Not paying taxes "makes me smart."

Wait, people think The Federal Reserve is a government agency?

Only because it is.
Run by private bankers. Certain things shouldn't be privatized. Prisons, elections, healthcare and why are we paying bankers interest on the debt? Let's manage it ourselves like we did before the 1913 federal reserve act?

Gawd, you haven't a clue. The Fed is the US government, you're an idiot.

So seriously, you think they randomly set interest rates and government is just a victim?

Meanwhile, as I keep telling you, you clueless dork, Obama appoints their leaders, the senate confirms them, their "profits" all get paid into the treasury, government can remove them, they set US economic policy and monitary policy ...

... and you think they are independent. You're ... one ... stupid ... clueless ... fuck ...
The Fed only has one goal. ROI. They have non traditional shareholders to please and they make them very happy and rich. I find it amusing that dems are touting the Fed as a government entity. I guess they have no idea who is really running the Fed.
It's not just dems. Republicans insist it's a government entity

It is
I've noticed the info you find on the web has changed over the years.

For example they used to explain the fed is a quasi government agency. That means it really isn't. Obama McConnell and Ryan can't raise interest rates.

Think of the federal reserve like you do haloburton
Gawd, you haven't a clue. The Fed is the US government, you're an idiot.

So seriously, you think they randomly set interest rates and government is just a victim?

Meanwhile, as I keep telling you, you clueless dork, Obama appoints their leaders, the senate confirms them, their "profits" all get paid into the treasury, government can remove them, they set US economic policy and monitary policy ...

... and you think they are independent. You're ... one ... stupid ... clueless ... fuck ...
The Federal Reserve is not a Government agency and it is not accountable to any branches of the U.S. Government...


The fed leaders are appointed, re-appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate. Bitch much?
I am not bitching. I am trying to raise your awareness not to make a fool of yourself for all to see.

The Fed was created by an act of congress, it sets government monetary policy, it pays all it's "profits" to the US treasury, it's leaders are appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate, banks are required by the law to be regulated by them. Which I described as "government."

And you're trying to "raise {my} awareness not to make a fool of {myself}?

Um ... thanks ... I'd worry about your own clueless dorkiness. Interesting you wanted an audience for that education you just got. Unreal
You're welcome. You've read it on their own website and on Wikipedia...Congratulations, they screwed you over...hahaha.. gullible people fall for disinformation packaged in nice gift wrapping for Christmas....
$ 4.2 billion worth of U.S. Bank Notes were issued just before Kennedy was assassinated. They disappeared from circulation and we have Federal Reserve Notes.... only, pay attention to the difference in designation between the two.

I'm gullible? I call them the ultimate criminal organization. So in your world, if I call them government, I'm saying they are not a scam. You're just stupid. You're focusing on the wrong thing
The Fed is a private bank system.


Who owns the Federal Reserve?
The Federal Reserve System is not "owned" by anyone. Although parts of the Federal Reserve System share some characteristics with private-sector entities, the Federal Reserve was established to serve the public interest.

The Federal Reserve derives its authority from the Congress, which created the System in 1913 with the enactment of the Federal Reserve Act. This central banking "system" has three important features: (1) a central governing board--the Federal Reserve Board of Governors; (2) a decentralized operating structure of 12 Federal Reserve Banks; and (3) a blend of public and private characteristics.

The Board of Governors in Washington, D.C., is an agency of the federal government. The Board--appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate--provides general guidance for the Federal Reserve System and oversees the 12 Reserve Banks. The Board reports to and is directly accountable to the Congress but, unlike many other public agencies, it is not funded by congressional appropriations. In addition, though the Congress sets the goals for monetary policy, decisions of the Board--and the Fed's monetary policy-setting body, the Federal Open Market Committe--about how to reach those goals do not require approval by the President or anyone else in the executive or legislative branches of government.

Some observers mistakenly consider the Federal Reserve to be a private entity because the Reserve Banks are organized similarly to private corporations. For instance, each of the 12 Reserve Banks operates within its own particular geographic area, or District, of the United States, and each is separately incorporated and has its own board of directors. Commercial banks that are members of the Federal Reserve System hold stock in their District's Reserve Bank. However, owning Reserve Bank stock is quite different from owning stock in a private company. The Reserve Banks are not operated for profit, and ownership of a certain amount of stock is, by law, a condition of membership in the System. In fact, the Reserve Banks are required by law to transfer net earnings to the U.S. Treasury, after providing for all necessary expenses of the Reserve Banks, legally required dividend payments, and maintaining a limited balance in a surplus fund.

