Not Just Southwest: A Tsunami Of Pushback Over Mandates Is Coming For Joe Biden

So what you are saying is everybody will use lies to try and rewrite history? BTW, you forgot to mention two impeachments with no impeachable offenses. Let's keep the Communist party in the proper light now.
No, I said Biden will be remembered as the president that ended the longest war in US history and the most deadly epidemic.
And Trump will be remembered as the only president impeached twice and inspired an attack on the US Capital.

There is no doubt that Biden will be credited with ending the war and it seems very likely the epidemic will be gone by the time he leaves Office.
Trump is only president impeached twice. That is fact. And the pictures of those Trump banners being carried by rioters as they broke into capital will go down in history. In 20 years from now, no one will remember the Trump tax cuts or the failed border wall nor will they remember a Biden infrastructure bill.
You leftists keep ignoring the science. What does somebody not being vaxed have to do with spreading the virus? As the CDC and scientists have told us, you can catch and spread covid whether you are vaxed or not. So a vaxed person going into the office can shutdown operations for a day or so just like an un-vaxed person can.

You just aren't very bright, are you?

The problem is one of perception.

Scenario One- Person gets vaxxed, has the virus, but everyone else in the office is vaxxed, so it's a non-event.

Scenario Two Person doesn't get vaxxed, has the virus, they have to shut down the whole office, bring in a cleaning crew to scrub down everything, and send everyone home for the day.

Not to mention that without the vaccines, companies will have to continue anti-Covid protocols forever. Social distancing, staggering office staff between work at home/work at office. It's not just the spread of the virus, it's all the other ways the virus distorts business ops...

So- get this- employers will start trying to vax as many employees as they can... they can't really afford not to in terms of productivity.
Of course he does. You have more data than John Hopkins University that they knew nothing about.

Your link did not show more people died under Biden, your link was from Jan 1st. I cannot help if you do not know when the new POTUS takes office.
Last summer my 94 year old Uncle died from colon cancer. He lived alone with his son, couldn't walk, so he didn't go anywhere. The only outsider to see him on a regular basis was his care worker.

When things looked like the end, my cousin called the family over to say their final good-byes. Afterwords the ambulance hauled him to the hospital. Once there, they tested him and claimed he had covid. Everybody and the care worker were immediately notified and were quarantined or tested. None of the 12 people (mostly elderly) in that room with him had this highly contagious deadly virus.

About three weeks later he died. When my cousin got the death certificate, covid was listed as the main cause of death.

So how did this person who never left the house contract this virus when nobody else near him had it?
Did he watch a Trump rally on TV?
Weird I don’t recall this ever being said.
You weren't in the room. The people who WERE in the room were so horrified by what Trump did they went to Congress.

I see, now we are supposed to read between the lines, but certainly don’t apply those same standards to Hunter Biden making an enormous salary for a job in which he is completely unqualified. Yeah, ok.

Who said he was unqualified? His firm did corporate governance... that's what they provided Bursima so they could do business outside the Ukraine. Nothing illegal about that at all...

No, you gave me examples where race was never a factor, it's just the people involved were of different race.

I have you examples of racism... but let's not forget, you're a guy who keeps calling the cops on your black neighbors... what's the male version of a Karen again?

If you accept a job that has problems in the department you're supposed to take care of, and you fuck it up even worse, try telling your new employer "But Sam did this, and Carole did that, and Paul didn't do the other thing!" They'll fire you on the spot like we need to do with this misfit.

Um, yeah, we can tell you've never had a job in an office. Nobody holds you responsible for what the last guy fucked up... it just doesn't happen... otherwise things never get fixed.

Again with the lies. Trump ran this country the best we've seen since Reagan, and perhaps even Bill Clinton. Trying to blame him for shit he had no control over is as childish of an argument as you can get. Yes, more Americans died of Covid under Dementia than Trump. How many sites would you like me to post confirming my claim?

Gator already took you apart on that one.. Nope, more people died on Trump's watch... The ones who are dying now are all the rednecks who refuse to get their shots...

Many of the people were of Afghan descent, and they went there because they were much less obvious. But, they were Americans first trying to help their country. Now we stranded them there and our ex-military are working night and day to bring them home because this complete moron you voted for didn't bother with them.

Were they Americans first, or were they just profiteers trying to make a quick buck of Haliburton and Blackwater and the other mercenaries we made the mistake of outsourcing this war to? If you have to bribe people to fight for you, then you really aren't going to win... that was the point.
You just aren't very bright, are you?

The problem is one of perception.

Scenario One- Person gets vaxxed, has the virus, but everyone else in the office is vaxxed, so it's a non-event.

Scenario Two Person doesn't get vaxxed, has the virus, they have to shut down the whole office, bring in a cleaning crew to scrub down everything, and send everyone home for the day.

Not to mention that without the vaccines, companies will have to continue anti-Covid protocols forever. Social distancing, staggering office staff between work at home/work at office. It's not just the spread of the virus, it's all the other ways the virus distorts business ops...

