NOTE to Meryl Streep: Trump was NOT mocking a reporter's disability!

In response to Meryl Streep using her televised speech to repeat something that isn't true
to denounce Trump, here is one of the better explanations I have found as to what REALLY happened:

The True Story: Donald Trump Did Not Mock a Reporter’s Disability

Trump was acting "flustered" by waving his hands around, the same as he MOCKED TED CRUZ.
he was arguing about a reporter backtracking on a story, who HAD NO VISIBLE MOTOR DISABILITY.

Trump was NOT mocking that, but mocking the BACKTRACKING and FUMBLING
that any other reporter or figurehead "backtracking on a story" would get from him.

so if anything, he was treating this reporter with the same "disrespect" that he showed to TED CRUZ:


Oh please Emily. You're smarter than this. It had everything to do with Kovaleski's arthrogryposis. There would be no other reason to mock the wrist motions --- which btw are not the same poses in the contrived examples anyway.

This is just one more in an infinite series of attempts by Rump --- and now his enablers --- to shirk responsibility for his own actions. He absolutely *DID* mock a congenital birth defect just as he slurred Mexicans, Muslims, women, veterans, protestors and the people of Iowa. History has been recorded --- let it rest in peace already.

Trump likely did not know the reporter had any condition.

Wrong. They knew each other well.

And stop finding ways to enable the psychotic avoidance of responsibility by a consummate narcissist. Sooner or later he's got to grow a pair and MAN UP.

The other reason I clicked in here --- when exactly did Meryl Streep get appointed Grande Dame Spokesperson for All of America? This is like the 5816th thread about Meryl Streep.
Jesus supports the Orange Messiah mocking a handicapped reporter?

Jesus supports the Orange Messiah calling POWs losers?

Jesus supports the Orange Messiah grabbing a woman's pussy because he's entitled?

THIS is our 2016 GOP, folks.

And all of those cosmetic, tertiary, diplomatic issues are so much more important than the endemic corruption we know that the opposing candidate was guilty of as exposed by the Deep State/Russians. :badgrin:
To understand how far the right has fallen,

imagine if Reagan had done this in 1980. Imagine Reagan bragging about groping pussy. Imagine Reagan making fun of female politician's looks. Imagine Reagan mocking the disabled. Imagine all of Trump's crude behaviour, not to mention his proven pathological dishonesty having manifested itself in the character of Ronald Reagan.

You can't even imagine it. Now, on the Right, it's actually laudatory under what they praise as political incorrectness.
I think Trump is a disgusting person. Nevertheless, Carter had Griffn Bell as his AG, and he was a tad bit more mainstream than Holder or Lynch. And the dems ran a corrupt candidate.
In response to Meryl Streep using her televised speech to repeat something that isn't true
to denounce Trump, here is one of the better explanations I have found as to what REALLY happened:

The True Story: Donald Trump Did Not Mock a Reporter’s Disability

Trump was acting "flustered" by waving his hands around, the same as he MOCKED TED CRUZ.
he was arguing about a reporter backtracking on a story, who HAD NO VISIBLE MOTOR DISABILITY.

Trump was NOT mocking that, but mocking the BACKTRACKING and FUMBLING
that any other reporter or figurehead "backtracking on a story" would get from him.

so if anything, he was treating this reporter with the same "disrespect" that he showed to TED CRUZ:


Oh please Emily. You're smarter than this. It had everything to do with Kovaleski's arthrogryposis. There would be no other reason to mock the wrist motions --- which btw are not the same poses in the contrived examples anyway.

This is just one more in an infinite series of attempts by Rump --- and now his enablers --- to shirk responsibility for his own actions. He absolutely *DID* mock a congenital birth defect just as he slurred Mexicans, Muslims, women, veterans, protestors and the people of Iowa. History has been recorded --- let it rest in peace already.

And stop finding ways to enable the psychotic avoidance of responsibility by a consummate narcissist. Sooner or later he's got to grow a pair and MAN UP.

The other reason I clicked in here --- when exactly did Meryl Streep get appointed Grande Dame Spokesperson for All of America? This is like the 5816th thread about Meryl Streep.

No, Emily has got it right.

Trump mocks everyone in that fashion.

Anyone that believes he was specifically targeting that man b/c of his disability doesn't know how to think for themselves, and has their thought controlled by the MSM.
In response to Meryl Streep using her televised speech to repeat something that isn't true
to denounce Trump, here is one of the better explanations I have found as to what REALLY happened:

The True Story: Donald Trump Did Not Mock a Reporter’s Disability

Trump was acting "flustered" by waving his hands around, the same as he MOCKED TED CRUZ.
he was arguing about a reporter backtracking on a story, who HAD NO VISIBLE MOTOR DISABILITY.

