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Not Trolling....An Honest Question....Is The Democrat Party Dead?

You just do what you're told son. You're a King Donald subject now. So, less whining, more kneeling & praising your new King. :)

Sorry Bruce ---- I don't swing that way. :gay:

You'll do what you're told son. There's a new King in town. Submit to to his royal authority, or suffer the consequences.

I know this will sound strange to an asshat who sleeps in his knee pads but I've never "done what I'm told" in my life and that ain't about to start changing any time soon. So happy slurping and groveling but --- I'll pass. :eusa_hand:

But again, like the whole jailing political prisoners thing, like the whole 'grab some pussy' thing ..... it speaks volumes about who you are. :gay:

Nah, you're a King Donald subject now. You will do what you're told... or suffer the consequences.

Anyone who even so much as BELIEVES IN "subjects" is a worthless authoritarian-passive.

That would be you, Bruce.

As far as your puerile threats of "consequences" -------------------------------------------- just try it, wimp.

I advise not pissing King Donald off. He's runnin this shit now. So you just behave yourself and do what you're told. There's a new King in town son.
The Democrats aren't much worse off than Republicans. Both have four to eight years of soul searching to do. Democrats are in a state of confusion for obvious reasons following Tuesday's results. Republicans on the other hand elected a relatively liberal President and reelected the same establishment Congress that liberal claims to oppose.

I sure don't think Trump is a liberal. Lol. I would say that he is a moderate republican. Almost ALL of his economic/fiscal views are totally opposite of liberal.

Really? He is in favor of raising the minimum wage, Also in favor of single payer healthcare........I could go on but Trump was more Liberal then Hillary.
The Democrats aren't much worse off than Republicans. Both have four to eight years of soul searching to do. Democrats are in a state of confusion for obvious reasons following Tuesday's results. Republicans on the other hand elected a relatively liberal President and reelected the same establishment Congress that liberal claims to oppose.

I sure don't think Trump is a liberal. Lol. I would say that he is a moderate republican. Almost ALL of his economic/fiscal views are totally opposite of liberal.

Really? He is in favor of raising the minimum wage, Also in favor of single payer healthcare........I could go on but Trump was more Liberal then Hillary.

Then why'd you vote for the Clinton Crime Family?
The Democrats aren't much worse off than Republicans. Both have four to eight years of soul searching to do. Democrats are in a state of confusion for obvious reasons following Tuesday's results. Republicans on the other hand elected a relatively liberal President and reelected the same establishment Congress that liberal claims to oppose.

I sure don't think Trump is a liberal. Lol. I would say that he is a moderate republican. Almost ALL of his economic/fiscal views are totally opposite of liberal.

Really? He is in favor of raising the minimum wage, Also in favor of single payer healthcare........I could go on but Trump was more Liberal then Hillary.

Then why'd you vote for the Clinton Crime Family?
Are you assuming my vote? Bad mistake but then again the republicans seem to be on a roll with assumptions and lumping everyone together so please by all means continue.
Imagine, America has gone from president George Washington to president Pussy-Grabber.
Not Trolling....An Honest Question....Is The Democrat Party Dead?

Yes. Let me illustrate:


The same applies ^^ to any other captain of that ship in the democratic party.
"LIBERTY" from government...... The classical liberal meaning.

Yes, but we all know that there is a pretty big difference between a classical liberal and liberals of today.

The people who claim they are liberals today are "PROGRESSIVES". Huge difference. Progressives are scum.
They are fascists, not progressive.

Progressivism is humanitarianism full stop.

Progressive is merely another word for fascist. When you look at the history books the progressives of the era were all in favor of Hitler, Stalin and Mussolini. They are naturally attracted to totalitarian governmental systems. Like I said, they are scum.

Completely wrong. They were in the opposite camp; they were on the side of empowering people against authoritarian systems. And once again you catch yourself trying to apply to modern events a term from an era a century ago that has long since passed, so the point is moot anyway.

Where in the wide world of sports do you learn your history?

And as I told you before --- it's "AS I said", not "LIKE I said".