So- get this- employers will start trying to vax as many employees as they can... they can't really afford not to in terms of productivity.
So in both of your scenarios one person is infected in an office full of vaccinated people. Tell me what the difference is again?
So in both of your scenarios one person is infected in an office full of vaccinated people. Tell me what the difference is again?

The part where they have to shut down operations for a day and bring in a cleaning crew....

The funny thing is, your Corporate Gods will MAKE YOU get the shot at the end of the day.
Last summer my 94 year old Uncle died from colon cancer. He lived alone with his son, couldn't walk, so he didn't go anywhere. The only outsider to see him on a regular basis was his care worker.

When things looked like the end, my cousin called the family over to say their final good-byes. Afterwords the ambulance hauled him to the hospital. Once there, they tested him and claimed he had covid. Everybody and the care worker were immediately notified and were quarantined or tested. None of the 12 people (mostly elderly) in that room with him had this highly contagious deadly virus.

About three weeks later he died. When my cousin got the death certificate, covid was listed as the main cause of death.

So how did this person who never left the house contract this virus when nobody else near him had it?

That is a crazy story and if I happened (and I am not saying it did not) then the hospital needs to be investigated.

My wife has been working in the COVID unit since last March, she has literally treated 100s of patients with COVID. Her unit only gets the bad ones, the ones they are doing all they can for to keep them off of a vent. She has been a nurse for more than a decade and done critical care that whole time. When she tells me she had never seen anything take a patient from doing ok to "oh fuck" quicker than COVID, I believe her. For all that time she has been coming home and using me to decompress after 12 hours in a "space suit". This is where I get my view of COVID from, her and her fellow healthcare workers.

If you wish me to believe the whole thing is a hoax, you will have to find a way to convivence me she has been lying to me for the last 18 months.
The part where they have to shut down operations for a day and bring in a cleaning crew....

The funny thing is, your Corporate Gods will MAKE YOU get the shot at the end of the day.
Why would they need to do that if everyone else is vaccinated besides the one person infected?

You make no sense, as usual.
You just aren't very bright, are you?

The problem is one of perception.

Scenario One- Person gets vaxxed, has the virus, but everyone else in the office is vaxxed, so it's a non-event.

Scenario Two Person doesn't get vaxxed, has the virus, they have to shut down the whole office, bring in a cleaning crew to scrub down everything, and send everyone home for the day.

Not to mention that without the vaccines, companies will have to continue anti-Covid protocols forever. Social distancing, staggering office staff between work at home/work at office. It's not just the spread of the virus, it's all the other ways the virus distorts business ops...

So- get this- employers will start trying to vax as many employees as they can... they can't really afford not to in terms of productivity.

Do you understand that none of this is based on any sound science at all; that every bit of it is based on hysteria and fearmongering?

We don't shut down a workplace if someone shows up with a common cold or flu, unless that common cold or flu is mischaracterized as COVID.

You even admit, in your second sentence, that this is all about perception. That's just another way of admitting what I just said; fearmongering and hysteria, not science.

The entire #CoronaHoax2020 is built entirely on perception, that is, on the use of lies, exaggerations, and general fearmongering to frighten, manipulate, and control gullible idiots such as yourself.

The science does not support any of this. It does not support the lockdowns, shutdowns, the coercion being used to induce people to submit to being used as human test subjects in medical experiments, and so on. It certai8nly does not support the seizures and abuses of power that corrupt politicians have exploited this fake crisis to enable them to engage in.

And useful idiots such as yourself are fully complicit. You are as much to blame for this hoax, and all the destruction that it ahs caused, as the corrupt politicians who have deliberately created and exploited it.
Why would they need to do that if everyone else is vaccinated besides the one person infected?

You make no sense, as usual.

I don't think I can dumb it down for you any more.

Speaking of dumb.

Do you understand that none of this is based on any sound science at all; that every bit of it is based on hysteria and fearmongering?

We don't shut down a workplace if someone shows up with a common cold or flu, unless that common cold or flu is mischaracterized as COVID.

You even admit, in your second sentence, that this is all about perception. That's just another way of admitting what I just said; fearmongering and hysteria, not science.

Oh, I agree... it is about perception. It's also about lawsuit prevention, because if they DON'T take extreme measures after a Covid case, the next covid case can sue them for not brining in the Decontamination Crew.

Now, company I was consulting for last year, had to shut down their plant or parts of it six times during the height of Covid. And yes, a lot of it was Medical Theater. They also had to make the office people work from home, but they couldn't shut down completely because they were considered an essential business.

At a certain point, they are going to have to do a cost benefit analysis and realize firing two or three anti-vax nuts is cheaper than shutting down operations and hiring decontamination teams.

The entire #CoronaHoax2020 is built entirely on perception, that is, on the use of lies, exaggerations, and general fearmongering to frighten, manipulate, and control gullible idiots such as yourself.

The science does not support any of this. It does not support the lockdowns, shutdowns, the coercion being used to induce people to submit to being used as human test subjects in medical experiments, and so on. It certai8nly does not support the seizures and abuses of power that corrupt politicians have exploited this fake crisis to enable them to engage in.