Trump was NOT mocking that, but mocking the BACKTRACKING and FUMBLING
that any other reporter or figurehead "backtracking on a story" would get from him.

so if anything, he was treating this reporter with the same "disrespect" that he showed to TED CRUZ:


Oh please Emily. You're smarter than this. It had everything to do with Kovaleski's arthrogryposis. There would be no other reason to mock the wrist motions --- which btw are not the same poses in the contrived examples anyway.

This is just one more in an infinite series of attempts by Rump --- and now his enablers --- to shirk responsibility for his own actions. He absolutely *DID* mock a congenital birth defect just as he slurred Mexicans, Muslims, women, veterans, protestors and the people of Iowa. History has been recorded --- let it rest in peace already.

And stop finding ways to enable the psychotic avoidance of responsibility by a consummate narcissist. Sooner or later he's got to grow a pair and MAN UP.

The other reason I clicked in here --- when exactly did Meryl Streep get appointed Grande Dame Spokesperson for All of America? This is like the 5816th thread about Meryl Streep.

No, Emily has got it right.

Trump mocks everyone in that fashion.

Anyone that believes he was specifically targeting that man b/c of his disability doesn't know how to think for themselves, and has their thought controlled by the MSM.

That's patently absurd. He did what he always does --- ad hominem. No amount of we-just-thought-of-this-months-later revisionist enablism changes what's already gone down.

Again, it's a continuation of a pattern he's been following for exactly seventy and a half years--- shirking responsibility for everything. Unless of course it brings profit, which this didn't.

"I never went bankrupt"....
"I was the CEO but I didn't run the company".....
"I didn't impersonate myself"......
"I was never for the Iraq war....."
"I wasn't mocking his disability"....

ENOUGH already. SEE the bullshit for what it plainly is.
I'm surprised conservatives don't just say "Yeah he mocked him. So what?"

Why the need to defend him? He got past the grab your pussy comment and still made the presidency

Trump also APOLOGIZED for those remarks he admitted were wrong.

When has Obama acknowledged and apologized for robbing citizens of our taxes and rights to choose
because their administration decided to "pay off" corporate insurance interests and lobbies to pass ACA?

That's the difference.

Obama actively engaged in violating rights of MILLIONS of citizens who protested,
but has not acknowledged it to this day as unconstitutional breach or overreach of federal authority.

Trump was confronted with something he said in the past, not within the actions of
his future administration, and he acknowledge publicly it was WRONG and APOLOGIZED.

That's more than we've ever gotten from either Clinton or Obama combined.

Oh for fuck's sake. Baby Jesus, help this woman!
Why so hard on Em? She doesn't stoop to insults.
In response to Meryl Streep using her televised speech to repeat something that isn't true
to denounce Trump, here is one of the better explanations I have found as to what REALLY happened:

The True Story: Donald Trump Did Not Mock a Reporter’s Disability

Trump was acting "flustered" by waving his hands around, the same as he MOCKED TED CRUZ.
he was arguing about a reporter backtracking on a story, who HAD NO VISIBLE MOTOR DISABILITY.

Trump was NOT mocking that, but mocking the BACKTRACKING and FUMBLING
that any other reporter or figurehead "backtracking on a story" would get from him.

so if anything, he was treating this reporter with the same "disrespect" that he showed to TED CRUZ:


Oh please Emily. You're smarter than this. It had everything to do with Kovaleski's arthrogryposis. There would be no other reason to mock the wrist motions --- which btw are not the same poses in the contrived examples anyway.

This is just one more in an infinite series of attempts by Rump --- and now his enablers --- to shirk responsibility for his own actions. He absolutely *DID* mock a congenital birth defect just as he slurred Mexicans, Muslims, women, veterans, protestors and the people of Iowa. History has been recorded --- let it rest in peace already.

And stop finding ways to enable the psychotic avoidance of responsibility by a consummate narcissist. Sooner or later he's got to grow a pair and MAN UP.

The other reason I clicked in here --- when exactly did Meryl Streep get appointed Grande Dame Spokesperson for All of America? This is like the 5816th thread about Meryl Streep.

No, Emily has got it right.

Trump mocks everyone in that fashion.

