Not paying taxes "makes me smart."

No Donald it makes you a rich asshole who takes advantage of the tax code.

Why didn't the democrats do something about this in 2011. They did have the power if only for a short while.

I don't see them continually proposing anything.

I am all for the rich paying more.

I don't call it a fair share unless we make the poor pay something too.
Hopeless. Totally hopeless.

Notice where it says "actions."

Hubris began with the Greeks. That's its origin. That's how I used the word. I'm not sure how stupid you have to be at this point not to understand that. Your "modern" definition doesn't matter. Your synonyms don't matter.


So at this point you are one of 3 things. A dick, a troll, or stupid.

Referred actions to is not the same as performing those actions

The actions were indicative of the personality trait of excessive pride known as hubris

The actions themselves are not hubris

Like I said the irony is lost on you that you and only you know what hubris is

The irony is lost in the fact you continue to make yourself look like a dipshit fighting an argument to try and look right, when you got things wrong in the first place. Even someone else mentioned how it was something you should have learned in the 9th grade.

Yeah says the guy who thinks hubris is a result of an action

I just quoted you the fucking origin that says it is an action. How did you get so dense?

Hold up there Corky

You said

All politicians may be prideful, but that doesn't mean that it will result in hubris. They are not the same thing.

Hubris is NOT a result. Hubris is a personality trait.
The use of hubris in Greek literature as being the cause of some sort of divine retribution by the goddess Nemesis is not the definition

Uh, yeah. Do I have to lead you with bread crumbs?

A person with an abundance of self-pride allows that self pride to lead them into an action that creates their downfall.

Prideful is the trait, the fact that a person allows their overabundance of prideful lead to their downfall is the action of hubris.

You couldn't understand that concept the first time, the second time, the third time...maybe you should go back to 9th grade?
It's undeniably a charitable foundation. Please explain how it is not and how the Clintons could possibly profit personally from it.

Are you serious?

Globetrotting on the private jet owned by the foundation.
Hobnobbing with celebs and dignitaries on the foundation's dime

There are thousands of ways to use so called charitable donations for your own benefit

Great. Now show where the Clintons are doing so.

So Bill doesn't use the foundation's private jet?
He doesn't hobnob with dignitaries are posh parties all to solicit donations?

Don't be so fucking naive

So what if he does?

So what if he uses money donated to a supposed charity to fund his jet-setting lifestyle.

Fund raising is the lifeblood of all charities
So what if Clinton uses the charities jet to get to fundraisers and use his celebrity to raise funds that can save the lives of millions?
No Donald it makes you a rich asshole who takes advantage of the tax code.
Are you serious?

Globetrotting on the private jet owned by the foundation.
Hobnobbing with celebs and dignitaries on the foundation's dime

There are thousands of ways to use so called charitable donations for your own benefit

Great. Now show where the Clintons are doing so.

So Bill doesn't use the foundation's private jet?
He doesn't hobnob with dignitaries are posh parties all to solicit donations?

Don't be so fucking naive

So what if he does?

So what if he uses money donated to a supposed charity to fund his jet-setting lifestyle.

Fund raising is the lifeblood of all charities
So what if Clinton uses the charities jet to get to fundraisers and use his celebrity to raise funds that can save the lives of millions?

But yet the only thing that is "saved" is the millions of dollars that the Clintons collect because they are their favorite charity.

The Clinton Foundation IS a charity. The work it does inhouse is CHARITY work. That it doesn't give much money to OTHER charities is because it does the charity work itself.

You will never get that because you're stupid.
Referred actions to is not the same as performing those actions

The actions were indicative of the personality trait of excessive pride known as hubris

The actions themselves are not hubris

Like I said the irony is lost on you that you and only you know what hubris is

The irony is lost in the fact you continue to make yourself look like a dipshit fighting an argument to try and look right, when you got things wrong in the first place. Even someone else mentioned how it was something you should have learned in the 9th grade.

Yeah says the guy who thinks hubris is a result of an action

I just quoted you the fucking origin that says it is an action. How did you get so dense?

Hold up there Corky

You said

All politicians may be prideful, but that doesn't mean that it will result in hubris. They are not the same thing.

Hubris is NOT a result. Hubris is a personality trait.
The use of hubris in Greek literature as being the cause of some sort of divine retribution by the goddess Nemesis is not the definition

Uh, yeah. Do I have to lead you with bread crumbs?