700,000 deaths... I don't think it's an exaggeration. But who should I believe, actual scientists and doctors, or some weirdo on the internet who thinks he's wearing Magic Underwear and has a lot of weird sexual obsessions?

This isn't complicated Bob.

Now, yes, it's based on perception, but it's also based on being a litigious society. If I catch Covid at work, and my employer didn't take every possible action to prevent me from catching it, I have a pretty good grounds to sue. So would any customers, consultants, or vendors.

If we had the kind of horrible government, we'd have imposed vaccine mandates the minute we had enough of them to go around. We haven't. Mandates have been the last resort, and unfortunately, most businesses will go along with them not because the government told them to, but because it's good business.

And useful idiots such as yourself are fully complicit. You are as much to blame for this hoax, and all the destruction that it ahs caused, as the corrupt politicians who have deliberately created and exploited it.

Uh, you guys kind of need to get the story straight...

Either it's a devious Chinese Bioweapon or it's a complete hoax... but it really can't be both.
I don't think I can dumb it down for you any more.

Speaking of dumb.

Oh, I agree... it is about perception. It's also about lawsuit prevention, because if they DON'T take extreme measures after a Covid case, the next covid case can sue them for not brining in the Decontamination Crew.

Now, company I was consulting for last year, had to shut down their plant or parts of it six times during the height of Covid. And yes, a lot of it was Medical Theater. They also had to make the office people work from home, but they couldn't shut down completely because they were considered an essential business.

At a certain point, they are going to have to do a cost benefit analysis and realize firing two or three anti-vax nuts is cheaper than shutting down operations and hiring decontamination teams.

700,000 deaths... I don't think it's an exaggeration. But who should I believe, actual scientists and doctors, or some weirdo on the internet who thinks he's wearing Magic Underwear and has a lot of weird sexual obsessions?

This isn't complicated Bob.

Now, yes, it's based on perception, but it's also based on being a litigious society. If I catch Covid at work, and my employer didn't take every possible action to prevent me from catching it, I have a pretty good grounds to sue. So would any customers, consultants, or vendors.

If we had the kind of horrible government, we'd have imposed vaccine mandates the minute we had enough of them to go around. We haven't. Mandates have been the last resort, and unfortunately, most businesses will go along with them not because the government told them to, but because it's good business.

Uh, you guys kind of need to get the story straight...

Either it's a devious Chinese Bioweapon or it's a complete hoax... but it really can't be both.
So you can’t explain why one office of fully vaccinated people exposed to an infected person would need to be closed and sanitized, while another office of fully vaccinated people exposed to an infected person wouldn’t have to do anything.

Didn't think you could.
Last summer my 94 year old Uncle died from colon cancer. He lived alone with his son, couldn't walk, so he didn't go anywhere. The only outsider to see him on a regular basis was his care worker.

When things looked like the end, my cousin called the family over to say their final good-byes. Afterwords the ambulance hauled him to the hospital. Once there, they tested him and claimed he had covid. Everybody and the care worker were immediately notified and were quarantined or tested. None of the 12 people (mostly elderly) in that room with him had this highly contagious deadly virus.

About three weeks later he died. When my cousin got the death certificate, covid was listed as the main cause of death.

So how did this person who never left the house contract this virus when nobody else near him had it?
Because all deaths are Covid deaths despite other fatal prexisting conditions. Since that has been hoaxed it’s also possible that other deaths where no Covid was present were also attributed to Covid. That’s how you run a hoax scam.
So you can’t explain why one office of fully vaccinated people exposed to an infected person would need to be closed and sanitized, while another office of fully vaccinated people exposed to an infected person wouldn’t have to do anything.

Again, can't dumb it down for you any more than I already did. I'm starting to suspect you have a learning disability.
Again, can't dumb it down for you any more than I already did. I'm starting to suspect you have a learning disability.
Dude, just admit your scenarios make no sense.

Explain the science behind one office needing to shut down and one not needing to shut down.

You can’t because you are a moron who made up a moronic scenario.
That is a crazy story and if I happened (and I am not saying it did not) then the hospital needs to be investigated.

My wife has been working in the COVID unit since last March, she has literally treated 100s of patients with COVID. Her unit only gets the bad ones, the ones they are doing all they can for to keep them off of a vent. She has been a nurse for more than a decade and done critical care that whole time. When she tells me she had never seen anything take a patient from doing ok to "oh fuck" quicker than COVID, I believe her. For all that time she has been coming home and using me to decompress after 12 hours in a "space suit". This is where I get my view of COVID from, her and her fellow healthcare workers.

If you wish me to believe the whole thing is a hoax, you will have to find a way to convivence me she has been lying to me for the last 18 months.

I believe you although the anecdotal info still doesn't change the fact that there is a 99 percent survival rate with this particular bioengineered virus. I'll get alarmed when an ebola reston, zaire comes along with a 30-70 percent kill rate.
Dude, just admit your scenarios make no sense.

Explain the science behind one office needing to shut down and one not needing to shut down.

I just did, Special Ed... I just can't dumb it down for you any more than that.

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