Anyone that believes he was specifically targeting that man b/c of his disability doesn't know how to think for themselves, and has their thought controlled by the MSM.

That's patently absurd. He did what he always does --- ad hominem. No amount of we-just-thought-of-this-months-later revisionist enablism changes what's already gone down.

Again, it's a continuation of a pattern he's been following for exactly seventy and a half years--- shirking responsibility for everything. Unless of course it brings profit, which this didn't.

"I never went bankrupt"....
"I was the CEO but I didn't run the company".....
"I didn't impersonate myself"......
"I was never for the Iraq war....."
"I wasn't mocking his disability"....

ENOUGH already. SEE the bullshit for what it plainly is.

Yeah, that's right. SEE the bullshit for what it is. Most of the bullshit is peddled by corporate America.

I seriously CANNOT believe an avowed progressive is standing with corporate American media, willing to be brainwashed. That's rich.

In response to Meryl Streep using her televised speech to repeat something that isn't true
to denounce Trump, here is one of the better explanations I have found as to what REALLY happened:

The True Story: Donald Trump Did Not Mock a Reporter’s Disability

Trump was acting "flustered" by waving his hands around, the same as he MOCKED TED CRUZ.
he was arguing about a reporter backtracking on a story, who HAD NO VISIBLE MOTOR DISABILITY.

Trump was NOT mocking that, but mocking the BACKTRACKING and FUMBLING
that any other reporter or figurehead "backtracking on a story" would get from him.

so if anything, he was treating this reporter with the same "disrespect" that he showed to TED CRUZ:


Oh please Emily. You're smarter than this. It had everything to do with Kovaleski's arthrogryposis. There would be no other reason to mock the wrist motions --- which btw are not the same poses in the contrived examples anyway.

This is just one more in an infinite series of attempts by Rump --- and now his enablers --- to shirk responsibility for his own actions. He absolutely *DID* mock a congenital birth defect just as he slurred Mexicans, Muslims, women, veterans, protestors and the people of Iowa. History has been recorded --- let it rest in peace already.

And stop finding ways to enable the psychotic avoidance of responsibility by a consummate narcissist. Sooner or later he's got to grow a pair and MAN UP.

The other reason I clicked in here --- when exactly did Meryl Streep get appointed Grande Dame Spokesperson for All of America? This is like the 5816th thread about Meryl Streep.

No, Emily has got it right.

Trump mocks everyone in that fashion.

Anyone that believes he was specifically targeting that man b/c of his disability doesn't know how to think for themselves, and has their thought controlled by the MSM.

That's patently absurd. He did what he always does --- ad hominem. No amount of we-just-thought-of-this-months-later revisionist enablism changes what's already gone down.

Again, it's a continuation of a pattern he's been following for exactly seventy and a half years--- shirking responsibility for everything. Unless of course it brings profit, which this didn't.

"I never went bankrupt"....
"I was the CEO but I didn't run the company".....
"I didn't impersonate myself"......
"I was never for the Iraq war....."
"I wasn't mocking his disability"....

ENOUGH already. SEE the bullshit for what it plainly is.

Yeah, that's right. SEE the bullshit for what it is. Most of the bullshit is peddled by corporate America.

I seriously CANNOT believe an avowed progressive is standing with corporate American media, willing to be brainwashed. That's rich.

I'm uh, not sure what "avowed Progressive" you might be trying to invoke here but Bob LaFollette died in I think 1925.

"Corporate" doesn't enter into it. It's on FUCKING VIDEO TAPE. It's pure denialism to come back months later and declare that one's own eyes were lying. The whole world saw it --- in fact the gif I usually use comes from Ireland (just because it cycles nicely). Now we're going to come back months later and invent a new story? Oh pleeeeze.

But I love the irony of posting negative sentiments about "corporate" media and then immediately posting three corporate media videos. Nice touch.

Besides which ---- immediately before he launches into his gyrations he says by way of intro, and I quote, "You oughta see this guy" and "Poor guy". Signaling that he's about to do the visual we all know perfectly fucking well he did AND signalling the disability itself. It's safe to say that before Rump pulled this stunt few people knew who Serge Kovaleski is or that he had a congenital disability. He made sure they found out though, didn't he? It's part and parcel of a classic Narcissist who's never emotionally progressed beyond the age of 11.

Moreover, Kovaleski never claimed "I don't know what I said, I don't remember". He had simply written that "a number of people" were detained after appearing to be celebrating, and recalled that that number was nowhere near the "thousands and thousands" that Rump, channeling his inner Brian Williams, pretends to have seen on video (which does not exist since no such thing happened). The number of those people was in fact five, detained for "puzzling behavior" and they were in fact Israelis, not Arabs.