Bullshit. The progressives absolutely loved the idea of an "enlightened" dictatorship. Below are a few of the declarations made by the leading progressives of the era. You are flat assed wrong. As usual.
  • H. G. Wells, one of the most influential progressives of the 20th century, said in 1932 that progressives must become “liberal fascists” and “enlightened Nazis.” Regarding totalitarianism, he stated: “I have never been able to escape altogether from its relentless logic.” Calling for a “‘Phoenix Rebirth’ of Liberalism” under the umbrella of “Liberal Fascism,” Wells said: “I am asking for a Liberal Fascisti, for enlightened Nazis.”
  • The poet Wallace Stevens pronounced himself “pro-Mussolini personally.”
  • The eminent historian Charles Beard wrote of Mussolini’s efforts: “Beyond question, an amazing experiment is being made [in Italy], an experiment in reconciling individualism and socialism.”
  • Muckraking journalists almost universally admired Mussolini. Lincoln Steffens, for one, said that Italian fascism made Western democracy, by comparison, look like a system run by “petty persons with petty purposes.” Mussolini, Steffens proclaimed reverently, had been “formed” by God “out of the rib of Italy.”
  • McClure’s Magazine founder Samuel McClure, an important figure in the muckraking movement, described Italian fascism as “a great step forward and the first new ideal in government since the founding of the American Republic.”
  • After having vistited Italy and interviewed Mussolini in 1926, the American humorist Will Rogers, who was informally dubbed “Ambassador-at-Large of the United States” by the National Press Club, said of the fascist dictator: “I’m pretty high on that bird.” “Dictator form of government is the greatest form of government,” Rogers wrote, “that is, if you have the right dictator.”
  • Reporter Ida Tarbell was deeply impressed by Mussolini's attitudes regarding labor, affectionately dubbing him “a despot with a dimple.”
  • NAACP co-founder W. E. B. DuBois saw National Socialism as a worthy model for economic organization. The establishment of the Nazi dictatorship in Germany, he wrote, had been “absolutely necessary to get the state in order.” In 1937 DuBois stated: “there is today, in some respects, more democracy in Germany than there has been in years past.”
  • FDR adviser Rexford Guy Tugwell said of Italian fascism: “It's the cleanest, neatest, most efficiently operating piece of social machinery I've ever seen. It makes me envious.”
  • New Republic editor George Soule, who avidly supported FDR, noted approvingly that the Roosevelt administration was “trying out the economics of fascism.”
  • Playwright George Bernard Shaw hailed Stalin, Hitler, and Mussolini as the world’s great “progressive” leaders because they “did things,” unlike the leaders of those “putrefying corpses” called parliamentary democracies.
Progressive Support for Italian and German Fascism - Discover the Networks
I would like an honest discussion regarding the current state of the Democrat Party based on the latest election. But first the facts.

1. The GOP now effectively controls all three branches of Government.

2. The GOP controls 35 Governorships

3. The GOP now controls 37 Statehouses.

Politics is much like baseball in that you develop political talent at the State and local level. The GOP has without question a much deeper bench than the Democrats based their domination in State and local politics.

The Democrat formula for decades to win elections is they must get 40% of the white vote and 90% of the black vote. In the last two election cycles the Democrats have struggled to get 37% of the white vote and have not gotten 90% of the black vote. This is why they lost.

Exit polling indicates Hillary got 37% of the white vote, but as we all know the exit polling predicted a Hillary victory. The reality is she probably got less than 37%.

The Democrat Party has lost white males as a voting block.....probably forever. They are rapidly losing white women, and we know working class whites feel abandoned by the Democrat Party and went for Trump in a big way.

The Democrat Party seems to believe they no longer need white voters even though whites comprise 2/3 of the electoral and will be the dominant voting block for many years to come.

The Democrat "war on women" meme no longer works. Pandering to non-whites the last two elections cycles obviously is no longer working.

So the question is: where does the Democrat Party go from here? Please discuss.

