NOTE to Meryl Streep: Trump was NOT mocking a reporter's disability!

In response to Meryl Streep using her televised speech to repeat something that isn't true
to denounce Trump, here is one of the better explanations I have found as to what REALLY happened:

The True Story: Donald Trump Did Not Mock a Reporter’s Disability

Trump was acting "flustered" by waving his hands around, the same as he MOCKED TED CRUZ.
he was arguing about a reporter backtracking on a story, who HAD NO VISIBLE MOTOR DISABILITY.

Trump was NOT mocking that, but mocking the BACKTRACKING and FUMBLING
that any other reporter or figurehead "backtracking on a story" would get from him.

so if anything, he was treating this reporter with the same "disrespect" that he showed to TED CRUZ:

Sure thing, Trump was acting his usual retardo fashion..Showing who has the greater degree of disability..
I'm surprised conservatives don't just say "Yeah he mocked him. So what?"

Why the need to defend him? He got past the grab your pussy comment and still made the presidency
Exactly. America got what it voted for. He's a cretin, but he's our cretin.

Bill Maher nailed this when he said the dems should leave the transgender stuff alone. Look what Europe's become with open borders. Half the states don't want gay marriage. The BLM shit doesn't play well outside large cities, and not necessarily inside areas in those cities.

So we shouldn't stick up for minority rights because it doesn't play well in Peoria?
I'm surprised conservatives don't just say "Yeah he mocked him. So what?"

Why the need to defend him? He got past the grab your pussy comment and still made the presidency
Exactly. America got what it voted for. He's a cretin, but he's our cretin.

Bill Maher nailed this when he said the dems should leave the transgender stuff alone. Look what Europe's become with open borders. Half the states don't want gay marriage. The BLM shit doesn't play well outside large cities, and not necessarily inside areas in those cities.

So we shouldn't stick up for minority rights because it doesn't play well in Peoria?
I completely agree. Trump is totally the Joker.

That is the choice Americans had this election. The Joker. . . or Two Face. :lmao:

Trump likely did not know the reporter had any condition.
Kovalesky covered Tramp from 1987 to 1993 for the Daily News including spending much of a day on a plane with Tramp on his 1989 launch of the Tramp Shuttle and was on a first name basis with the liar who claims to have the "world's greatest memory." “Flying out of La Guardia, we spent a big chunk of the day flying up and down the east coast with Trump chatting with me and the others on the plane."
Trump likely did not know the reporter had any condition.
Kovalesky covered Tramp from 1987 to 1993 for the Daily News including spending much of a day on a plane with Tramp on his 1989 launch of the Tramp Shuttle and was on a first name basis with the liar who claims to have the "world's greatest memory." “Flying out of La Guardia, we spent a big chunk of the day flying up and down the east coast with Trump chatting with me and the others on the plane."
Let's see here....

Wikileaks exposed many big media people as Hillary sycophants and supporters. They did her bidding willingly. Yet, this same media is still believed by many left wing Americans.

How can this be?
Trump likely did not know the reporter had any condition.
Kovalesky covered Tramp from 1987 to 1993 for the Daily News including spending much of a day on a plane with Tramp on his 1989 launch of the Tramp Shuttle and was on a first name basis with the liar who claims to have the "world's greatest memory." “Flying out of La Guardia, we spent a big chunk of the day flying up and down the east coast with Trump chatting with me and the others on the plane."
Let's see here....

Wikileaks exposed many big media people as Hillary sycophants and supporters. They did her bidding willingly. Yet, this same media is still believed by many left wing Americans.

How can this be?
RussiaLeaks/WikiLies has no credibility, that's how.
Trump likely did not know the reporter had any condition.
Kovalesky covered Tramp from 1987 to 1993 for the Daily News including spending much of a day on a plane with Tramp on his 1989 launch of the Tramp Shuttle and was on a first name basis with the liar who claims to have the "world's greatest memory." “Flying out of La Guardia, we spent a big chunk of the day flying up and down the east coast with Trump chatting with me and the others on the plane."
Let's see here....