So there was no "thousands and thousands", there was no video of the non-thousands and thousands, and Rump was caught in a lie, and reacted exactly as he always does --- with an ad hominem attack on the source he tried to use to facilitate his lie who would not cooperate.

A juvenile tactic he's used all his life.
Last edited:
In response to Meryl Streep using her televised speech to repeat something that isn't true
to denounce Trump, here is one of the better explanations I have found as to what REALLY happened:

The True Story: Donald Trump Did Not Mock a Reporter’s Disability

Trump was acting "flustered" by waving his hands around, the same as he MOCKED TED CRUZ.
he was arguing about a reporter backtracking on a story, who HAD NO VISIBLE MOTOR DISABILITY.

Trump was NOT mocking that, but mocking the BACKTRACKING and FUMBLING
that any other reporter or figurehead "backtracking on a story" would get from him.

so if anything, he was treating this reporter with the same "disrespect" that he showed to TED CRUZ:


Oh please Emily. You're smarter than this. It had everything to do with Kovaleski's arthrogryposis. There would be no other reason to mock the wrist motions --- which btw are not the same poses in the contrived examples anyway.

This is just one more in an infinite series of attempts by Rump --- and now his enablers --- to shirk responsibility for his own actions. He absolutely *DID* mock a congenital birth defect just as he slurred Mexicans, Muslims, women, veterans, protestors and the people of Iowa. History has been recorded --- let it rest in peace already.

And stop finding ways to enable the psychotic avoidance of responsibility by a consummate narcissist. Sooner or later he's got to grow a pair and MAN UP.

The other reason I clicked in here --- when exactly did Meryl Streep get appointed Grande Dame Spokesperson for All of America? This is like the 5816th thread about Meryl Streep.

No, Emily has got it right.

Trump mocks everyone in that fashion.

Anyone that believes he was specifically targeting that man b/c of his disability doesn't know how to think for themselves, and has their thought controlled by the MSM.

That's patently absurd. He did what he always does --- ad hominem. No amount of we-just-thought-of-this-months-later revisionist enablism changes what's already gone down.

Again, it's a continuation of a pattern he's been following for exactly seventy and a half years--- shirking responsibility for everything. Unless of course it brings profit, which this didn't.

"I never went bankrupt"....
"I was the CEO but I didn't run the company".....
"I didn't impersonate myself"......
"I was never for the Iraq war....."
"I wasn't mocking his disability"....

ENOUGH already. SEE the bullshit for what it plainly is.

Yeah, that's right. SEE the bullshit for what it is. Most of the bullshit is peddled by corporate America.

I seriously CANNOT believe an avowed progressive is standing with corporate American media, willing to be brainwashed. That's rich.

But I love the irony of posting negative sentiments about "corporate" media and then immediately posting three corporate media videos. Nice touch.

Obviously you didn't watch them.

If you had, you would have seen the answers to your protestations.

You would have seen how the media spins your perceptions on what he actually said.

Secondly, these videos are crowd funded, they are not corporate funded.
Oh please Emily. You're smarter than this. It had everything to do with Kovaleski's arthrogryposis. There would be no other reason to mock the wrist motions --- which btw are not the same poses in the contrived examples anyway.

This is just one more in an infinite series of attempts by Rump --- and now his enablers --- to shirk responsibility for his own actions. He absolutely *DID* mock a congenital birth defect just as he slurred Mexicans, Muslims, women, veterans, protestors and the people of Iowa. History has been recorded --- let it rest in peace already.

And stop finding ways to enable the psychotic avoidance of responsibility by a consummate narcissist. Sooner or later he's got to grow a pair and MAN UP.

The other reason I clicked in here --- when exactly did Meryl Streep get appointed Grande Dame Spokesperson for All of America? This is like the 5816th thread about Meryl Streep.

No, Emily has got it right.

Trump mocks everyone in that fashion.

Anyone that believes he was specifically targeting that man b/c of his disability doesn't know how to think for themselves, and has their thought controlled by the MSM.

That's patently absurd. He did what he always does --- ad hominem. No amount of we-just-thought-of-this-months-later revisionist enablism changes what's already gone down.

Again, it's a continuation of a pattern he's been following for exactly seventy and a half years--- shirking responsibility for everything. Unless of course it brings profit, which this didn't.