2016 election results: National Exit polls



I hope not...we need opposition to keep us sharp and effective...virtuous and productive. All the democrats need is new members...who understand America.

For me, both parties need voters to sharpen up some and not be so gullible. we dodged a real bullet with Hillary coming that close. Sure, Trump is a huge question mark, but it's already looking like he is headed towards business as usual presidency judging from the company he is keeping these days. Still, a question mark is better then a for sure like Hillary.
What company would you prefer? Names?

I'll start with the ones I don't like and why right off the bat due to their record on issues that are important to me.

Dump Chris "crispy cream" Christy. His behavior with Obama was just disgusting, he supports gun control, specifically an "assault weapons" ban and supported sanctuary cities. There is also the fact that even though it's stupid he will soon be all wrapped up in controversy over the "bridgegate" stupidity.

Dump Rudy Giuliani. He is also for an "assault weapons" ban as well as pro amnesty and like Crispy Cream, was one of the old time goodol'boy RINO's.

Dump. Huckaboo. He is also pro amnesty and if any one issue brought Trump into the spotlight it was illegal immegration, the wall and stopping a blanket amnesty. I'm good with the Huckaboo on guns, but he is a slimy cat other wise.

Dick Perry. This guy is a assistance kissing slut. Just a worm. That aside, He supports a blanket amnesty and championed and signed the Texas dream act for illegals over Texas residents and natural born americans.

Then there is this Steven Mnuchin, a 17 year Goldman Sachs employee. Trump said everyone else was bad because they had dealings with this company yet, here he is.

Those are a few. All of them have shown tear opinions run contrary to what Trump ran on. He needs to remember that and why so many voted NOT hillary or he will be a one term presidant.

Boy do I agree with you on the Mnuchin issue. Goldman is the real life EVILCORP from Mr. Robot. They need to be destroyed and the leadership investigated and incarcerated for their criminal misdeeds.
I would like an honest discussion regarding the current state of the Democrat Party based on the latest election. But first the facts.

1. The GOP now effectively controls all three branches of Government.

2. The GOP controls 35 Governorships

3. The GOP now controls 37 Statehouses.

Politics is much like baseball in that you develop political talent at the State and local level. The GOP has without question a much deeper bench than the Democrats based their domination in State and local politics.

The Democrat formula for decades to win elections is they must get 40% of the white vote and 90% of the black vote. In the last two election cycles the Democrats have struggled to get 37% of the white vote and have not gotten 90% of the black vote. This is why they lost.

Exit polling indicates Hillary got 37% of the white vote, but as we all know the exit polling predicted a Hillary victory. The reality is she probably got less than 37%.

The Democrat Party has lost white males as a voting block.....probably forever. They are rapidly losing white women, and we know working class whites feel abandoned by the Democrat Party and went for Trump in a big way.

The Democrat Party seems to believe they no longer need white voters even though whites comprise 2/3 of the electoral and will be the dominant voting block for many years to come.

The Democrat "war on women" meme no longer works. Pandering to non-whites the last two elections cycles obviously is no longer working.

So the question is: where does the Democrat Party go from here? Please discuss.

2016 election results: National Exit polls



I hope not...we need opposition to keep us sharp and effective...virtuous and productive. All the democrats need is new members...who understand America.

For me, both parties need voters to sharpen up some and not be so gullible. we dodged a real bullet with Hillary coming that close. Sure, Trump is a huge question mark, but it's already looking like he is headed towards business as usual presidency judging from the company he is keeping these days. Still, a question mark is better then a for sure like Hillary.
What company would you prefer? Names?

I'll start with the ones I don't like and why right off the bat due to their record on issues that are important to me.

Dump Chris "crispy cream" Christy. His behavior with Obama was just disgusting, he supports gun control, specifically an "assault weapons" ban and supported sanctuary cities. There is also the fact that even though it's stupid he will soon be all wrapped up in controversy over the "bridgegate" stupidity.

Dump Rudy Giuliani. He is also for an "assault weapons" ban as well as pro amnesty and like Crispy Cream, was one of the old time goodol'boy RINO's.