FRB: Who owns the Federal Reserve?

At what time did he say the Fed is above the law?

Watch Bernanke telling Grayson that the money the Fed printed just "disappeared" to somewhere in Europe on the second video.

Do you see why I gave up trying to explain how the fed is a scam?

You aren't arguing it's a scam, which it is. You're arguing it isn't government, which is wrong. You're focused on the wrong subject.

I didn't even get your link that you were trying to argue that not government = scam.

What planet are you on that you think government can't be a scam and not government is a scam?

The Fed is the ultimate mafia. They create money out of thin air and devalue the currency. They control worldwide interest rates because the US government is the closest thing humans have to the risk free interest rate.

Printing money is a tax, and a regressive tax.

Rather than argue the real issue, you're stuck in the inane point they aren't government. Of course they are. They REGULATE banks, dumb ass

Sure they do. Lol

You don't realize the bankers regulate the government.

Why do we pay tax on our income? Watch freedom to fascism and wake up
So if he's only a multi-millionaire, WTF does that have to do with him being President?
It's another lie proving he's a con man. I don't think you could have picked a more horrible pick.

Hey, remember how Dale said you're not a mind swilling Democrat bitch like the other leftists, and I said you are? Did I nail the shit out of that or what?
Well if you support trump you are the one who would vote for ANYONE the GOP nominates. Trump, neocon, rino. It doesn't matter to you
Look at the alternatives...
I refuse to accept your premise. Clinton could be more liberal but other than that I like her.

And us Democrats realize maybe a more liberal candidate can't win. It's why we didn't go with a guy who calls himself a socialist.

Republicans have the same problem. They'd love to nominate a true con but they know they can't win so they always settle for a rino.

Clinton's a corporate democrat just like Obama. Moderates

You're all over the Fed and yet you are OK with a broad who made hundreds of millions selling government influence to Wall Street and Corporate America. You're a clueless trip, dude
Run by private bankers. Certain things shouldn't be privatized. Prisons, elections, healthcare and why are we paying bankers interest on the debt? Let's manage it ourselves like we did before the 1913 federal reserve act?

Gawd, you haven't a clue. The Fed is the US government, you're an idiot.

So seriously, you think they randomly set interest rates and government is just a victim?

Meanwhile, as I keep telling you, you clueless dork, Obama appoints their leaders, the senate confirms them, their "profits" all get paid into the treasury, government can remove them, they set US economic policy and monitary policy ...

... and you think they are independent. You're ... one ... stupid ... clueless ... fuck ...
The Fed only has one goal. ROI. They have non traditional shareholders to please and they make them very happy and rich. I find it amusing that dems are touting the Fed as a government entity. I guess they have no idea who is really running the Fed.
It's not just dems. Republicans insist it's a government entity

It is
I've noticed the info you find on the web has changed over the years.

For example they used to explain the fed is a quasi government agency. That means it really isn't. Obama McConnell and Ryan can't raise interest rates.

Think of the federal reserve like you do haloburton
Exactly. Wikipedia is changing all the time to fit some entities' agenda. Look always the date of the last editing.
You're completely and utterly clueless. The Fed are bank regulators who were created by Congress, they are clearly government.

As for evil, yes, they are the ultimate criminal organization, they were created by government to steal from the American people. They should be eliminated.

But they are not government? You're fucking nuts
NO... they are not. You know, arguing with ignorant people goes that far only. If your interest was not sparked by this conversation you are "lost cause" because your ego stands in your way.. Godspeed to you....

Bank Regulators created and run by congress are not government. And you talk about my "ego." You're delusional.

The reason The Fed accomplishes their criminal activity is because they ARE government, not because they ARE'NT government, dumb ass. They have the full power of government behind them.

Why do you think the IRS doesn't have to give us Constitutional rights? It's the same as the Fed. You stand between the government and money and it's Gestapo time. You're in jail a lot longer for tax evasion that committing crimes on the street against other citizens.

Stop being so naive
I don't support Trump, stupid ass. I keep telling you that. I support Gary Johnson. How do you not retain that? Learning disability?
Ask the Libertarians about the Fed... they will tell you. You don't even know what your guy stands for, do you? hahaha...
Wait, people think The Federal Reserve is a government agency?

