Not paying taxes "makes me smart."

You didn't give a definition first, you just said that all politicians are prideful. You're such a dipshit. You've been proven to not know what you are talking about, and this coming after you jumped into the conversation with your little quip. All politicians may be prideful, but that doesn't mean that it will result in hubris. They are not the same thing.

Trump is so prideful of himself and thinks he is so smart, that when Clinton said he didn't pay any taxes as an insult, instead of defending himself, he took his vanity of being so smart, and admitted guilt through it. That's hubris to a "t."

I'm sorry you can't understand the difference. Pick up a book every once in awhile other than a dictionary, you'll learn something.

Prideful is an acceptable term for hubris.

and FYI hubris is not a result.

Prideful is an element of hubris.

Hubris is extreme pride and arrogance shown by a character that ultimately brings about his downfall.

Hubris - Examples and Definition of Hubris

Same as I said before. It's a concept, a literary device, an act, not an adjective.

Now on to discussing things worthwhile.

It's a noun not an adjective.
And the literary device is a use of the word not the definition of the word

Dude...the literary device was created long before it was ever given a definition and put in a dictionary.

the word had to be defined before it could be used as a literary device

Do you think the ancient Greeks didn't have definitions of words?

Haha...look. I said Trump's actions were the definition of hubris. Some people here understood the reference, you didn't. You interjected your quip that all politicians are prideful, which though may be true, isn't what the act of hubris is as a whole, and not what Trump's actions completely were. You're wrong, why can't you just admit it and move on? Seriously? Do you think the longer you argue that all of a sudden the past is going to change and make you correct? Just give up. you're wrong. Move on. Find some other subject to troll about.
Because 10$ could mean a missed meal for a poor person. $100k is a missed payment on a 3rd mansion for a rich person. And before you accuse me of being a bleeding heart, understand that this is not good for the economy as a whole...unless you think Brazil should be our model.

....or, another example.........That $10 would UNDOUBTEDLY be spent on something rather quickly, thereby stimulating just a tiny bit the economy........Conversely, that $100K may wind up in some Singapore or Swiss bank stimulating ZERO.

$10 X 200,000,000= 2,000,000,000
That could be spent daily with a modest wage increase across the board.
We HAVE $10.00 x200,000,000...
Adults and babies do eat.

We spend such on a daily basis and yet our economy sees stores closing every day.

And how do the Clintons personally profit from that?
Dinners, Hotels, Vacations...all in the name of business ventures.
Heck, I personally know people who do it.

Great. Now go through the foundation's financials and point to those payouts to the clintons.

I don't care. All I know is that the Hillary years have led us to where we are.

But you cared enough before. Why do you fold when asked to articulate you concerns with Clinton.

I never cared.
It's just that Liberals have one standard for Trump and another for Gates even though Gates is worse for America than Trump.

Exactly. LEGAL deductions. He's probably fudging the living shit out of his taxes. On live TV he said he makes $600 million per year. And he pays ZERO taxes. Are you fucking kidding me?

And he wonders why he's under audit. He's a fucking crook and a sociopath and a serial liar.

On live TV he said he makes $600 million per year. And he pays ZERO taxes.

If I have $600 million in stocks and they double this year, how much do I pay in taxes?

Now dope, surely you understand the difference between what someone declares as income on their taxes and what they declare as a capital a gain.

You just disqualified yourself from the discussion. Go sit down.

Why won't you answer the question?

Because it's dumb.
Really too dumb to even acknowledge.

I made $600 million this year on my stocks, how much should I pay in taxes.

Unless you're too dumb to answer?

Why are you asking questions that are in no way related to the discussion?
It's undeniably a charitable foundation. Please explain how it is not and how the Clintons could possibly profit personally from it.

Their cronies collect paychecks from the "Foundation" instead of the Clintons paying them.
And how do the Clintons personally profit from that? That is to say, how does that money come to be in their possession and please show that income in their tax returns.

And how do the Clintons personally profit from that?

Well, if Hillary was going to pay Huma $200,000 to work for her, now the "Foundation" pays Huma $200,000.
Hillary just saved that salary.

Great. Now please show Huma's salary on the foundation's financials. They're publicly available.