Dump. Huckaboo. He is also pro amnesty and if any one issue brought Trump into the spotlight it was illegal immegration, the wall and stopping a blanket amnesty. I'm good with the Huckaboo on guns, but he is a slimy cat other wise.

Dick Perry. This guy is a assistance kissing slut. Just a worm. That aside, He supports a blanket amnesty and championed and signed the Texas dream act for illegals over Texas residents and natural born americans.

Then there is this Steven Mnuchin, a 17 year Goldman Sachs employee. Trump said everyone else was bad because they had dealings with this company yet, here he is.

Those are a few. All of them have shown tear opinions run contrary to what Trump ran on. He needs to remember that and why so many voted NOT hillary or he will be a one term presidant.

Boy do I agree with you on the Mnuchin issue. Goldman is the real life EVILCORP from Mr. Robot. They need to be destroyed and the leadership investigated and incarcerated for their criminal misdeeds.

I'm hoping it's all nothing but gross over speculation, but I'm not encouraged.
The democrat party ain't dead nor will it or should it be. Somewhere down the line in the second Trump admin there will be scheming opportunists who will try to take advantage of his years and try to pull shit on us. There will always be an Ollie North (who I believe did the right thing but without permission) who believes he's more important than the boss in some way. Look at NAFTA...that was a total GOP deal that Clinturd signed to get in good with Newt and to make money on it which I'm sure he did. The democrats must rid themselves of the prog trash who have taken over their party and start waving the Flag again on occasion.....the American Flag. I believe we are about to embark on a journey to the past ie making America GREAT (again). It's a gigantic task and everybody that's with Trump now, might not be for long....there will be those who's personal agenda gets in the way of the bulldozer and get flattened. I'm optimistic as all get out about the future but know we need a counter-balance so as not to go off the cliff in the other direction. Once the democrats rid themselves of the Harry Reids and Nancy Pelousys, the Shumers, and finally now the Clintons, they're welcome to pick up a shovel and help us dig out of the mess we're in.
A key excerpt from an article today in the NY Post. Very interesting.

Obama’s main legacy: the collapse of the Democratic Party | New York Post

"Obama is a once-in-a-generation political athlete who will always be remembered as the nation’s first African-American president. But a goodly portion of what he has labored for over two terms could now wash out with the political tide.

His party has been devastated beneath him. It began in 2010, when Republicans took the House by winning 63 seats, the biggest pickup since 1948, and six seats in the Senate. In 2014, Republicans gained another 13 House seats and took control of the Senate. Democrats lost more than 900 state legislative seats in this period.

This was chalked up to the midterm effect, the product of a smaller, more Republican-leaning electorate in nonpresidential years. Well, on Tuesday night, the GOP won Senate races in blue states. It minimized losses in the House. It picked up more governorships, including in Vermont, and made striking gains in state legislatures from Kentucky to Connecticut.

All in a presidential year. The GOP controls the presidency, the US Senate and House, and roughly two-thirds of the country’s governorships and state legislatures. The Democrats are now, judging by the scorecard of major offices, the nation’s minority party."

I would like an honest discussion regarding the current state of the Democrat Party based on the latest election. But first the facts.

1. The GOP now effectively controls all three branches of Government.

2. The GOP controls 35 Governorships

3. The GOP now controls 37 Statehouses.

Politics is much like baseball in that you develop political talent at the State and local level. The GOP has without question a much deeper bench than the Democrats based their domination in State and local politics.

The Democrat formula for decades to win elections is they must get 40% of the white vote and 90% of the black vote. In the last two election cycles the Democrats have struggled to get 37% of the white vote and have not gotten 90% of the black vote. This is why they lost.

Exit polling indicates Hillary got 37% of the white vote, but as we all know the exit polling predicted a Hillary victory. The reality is she probably got less than 37%.

The Democrat Party has lost white males as a voting block.....probably forever. They are rapidly losing white women, and we know working class whites feel abandoned by the Democrat Party and went for Trump in a big way.