Only because it is.
Run by private bankers. Certain things shouldn't be privatized. Prisons, elections, healthcare and why are we paying bankers interest on the debt? Let's manage it ourselves like we did before the 1913 federal reserve act?

Gawd, you haven't a clue. The Fed is the US government, you're an idiot.

So seriously, you think they randomly set interest rates and government is just a victim?

Meanwhile, as I keep telling you, you clueless dork, Obama appoints their leaders, the senate confirms them, their "profits" all get paid into the treasury, government can remove them, they set US economic policy and monitary policy ...

... and you think they are independent. You're ... one ... stupid ... clueless ... fuck ...
The Fed only has one goal. ROI. They have non traditional shareholders to please and they make them very happy and rich. I find it amusing that dems are touting the Fed as a government entity. I guess they have no idea who is really running the Fed.

You're completely and utterly clueless. The Fed are bank regulators who were created by Congress, they are clearly government.

As for evil, yes, they are the ultimate criminal organization, they were created by government to steal from the American people. They should be eliminated.

But they are not government? You're fucking nuts
You're stupid clueless and naive. Did you watch freedom to fascism? Of course not

You're one stupid fuck
I don't support Trump, stupid ass. I keep telling you that. I support Gary Johnson. How do you not retain that? Learning disability?
Ask the Libertarians about the Fed... they will tell you. You don't even know what your guy stands for, do you? hahaha...

Learning disability?

As for evil, yes, they are the ultimate criminal organization, they were created by government to steal from the American people. They should be eliminated.

At what time did he say the Fed is above the law?

Watch Bernanke telling Grayson that the money the Fed printed just "disappeared" to somewhere in Europe on the second video.

Do you see why I gave up trying to explain how the fed is a scam?

You aren't arguing it's a scam, which it is. You're arguing it isn't government, which is wrong. You're focused on the wrong subject.

I didn't even get your link that you were trying to argue that not government = scam.

What planet are you on that you think government can't be a scam and not government is a scam?

The Fed is the ultimate mafia. They create money out of thin air and devalue the currency. They control worldwide interest rates because the US government is the closest thing humans have to the risk free interest rate.

Printing money is a tax, and a regressive tax.

Rather than argue the real issue, you're stuck in the inane point they aren't government. Of course they are. They REGULATE banks, dumb ass

Sure they do. Lol

You don't realize the bankers regulate the government.

Why do we pay tax on our income? Watch freedom to fascism and wake up

They buy the government. And you, a Democrat, wants more government. And you tell me to wake up? You want Hillary, who they own
So if he's only a multi-millionaire, WTF does that have to do with him being President?
It's another lie proving he's a con man. I don't think you could have picked a more horrible pick.

Hey, remember how Dale said you're not a mind swilling Democrat bitch like the other leftists, and I said you are? Did I nail the shit out of that or what?
Well if you support trump you are the one who would vote for ANYONE the GOP nominates. Trump, neocon, rino. It doesn't matter to you

I don't support Trump, stupid ass. I keep telling you that. I support Gary Johnson. How do you not retain that? Learning disability?
You're all the same to me.

Of course we are. Not Democrat = Republican. It's as bright as you are
Gawd, you haven't a clue. The Fed is the US government, you're an idiot.

So seriously, you think they randomly set interest rates and government is just a victim?

Meanwhile, as I keep telling you, you clueless dork, Obama appoints their leaders, the senate confirms them, their "profits" all get paid into the treasury, government can remove them, they set US economic policy and monitary policy ...

... and you think they are independent. You're ... one ... stupid ... clueless ... fuck ...
The Fed only has one goal. ROI. They have non traditional shareholders to please and they make them very happy and rich. I find it amusing that dems are touting the Fed as a government entity. I guess they have no idea who is really running the Fed.
It's not just dems. Republicans insist it's a government entity

It is
I've noticed the info you find on the web has changed over the years.

For example they used to explain the fed is a quasi government agency. That means it really isn't. Obama McConnell and Ryan can't raise interest rates.

Think of the federal reserve like you do haloburton
Exactly. Wikipedia is changing all the time to fit some entities' agenda. Look always the date of the last editing.