A person with an abundance of self-pride allows that self pride to lead them into an action that creates their downfall.

Prideful is the trait, the fact that a person allows their overabundance of prideful lead to their downfall is the action of hubris.

You couldn't understand that concept the first time, the second time, the third time...maybe you should go back to 9th grade?

Hubris is NOT an action

Hubris is a noun not a verb
Hubristic is the adjective derived from the noun
Are you serious?

Globetrotting on the private jet owned by the foundation.
Hobnobbing with celebs and dignitaries on the foundation's dime

There are thousands of ways to use so called charitable donations for your own benefit

Great. Now show where the Clintons are doing so.

So Bill doesn't use the foundation's private jet?
He doesn't hobnob with dignitaries are posh parties all to solicit donations?

Don't be so fucking naive

So what if he does?

So what if he uses money donated to a supposed charity to fund his jet-setting lifestyle.

Fund raising is the lifeblood of all charities
So what if Clinton uses the charities jet to get to fundraisers and use his celebrity to raise funds that can save the lives of millions?

Well it could save the lives of millions if he didn't spend it so lavishly on himself in the name of a charity
The irony is lost in the fact you continue to make yourself look like a dipshit fighting an argument to try and look right, when you got things wrong in the first place. Even someone else mentioned how it was something you should have learned in the 9th grade.

Yeah says the guy who thinks hubris is a result of an action

I just quoted you the fucking origin that says it is an action. How did you get so dense?

Hold up there Corky

You said

All politicians may be prideful, but that doesn't mean that it will result in hubris. They are not the same thing.

Hubris is NOT a result. Hubris is a personality trait.
The use of hubris in Greek literature as being the cause of some sort of divine retribution by the goddess Nemesis is not the definition

Uh, yeah. Do I have to lead you with bread crumbs?

A person with an abundance of self-pride allows that self pride to lead them into an action that creates their downfall.

Prideful is the trait, the fact that a person allows their overabundance of prideful lead to their downfall is the action of hubris.

You couldn't understand that concept the first time, the second time, the third time...maybe you should go back to 9th grade?

Hubris is NOT an action

Hubris is a noun not a verb
Hubristic is the adjective derived from the noun

Ok, I'm tired of your ignorance and trolling. Time to put your ignorant ass on ignore.
Yeah says the guy who thinks hubris is a result of an action

I just quoted you the fucking origin that says it is an action. How did you get so dense?

Hold up there Corky

You said

All politicians may be prideful, but that doesn't mean that it will result in hubris. They are not the same thing.

Hubris is NOT a result. Hubris is a personality trait.
The use of hubris in Greek literature as being the cause of some sort of divine retribution by the goddess Nemesis is not the definition

Uh, yeah. Do I have to lead you with bread crumbs?

A person with an abundance of self-pride allows that self pride to lead them into an action that creates their downfall.

Prideful is the trait, the fact that a person allows their overabundance of prideful lead to their downfall is the action of hubris.

You couldn't understand that concept the first time, the second time, the third time...maybe you should go back to 9th grade?

Hubris is NOT an action

Hubris is a noun not a verb
Hubristic is the adjective derived from the noun

Ok, I'm tired of your ignorance and trolling. Time to put your ignorant ass on ignore.

And yet another ironic post
The irony is lost in the fact you continue to make yourself look like a dipshit fighting an argument to try and look right, when you got things wrong in the first place. Even someone else mentioned how it was something you should have learned in the 9th grade.

Yeah says the guy who thinks hubris is a result of an action

I just quoted you the fucking origin that says it is an action. How did you get so dense?

Hold up there Corky

You said

All politicians may be prideful, but that doesn't mean that it will result in hubris. They are not the same thing.

Hubris is NOT a result. Hubris is a personality trait.
The use of hubris in Greek literature as being the cause of some sort of divine retribution by the goddess Nemesis is not the definition

Uh, yeah. Do I have to lead you with bread crumbs?

A person with an abundance of self-pride allows that self pride to lead them into an action that creates their downfall.

Prideful is the trait, the fact that a person allows their overabundance of prideful lead to their downfall is the action of hubris.

You couldn't understand that concept the first time, the second time, the third time...maybe you should go back to 9th grade?