"I never went bankrupt"....
"I was the CEO but I didn't run the company".....
"I didn't impersonate myself"......
"I was never for the Iraq war....."
"I wasn't mocking his disability"....

ENOUGH already. SEE the bullshit for what it plainly is.

Yeah, that's right. SEE the bullshit for what it is. Most of the bullshit is peddled by corporate America.

I seriously CANNOT believe an avowed progressive is standing with corporate American media, willing to be brainwashed. That's rich.

But I love the irony of posting negative sentiments about "corporate" media and then immediately posting three corporate media videos. Nice touch.

Obviously you didn't watch them.

If you had, you would have seen the answers to your protestations.

You would have seen how the media spins your perceptions on what he actually said.

Secondly, these videos are crowd funded, they are not corporate funded.

This story is a perfect example of how the lib MSM dupes millions of Americans. Streep got duped like so many others. Wonder why she did not comment on the four blacks torturing that mentally disabled white dude in Chicago...yeah we know why.

Even after shown the truth, many Americans chose to continue to believe the lies. This will continue unabated throughout the Trump presidency.
NOTE to Meryl Streep: Trump was NOT mocking a reporter's disability!
Yes he was. I don't care how many times "catholics 4 trump" tells you not to believe your own eyes.
This BS story by the Left is fake news....much like the Russians hacking the election so Trump could win...all fake news, but lefties are easily duped.
In response to Meryl Streep using her televised speech to repeat something that isn't true
to denounce Trump, here is one of the better explanations I have found as to what REALLY happened:

The True Story: Donald Trump Did Not Mock a Reporter’s Disability

Trump was acting "flustered" by waving his hands around, the same as he MOCKED TED CRUZ.
he was arguing about a reporter backtracking on a story, who HAD NO VISIBLE MOTOR DISABILITY.

Trump was NOT mocking that, but mocking the BACKTRACKING and FUMBLING
that any other reporter or figurehead "backtracking on a story" would get from him.

so if anything, he was treating this reporter with the same "disrespect" that he showed to TED CRUZ:


So the ailment this reporter has is a good symbol of idiocy?

Fuck you.

I think he was saying all disabled people are idiots...
NOTE to Meryl Streep: Trump was NOT mocking a reporter's disability!
Yes he was. I don't care how many times "catholics 4 trump" tells you not to believe your own eyes.
This BS story by the Left is fake news....much like the Russians hacking the election so Trump could win...all fake news, but lefties are easily duped.
Talk about deluded. I'm guessing the air is pretty thin in that trump bubble you live in, huh?
NOTE to Meryl Streep: Trump was NOT mocking a reporter's disability!
Yes he was. I don't care how many times "catholics 4 trump" tells you not to believe your own eyes.
This BS story by the Left is fake news....much like the Russians hacking the election so Trump could win...all fake news, but lefties are easily duped.
Talk about deluded. I'm guessing the air is pretty thin in that trump bubble you live in, huh?
I don't much care for Trump, but did vote for him because your beloved criminal-in-a-pantsuit was entirely unfit.

I just prefer to believe the truth rather than lies....lies is what you believe.
NOTE to Meryl Streep: Trump was NOT mocking a reporter's disability!
Yes he was. I don't care how many times "catholics 4 trump" tells you not to believe your own eyes.
This BS story by the Left is fake news....much like the Russians hacking the election so Trump could win...all fake news, but lefties are easily duped.
Talk about deluded. I'm guessing the air is pretty thin in that trump bubble you live in, huh?
I don't much care for Trump, but did vote for him because your beloved criminal-in-a-pantsuit was entirely unfit.

I just prefer to believe the truth rather than lies....lies is what you believe.
Why even waste my time with you idiots.
NOTE to Meryl Streep: Trump was NOT mocking a reporter's disability!
Yes he was. I don't care how many times "catholics 4 trump" tells you not to believe your own eyes.
This BS story by the Left is fake news....much like the Russians hacking the election so Trump could win...all fake news, but lefties are easily duped.
Talk about deluded. I'm guessing the air is pretty thin in that trump bubble you live in, huh?
I don't much care for Trump, but did vote for him because your beloved criminal-in-a-pantsuit was entirely unfit.

I just prefer to believe the truth rather than lies....lies is what you believe.
Why even waste my time with you idiots.
Please leave....NOW!!!

...or you risk banishment to the Gulag.
He was without a doubt mocking a disabled reporter. Blatantly and willingly. Why lie about it? If he was not, what was he doing?

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