It's bizarre how you two nitwits and JBond come to the conclusion that

government Fed = not scam

not government Fed = scam

Then we have BooBoo who thinks that a libertarian saying it's government means I think it's not a scam even when I keep saying they are a criminal organization.

They are government, they are beyond a scam, they are a criminal organization.

One sentence, yet you two between you don't have enough brain power to comprehend it
Run by private bankers. Certain things shouldn't be privatized. Prisons, elections, healthcare and why are we paying bankers interest on the debt? Let's manage it ourselves like we did before the 1913 federal reserve act?

Gawd, you haven't a clue. The Fed is the US government, you're an idiot.

So seriously, you think they randomly set interest rates and government is just a victim?

Meanwhile, as I keep telling you, you clueless dork, Obama appoints their leaders, the senate confirms them, their "profits" all get paid into the treasury, government can remove them, they set US economic policy and monitary policy ...

... and you think they are independent. You're ... one ... stupid ... clueless ... fuck ...
The Federal Reserve is not a Government agency and it is not accountable to any branches of the U.S. Government...


The fed leaders are appointed, re-appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate. Bitch much?
I am not bitching. I am trying to raise your awareness not to make a fool of yourself for all to see.

The Fed was created by an act of congress, it sets government monetary policy, it pays all it's "profits" to the US treasury, it's leaders are appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate, banks are required by the law to be regulated by them. Which I described as "government."

And you're trying to "raise {my} awareness not to make a fool of {myself}?

Um ... thanks ... I'd worry about your own clueless dorkiness. Interesting you wanted an audience for that education you just got. Unreal.

From the Federal Reserve:

"The Federal Reserve has supervisory and regulatory authority over a wide range of financial institutions and activities. It works with other federal and state regulators to ensure safety and soundness in the operation of financial institutions, stability in the financial markets, and fair and equitable treatment of consumers in their financial transactions."

The Federal reserve has "supervisory and regulatory authority" over banks, and you just schooled me that isn't government. Congressional mandated REGULATORS.

Here's a dollar, buy a clue

100 percent W-R-O-N-G.

Where does that fiat currency come from that they "loan"? What exactly is it that banks are risking but extending credit to you when you sign a promissory note?
No Donald it makes you a rich asshole who takes advantage of the tax code.

So next tax season you won't take any deductions and you'll even send some extra money to the government. Right? Because if you don't that makes you a hypocritical asshole.
It's another lie proving he's a con man. I don't think you could have picked a more horrible pick.

Hey, remember how Dale said you're not a mind swilling Democrat bitch like the other leftists, and I said you are? Did I nail the shit out of that or what?
Well if you support trump you are the one who would vote for ANYONE the GOP nominates. Trump, neocon, rino. It doesn't matter to you
Look at the alternatives...
I refuse to accept your premise. Clinton could be more liberal but other than that I like her.

And us Democrats realize maybe a more liberal candidate can't win. It's why we didn't go with a guy who calls himself a socialist.

Republicans have the same problem. They'd love to nominate a true con but they know they can't win so they always settle for a rino.

Clinton's a corporate democrat just like Obama. Moderates

You're all over the Fed and yet you are OK with a broad who made hundreds of millions selling government influence to Wall Street and Corporate America. You're a clueless trip, dude
That's a LIE....a right wing fabrication.

and, good morning Kaz.
I don't support Trump, stupid ass. I keep telling you that. I support Gary Johnson. How do you not retain that? Learning disability?
Ask the Libertarians about the Fed... they will tell you. You don't even know what your guy stands for, do you? hahaha...

Learning disability?

As for evil, yes, they are the ultimate criminal organization, they were created by government to steal from the American people. They should be eliminated.
The Federal Reserve Is A PRIVATELY-OWNED Corporation
Gawd, you haven't a clue. The Fed is the US government, you're an idiot.

So seriously, you think they randomly set interest rates and government is just a victim?

Meanwhile, as I keep telling you, you clueless dork, Obama appoints their leaders, the senate confirms them, their "profits" all get paid into the treasury, government can remove them, they set US economic policy and monitary policy ...

... and you think they are independent. You're ... one ... stupid ... clueless ... fuck ...
The Federal Reserve is not a Government agency and it is not accountable to any branches of the U.S. Government...


The fed leaders are appointed, re-appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate. Bitch much?
I am not bitching. I am trying to raise your awareness not to make a fool of yourself for all to see.

