"Not my President".....How do you plan to "resist" this presidency?

How do you plan to "resist" this presidency?


To where? Remember, Texas is turning blue. Given a few more election cycles and it will join Arizona and Georgia.

The 'secession' fantasy is just a variant of 'eliminate those who disagree with me' fantasy. Where you imagine a country where only your beliefs could exist.

Even if you seceded, the very beliefs you're fleeing from are growing in the nation you'd create. Texas would come crawling back, just like it did when it begged for years to be let into the United States the first time.

The Republic of Texas as a political experiment was a fucking disaster.
Claim Russia stole the election win the House in two years and impeach over something trivial I believe that is the current acceptable practice for resistance.
I'm thinking this would be a good time to open a bunker building business in a red state.
I’m sure you can get good recommendations for a bunker builder from blue state residents.
To where? Remember, Texas is turning blue. Given a few more election cycles and it will join Arizona and Georgia.

The 'secession' fantasy is just a variant of 'eliminate those who disagree with me' fantasy. Where you imagine a country where only your beliefs could exist.

Even if you seceded, the very beliefs you're fleeing from are growing in the nation you'd create. Texas would come crawling back, just like it did when it begged for years to be let into the United States the first time.

The Republic of Texas as a political experiment was a fucking disaster.
Texas didn't "beg" to be let into the union. The US made a bunch of unprecedented concessions to
entice Texas to join the union (including agreeing to let Texas have their own navy).

Texas "crawled back" from nothing. As usual you're just a know nothing shitbag shooting off his ignorant
mouth. As far as Texas turning blue that what supposed to happen in 2020, according to dick suckers
like you.
Most people try to keep their mouths shut for fear of appearing an idiot. You seem happy to spread
your ignorance all over like a dog on a walk, pissing every few feet.
We are not even watching local news tonight because we know they will have a report and we don't want to see a second of China Joe and the Ho.
We are not even watching local news tonight because we know they will have a report and we don't want to see a second of China Joe and the Ho.
:lalala: Can't hurt those delicate trumpanzee feelings.
Good real Americans dealt with four years of resistance and civil unrest.
Will they retaliate for the next four years? Is there a reason they shouldn't?
No. We're civilzed humans, not monkeys fucking footballs
They won fucking footballs...lets fuck more footballs...harder and longer...no?
Some like Hunter luv their 14 yr old nieces to pieces, not a football guy.
i think we will be hearing alot about trump and a 14 year old girl soon.......just saying...
Good real Americans dealt with four years of resistance and civil unrest.
Will they retaliate for the next four years? Is there a reason they shouldn't?

Americans cannot "resist" this new guy anymore than the Chinese can resist their current emperor or the Russians can resist their current czar.

So that man is everyone's president whether one likes it or not.

Here are a few things, however, that I do to reduce my stress.

1. Refer to him as "Mr." Do not use the "P" word.

2. Don't get involved in political debates outside of home. There may be Dem operatives taking notes.

3. I immediately turn to another channel whenever that man appears. For example, I never watch CNN or MSNBC. If, say, that man is shown on FOX, I will change the channel or mute it.

4. Vote for Republican candidates. I live in California, so my vote is wasted. But at least I did something.

5. Try to avoid buying products from companies that publicly support that man. (Of course, it may be impossible when it comes to such a convenient website as Amazon, I admit.)

6. Try not to read or watch any opposition channel or newspaper. Under no circumstances will I pay even a penny to the other side. In 2019, I canceled my hometown anti-Trump paper. Hear it is in financial straits because a lot of other people (for various reasons) don't subscribe, either.

7. Get plenty of sleep, exercise moderately, and eat healthfully (I have added pounds during the lockdowns, however).

8. I am elderly (83), so when I get depressed about the budding dictatorship, I remember that I will soon ...

9. I always remember that I am still better off than most people in Latin America, Africa, and Asia.

10. Finally, although it is cold comfort, it warms the cockles of my heart to realize that some of that man's voters will be bitten in their posteriors by some of his policies,
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Good real Americans dealt with four years of resistance and civil unrest.
Will they retaliate for the next four years? Is there a reason they shouldn't?
No. We're civilzed humans, not monkeys fucking footballs
They won fucking footballs...lets fuck more footballs...harder and longer...no?
Some like Hunter luv their 14 yr old nieces to pieces, not a football guy.
i think we will be hearing alot about trump and a 14 year old girl soon.......just saying...
The European newspapers already showed pics of him balls deep in her ass there John Boy. Just wait.
People keep telling you what happens when things as we have seen in recent years happens. The people who run this nation knows who the real producers are. Producers who bring tangible things to the table. To attempt to kill many of those Deplorables would cause us to lose abilities that helps to give people better lives and comforts. We are not as smart as in the past anymore. And those with educations are more into paper work or sitting on their asses. Nothing wrong with that. But creating and producing thing to survive is the most important thing to do in a nation.

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