Great, as soon as you admit that is one way the Clintons can personally profit from their "Foundation".
That would be illegal. This is completely hypothetical and has nothing at all to do with the Clintons.
Prideful is an acceptable term for hubris.

and FYI hubris is not a result.

Prideful is an element of hubris.

Hubris is extreme pride and arrogance shown by a character that ultimately brings about his downfall.

Hubris - Examples and Definition of Hubris

Same as I said before. It's a concept, a literary device, an act, not an adjective.

Now on to discussing things worthwhile.

It's a noun not an adjective.
And the literary device is a use of the word not the definition of the word

Dude...the literary device was created long before it was ever given a definition and put in a dictionary.

the word had to be defined before it could be used as a literary device

Do you think the ancient Greeks didn't have definitions of words?

Haha...look. I said Trump's actions were the definition of hubris. Some people here understood the reference, you didn't. You interjected your quip that all politicians are prideful, which though may be true, isn't what the act of hubris is as a whole, and not what Trump's actions completely were. You're wrong, why can't you just admit it and move on? Seriously? Do you think the longer you argue that all of a sudden the past is going to change and make you correct? Just give up. you're wrong. Move on. Find some other subject to troll about.

Hubris is not an act. It is a noun not a verb. It is a quality of personality.
The literary device especially in ancient Greek literature where hubris is the cause of some sort of divine retribution usually by the goddess Nemesis is not the definition of the word.
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Prideful is an element of hubris.

Hubris - Examples and Definition of Hubris

Same as I said before. It's a concept, a literary device, an act, not an adjective.

Now on to discussing things worthwhile.

It's a noun not an adjective.
And the literary device is a use of the word not the definition of the word

Dude...the literary device was created long before it was ever given a definition and put in a dictionary.

the word had to be defined before it could be used as a literary device

Do you think the ancient Greeks didn't have definitions of words?

Haha...look. I said Trump's actions were the definition of hubris. Some people here understood the reference, you didn't. You interjected your quip that all politicians are prideful, which though may be true, isn't what the act of hubris is as a whole, and not what Trump's actions completely were. You're wrong, why can't you just admit it and move on? Seriously? Do you think the longer you argue that all of a sudden the past is going to change and make you correct? Just give up. you're wrong. Move on. Find some other subject to troll about.

Hubris is not an act. It is a noun not a verb. It is a quality of personality.
The literary device especially in ancient Greek literature where hubris is the cause of some sort of divine retribution usually by the god Nemesis is not the definition of the word.

Hopeless. Totally hopeless.

In ancient Greek, hubris referred to actions that shamed and humiliated the victim for the pleasure or gratification of the abuser.[3]

Notice where it says "actions."

Hubris began with the Greeks. That's its origin. That's how I used the word. I'm not sure how stupid you have to be at this point not to understand that. Your "modern" definition doesn't matter. Your synonyms don't matter.


So at this point you are one of 3 things. A dick, a troll, or stupid.
As well as an unpatriotic douche.
It wasn't enough to pay only 5-10%, he needed to get it to zero.

We do not know how much he paid why do you assume it was 0 ?

Because Shillary speculated that it might be 0?

Because he didn't refute it but actually took the opportunity to call himself smart for it.

So a quick answer to a what if, purely speculative with no basis in truth remark is now the absolute truth

We're getting there. He will continue to be raked over the coals for not releasing.
Funny how it doesn't seem to be hurting him in the polls

Because his dopey supporters are clueless.
He was right. He could shoot someone on Fifth Ave and his supporters wouldn't care.
More like they donate 10% of the income that they pay the full 35% federal income tax on.

Yes, donating it to their slush fund is very thoughtful.

Explain how it's a slush fund.

that means "their own '''charitable"' foundation"

It's undeniably a charitable foundation. Please explain how it is not and how the Clintons could possibly profit personally from it.

Are you serious?

Globetrotting on the private jet owned by the foundation.
Hobnobbing with celebs and dignitaries on the foundation's dime

There are thousands of ways to use so called charitable donations for your own benefit

Great. Now show where the Clintons are doing so.
We use every loophole available to avoid taxes....our accountant is as smart as Trump....get it now loons?
We've understood all along. I think you are missing the point. Us liberals have been telling you the rich aren't paying their fair share in taxes and you cons have been arguing with us. Now trump admits it and you still want to argue?