Wikileaks exposed many big media people as Hillary sycophants and supporters. They did her bidding willingly. Yet, this same media is still believed by many left wing Americans.

How can this be?
RussiaLeaks/WikiLies has no credibility, that's how.
No...the lib MSM has on credibility. Wikileaks proved it, but dupes don't want truth. They much prefer lies.
Dear Pogo Thanks for chiming in. Maybe you can help research both sides and straighten this out since I know you to be fair and to focus on separating the reason
for conflicts from the personal and emotional disdain between people that gets in the way of that.

1. The whole point of this is it was NOT AN ISOLATED INCIDENT but one of a whole series of mocking people and reporters in the same visual fashion.
He mocked TED CRUZ and ALL MEDIA REPORTERS HE ATTACKED as "bumbling IDIOTS and backtracking" ie 'I don't remember what I said"

2. RE: Did Trump know this reporter from previous coverage
Two sides to this either yes or no, and neither points to mocking a reporter based on disibility
A. if he did not know him

Opponents say that Trump met Kovelski in the late 80’s when he did stories on him. Trump admits he may very well have met him back then in the video of Trump wearing the red hat that I posted above. Watch it again. But Trump meets thousands of reporters a week. The number of reporters he had to have met in his life and since the 80’s are astronomical. Not being able to recognize the name “Kovaleski” as someone he supposedly met over a decade ago is totally understandable. And again, even if he did somehow remember the man, the man was not spastic. Neither were Ted Cruz or the General he imitated in similar fashion.

B. if he DID know him, then either
just like Trump attacked TED CRUZ as a LIAR the same as he attacked Hillary Clinton!
so he was NOT discriminating but attacking without care or discernment how that came across.
(and yes that offended a lot of people for him to call Cruz and Clinton liars without distinction,
very insulting where some will not support Trump to this day!)

Still wrong if you want, but it was treating or mistreating everyone equally.
Trump was raging and mocking the LIBERAL media as a bunch of bumbling idiots or pigs led by the rings in their noses by the Democrats.
That doesn't punch the point as well as 'flailing his arms like a bumbling flustered" person.

You can't use the R word in the media to describe the media, so Trump used those gestures.
Still rude and wrong, but that's what he used to attack ALL MEMBERS OF THE PRESS HE SAW IN COLLUSION.

2. if he REALLY was mocking the man PERSONALLY including his disability
then he owes that man an apology PERSONALLY. To whatever degree he
knows this man, he should resolve this at that same level. At this point he is
treating it generally as addressing all the media as one collective operation.

Maybe we should start with that personal level, let them resolve this directly between them (and their pastoral counsel if mediation is needed), and then report back to the media in unison.
if the attacks were on ALL media, then it needs to be addressed on that level.
I think we need both levels to be resolved, and quit these attacks without solving problems.
In response to Meryl Streep using her televised
speech to repeat something that isn't true
to denounce Trump, here is one of the better explanations I have found as to what REALLY happened:

The True Story: Donald Trump Did Not Mock a Reporter’s Disability

Trump was acting "flustered" by waving his hands around, the same as he MOCKED TED CRUZ.
he was arguing about a reporter backtracking on a story, who HAD NO VISIBLE MOTOR DISABILITY.

Trump was NOT mocking that, but mocking the BACKTRACKING and FUMBLING
that any other reporter or figurehead "backtracking on a story" would get from him.

so if anything, he was treating this reporter with the same "disrespect" that he showed to TED CRUZ:


Oh please Emily. You're smarter than this. It had everything to do with Kovaleski's arthrogryposis. There would be no other reason to mock the wrist motions --- which btw are not the same poses in the contrived examples anyway.

This is just one more in an infinite series of attempts by Rump --- and now his enablers --- to shirk responsibility for his own actions. He absolutely *DID* mock a congenital birth defect just as he slurred Mexicans, Muslims, women, veterans, protestors and the people of Iowa. History has been recorded --- let it rest in peace already.

Trump likely did not know the reporter had any condition.

Wrong. They knew each other well.