The Democrat Party seems to believe they no longer need white voters even though whites comprise 2/3 of the electoral and will be the dominant voting block for many years to come.

The Democrat "war on women" meme no longer works. Pandering to non-whites the last two elections cycles obviously is no longer working.

So the question is: where does the Democrat Party go from here? Please discuss.

2016 election results: National Exit polls




The Democratic Party very well could be dead. Repug voter suppression and gerrymandering in several battleground states is going to make it extremely difficult for the Democrats to ever obtain power again. It's quite possible the Repug Party will now permanently control the White House and Congress. Democracy in this country could very well be finished.
I would like an honest discussion regarding the current state of the Democrat Party based on the latest election. But first the facts.

1. The GOP now effectively controls all three branches of Government.

2. The GOP controls 35 Governorships

3. The GOP now controls 37 Statehouses.

Politics is much like baseball in that you develop political talent at the State and local level. The GOP has without question a much deeper bench than the Democrats based their domination in State and local politics.

The Democrat formula for decades to win elections is they must get 40% of the white vote and 90% of the black vote. In the last two election cycles the Democrats have struggled to get 37% of the white vote and have not gotten 90% of the black vote. This is why they lost.

Exit polling indicates Hillary got 37% of the white vote, but as we all know the exit polling predicted a Hillary victory. The reality is she probably got less than 37%.

The Democrat Party has lost white males as a voting block.....probably forever. They are rapidly losing white women, and we know working class whites feel abandoned by the Democrat Party and went for Trump in a big way.

The Democrat Party seems to believe they no longer need white voters even though whites comprise 2/3 of the electoral and will be the dominant voting block for many years to come.

The Democrat "war on women" meme no longer works. Pandering to non-whites the last two elections cycles obviously is no longer working.

So the question is: where does the Democrat Party go from here? Please discuss.

2016 election results: National Exit polls




The Democratic Party very well could be dead. Repug voter suppression and gerrymandering in several battleground states is going to make it extremely difficult for the Democrats to ever obtain power again. It's quite possible the Repug Party will now permanently control the White House and Congress. Democracy in this country could very well be finished.

What a moronic statement to make. The Dems controlled both houses for over 40 continuous years and the repub party didn't disappear. You are a idiot.
I would like an honest discussion regarding the current state of the Democrat Party based on the latest election. But first the facts.

1. The GOP now effectively controls all three branches of Government.

2. The GOP controls 35 Governorships

3. The GOP now controls 37 Statehouses.

Politics is much like baseball in that you develop political talent at the State and local level. The GOP has without question a much deeper bench than the Democrats based their domination in State and local politics.

The Democrat formula for decades to win elections is they must get 40% of the white vote and 90% of the black vote. In the last two election cycles the Democrats have struggled to get 37% of the white vote and have not gotten 90% of the black vote. This is why they lost.

Exit polling indicates Hillary got 37% of the white vote, but as we all know the exit polling predicted a Hillary victory. The reality is she probably got less than 37%.

The Democrat Party has lost white males as a voting block.....probably forever. They are rapidly losing white women, and we know working class whites feel abandoned by the Democrat Party and went for Trump in a big way.

The Democrat Party seems to believe they no longer need white voters even though whites comprise 2/3 of the electoral and will be the dominant voting block for many years to come.

The Democrat "war on women" meme no longer works. Pandering to non-whites the last two elections cycles obviously is no longer working.

So the question is: where does the Democrat Party go from here? Please discuss.

2016 election results: National Exit polls




The Democratic Party very well could be dead. Repug voter suppression and gerrymandering in several battleground states is going to make it extremely difficult for the Democrats to ever obtain power again. It's quite possible the Repug Party will now permanently control the White House and Congress. Democracy in this country could very well be finished.
the green party and the libertarian party are just as strong as the republican party right now. the democratic party is disintegrating, and it will continue disintegrating. it's not because democracy is finished, it's because liberalism is the foolishness by which corruption is disguised as democracy. unless you're certain that the clinton foundation is a holy saint of all generosity, kindness, and charity. but you must know better than that, right? or would it be too politically incorrect to hurt feelings by telling the truth? it's okay, you can go ahead and accuse me of racism or sexism or whatever, i've heard it all before and i don't care, you see? the democratic party is empty, void of soul, all that's left in it is rotten.
The democrat party is leaderless and in chaos. The only thing the democrat party has left is the lying angry sleaze bag mainstream media and the anarchists.
I would like an honest discussion regarding the current state of the Democrat Party based on the latest election. But first the facts.