So now we know trump and companies like GE pay no taxes. No wonder we're broke
The middle class, the people our two candidates don't like, are the ones that built and continue to carry this country.
Not paying taxes makes me smart

Will hang over Trump like the 47% comment hung over Romney. It was an acknowledgement by Trump that he is part of that 47% who do not pay taxes

It is also bragging that he knows the rules are set up to allow people like him to avoid paying taxes and he is smart enough and has enough lawyers to know how to use them

Trump highlights the difference between the haves and have nots and gloats over being one of the haves
No Donald it makes you a rich asshole who takes advantage of the tax code.
Oh, puh-leeeze !!!

Isn't that what each and every one of us does, when filing his-or-her taxes at the end of each year?

Namely: try to come up with as many deductions and credits as we can, in order to pay the least possible tax, and to obtain the biggest possible refund?

At least within the universe of people who actually have a pot to piss in, and who work and pay taxes through payroll deductions or quarterly filings.

Anyone who says otherwise is - quite simply - a Lying Sack of Shit.

Trump's only crime here was to serve that up in a simple-minded phrase which showcases his crass, graceless, classless nature; something to pounce on.

But, when it gets right down to where the bear shits in the woods, he gave voice to a mindset that each and every one of us act upon, each and every year.

Next slide, please.
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Not paying taxes makes me smart

Will hang over Trump like the 47% comment hung over Romney. It was an acknowledgement by Trump that he is part of that 47% who do not pay taxes

It is also bragging that he knows the rules are set up to allow people like him to avoid paying taxes and he is smart enough and has enough lawyers to know how to use them

Trump highlights the difference between the haves and have nots and gloats over being one of the haves
Nobody cares but people that hate him. It's really not an issue. 99.9% of Americans try to get out of paying taxes. Quit being an ignorant hack
Donald Trump has generated millions in tax dollars with the buildings he has built and the projects he has built.....not to mention the real jobs he has created and the taxes generated by his business activity......

The clinton's made all of their billions selling her office as Secretary of State and hiding that money from taxes by putting it in their crime foundation........they even gave themselves over a million their foundation....had it taken off of their taxes and still kept it because it was in the foundation......

Of the two.......bill the rapist and Hilary are the actual tax cheats..........not Trump.

You can't back up one word you've posted.
Loopholes for rich people. I for one want Donald to pay some taxes. But who wrote the laws? Who created the loopholes? Politicians. Politicians like the extremely rich clintons. The problem isn't trump, the problem is our rich politicians are making the laws and they are not making them with you in mind. Don't hate the player hate the game, the tax game.

If you're wondering how the tax code gets written to favor people like D. Trump... look no further than the below


Donald Trump bragged Thursday night that he could buy politicians — even the ones sharing the stage with him at a Republican presidential debate.

Trump was asked about something he said in a previous interview: “When you give, they do whatever the hell you want them to do.”

“You’d better believe it,” Trump said. “If I ask them, if I need them, you know, most of the people on this stage I’ve given to, just so you understand, a lot of money.”
So our politicians are easily bought? Wow maybe we should get rid of corrupt politicians and we should start by voting in trump to send a message. A vote for Hillary is a vote for the same ole shit and the same ole corruption to continue......forever. There is nothing special about Hillary. Minorities will still live in crap neighborhoods after she is elected. Blacks will still be shot when they get aggressive and break the law. Wall Street will still get off even after they are shown to do shady stuff. No democrat will do anything. No republican will do anything. It's time to vote out the bastards. A vote for trump is a vote against both corrupt parties and it will wake them up.
We use every loophole available to avoid taxes....our accountant is as smart as Trump....get it now loons?
We've understood all along. I think you are missing the point. Us liberals have been telling you the rich aren't paying their fair share in taxes and you cons have been arguing with us. Now trump admits it and you still want to argue?

So now we know trump and companies like GE pay no taxes. No wonder we're broke

What taxes???? What taxes are they not paying their "fair share of? Income tax, corporate income tax? Why does composite government have so much wealth while pleading empty pockets? Composite "gubermint" (which is a corporate entity) isn't hurting for money...they simply plead poverty so they can justify less services while subsidizing the flood of illegals they are welcoming into this country. No offense, but you are a bit on the clueless side.

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