Hubris is NOT an action

Hubris is a noun not a verb
Hubristic is the adjective derived from the noun

He didn't use it as a verb. He used it as a noun.
Yeah says the guy who thinks hubris is a result of an action

I just quoted you the fucking origin that says it is an action. How did you get so dense?

Hold up there Corky

You said

All politicians may be prideful, but that doesn't mean that it will result in hubris. They are not the same thing.

Hubris is NOT a result. Hubris is a personality trait.
The use of hubris in Greek literature as being the cause of some sort of divine retribution by the goddess Nemesis is not the definition

Uh, yeah. Do I have to lead you with bread crumbs?

A person with an abundance of self-pride allows that self pride to lead them into an action that creates their downfall.

Prideful is the trait, the fact that a person allows their overabundance of prideful lead to their downfall is the action of hubris.

You couldn't understand that concept the first time, the second time, the third time...maybe you should go back to 9th grade?

Hubris is NOT an action

Hubris is a noun not a verb
Hubristic is the adjective derived from the noun

He didn't use it as a verb. He used it as a noun.

he said the action of hubris. hubris cannot perform an action. hubris is the trait of excessive pride that is all it is.

There is no action of hubris
hubris is not a result of being excessively proud as he claimed earlier
No Donald it makes you a rich asshole who takes advantage of the tax code.

What rich person doesn't take advantage of the tax code ? Hell, im poor as fuck and I take advantage of the tex code as much as possible. When you dont get a tax credit for shitting out kids you kind of have to. Bet Hillery does it to. Wonder if she paied taxes on her clinton foundation money ? or the cash she gets for her DNC sales pitches?

what does 'shitting out kids' mean?. If you do have children-----get a nice dictionary. I credit my mom's old beat up WEBSTER (with missing pages, no less) with my ability
to spell---and also for VOCABULARY (I am probably missing
the words that got lost with the missing pages) My mother can
spell ANY WORD in the English language---(even now at age
97) but she always said "LOOK IT UP" when I asked her to
spell a word. Of course, now kids have the ON-LINE dictionary. For your first lesson----the past tense of "pay"---
is P A I D. ------If shitting out kids means that you envy the
tax deduction parents get PER CHILD-------forget about
the dictionary------nothing will help.

If you were a person I was worried about impressing I may consider it, but you are nothing to me so if bad spelling g bothers you use the ignore feature and stop crying. That's aside, you sound like one of those who shits out kids for the extra thousand EIC dollars. That being the case, please do use the ignore feature.
No Donald it makes you a rich asshole who takes advantage of the tax code.

What rich person doesn't take advantage of the tax code ? Hell, im poor as fuck and I take advantage of the tex code as much as possible. When you dont get a tax credit for shitting out kids you kind of have to. Bet Hillery does it to. Wonder if she paied taxes on her clinton foundation money ? or the cash she gets for her DNC sales pitches?

Well it easy to find out... She released her tax returns... Where is Donalds?

Yup, she did.who cares. How about that doner list to the Clinton foundation, speech transcripts and so on ? I mean, why is she not highlighting the foundations work? I mean, she could take a film crew to Hati and show us all all the wonderful work they did down there. Tax returns equal nonissue.
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No Donald it makes you a rich asshole who takes advantage of the tax code.
View attachment 91365

Trump admitted to not paying taxes.
Talk to leftist Politifact.

But I'm glad the left don't take advantage of deductions and always pay more taxes than you should.

Politifact is not leftist. You lie, or you're ignorant of the facts.
Yeah, reporters from a leftist newspaper tend to not be left themselves. Sure.
Great. Now show where the Clintons are doing so.

So Bill doesn't use the foundation's private jet?
He doesn't hobnob with dignitaries are posh parties all to solicit donations?

Don't be so fucking naive

So what if he does?

So what if he uses money donated to a supposed charity to fund his jet-setting lifestyle.

Fund raising is the lifeblood of all charities
So what if Clinton uses the charities jet to get to fundraisers and use his celebrity to raise funds that can save the lives of millions?

Well it could save the lives of millions if he didn't spend it so lavishly on himself in the name of a charity

There is little evidence outside of rightwing propaganda sites, that the Clintons are living extravagantly through the Clinton Foundation. 89% of available funds go for charitable purposes.

Since the Clintons actually release their tax returns, we can see that they contribute a significant part of their own money to the charity

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