1. The GOP now effectively controls all three branches of Government.

2. The GOP controls 35 Governorships

3. The GOP now controls 37 Statehouses.

Politics is much like baseball in that you develop political talent at the State and local level. The GOP has without question a much deeper bench than the Democrats based their domination in State and local politics.

The Democrat formula for decades to win elections is they must get 40% of the white vote and 90% of the black vote. In the last two election cycles the Democrats have struggled to get 37% of the white vote and have not gotten 90% of the black vote. This is why they lost.

Exit polling indicates Hillary got 37% of the white vote, but as we all know the exit polling predicted a Hillary victory. The reality is she probably got less than 37%.

The Democrat Party has lost white males as a voting block.....probably forever. They are rapidly losing white women, and we know working class whites feel abandoned by the Democrat Party and went for Trump in a big way.

The Democrat Party seems to believe they no longer need white voters even though whites comprise 2/3 of the electoral and will be the dominant voting block for many years to come.

The Democrat "war on women" meme no longer works. Pandering to non-whites the last two elections cycles obviously is no longer working.

So the question is: where does the Democrat Party go from here? Please discuss.

2016 election results: National Exit polls




The Democratic Party very well could be dead. Repug voter suppression and gerrymandering in several battleground states is going to make it extremely difficult for the Democrats to ever obtain power again. It's quite possible the Repug Party will now permanently control the White House and Congress. Democracy in this country could very well be finished.
the green party and the libertarian party are just as strong as the republican party right now. the democratic party is disintegrating, and it will continue disintegrating. it's not because democracy is finished, it's because liberalism is the foolishness by which corruption is disguised as democracy. unless you're certain that the clinton foundation is a holy saint of all generosity, kindness, and charity. but you must know better than that, right? or would it be too politically incorrect to hurt feelings by telling the truth? it's okay, you can go ahead and accuse me of racism or sexism or whatever, i've heard it all before and i don't care, you see? the democratic party is empty, void of soul, all that's left in it is rotten.

Liberalism is actually the basis of this country's constitution.

That's got little to do with political parties though.
I would like an honest discussion regarding the current state of the Democrat Party based on the latest election. But first the facts.

1. The GOP now effectively controls all three branches of Government.

2. The GOP controls 35 Governorships

3. The GOP now controls 37 Statehouses.

Politics is much like baseball in that you develop political talent at the State and local level. The GOP has without question a much deeper bench than the Democrats based their domination in State and local politics.

The Democrat formula for decades to win elections is they must get 40% of the white vote and 90% of the black vote. In the last two election cycles the Democrats have struggled to get 37% of the white vote and have not gotten 90% of the black vote. This is why they lost.

Exit polling indicates Hillary got 37% of the white vote, but as we all know the exit polling predicted a Hillary victory. The reality is she probably got less than 37%.

The Democrat Party has lost white males as a voting block.....probably forever. They are rapidly losing white women, and we know working class whites feel abandoned by the Democrat Party and went for Trump in a big way.

The Democrat Party seems to believe they no longer need white voters even though whites comprise 2/3 of the electoral and will be the dominant voting block for many years to come.

The Democrat "war on women" meme no longer works. Pandering to non-whites the last two elections cycles obviously is no longer working.

So the question is: where does the Democrat Party go from here? Please discuss.

2016 election results: National Exit polls




The Democratic Party very well could be dead. Repug voter suppression and gerrymandering in several battleground states is going to make it extremely difficult for the Democrats to ever obtain power again. It's quite possible the Repug Party will now permanently control the White House and Congress. Democracy in this country could very well be finished.

