science, so far, totally fails to support this claim. It's being found that those who have been subjected to these risky medical experiments are at least as likely to be infected, and at least as likely to spread the infection, a those who have not. If anything, the test subjects are more likely to spread the virus, because they are more likely to spread the virus, because they are more likely to be asymptomatic carriers, and thus more oblivious to the fact that they are spreading it; this being enhanced by the false sense of security that they are given in the belief that being used as experimental test subjects protects them and those around them, when, in fact, it does no such thing.
The only reason we are taking these vaccines now is because we were in a do or die situation. We had no choice.

Those are the lies that we are being told, anyway.

Anyone stupid enough to believe them deserved whatever happens to him as a result.

Unfortunately, the stupidity of the useful idiots is being allowed, also, to seriously affect those of us who are smart enough to know better.
Now that we know that Fauci is an animal abuse perv we turn our rebellion toward just how little empathy and sympathy does he even have for humans as he certainly has abused all of us.
That is a crazy story and if I happened (and I am not saying it did not) then the hospital needs to be investigated.

My wife has been working in the COVID unit since last March, she has literally treated 100s of patients with COVID. Her unit only gets the bad ones, the ones they are doing all they can for to keep them off of a vent. She has been a nurse for more than a decade and done critical care that whole time. When she tells me she had never seen anything take a patient from doing ok to "oh fuck" quicker than COVID, I believe her. For all that time she has been coming home and using me to decompress after 12 hours in a "space suit". This is where I get my view of COVID from, her and her fellow healthcare workers.

If you wish me to believe the whole thing is a hoax, you will have to find a way to convivence me she has been lying to me for the last 18 months.
My pulmonologist that I have known for years works on call in a COVID ward. He said, “If the antivaxers spend just one day with me it would convert 90% of them. For most patients it is worse thing they have ever experienced. And one of the things that makes it so bad is knowing they could have prevented it”
WTF does that have to do with what we were discussing? Perhaps you don't understand what Long Term Effect means, so I feel compelled to explain it.

Long term effect is what happens when we take medications after a long period of time, not any reaction while we are taking it. We know giving it to younger people cased enlarged heart problems. We know people with multiple allergies get very sick sometimes for week after the vaccine. But we have no idea what these vaccines might do to us in four or five years. All the speed testing in the world cannot tell us that, only time or a reliable crystal ball.

The only reason we are taking these vaccines now is because we were in a do or die situation. We had no choice. But we still don't have any data on long term effect. We may in five years from now, ten years from now, but not now. Even the manufacturers know this which is why they demanded they get liability immunity. They don't want to be responsible for what might happen five or six years from now. Without that immunity, they would have refused to manufacture it.
You’re right about one thing. There wasn’t must choice; that is if you wanted to protect yourself. However the chance of long term effects are practically nile for two reasons First almost all long term effects are due to long term exposure. These vaccines are expelled from the body in less than 14 days. Second, the active substances found in mRNA vaccines are found in the cells of the body making any long term effect even list likely.
You’re right about one thing. There wasn’t must choice; that is if you wanted to protect yourself. However the chance of long term effects are practically nile for two reasons First almost all long term effects are due to long term exposure. These vaccines are expelled from the body in less than 14 days. Second, the active substances found in mRNA vaccines are found in the cells of the body making any long term effect even list likely.

That's theory, not fact. Just like we had no idea of enlarged hearts, or people with multiple allergy problems getting deathly sick. We didn't know about these things until we started using the vaccine.
How would we know? We rarely have any information on long term effects on people.

Love your meme though. I complained about that stupid alarm to the parts guy at Toyota and asked if I could get those male parts of the seat belt to shut the Fn thing up. He advised me that he seen seat belt alarm silencers on Amazon. When to the site and sure enough, they make them. Now I drive with no stupid seat belt in total peace. They were only $13.00 for a pair of them.

Wow... so you drive without seatbelts... because, um, freedom.

Lucky for us they took you off the road.

That's not what I read. A little less likely, they suspect that but no evidence to back it up. In any case in a liable situation, you have to prove harmful intent or total disregard for public safety. How would you prove you got the virus there? How would you prove to the court you never went anyplace but home and work; no stores, no visiting friends or relatives, no fast food places or the movies. Good luck with that. I don't think even the most desperate ambulance chaser would try to make a case like that.

They don't have to prove you went anywhere else... One guy in the office gets Covid, and then you get covid the next week because the employer didn't make everyone get their shots... and man, the liability is there.

A lot of what companies are doing is "Covid Theater"... It's there for show, but it has little effect on slowing the virus. It's also expensive to bring in those cleaning crews (who ironically, are entirely made up of illegal aliens....) every time one nitwit catches Covid.

Nothing crazy about it. No way to know unless it went through long term testing which this didn't. They threw it out there in less than a year, no possible way to test this on people with every possible medical condition, so we don't know. Now, the vaccine makers have immunity to any lawsuits. That's why they got immunity in the first place. But an employer is liable if this stuff has any long term effect on certain people. Your employer assumed the role of a doctor by demanding you take this medication. Of course they are liable unless they somehow have malpractice insurance.

Most vaccines are tested on sample groups of a few thousand people. The Covid Vaccines had test groups of tens of thousands.

Nope, vaccine mandates are coming, buddy.... you dead enders are going to have to get with the program. Well, not you, you'll just keep collecting Welfare.
This makes absolutely zero sense, but you are very ideological and illogical so it is not a surprise.