And stop finding ways to enable the psychotic avoidance of responsibility by a consummate narcissist. Sooner or later he's got to grow a pair and MAN UP.

The other reason I clicked in here --- when exactly did Meryl Streep get appointed Grande Dame Spokesperson for All of America? This is like the 5816th thread about Meryl Streep.
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I'm surprised conservatives don't just say "Yeah he mocked him. So what?"

Why the need to defend him? He got past the grab your pussy comment and still made the presidency
Exactly. America got what it voted for. He's a cretin, but he's our cretin.

Bill Maher nailed this when he said the dems should leave the transgender stuff alone. Look what Europe's become with open borders. Half the states don't want gay marriage. The BLM shit doesn't play well outside large cities, and not necessarily inside areas in those cities.

So we shouldn't stick up for minority rights because it doesn't play well in Peoria?

Hi Seawytch
Same as not standing up for the rights and against discrimination against "ex gays"
because that doesn't play well. Only defending rights of people
who come out gay or transgender, but coming out straight is attacked discredited and censored as political or religious. (Pushing LGBT beliefs is okay through govt, but
NOT pushing Christian beliefs; civil rights and liberties have to be for Liberal agenda to be "politically correct" in the media and other groups views and beliefs don't count equally.)

Same with only defending rights of women if they are prochoice but not prolife.
Forget rape victims who opt to keep their children.
"That doesn't play well in the media" <-- NOTE: even prolife rightwing
won't touch the issue of rape victims choosing to raise their children
because it "doesn't play well in the media" but makes them look bad.

Nor Blacks who vote Republican or protest gay agenda.
Nope only defending Blacks who support BLM and Democrats.

If you want to attack and target anti-gay, better target Christians.
Can't target Muslims for hanging and lynching gays because "that doesn't play well in
the media"
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Dear Pogo Thanks for chiming in. Maybe you can help research both sides and straighten this out since I know you to be fair and to focus on separating the reason
for conflicts from the personal and emotional disdain between people that gets in the way of that.

1. The whole point of this is it was NOT AN ISOLATED INCIDENT but one of a whole series of mocking people and reporters in the same visual fashion.
He mocked TED CRUZ and ALL MEDIA REPORTERS HE ATTACKED as "bumbling IDIOTS and backtracking" ie 'I don't remember what I said"

2. RE: Did Trump know this reporter from previous coverage
Two sides to this either yes or no, and neither points to mocking a reporter based on disibility
A. if he did not know him

Opponents say that Trump met Kovelski in the late 80’s when he did stories on him. Trump admits he may very well have met him back then in the video of Trump wearing the red hat that I posted above. Watch it again. But Trump meets thousands of reporters a week. The number of reporters he had to have met in his life and since the 80’s are astronomical. Not being able to recognize the name “Kovaleski” as someone he supposedly met over a decade ago is totally understandable. And again, even if he did somehow remember the man, the man was not spastic. Neither were Ted Cruz or the General he imitated in similar fashion.

B. if he DID know him, then either
just like Trump attacked TED CRUZ as a LIAR the same as he attacked Hillary Clinton!
so he was NOT discriminating but attacking without care or discernment how that came across.
(and yes that offended a lot of people for him to call Cruz and Clinton liars without distinction,
very insulting where some will not support Trump to this day!)

Still wrong if you want, but it was treating or mistreating everyone equally.
Trump was raging and mocking the LIBERAL media as a bunch of bumbling idiots or pigs led by the rings in their noses by the Democrats.
That doesn't punch the point as well as 'flailing his arms like a bumbling flustered" person.

You can't use the R word in the media to describe the media, so Trump used those gestures.
Still rude and wrong, but that's what he used to attack ALL MEMBERS OF THE PRESS HE SAW IN COLLUSION.

2. if he REALLY was mocking the man PERSONALLY including his disability
then he owes that man an apology PERSONALLY. To whatever degree he
knows this man, he should resolve this at that same level. At this point he is
treating it generally as addressing all the media as one collective operation.