The Fed was created by an act of congress, it sets government monetary policy, it pays all it's "profits" to the US treasury, it's leaders are appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate, banks are required by the law to be regulated by them. Which I described as "government."

And you're trying to "raise {my} awareness not to make a fool of {myself}?

Um ... thanks ... I'd worry about your own clueless dorkiness. Interesting you wanted an audience for that education you just got. Unreal.

From the Federal Reserve:

"The Federal Reserve has supervisory and regulatory authority over a wide range of financial institutions and activities. It works with other federal and state regulators to ensure safety and soundness in the operation of financial institutions, stability in the financial markets, and fair and equitable treatment of consumers in their financial transactions."

The Federal reserve has "supervisory and regulatory authority" over banks, and you just schooled me that isn't government. Congressional mandated REGULATORS.

Here's a dollar, buy a clue

100 percent W-R-O-N-G.

Where does that fiat currency come from that they "loan"? What exactly is it that banks are risking but extending credit to you when you sign a promissory note?

You said I'm "100 percent wrong" then didn't contradict anything I said.

So you tell me then. When I say they are the ultimate criminal organization who "prints money" and "steals from the American people," what am I missing?

The idea that you think because they are government that makes them legitimate is frankly just bizarre
Hey, remember how Dale said you're not a mind swilling Democrat bitch like the other leftists, and I said you are? Did I nail the shit out of that or what?
Well if you support trump you are the one who would vote for ANYONE the GOP nominates. Trump, neocon, rino. It doesn't matter to you
Look at the alternatives...
I refuse to accept your premise. Clinton could be more liberal but other than that I like her.

And us Democrats realize maybe a more liberal candidate can't win. It's why we didn't go with a guy who calls himself a socialist.

Republicans have the same problem. They'd love to nominate a true con but they know they can't win so they always settle for a rino.

Clinton's a corporate democrat just like Obama. Moderates

You're all over the Fed and yet you are OK with a broad who made hundreds of millions selling government influence to Wall Street and Corporate America. You're a clueless trip, dude
That's a LIE....a right wing fabrication.

and, good morning Kaz.

Good morning too, and what do you call making millions selling speeches for a quarter large a pop? You think they really give a shit what she says? Hillary knows anything they don't know?

BooBoo is with you, but the two of you are just naive. And your view that she's going to take the money and they aren't going to get anything for it ... wow. Don't take telemarketing calls. Seriously
I don't support Trump, stupid ass. I keep telling you that. I support Gary Johnson. How do you not retain that? Learning disability?
Ask the Libertarians about the Fed... they will tell you. You don't even know what your guy stands for, do you? hahaha...

Learning disability?

As for evil, yes, they are the ultimate criminal organization, they were created by government to steal from the American people. They should be eliminated.
The Federal Reserve Is A PRIVATELY-OWNED Corporation

They were created by government and operate with government power. Government runs them, picks their leaders and can take them out whenever they want. Their money all goes to government. The banks are regulated by the Fed under Federal Law.

So you don't think the Post Office is government either, do you, dumb ass.

What's truly stupid is your equating government with legitimate. That I said they are government you really, truly heard you thought that meant I think they are legitimate. I mean WOW. I kept saying also they are a criminal organization who steals from the American people, which you responded you actually thought that meant I was defending them. You're not defcon, you're deafcon
I don't support Trump, stupid ass. I keep telling you that. I support Gary Johnson. How do you not retain that? Learning disability?
Ask the Libertarians about the Fed... they will tell you. You don't even know what your guy stands for, do you? hahaha...

Learning disability?

As for evil, yes, they are the ultimate criminal organization, they were created by government to steal from the American people. They should be eliminated.
The Federal Reserve Is A PRIVATELY-OWNED Corporation

They were created by government and operate with government power. Government runs them, picks their leaders and can take them out whenever they want. Their money all goes to government. The banks are regulated by the Fed under Federal Law.

So you don't think the Post Office is government either, do you, dumb ass.

What's truly stupid is your equating government with legitimate. That I said they are government you really, truly heard you thought that meant I think they are legitimate. I mean WOW. I kept saying also they are a criminal organization who steals from the American people, which you responded you actually thought that meant I was defending them. You're not defcon, you're deafcon
Dollar Deception - How Banks Secretly Create Money

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