Zero Sense of not, that's exactly what happens...

Last year, I consulted for a company that had to shut down operations six times because one person tested positive for Covid. When they did, they sent everyone home for the day (production lines went idle) while they brought in a cleaning crew to scrub down every surface this person might have touched.

So, um, no, they are going to mandate vaccines at a certain point.
The science, so far, totally fails to support this claim. It's being found that those who have been subjected to these risky medical experiments are at least as likely to be infected, and at least as likely to spread the infection, a those who have not. If anything, the test subjects are more likely to spread the virus, because they are more likely to spread the virus, because they are more likely to be asymptomatic carriers, and thus more oblivious to the fact that they are spreading it; this being enhanced by the false sense of security that they are given in the belief that being used as experimental test subjects protects them and those around them, when, in fact, it does no such thing.

Um, which Science is that, Magic Underwear?

Vaccination isn't exactly unproven Science... It's how we've eradicated Measles, Smallpox, Polio and a host of other diseases that horrified our grandparents but we have to read about in history books.


Zero Sense of not, that's exactly what happens...

Last year, I consulted for a company that had to shut down operations six times because one person tested positive for Covid. When they did, they sent everyone home for the day (production lines went idle) while they brought in a cleaning crew to scrub down every surface this person might have touched.

So, um, no, they are going to mandate vaccines at a certain point.

So if everyone is vaccinated and someone tests positive then no cleaning necessary? Lefties brains are fried.
It means vaccination could reduce the severity of the pathogen even if we re-open our economy and go maskless.
Last year, I consulted for a company that had to shut down operations six times because one person tested positive for Covid. When they did, they sent everyone home for the day (production lines went idle) while they brought in a cleaning crew to scrub down every surface this person might have touched.

So, um, no, they are going to mandate vaccines at a certain point.

Why is that, did they come out with a vaccine that stops you from getting covid? There isn't one out today.
Vaccination isn't exactly unproven Science... It's how we've eradicated Measles, Smallpox, Polio and a host of other diseases that horrified our grandparents but we have to read about in history books.

Do you understand that these new mRNA-based “vaccines” are nothing at all like genuine vaccines? Do you understand that they are based on totally different technology than genuine vaccines, that has never before been used on humans, and has never been tested to anywhere near the degree necessary to establish them as safe or effective?

Do you understand the ethical implications of compelling people to be used without their fully-informed and freely-given consent, as test subjects in risky medical experiments, under the fraudulent guise of protecting them from a disease that poses no credible threat to the vast majority of them in the first place?

The comparison of these mRNA “vaccines” to genuine vaccines, such as have been used successfully against such diseases as smallpox, measles, polio, and such, is blatantly, willfully, maliciously dishonest.
Wow... so you drive without seatbelts... because, um, freedom.

Correct. When I drive I want to be as comfortable as possible, not some strap restricting my movements. I use my seat belt in bad weather only.

They don't have to prove you went anywhere else... One guy in the office gets Covid, and then you get covid the next week because the employer didn't make everyone get their shots... and man, the liability is there.

Sure you do. They would have to prove you got covid in that building and there is no possible way to do that. If somebody got covid at the store and went to work the next day, how is the company liable for that given you can get covid with or without the vaccination.

Most vaccines are tested on sample groups of a few thousand people. The Covid Vaccines had test groups of tens of thousands.

Nope, vaccine mandates are coming, buddy.... you dead enders are going to have to get with the program. Well, not you, you'll just keep collecting Welfare.

There you go again, using big words you don't know the meaning of. God you people are so fucken stupid. How did you get that way anyhow? Oh, that's right, your untreated serious OCD problems.

When I bought my first computer many years ago, I knew nothing about them, so I bough t a Dummies book for Mac.

The author warned (several times) that when you buy software, never buy version 2.0. You see version 2.0 was the original version of the software. They tested it on hundreds, thousands, and tens of thousands of people and the software worked perfectly each time. When they started passing it out to millions, that's when they found major flaws. So they fixed these flaws and come out with a new version 2.1 or 2.2. That's the version you want to buy the author suggested.

We are using covid vaccine version 2.0.
A lot of what companies are doing is "Covid Theater"... It's there for show, but it has little effect on slowing the virus. It's also expensive to bring in those cleaning crews (who ironically, are entirely made up of illegal aliens....) every time one nitwit catches Covid.

Do you realize how close you are to outright admitting what it is that you are fighting so hard to deny?

The truth is, that it is all “Covid Theater”. All of it.

There is nothing about this disease that justifies any of the extreme reactions that have been taken to it; any more than such reactions would be justified for any other common cold or flu. Not the lockdowns, not the shutdowns or absurd restrictions on businesses, not the measures to illegally coerce human beings into serving as nonconsenting experimental test subjects. None of it.

This was never about protecting anyone's health or safety, or fighting any disease. From the very beginning, it was never about anything other than an excuse for corrupt politicians to empower and enrich themselves, to the detriment of those of us whose interests they are supposed to be serving. All the exaggerations, fearmongering, and outright lies have not been done for our benefit but for theirs.

They don't have to prove you went anywhere else... One guy in the office gets Covid, and then you get covid the next week because the employer didn't make everyone get their shots... and man, the liability is there.

Last year, I consulted for a company that had to shut down operations six times because one person tested positive for Covid. When they did, they sent everyone home for the day (production lines went idle) while they brought in a cleaning crew to scrub down every surface this person might have touched.

So, um, no, they are going to mandate vaccines at a certain point.

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