What a moronic statement to make. The Dems controlled both houses for over 40 continuous years and the repub party didn't disappear. You are a idiot.

The Democratic Party also didn't engage in voter suppression like the current fascist Repug Party, dumb ass.
I would like an honest discussion regarding the current state of the Democrat Party based on the latest election. But first the facts.

1. The GOP now effectively controls all three branches of Government.

2. The GOP controls 35 Governorships

3. The GOP now controls 37 Statehouses.

Politics is much like baseball in that you develop political talent at the State and local level. The GOP has without question a much deeper bench than the Democrats based their domination in State and local politics.

The Democrat formula for decades to win elections is they must get 40% of the white vote and 90% of the black vote. In the last two election cycles the Democrats have struggled to get 37% of the white vote and have not gotten 90% of the black vote. This is why they lost.

Exit polling indicates Hillary got 37% of the white vote, but as we all know the exit polling predicted a Hillary victory. The reality is she probably got less than 37%.

The Democrat Party has lost white males as a voting block.....probably forever. They are rapidly losing white women, and we know working class whites feel abandoned by the Democrat Party and went for Trump in a big way.

The Democrat Party seems to believe they no longer need white voters even though whites comprise 2/3 of the electoral and will be the dominant voting block for many years to come.

The Democrat "war on women" meme no longer works. Pandering to non-whites the last two elections cycles obviously is no longer working.

So the question is: where does the Democrat Party go from here? Please discuss.

2016 election results: National Exit polls




The Democratic Party very well could be dead. Repug voter suppression and gerrymandering in several battleground states is going to make it extremely difficult for the Democrats to ever obtain power again. It's quite possible the Repug Party will now permanently control the White House and Congress. Democracy in this country could very well be finished.

What a moronic statement to make. The Dems controlled both houses for over 40 continuous years and the repub party didn't disappear. You are a idiot.

The Democratic Party also didn't engage in voter suppression like the current fascist Repug Party, dumb ass.

Really? The shrilary didn't pay to have her Sturm Abteilung go into trumpster events to cause trouble? You sir, are a lying piece of horse poo....
I would like an honest discussion regarding the current state of the Democrat Party based on the latest election. But first the facts.

1. The GOP now effectively controls all three branches of Government.

2. The GOP controls 35 Governorships

3. The GOP now controls 37 Statehouses.

Politics is much like baseball in that you develop political talent at the State and local level. The GOP has without question a much deeper bench than the Democrats based their domination in State and local politics.

The Democrat formula for decades to win elections is they must get 40% of the white vote and 90% of the black vote. In the last two election cycles the Democrats have struggled to get 37% of the white vote and have not gotten 90% of the black vote. This is why they lost.

Exit polling indicates Hillary got 37% of the white vote, but as we all know the exit polling predicted a Hillary victory. The reality is she probably got less than 37%.

The Democrat Party has lost white males as a voting block.....probably forever. They are rapidly losing white women, and we know working class whites feel abandoned by the Democrat Party and went for Trump in a big way.

The Democrat Party seems to believe they no longer need white voters even though whites comprise 2/3 of the electoral and will be the dominant voting block for many years to come.

The Democrat "war on women" meme no longer works. Pandering to non-whites the last two elections cycles obviously is no longer working.

So the question is: where does the Democrat Party go from here? Please discuss.

2016 election results: National Exit polls




The Democratic Party very well could be dead. Repug voter suppression and gerrymandering in several battleground states is going to make it extremely difficult for the Democrats to ever obtain power again. It's quite possible the Repug Party will now permanently control the White House and Congress. Democracy in this country could very well be finished.

What a moronic statement to make. The Dems controlled both houses for over 40 continuous years and the repub party didn't disappear. You are a idiot.

The Democratic Party also didn't engage in voter suppression like the current fascist Repug Party, dumb ass.

Really? The shrilary didn't pay to have her Sturm Abteilung go into trumpster events to cause trouble? You sir, are a lying piece of horse poo....

And of course you have evidence of this? Didn't think so, lame ass.

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