Maybe we should start with that personal level, let them resolve this directly between them (and their pastoral counsel if mediation is needed), and then report back to the media in unison.
if the attacks were on ALL media, then it needs to be addressed on that level.
I think we need both levels to be resolved, and quit these attacks without solving problems.
In response to Meryl Streep using her televised
speech to repeat something that isn't true
to denounce Trump, here is one of the better explanations I have found as to what REALLY happened:

The True Story: Donald Trump Did Not Mock a Reporter’s Disability

Trump was acting "flustered" by waving his hands around, the same as he MOCKED TED CRUZ.
he was arguing about a reporter backtracking on a story, who HAD NO VISIBLE MOTOR DISABILITY.

Trump was NOT mocking that, but mocking the BACKTRACKING and FUMBLING
that any other reporter or figurehead "backtracking on a story" would get from him.

so if anything, he was treating this reporter with the same "disrespect" that he showed to TED CRUZ:


Oh please Emily. You're smarter than this. It had everything to do with Kovaleski's arthrogryposis. There would be no other reason to mock the wrist motions --- which btw are not the same poses in the contrived examples anyway.

This is just one more in an infinite series of attempts by Rump --- and now his enablers --- to shirk responsibility for his own actions. He absolutely *DID* mock a congenital birth defect just as he slurred Mexicans, Muslims, women, veterans, protestors and the people of Iowa. History has been recorded --- let it rest in peace already.

Trump likely did not know the reporter had any condition.

Wrong. They knew each other well.

And stop finding ways to enable the psychotic avoidance of responsibility by a consummate narcissist. Sooner or later he's got to grow a pair and MAN UP.

The other reason I clicked in here --- when exactly did Meryl Streep get appointed Grande Dame Spokesperson for All of America? This is like the 5816th thread about Meryl Streep.

Come ON Emily, don't be so gullible. First he says, out loud, "you oughta SEE this guy", signaling that he's about to do a VISUAL mockery. Then he says "POOR GUY" indicating he's got some type of problem -- then he bends his wrists and flails about. The flailing is not the mockery --- the bent wrists is. The flailing is just showy extravagance for the same purpose everything he does has -- to draw attention to himself and maximize it. And the fact that he may have repeated the flailing (but not the wrist bending) LATER on other targets just to dilute the first one, is immaterial.

Of course he owes Kovaleski an apology, but then he owes a TON of people apologies and he's never going to do it. This is just one more attempt, by proxy in this case, to weasel out of any responsibility for his own actions, which is -- AGAIN -- what he's done his entire life on everything. This guy constantly weasels out of any negative --- "I didn't run the company". "I never went bankrupt".. "I never said that (even though it's on tape)".... "I never impersonated my own PR man" (even though he previously admitted to it).... "I'm humble in ways you wouldn't even understand". He does this every day of his life.

Rump was caught in a lie here, and thought he had an "out" via a reference Kovaleski wrote back at the time. But Kovaleski declined to go along with the story of "thousands and thousands" (it was FIVE Israelis) and Rump reacted to that the same way he reacts to everyone who declines to enable him --- he attacked, with ad hominem. It's what he always does.

This is Occam's Razor. We all had it right the first time. The longer we enable an immature narcissist with the emotional makeup of a twelve-year-old to evade his own responsibilties --- the more he's going to keep on doing it because he knows at least a certain segment of the audience he so desperately craves is going to let him get away with it. Don't be part of that segment.
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I'm surprised conservatives don't just say "Yeah he mocked him. So what?"

Why the need to defend him? He got past the grab your pussy comment and still made the presidency
Exactly. America got what it voted for. He's a cretin, but he's our cretin.

Bill Maher nailed this when he said the dems should leave the transgender stuff alone. Look what Europe's become with open borders. Half the states don't want gay marriage. The BLM shit doesn't play well outside large cities, and not necessarily inside areas in those cities.

So we shouldn't stick up for minority rights because it doesn't play well in Peoria?
I completely agree. Trump is totally the Joker.

That is the choice Americans had this election. The Joker. . . or Two Face. :lmao:


Or (left to right) the Same Old Thing and the Complete Crapshoot (or alternately, ''the Insane Old Thing)

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